
earth bomb

Earth's Ruin covers the story of Terry a normal college student. He goes to work to pay for rent and food. He Is majoring in general business and minor in game design. Expect for the fact that during his junior spring break the worst happens to him. First, he finds out his girlfriend of 6 months has been cheating on him. Second his boss pays him the wrong amount, so he gets behind his rent and to top it all off, the apocalypse starts. Watch Terry and his friends as they try to survive in the apocalypse.

PaperyAgate3 · Fantasy
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Waking Up

Slowly waking up all four roommates can be seen opening their eyes to the morning sun rise. The sweat air they smell last night can still be smell in the air. However, the same can't be said for the house for they are right now in the middle of a forest. Not a single other person in sight expects of course the boys.

'Is this the afterlife. It smells nice but where's God or like your loved ones. This one weird afterlife that for sure.'

I slowly start to stand up getting a better look of the area. Right now, I can see tall trees all around like a red wood forest. Wildflowers litter around the place along with sounds of wild nature.

'Ok so I'm like in a forest and since this is the afterlife shouldn't there be like a place to go or something. I should wake up the boys first though.'

I just walk down over to the boys and give each one a good old slap to the face.

"Argghh! What the fuck Terry that hurt." Colton yells out along with a big red mark all over his face.

"What he said really Teryy you couldn't have just like shake our shoulder or something nicer." Sam comments

"It doesn't matter your awake that's what's important." I point out to the trees "I mean for all I know there's bears out here and I ain't going to mess with that by myself."

"Yeah, I don't want another camping story like that." Colton

"Sorry to interrupt, but do you guys remember that voice right before we fell asleep?" Wesley walks over to the rest of the group.

"Oh, good I thought I was the only one that hear now I know I ain't crazy." Sam sighs in relief

Wesley stats to smile like a big fat nerd talking about his favorite comic. "So what system you guys get."

"I heard Giant system" Colton then points at himself "It makes sense, just like our DnD runs."

"I got Arrow system, which, I mean, idk what that means nor why we have systems in the first place." Sam tells

Wesley nods then points at me to go next. "I got Elemental System." shrugging my shoulders.

"That's sick you're like a wizard. I got myself the scholar system basically just Mr. Easton."

"Yeah, expect maybe you won't go bald like him." Everyone gets a good kick out of the joke but right after then all go silence. Cause let's be honest they just thought they were going to die and now they're talking about systems while in the middle of a forest.

They're just trying to escape from the truth of what they're in. Just like how Terry didn't really seem to care after his first breakdown about Ellen. They just try to run away until it gives up or they get away from their problems. Something they're not going to be able to do for long.

Breaking the slience "So can we like open the system by saying a phrase or what?" Terry looks towards Wesley

"Hey man don't look at me I know just the as you so just give it go no judgement here." Wesley throws his hands in the air as if he doesn't care.

"Ok Then... LINK START!" Terry yells while everyone looks at him as if he just shit himself.

Laugher ensues.

"Holy shit Terry, you fucking weeb there's no way it's SAO it got to be more like Rising Shield Hero." Sam can be seen rolling his eyes in a circle trying to find the system.

"Nah it got to be like some doctor strange magic." Colton then starts to wave his hands as if he's trying to open a portal.

"No no, you guys got it all wrong it got to be System open." Wesley goes and poof right in front of everyone's eyes a blue light transparent sqaure pops out of thin air.

"Well, I'll be damned I didn't think that work." Wesley scratches the back of his head. Right after everyone opens their system.

[Terry Von Smithwell]

[Rank: Settler]

[Elemental System LV: 1]

[LV: 1]

[XP: 0/100]

[Species: Human]

[Bloodline: None]

[STR: 13]

[DEX: 9]

[CON: 11]

[INT: 11]

[WIS: 30]

[CHA: 10]

[Armor Class: 7/7]

[HP: 32/32]

[MP: 250/250]



[Extra words to make chapter to look longer]

'Well, this doesn't really tell me anything you the most part all I know is that I'm one wise motherfucking.' Terry thinks 'I wonder what this compares to the guys?'

"Guys could perhaps share what your stats are?" Terry walks over to Wesley to see if he can get a look at his system.

"Yeah sure." Wesley makes room for Terry to get a good look of his system.

[Wesley Ion Bladder]

[Rank: Settler]

[Scholar System LV: 1]

[LV: 1]

[XP: 20/100]

[Species: Human]

[Bloodline: None]

[STR: 8]

[DEX: 7]

[CON: 9]

[INT: 35]

[WIS: 21]

[CHA: 12]

[Armor Class: 5/5]

[HP: 28/28]

[MP: 205/205]

[Unlocked System notifications] 1 new message

(20 xp from being the first to open the system in your county!)




(mp is found by doing (WIS*5)+100)

(Hp is found by (CON*2)+10)

"Holy moly you got so much INT and your WIS is almost as much as me. You also got 20 xp." Terry open's his own system to show Wesley.

Sam hearing that Wesley got xp already comes on over to take a look for himself. Seeing Sam Terry and Wesley all looking with each other Colton Waddles over as well to take a look.

"Your right he does have a lot of INT and WIS." Sam notes

"How about you show us your system Sam." Wesley who's getting looks at like some zoo animal would like it if the others got some attention.

"System open."

[Sam Chin Chong]

[Rank: Settler]

[Arrow Master System LV: 1]

[LV: 1]

[XP: 0/100]

[Species: Human]

[Bloodline: None]

[STR: 10]

[DEX: 22]

[CON: 11]

[INT: 14]

[WIS: 16]

[CHA: 14]

[Armor Class: 7/7]

[HP: 32/32]

[MP: 180/180]



"Well, it looks like Sam's our first person to have each stat over single digits." Terry comments "But Arrow Master what the heck do you do like make arrows or something?"

"Look man I'm a clueless as you, but I'm guessing it like a crafter class or something. Cause I don't see an arrow master beating your Elemental system. Right now, I can just imagine in the future you're like slinging lighting storms and I'm over here setting fire to an arrow." Sam chuckles at his own joke.

"For real man your system sounds op as fuck compared to ours's well expect Colton. I mean It does say he's a giant." Wesley points out making everyone ready to see Colton's system.

Colton opens his system so the whole group can see.

[Colton Bryant Hilla]

[Rank: Settler]

[Giant System LV: 1]

[LV: 1]

[XP: 0/100]

[Species: Half/Giant]

[Bloodline: Giant]

[STR: 48]

[DEX: 6]

[CON: 25]

[INT: 4]

[WIS: 2]

[CHA: 4]

[Armor Class: 12/12]

[HP: 60/60]

[MP: 110/110]



Seeing the clear difference between Colton's system and theirs's they clearly have questions.

"So why does it said you're a Half/Giant but look the exact same from before this." Terry looks at Colton trying to see if there's anything different about him.

"You know maybe we should stop asking questions I mean were all in the same boat here might as well figure it out altogether." Wesley trying to bring a stop to the endless questions they all have.

"Rumble..." Everyone looks at Colton whose stomach is rumbling. He scratches the back of his head and turns away and starts to whistle.

"Well looks like we got a game plan now." Sam mutters

"That's for sure." Terry response to Sam

"I say we head East for the climate were in right now should be good if we have to camp out at night." Wesley who looks to the sky to see where the sun is to find East.

"About as good as plan I would have come up with." Terry starts following Wesley whose found East.


Somewhere Else

Ching Clang Ching Clang

Over and Over sounds of metal on metal can be heard along with sparks flying around. Here an open Blacksmith with induvials training with swords can be seen. However, these aren't no humans, no for these are orcs, greenish fiends that feed on the blood of their enemies. Around the Blacksmith over a dozen Orcs can be seen gearing up for what can only be described as a war caravan.

Out from a fancy hut comes an old Orc wielding a staff and silk garments unlike the dirty rags and armor that the other Orcs carry.

"My people the great prophecy has been come true for the lands of our great Terra are full of disgusting Humans from faraway places. Like our ancestors before us we shall genocide the humans once again for peace among our lands and stopping the Great Wave. So, my Warriors go hunt the humans and turn what land we have into a blood bath fitting for our Chieftain Fallmuth, holder of Shaman system."

"WHOARRGGHHHH!" The Orcs march off into the forest thirsty for blood.

Hope you enjoy

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