
Earth's Strongest Shield

A Gang Boss meets an unlucky end, but the universe has more in store for him. Watch as the Mightiest organization rises above the Earth to be the one true S.H.I.E.L.D for all of Humanity.

AgentMonke · Movies
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18 Chs

How to deal with the Skrulls

Afterwards, Nick stood up and dropped the cigarette, stepping on it as he walked into the house as Talos confronted Carol and Maria in his normal Skrull skin.

Talos looked at Nick warily and Nick sneered at him.

Actually, Nick was very threatening. Just the vibe around him was like a cold snake. Not to mention, the Improved Super Soldier Serum bulked him up. Plus his 30 year old appearance gave off a seasoned soldier vibe.

All around, an incredibly intimidating guy.

Not only that, but Talos felt like this guy knew exactly who was and wasn't a Skrull. It kinda freaked him out a bit…

Talos held his hands up and said "Now, I don't want any trouble." Nick said coldly, "You don't want trouble? You E.T lizard lookalikes invaded MY planet and YOU don't want trouble? You got 5 seconds to convince me to not introduce your brains to the atmosphere. Five."

Talos said quickly, "I got the audio recording of that test flight with Lawson. I think you call it a black box?" Nick curled his lips, "Four." Talos continued, "I just need your friend to translate coordinates. That's all. Then I'll be out of your hair." Nick added, "Three." Talos almost died on the spot, "I just want help!"

Nick held out his gun, "Might've convinced me if you didn't try and kill me at a payphone this morning." Talos didn't know what to say, his subordinates were crazy… Carol stepped in and frowned, "Hold on a second."

Nick didn't care about her at all, "One." Talos shouted "I just want refuge! Dr. Lawson has my family in her lab and I need the coordinates to see them. She was going to help us find a planet to settle down on, away from the Kree!" Nick stepped forward and said "Why did you try to kill me and Stargirl here at S.H.I.E.L.D when you wanted help?"

Talos replied quickly, "I thought I could just read her memories without asking for help in the first place. Didn't expect things to escalate to what it is now. The Kree are on their way, we don't have much time." Nick narrowed his eyes and Carol glared at Nick, saying angrily "Can you listen to me for once!?"

Nick ignored her and looked at Talos before questioning, "Why would Lawson help you?" Talos revealed, "Because Lawson is a Kree. She wanted to end the war between Kree and Skrulls. She was creating a lightspeed engine for us to escape." Nick retorted, "I don't believe that she would do it for free, what was her incentive to help your race? Not to mention go against Kree protocol and help the enemy, she has to take too many risks for no profit."

Talos looked hesitant and Carol grinded her teeth, glaring at Nick as Maria watched on the side, her lips twitching.

Can these guys have their showdown outside her home…?

Nick pressed the gun against Talos' forehead, "Hm?" Talos swallowed and explained, "We may have some technology that was attractive to Mar-Vell…" Nick pressed him against a wall, "What kind of technology?" Talos replied quickly "Anti-AI."

Carol gasped, Nick looked at Talos, thinking quickly. He let Talos go and put his pistol away, saying "Take out the Black Box recording, then we'll talk." Talos let out a breath of relief and smoothed out his coat, saying "You're a rude one, mate." Nick glanced at him before walking away, saying "Take the Skrull away from the child or I'll do it myself."

Talos started sweating again as he called back his brethren.

Carol and Maria stood there like pylons, not knowing what to do with their hands. Talos patted his chest and let out a breath, glancing at the two women, thinking secretly that he'd much rather deal with these two than spend another minute with Fury…

A few minutes later

Nick, Maria, Carol, Talos, and another Skrull were in a shed listening to an Audio recording. Nick was sitting down, drinking a coffee while staring at Talos. He snorted smoke from his nose as Talos wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The audio ended and Carol left the shed as Maria left after her.

Nick looked at Talos, sniffing as he said "I got a question." Talos licked his lips, replying "What is it?" Nick took a drag while leaning back, "Kree can't control the whole universe. Why not just fly straight for a long time until you're out of Kree area of influence?"

Talos was speechless, if Nick wanted an answer, it would be 'I didn't think of that…'

Nick jutted his chin out at the other Skrull, "And who are you?" The Skrull was clenching and unclenching his fists nervously, "Norex! S-Sir!" Nick repeated "Sir." as he looked at Talos, who almost collapsed.

Why are you looking at me?!

Nick stood up and finished his coffee, putting it down as he pushed his tongue in his cheek, looking Talos up and down, walking past him, "He called me Sir. You'd be wise to do the same." before leaving the shed.

Talos looked at Norex and said "Sir?! Seriously?" Norex let out a shaky breath, "That guy is worse than the Kree!" Talos shook his head at Norex, "I need a new Science Guy…"

A while later

Norex was fixing the ship they came in, prepping it for space travel as Nick sat on the porch, leaning on the back of the swing, watching Talos closely. He was considering his follow up plan.

Truthfully speaking, there was absolutely no way at all, he was going to let the Skrulls stay on Earth. It was impossible. Earth wasn't a refugee camp for intergalactic wanderers.

Not to mention, having Shapeshifters walking around Earth, what could go wrong!?

As a result, Nick was planning to either send them on their way or kill them all. He wasn't too sure at the moment, the original plan was to slaughter them in a 'refugee camp' he had Coulson set up.

But considering that they could have good potential as lab rats, Nick was hesitant to end them all. Plus, he saw the script for Secret Invasion, ignoring the woke politics for a moment, apparently there were over a million Skrulls?

Where did they come from?

Anyway, to kill or not to kill, that was the question…

The real problem was how to get the best of both worlds… He sighed to himself, keeping the Skrulls was really almost the same as playing with a double edged sword. Sure, they were useful, but they could also destroy everything…

He needed to keep them in a manageable population, more than 5 of them was too much. Nick closed his eyes and thought about it before he thought of an idea. He curled his lips and grinned, that was perfect.

He took out his phone and made a call.