
Early Invincible

“Mark! Mark, Wake up!” Wha-? “You’re going to be late for school!” Ugh, no. My late alarm hasn’t ringed yet. “Ring! RING!!” God dammit. I hate you! “CRACK” Oh… Was that hole always there? Wait, what happened to my nightstand. A hole is- Oh… “YES!” I jumped out of bed to make a pose, I’ve always dreamed I would do once this occurred. “Mark!” My glorious moment… ruined. Well, that doesn’t matter. My name is Mark Greyson, I’m fourteen and today I finally got my powers.

shotlolwin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 3


The atrocious loud sound of the bell that finally announced the end of class echoed across the room; and like the foot stamps soldiers make when heading to war, dozens of people stood up. The sound of various zippers closing was only second in volume to the bell.

Without even a word of goodbye, the teacher turned and walked towards his desk. Students rapidly walked out, just from the sound of their footsteps I counted there must be around 27 other students in this class. A common amount, I supposed.

Regardless, I couldn't leave the classroom just yet, there went my plans to walk with Samantha towards, hopefully, our next class together.

I watched her walk out of the classroom, and with a sigh I grabbed my bag and headed towards the teacher's desk.

The man had no sense of normalcy, he kept writing on a small, new, red journal, ignoring me. He better give me a pass since I would be late at this pace.

"Uh- Hey Professor, you wanted to talk to me?"

He finally looked up, his glasses glinting due to the bright sunlight that got through the window, it was hard to know what he was thinking with his eyes being obscured.

"Mr. Greyson are you going to pay more attention to class?" His grave voice betrayed nothing as he spoke with a neutral tone.

I would, if your classes weren't boring.

But you probably know that.

"Of course, Professor."

"I have a name Mr. Greyson, use it," he pointed to something at his desk. 'Mr. Hiles.'

A lame name for a lame person, fitting.

"Understood, Mr. Hiles."

With a nod of acceptance, he looked back down at his journal, wrote something, then up again. "You're dismissed." He paid no more attention to me and returned to his journal.

I graciously took the offer to leave. Not even looking back, I walked straight out of the door. I definitely didn't want to spent more time with him than necessary.

Now, what class do I have next?

I fumbled with my backpack in search of my schedule.

"English is next," a familiar voice caught me by surprise and made me drop my bag. Samantha was leaning against a wall close to the door I just exited.

She was waiting for me.

A happy smile involuntary crept upon my face, "Hey, I didn't think you'll still be here," I picked up my stuff at the same time she stopped leaning against the wall.

"Well, I couldn't just leave my first friend in this school behind, right?" She smiled back at me as she walked past me. "Let's go, we don't want to be late twice in a row," she motioned with her head in the opposite direction we had come from. "I'm positive it's this way, I'll guide you this time," she stopped, waiting for me to catch up. "And I'll do it without help," she winked at me as I caught up.

"I would have found it without help if we weren't late already," I mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say~" she said with a teasing tone.

"Humph," I huffed as I looked away, which caused her to giggle slightly.

"Tsundere~" She whispered, unfortunately I heard it.

"Wha- No! I'm not a tsundere!" I sputtered as an actual blush appeared on my cheeks.

Her eyes widened in surprised, probably because I heard her. Then an excited smile appeared on her face.

"Do you watch anime?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

"Yeah, sometimes," I replied and was surprised at how happy she looked at my answer.

"That's great! What anime do you watch?" She slightly lowered her pace, perhaps wanting the conversation to last longer.

"Uhm well, I just recently finished this anime about ninjas, I liked it a lot. Specially the ending, I never thought that-"

"Wait-!" She suddenly stepped towards me and with her hands covered my mouth. A few people subtly glanced at us, I wondered how we looked. "-I haven't finished that anime yet, don't spoil," her hands lingered a few seconds more as she gave me a stern look to accentuate her seriousness.

Once she was done, she stepped back and carefully watched me, ready to stop me again.

I gave her a stare that portrayed my disbelief. "It's been out for almost two years already…" This time it was her turn to be embarrassed as a light rosy color painted her slightly pale cheeks.

"I only got into anime this month," she explained as we continued walking.

"What got you into anime?" I asked curiously.

"One of my friends is Japanese and I searched up her culture to get to know her better," I nodded in understanding.

"Anyways, that door 609, should be our class," she pointed towards a door a few meters away from us.

"Great! We found it and we're not late!" I exclaimed excitedly.


A glanced was shared between both of us, before we booked it to the classroom.

"At least this class was better than biology," I replied to Samantha as she was complaining about our English class.

She raised her eyebrow, "You're biased because he told you to stay after class-" Maybe. "-Besides, at least he didn't give us homework on the first day of school."

I held back a groan at the thought that it was only the second period and I already had homework.

"True," I replied, then glanced at my schedule, we didn't have any more classes together until our last period. "My class is this way-" I said with a head motion pointing towards our right, where another hallway was. "- I'll see you last period," I told her with a two-finger salute as I walked away from her.

She gave a slight chuckle at the gesture.

"See you!" She replied with a wave, I smiled then turned away from her.

While I wouldn't mind spending more time with her, I didn't want her to be my only friend, so it was better to separate to meet new people.

I entered a bathroom near my class, to freshen up for my math class. Having Biology, English, and math in a row is not fun.

"You can only win if it's a 3 against one huh?" A slightly pained voiced came from further inside the restroom. I continued walking inside.

"You had it coming, I told you to stay away from her." A deep voice replied.

"Clark, he deserves this. Let's beat him up already!" A different voice exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Another voice replied.

"Bring-" the first voice tried to replied, unfortunately for him, this was where I came in.

"Beat who?" Four heads snapped so fast towards my direction, I thought they would get whiplash.

Three black guys had cornered a blond against the wall. Huh, I thought it would be the opposite.

I stood confidently in front of them, with a straight posture, arms crossed, and my head tilted upwards as I looked down at them; regardless of the fact that our height difference wasn't more than 2 inches. Yet, I instinctively knew I was superior.

Perhaps, before I had gotten my powers, I would have left and called the teachers instead of heading directly to the problem. Now though? Even with almost no fighting experience, I knew I could handle these guys easily.

"Hey! Get away from here or you'll suffer the same fate as him," the person who I assumed was the leader spoke. I looked at him with an assured glint in my eyes and a small smirk on my face.

"Same fate? That's fine by me."

Because now that I'm here, blondie's fate is to win.

Without warning, one of the leader's goons launched at me, my surprise barely lasted a second. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I focused more intently on the guy charging at me. It was like his speed was cut in half, I could see him more clearly, compare to before where he was running at me, now it looked like he was speed walking.

I waited for him to get closer. Close to touching, I moved slower than what I felt I could go, so as to not appear superhuman in front of the rest, yet fast enough to dodge his high aimed punch towards my nose. I moved my fist towards his cheek and lightly hit it. His eyes rolled and like a puppet with his strings cut, he immediately fell to the ground. He was out cold.

Maintaining my smirk, I turned my view towards the remaining two. They exchanged glances and simultaneously both charged at me. My hands were raised up in a fighting position by reflex, most likely since I recently got my powers, my subconscious still needed time to adapt to the change, probably.

I wouldn't have to deal with them both at the time however, blondie took a chance in my distraction and immediately charged the leader. I noticed the blond guy pummeling his fists towards the leader's face, the leader then fell against a sink. My attention quickly came back towards the last guy who was charging at me. Similar with the first goon, a light punch to the cheek, knocked him out cold.

"Not so arrogant when it's a one on one huh?!" Blood was pouring out of the leader's nose, as blondie kept hitting his face. I gave him 10 more seconds, then it was time to stop it.

"Hey, enough, he's unconscious already," I grabbed blondie's forearm to stop another punch. He tensed, but one glance from me and he relaxed.

"Sigh, yeah." He stood up and went to the sink, washing the blood of his hands.

"Thanks for the help, man, I would have likely ended up like them if you hadn't come." He turned in my direction sending a grateful nod, he scanned his eyes on my body. "You are pretty lean, but you pack quite a punch," he stated as he looked at the unconscious guys I fought. He nodded at the sight, as if in approval. "I'm Ares, nice to meet ya," he stretched his palm towards me after drying his hands.

"Mark," I returned the handshake.

"Well, let's get out of here, yeah?" Ares smiled happily, as if he hadn't bashed a person's face in a few minutes earlier.

I nodded, as that was literally our only option.

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