
The Zombie Man

"And to where are we going exactly?"

We've been walking for like 15 minutes at this ungodly hour to the other side of town. This better be important.

"Linda's house."

He simply said. I think I heard enough of her name for a day. I rolled my eyes. Of course it's her house! where else could he be leading me to? To the creature's lair?

I just sighed in complaint and trailed after him silently.


We walked to Lindas home with pure silence until we reached her house that have a very spacious lawn yet the house was small but simple, a little bit run-down but it's warm and homey.

"So, what now?"

"Okay... My plan is... to find more clues.. about her disappearance."

He said hesitating. I just eyed him, clearly he doesnt have any good plans. He is sweating like a pig and nervously stuttering. I sigh before speaking.

"And how are we gonna do that?"

I asked. We spend almost an hour there arguing what to do. Until we finally decided to just do it tommorow.

He decided to walk me home, since it was almost 10 in the evening but before we could get out of the Shawn's property we notice something bizarre. There was a silhouette of a man that was looking up to the light like moth on the Shaw's shed in the backyard.

What is that man doing?

We crept from the side of the wall to peek to the figure. It was just standing there doing nothing. We stayed like that not longer that a minute but it felt like hours.

"Thats Mr, Shawn... Lindas father. He never really liked me"

He wispered.

"Whats he doing?--"

I was cut by the man who is known to be Lindas father's sudden groan... He graoned like a zombie or some sort. Is he mourning to his missing daughter? Like in this type of hour standing on the backyard, suspiciously. I get ot though, we all have strange ways to cope but this? This is borderline creepy.

"I think hes still upset."

He said but before I could turn to answer he was already approaching the man.

"Hey! get back here!"

I whispered yell at him. He just raised his right hand indicating me to just stay where I was while his left hand's index finger sticking on his lips gesturing me to keep quiet. I'm really not just gonna stay here but there was something that is holding me back: fear...

I really don't feel good at all, I feel like somethings bad is going to happen.

Jack just walked there casually approaching the man who's just standing there staring up to the yellow incandescent light.

"Uhm, Mr, Shawn, is everything alrigh?"

Jack said tapping his shoulder, but just when he turned he immediately punched Jack in the face. That send him flipping off the ground. Holy shit! Im frozen on my place. Oh no Jack! The man picked Jack off the ground with only just one arm on his collar. And threw him in the air... I was speechless.

Jack landed on the plot I believe has vegetables planted on them.

What the fucks wrong with this guy! I started to freak out when the man suddenly pick up the rake that was lying on the ground that I also believe he'll use to finally finish off Jack with. I panicked and tried to look for something to stop him with, fortunately there's a shovel just leaning against the wall just beside me.

Lucky me.

I picked it up with a smile and ran to the man from behind, he was already lifting the rake and was ready to hit Jack with its teeths I rushed to them but was a little too late. Jack recieved the blow on his right shoulder Jack screamed.

Damn! that looks painful.

The teeths barely peircing his skin and at the same time I hit Mr. Shawn with the shovel on the back of his head striking it with all of my might. Hitting with a loud pang! and a little bit of cracking sound from his skull crushing.

The man dont seem to mind it as he turned to look at me like nothing happend with a disgusting crunch. I finally saw his face and I swear to Petter Parker hes not in his normal state of mind. He was drooling like a pug and his eyeballs are not in sync. I mean, the left one was looking down and the left seem to have rolled back of his head. He was so pale. Is he a Zombie now? I feel like crying but the adrenline inside me was giving me so much heat inside and is telling me to fight him. Seriously?! But how?!... I was taken aback by the groans of pain by Jack. Oh my poor idiot teamate! I looked back at Jack who was lying there holding his bleeding shoulder and immediately looked back to the man who was already walking towards me as I, of course, took a step back.

"Jack, if you can walk then lets run home."

I told him still steping away from the man. He should be able to stand up and walk, more likely to run since his limb are fine.

"Im okay, this is nothing."

He grunted, trying to stand up with his face twisted with pain. I was distracted from keeping my safe distance from the man by Jack. I was shocked by the sudden strong grip held on my neck as he lifted me with only one arm. My feet slowly being lifted of off the ground, by my neck. It was too much preasure on my neck as if he really is trying to kill me. I gave all of my strength on both of my legs and bended it to try and kick him away but the man accepted all the kicks like it was nothing.

He threw me to the tree and I hit it with my back with a strong thud and landed on the ground sideways, I couldnt move. I damanged my godamn spinal chord!

I saw Jack panicked and tried to fight him back but he was caught in his neck and tried to choke him like what he did to me. Fuck! Move I gotta save Jack! I saw him trying to punch the man but he was too weak. I could see him getting weaker and paler.

No! Move motherfucker! Move! As tears blur up my vision I squeezed my eyes shut only to open them and see Jack's grip on the man wrist loosening... Oh no!

Jack's gonna die!

I weakly stood up and picked up a sharp stick I believe was for the vegies to cling onto when they grow and rushed to their direction and buried the stick balls deep into the mans throat that send blood spaying all over us. The man gagged and chocked with his own blood then suddenly froze. We both fell back on the ground we sat there looking at each other: lost, not minding the dead body between us we hugged like we never had seen each other for decades.


He flinched slowly pulling away his wounded shoulder and immediately we both looked away not minding the burning sensation on our faces.

We just killed a man.

"We just killed your girlfriend's father."

I said trying to sound sad as possible.

"Yeah, The chief's son just killed his girlfriend's father."

He sounded like he had fun, he said that the man never liked him.