
dying to survive

Alan, an avid fan of the Dying Light series, suddenly finds himself trapped within the virtual world of the newest installment, Dying Light 2. As he navigates through the game’s challenges, he faces crucial decisions about which path to follow. Will he embrace the light and aid those seeking to rebuild society, or will he succumb to the darkness and align himself with the ruthless factions vying for control? With each choice he makes, Alan’s fate hangs in the balance, and only time will tell how long he can survive in this perilous virtual realm. Note this is my first time writing so please be patient with me also I'm just doing this for fun so keep that in mind reading btw I don’t own Dying Lights/Dying Light 2

The_Outsiderblood · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 key

On a dark, rainy night, Alan strolled lost in thought about his life's direction when a distinct sound pierced through the patter of rain: a melodic jingle echoing in the damp air, capturing his attention.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

Startled by the sudden sound, Alan's hand instinctively reached for his phone. With a quick flick of his thumb, he unlocked the screen, revealing the enticing notification of a new update for Dying Light 2. Excitement surged through him as he eagerly anticipated the new features and challenges awaiting him in the game.

Suddenly, a voice broke through his thoughts: "Hey, watch out!"

Looking up, I saw a man hurtling towards me, and all I could think was how surreal the moment felt amidst the darkness and rain. Time seemed to slow as I instinctively stepped aside, narrowly avoiding the collision.

My heart raced with gratitude for narrowly avoiding the collision. With a quick glance at the fallen man, I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead. Hastily, I reached for my phone to call the police, but before I could, everything went dark.

narrator pov

A young boy's laughter echoed through the air as he struggled to contain his amusement, fixated on a joke only he seemed to understand.

In the main character's perspective:

Confusion swept over me as I struggled to comprehend what had just transpired. "What happened to me? Who are you, and why are you laughing?" I demanded, trying to make sense of the surreal situation.

The boy's laughter subsided slightly as he composed himself enough to respond. "Sorry, sorry, but it was just so funny. You were supposed to die from the man falling off the building, but because you dodged him, another… let's just say a deity had to kill you. And the face he made was just priceless," he explained, struggling to stifle his giggles once more.

"Okay, but who are you, and why did that guy kill me? And was the man who fell off the building okay?" I pressed, a mix of concern and bewilderment clouding my thoughts.

"Well, first off, he lost a wager, and in his fury, he ended up killing you," Key explained calmly. "Secondly, my name is Key, nice to meet you. And thirdly, no, the guy who fell off the building is dead, but he was a murderer so don't worry about it."

I felt a surge of anger. "I died over a wager? A stupid wager? Now I'm stuck here because some deity got mad?" I muttered incredulously. "I guess the only silver lining is that a murderer died."

"So, Key, what am I supposed to do now? I mean, I died, so do I go to heaven now?" I asked, unsure of what to expect.

Key shook his head gently. "No, that's someone else's pursuit. I'm here to help you reincarnate, you know, all that stuff," he replied calmly, his demeanor reassuring amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

With all that explained, let's move on to the world you're going to be in: Dying Light 2. Before you ask why, it was the last thing you saw. Now, the powers you're going to get are photographic memory and perfect health. Now that's done, the perk you have is "New Day, New Me." Two powers, one perk. Have a nice day.

Key pov

Key shook his head and directed his words to the air, "You know you shouldn't have done that, right?"

"Yes, yes," a voice responded, "but he shouldn't have dodged it."

"Well, anyway, what's done is done," Key sighed, acknowledging the irreversibility of the situation. "But that face was hilarious. You know what? Give him something for making me laugh."

On March 7, 2025, in a abandoned broken-down apartment an 18-year-old abruptly awakens.

From the main character's perspective:

"Where am I?" I think to myself as I struggle to get on my feet. Surveying my surroundings, I realize I'm in a broken-down room. The walls are peeling, the furniture is in disarray, and there's a musty smell in the air.

Please let this be a dream I silently plead, my heart pounding in my chest as I search desperately for some sign that this isn't real.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I heard a ding signaling a voice message. It simply said, "Thank you for making the deity laugh." With a mix of confusion and curiosity, I listened further. "Here is a system," it continued, leaving me intrigued about what was to come

Welcome, Alan. This system will assist you by assigning tasks to complete. These tasks won't reward you with XP but with points instead. Upon completing a task, you'll earn points that can be used to upgrade your powers or perks.

This system also has your status Information

Have a look

• Strength 13 normal people 10

• Agility 13 normal people 10

• Charisma 7 normal people 5

• Intelligence 10 normal people 11

Additionally, review your power/perks:


• Photographic Memory: Recall events from the past 24 hours. Upgradable.

• Perfect Health: Immunity to illness, emotional control, faster healing. Upgradable.


• New Day, New Me: Every seven hours of sleep restores peak condition. Does not aid in healing."

Next up is the store. It will assist you in acquiring powers and perks. Additionally, it can help you purchase materials and items

end of message

After reviewing this information, I breathe a sigh of relief; at least I have a system to guide me through whatever lies ahead. With its assistance, I feel more equipped to face the challenges that await me in this unfamiliar world.

Approaching the door, Alan's footsteps echoed softly in the quiet room Leaning closer, he pressed his ear against the weathered wood, his senses sharpened in anticipation of any faint sounds that might offer a clue to what lay beyond.

After ensuring there was no noise, Alan stepped out of the room and into the hallway, his movements cautious as he scanned the dimly lit corridor for any signs of activity.