
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · Video Games
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12 Chs

chapter 6

Jack had finally got the weapons he thought suitable for the task ahead.

First, he got a two-handed weapon, and then some firecrackers for a distraction. The task was to clear the floors of the tower, with or without help.

The first floor that Jack stared at was floor two, and the reason was simple. Because he wanted to.

Jack inspected the sledgehammer in his hand and deemed it could clear a floor or two. Jack climbed the elevator shaft and pried open the door to the second story.

The second floor honestly wasn't as infested. a couple of virals in the main hallway, and just regular in the other rooms.

Jack would use a pocket mirror to check each corner just in case because one wrong move could be the death of Jack.

His sledgehammer was still in pretty good shape, considering its prior uses. Although some walls did not survive his swings.

Jack explored until he found a more suitable weapon for himself.

A machete. And after inspecting it he left his sledgehammer behind.

Jack pulled out his military knife and decided to go duel blade. Military knife in left, machete in right.

Blood would spill onto the walls, and sometimes limbs, but after clearing a floor Jack would throw the bodies, and limbs out the window.

When Jack was on floor 14, he began running into volatiles. So now he had to restock on flares and abuse his UV light.

Jack still had more to clear, but he slowly began inspiring people of the tower to help out. And he got a discount for purchasing flares.

Jack and Jade were the only ones able to properly take out volatiles and night hunters, the rest wouldn't be able to.

"Clear," Jack said as he moved into the room, his gun now ready to fire.

Behind him stood Jade with her hand over a flare ready to start it in case of a volatile or night hunter.

Since there weren't any major zombies, Jack switched to his machete again but kept his pistol ready. Don't ever want to be caught off guard.

You mainly have to worry about volatiles, since night hunters always scream before attacking, so you have a couple of seconds to react.

Jack pushed a bookshelf to reveal a small hidden room.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa," one of those babies screech.

Jack covered his ears after grunting, he definitely heard worse, but that shit was still annoying.

He ran forward and punted the child like a football. The baby flew and crashed into the wall before Jack killed it.

After a certain floor, there was just pure volatiles, and in close quarters that was practically a death sentence.

Upon going to the next floor, he used a flare pried open an elevator door, and threw the flare in. Once they were

Stunned, well Jack came in for the kill.


Jack had to take a break because he had killed a lot of zombies, but now he realized something.

He hadn't bullied Rais in days, and that made him sad. Getting into his base was easy, and sneaking into his office was easier.

When Jack got in, he slammed Rais's face against the TV and dragged him to a window. Jack broke the window and put the glass into Rais's mouth.

Oh boy, Jack inflicted PTSD on Rais. So much so, that after his torture session, he ordered his men to flee on sight.

The reason for this was simple, no matter how many guards he had, Jack always got him.

Add in the fact that Rais and his men couldn't sleep because of Jack's loud noises at night, and yeah, no sleep.


Jack was amazed at the Internet in this world. Everything was so advanced.

The piracy sites, the gaming sites, the video games. Hell, even the porn.

Jack wondered something too, he went to the military site and entered his login. Imagine his surprise he had full access.

I guess death was helpful with some stuff.

First thing first, Jack began searching for the military response. And it was unsurprising how they wanted to destroy Harran.

They were trying to spin a story of how there were not any survivors in the quarantine zone.

Jack grabbed a random phone and then fixed it. And now with a cell service, he went to the tower and had Jade go to the top of the tower with him.

A singular picture, a change if you will it. Jack wanted to be... Very informative.

So he had Jade take a selfie, and he hung from the crane while giving up the peace sign.

Jade posted it on her social media account and the reason... Well, she was famous.

We took it at night time so we could capture the essence of Harran. Volatiles roam the streets and the UV lights from the safe zone are visible.

"Now... Let chaos take the world," Jack said getting up from where the crane was.

"You are insane," Jade said.

"That's one of my redeeming qualities," Jack said with a smirk.

*Ring* notifications from the social media app rang, and hundreds of notifications came per second.

"...well shit," Jade said.

(End of chapter)