
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 45: Soul Piece Initiation

"Wait, what? Something important? I mean, I don't have much to do so it's cool with me..." Kaori said with a tilt of her head. I had asked her if she could come over and the others also gave me positive answers, so mission soul piece is a go! 

Right after we finish school. I was tired after reviewing everything my system had to offer, so when I eventually knocked out last night, I also barely registered that I had arrived at school. It was so much information, but it did kick-start one of the plans I had in mind. It was nice to be back into some normalcy if I'm being honest. You know, like those slice-of-life novels that also have some action-packed adventures. It does take away the tension at times, but the characters for damn sure need a way to de-escalate their volatile emotions. 

The bell rang indicating the end of lunch so Kaori and I packed up and went back. The others were catching up with some nonacademic stuff that they had missed. I also had to, but I had partially finished before I was excused. I think they were intimidated by my yakuza status though... 

Not the best and certainly hurts to go through, but I'll take it as a win. Kaori herself already had enough practice with her violin, and though she's learning harp in the hopes of being able to manifest it as her second instrument for her sacred gear, she was also excused. What a talent this girl is, very unexpected that she would wanna get up close and personal in a fight though. Considering her condition before, it was to be expected to some extent. She's doing better now, more so because of her stronger constitution, my aura killing it whenever it pops up, and the potions I got from the gacha. Thankfully Eve assured me that it would help her body fight it. 

I'm glad. 

I smiled to myself as I saw her happy-go-lucky attitude. We then made our way to our classes and after saying bye for now, I eventually took a seat. Saki and Shouko came tottering into the classroom, followed by a pristine-looking Yurika. No teacher was in sight so once they sat down we began talking. 

"I asked my mum and my gran about going over, they were fine with it but..." Shouko smiled sheepishly. "They wanted me to invite you over and that it should be soon."

I scratched the back of my head. "I don't mind, to be honest, I'd love to go. How about you two, would you still be able to?"

"Y-yeah, I asked and they didn't seem to care much so I suppose it should be fine if it's not too late..." Saki smiled awkwardly. 

My jaw tightened in concern, but Shouko beat me to it before I could offer her comfort. 

"Don't worry Saki-san! We'll have so much fun and then you can tell them all about your day as a way to talk to them, I'm sure they'll listen, okay?" She stood up and hugged her head, patting her all the while. Saki blinked the tears away and wound her arms around the little angel. 

"Damn right they'll listen," I muttered. "...Hehe I'll make sure they do, I gotta make some ca-"

A smack interrupted my mutterings, and when I turned to where it came from Yurika was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Her face closed in on me and began whispering. "Don't you dare use your connections to solve this with violence, let her do what she needs to do, they're both strong." Her expression softened. "You'd be surprised how strong... just await the good news, okay?"

I soothed the ache- okay it didn't hurt, but the fact that she went for it with no hesitation did sting a bit- and grumbled an okay. I wasn't going to do anything that violent, the guys were just gonna rough them up a bit. No blood would be spilled, but yeah okay I get what she means about me going too far sometimes. I'll keep myself in check. 

I always feel like violence is at the forefront of my mind. That's not ominous at all. 

After a while class began and ended as usual, and when we made our way outside I bumped into the two people I was looking for. "Hey, Chiaki, Haruhiko! You guys got a minute?" The girls saw I stopped to talk to them and they waved at me. Ayaka pointed out and signaled that they'd be heading on over, I gave her a thumbs up. 

"Oh!? Ryu? What's up, are we going to play some smash bros again?!" Chiaki burst out with almost palpable excitement. 

"Oh, hey Ryu-san. Uhm, I wouldn't mind, but I did just get some new books and my maid is waiting out in front..." Haruhiko mumbled as he took peeks down the hallway toward the opened doors where I saw the maid standing beside a sleek black car. I shook my head with a small laugh escaping me. 

"Settle down you two, I was just gonna ask if you would be able to come over for a few, you don't have to stay long if you don't want to."

"Well, it's not that I don't want to-"

"We'll go! Come on, Haru, let's go talk to your maid and ask for permission!"

"Wait, Chiaki-san let's not, stop pull-"

Chiaki practically dragged Haruhiko away while I fought off the laughter bubbling its way to my throat. Funny how things turn out, the boisterous and ever-friendly Chiaki dragging the bookworm Haruhiko. I shook my head and began making my way over to them. Chiaki was animatedly talking to the poor woman who was making heads or tails of what he was saying while Chiaki tried but failed to silence him. I signaled the maid and whispered an apology, I then sidled up to her and explained. Chiaki sent me a thumbs-up while Haruhiko shook his head and whispered an awkward thanks. 

The maid, Tanya, reluctantly agreed on the promise that it wouldn't be over 4 or 5 hours and that she would come to pick him up no later than evening. I absentmindedly checked the time, noting that it was around 2. Hmm, we got out earlier than I realized. I promised her and we were on our way! 

We walked together, Chiaki excitedly running to and fro everywhere pointing at different places to eat and the many kinds of shops lining the streets. Haruhiko was busy stuffing his face in a book so it was up to me to answer Chiaki. The dude was a bundle of energy and honestly, insanely fun to be around. He'd win over adults easily when asking them about what they were doing with such a passion that they would cave and would joyously tell him all about what they were building or making. 

It was a great time. 

From time to time when I wasn't answering him, I was thinking about what pieces would fit everyone. Ayaka, Kaori, Yurika, Shouko, Saki, Natsume, Akeno, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, Chiaki, Haruhiko, Shirone, Kuroka, Jibril, and Grayfia. Hmm, though I'm not sure if the adults would wanna so for now let's just go with the girls and guys and see how it goes. 

There are many different pieces to choose from. I swerved out of the way of incoming people as I guided Haruhiko away from them absentmindedly. Instinct drove me and the voice of Chaiki, to be honest. Hmm, the choices would obviously depend on what kind of power they have and how they would benefit from the pieces to enhance what they are good at. I'm certain Ayaka would get the Spirit, she told me all about her experiments and it would benefit her greatly if she got an understanding of the soul. The mana circuits are almost spiritual and ethereal in essence so I found it appropriate. Shouko would most definitely get a Heart Piece. After having received the brunt of her powerful mana-powered voice it seems apt and necessary on account of her resolve burning within her eyes. 

It brings tears to my eyes. The race she awakened has a lot to do with the boost in confidence and I am here for it.

It wasn't long before the long stretch of the yakuza clan mansion was within sight. We neared the impressive gate and one of the guys opened it up for us, Chiaki still had those same shining eyes as the last time he looked at it, though Haruhiko was far more subdued but still found the courage to go inside. I went in right after offering my thanks to the grinning member. 

After passing through the vegetation, we went through the sliding doors and I led them to the training room where everyone was waiting based on the aura I sent out. There was still an ache but not too bad, I could use it sparingly now. 

Opening the door I then found myself bracing myself for four impacts in the form of the devil girls, Grayfia was standing a bit away with a miffed but concerned expression. I smiled and nodded at her to reassure her but she furrowed her brow squinting her eyes at me, no doubt being able to notice the depleted power. Whoops, didn't account for that and I can't hide it with my aura. 

"Ryu-kun! I finally caught you, we were so worried, I knew you'd be okay, but it was still scary for me!" Akeno said burrowing her face into the side of my chest. 

I patted her head with a warm smile on my face. 

"Ryu! I visited you, but I'm so glad to see you awake now... it was unpleasant seeing you in agony..." Rias mumbled on the opposite side of Akeno. My cheek pressed against her hair as I let out a soft rumble from my chest using a bit of my fire energy to soothe her.

"Ryu-san, I'm relieved to see you looking well," Sona whispered, shrinking in on herself as she grabbed ahold of my sleeve and pressed herself to my side. 

"Hmph, she was beside herself with worry Ryu-san, but I am glad to find you in good health. I'd be glad to be your opponent to help you release some of those relaxed muscles..." Tsubaki piped up from beside me, I saw her grinning at Sona when my eyes drifted to her voice. She gave me a side hug and then patted my shoulder, but her hand trembled in apparent worry. 

I smiled despite their obvious concern, it helped just as much as the group hug with the others yesterday. Something I wish to protect. It was a comforting thought. 

I engulfed them in a bit of my soothing aura activating it from one of the new skills and pulled them in closer. They sniffled in response and we just stood there in comfortable silence. The others had wandered away toward the field, Ayaka and Kaori already having dragged the guys with them. 

It was nice. 

After a bit, we all decided it best not to have them all wait, so we separated and made our way over to the training field. Once we were there the adults moved away, not before giving me hugs and heartfelt smiles at me being okay. Shuri was far more forgiving, just telling me to take it easy and not push myself too hard that I would explode. Grayfia and Serafall gave me a pointed glare that spoke volumes. They're probably gonna drag me away and give me a talking to... Especially when they saw the two new girls with their cat ears, everyone else was already acquainted so I mouthed sorry and nodded that I would explain. 

I eyed Ayaka and Kaori in curiosity because the two guys were looking at me slack-jawed. Then it clicked. I forgot I had yet to introduce them so, she must have explained while I was with the devil group. I mouthed a thank you and focused. 

Better get started. 

"Alright, thanks for coming everyone! I'm sorry for causing you guys to worry, but I would have inevitably gone either way no matter the danger to rescue those two you see there," I said firsthand and introduced them to the ones who hadn't yet gotten acquainted. "I gathered you guys here because I wanted to get started on one of the plans I had in mind, truthfully I wanted to wait, but because of recent events, I decided it best to ask now." After I had finished, they stared at me curiously, wondering what I would be asking of them.

I breathed in and then out. "Now that everyone here is already in the loop about the supernatural, some far more recent than others, I will begin my explanation and my question. Because of some events, I wound up in possession of some Evil Pieces. The ones I have are far removed from them though, and are a special by-product of my essence, they took on properties of my soul. With these properties, I came to name them Soul Pieces and they come in many different forms all based on myself," I said as I eyed everyone.

They were all astonished at my words, Grayfia and Serafall adopting a contemplative look. I then proceeded to explain what type of pieces they were and some of the effects. When I answered some questions and was satisfied that they all digested it, I pressed on. 

"So with that being said, I would like to ask each and every one of you if you would be willing to join my Soul Peerage. And in case some of you guys are concerned, this does not affect your own Evil Pieces or if you want to join another peerage in the future," I finished, holding my breath a bit as I waited for their response. 

A cacophony of yes' echoed around the vast training area. I stared wide-eyed at their eager faces, daring me to question their answer. Ayaka stepped up right in front of me, smoldering anger and resolve within those violet eyes of hers. She pulled back her first, ignoring the gasps behind her, but instead of an impact, she booped my chest and grinned. "You wanted to form a team of yours, right? Well, our response is obvious, you're not alone anymore dummy, it's about time you realized that." Her gaze softened as she pulled back her fist and stepped away as the others crowded around and voiced their excitement. 

I blinked away the tears that threatened to spill and pumped myself up. I calmed them down and had them go do some practice training while I called them one by one. They were welcome to watch the process, but I was sure some would use this time wisely.

"You ready, Aya-chan?"

"Hmph, you don't gotta ask, just do it," She said with a snort and a wave of her hand. 

At her prompting, I searched within myself tugging at my soul to release one of them that I found to be a perfect fit for her. The Spirit Piece, I was tempted to go for the Lifeblood one of course, but if I knew Ayaka it'd only anger her if I gave her a way to automatically help her form her spirit circuits. She's a more trial by error if I'm to believe Jinbri'ls word, and I do. 

The shining wisp of red and gold floated in front of my chest, slowly bobbing up and down on its way to Ayaka's chest. The hypnotic motion was cut short when the wisp just smacked right into her chest and seeped through it. Mana surged like a total wave from within Ayaka, something deep rumbled and it took me a few moments to identify what it was. Her soul had resonated with the Spirit Piece, converging together and the surge in power was just the physical representation of the boost that it provided. I stared wide-eyed at the spiritual image of her soul blurring together with her physical body countless sparks of energy representing her vital points, heart, brain, lungs, etc and then it vanished. I let out a breath I was holding unconsciously, glee radiating from me. Soul damage is gonna make her magical powers far more deadly, she's already rocking the mad scientist vibe with the countless ideas about combinations and experiments, especially those Spirit circuits and Mana Core. 

I withstood the pressure from Ayaka, and though she was bursting with power, her face was contorted in apparent discomfort. I drew closer, but another surge stormed out of her and she breathed a sigh of relief. "You okay, Aya-chan?" I asked tentatively as she checked herself all over and curled her hands into fists. A grin so wide split her face and when she snapped her head to me, I'm ashamed to say the act itself made me flinch, the grin was a maddening one that I'm pretty sure I had when battling tough opponents. 

"Far more than okay! This is AWESOME! I feel the energy it gives off coursing through my veins and then the automatic reminders of what effects the piece has! Thank you, Ryu!" She said with shining eyes. I nodded in response flashing a grin of my own. We proceeded to talk about what the changes were and if she needed help with anything. 

"Nah, I'll let you know when I need help for one of my experiments, though!" She cackled as she walked further away toward an empty spot in the training fields fire and ice dancing across her hair and an ominous glow radiating out of her eyes.

She definitely has gone full mad scientist... magical researcher? 

Not far behind from Ayaka, someone else steps up in front of me, peeking through the dust that Ayaka left behind I see a pair of fluffy wings. I smile in response to the ruffling of her feathers indicating her nervousness. "It's okay, Shouko-chan, I have a good one for you.." I call out in a gentle tone easing her nerves as she stares up at me. 

Her fists pump up in front of her and I suppress my desire to pat her head. It's far more fluffy now because of the transformation. This time the prodding at my soul is but a thought away and the perfect piece slowly floats away from my chest and a pulse like a beating heart thumps making us shudder. The Heart Piece. It hovers in place and ever so gently begins to make its way over to the girl standing before me. She watches with rapt attention, never breaking away from the beautiful piece of crystal. Wisps of red and purple wrap around it and as soon as Shouko reaches it, it zips straight to her and a pulse of mana sends waves out. An image of a beating heart encompasses Shouko's entire being and then shrinks in itself and she opens her eyes. 

She appears dazed at the sensation, so I call out to her. "Shouko-chan, the process is done, how are you doing?"

"Wonderful... so this must be the connection Ayaka-san was speaking about... It feels nice, thank you Ryu-kun!" She beams up at me and totters off toward Ayaka's position. 

More people quickly followed, and no order was given but each time I gave away a Soul Piece the pulses of power surged within me, and can felt my soul knitting itself back together with the help of their connection to me. The tension that I had no idea I had seeped out of me, and my body and soul relaxed as it healed. It was an encouraging feeling, knowing they chose to be a part of my peerage and unconsciously helping me recover. 

I eyed the soul health percentage and I went up to a whopping 70.1%. A far cry from the measly 56, but still a bit away from being completely healed. But it feels nice having people to depend on. It's a win for me.

I stared at everyone who had gotten a Soul Piece right after Shouko. I found that Saki was completely compatible with the Eye (Pair) Piece, normally it would just be one, but because she had a pair of magic eyes it worked out and she was able to get them both. Seems like the power boost went up because they are a pair too. Shouts from the girl right after her echoed across the fields, who else but Kaori? I found out she was learning to fight brawler style with her healing magic from my mom, it reminded me of something, so I went with the most obvious choice. Lifeblood Piece. She was extremely happy and compatible so I'll take it. The other one who was compatible with it happened to be the youngest out of everyone, Shirone. She was pumped up to receive a piece and her cat ears had twitched in happiness right after. 

Yurika and Kuroka both got the Spirit, the same as Ayaka. I found it appropriate because of how connected Yurika is with nature, especially with those two additional races on her belt. Kuroka seemed obvious because of her Senjutsu, it'd also give her an edge if she used Touki and imbued her attacks with soul damage. 

I had a bit of trouble finding something for the two guys, but I went with practicality. Chiaki needed all the help he could get to stay in the battle if his sacred gear was gonna take a lot of his mana, so I went with the Spleen Piece. Haruhiko will probably need to chant and might be unable to shorten them so I went with the Mouth Piece. Practicality for Natsume and Tsubaki too, especially since they seemed to want to focus on their power output. Natsume got the Lung (Pair) Pieces which get the same additional boost because of them being a pair like the eyes while Tsubaki got the Muscles Piece for obvious reasons. 

They were shy when getting the pieces from me, but the guys were pumped and their eyes were practically shining at the mere thought of shooting magic. I chuckled and had them get acquainted with those who I knew could help them with circulating their mana and getting started. 

The last three were the final Devil girls, Akeno, Rias, and Sona. It was an easy choice that was practical and they were instantly compatible. Rias and Akeno both got the Heart Piece like Shouko while Sona got the Brain Piece. They were glowing with giddiness, so I didn't hold them up much longer as they went off to join the other in trying out their power-ups. 

I was smiling from ear to ear happy to find them so excited, but a grimace crossed my face as I remembered why this was necessary. I reach out to Jibril and make sure she continues monitoring the town. We finished making the proper barriers, talismans, and alert systems to protect everyone from attacks. It wasn't foolproof, but it could hold the attackers back for a while. 

As I thanked Jibril and then was about to join the rest of them a crisp knock echoed from the entrance. It was a single knock and yet it quieted everyone, I felt the tell-tell signs of a familiar aura seeping into the space around me, it was intangible, unlike my own. Possible made because of the countless battles he went through. I turned and wasn't surprised to find my father standing imposingly at the entrance. He was holding his sheathed Katana, the one he told me many stories about, his personal sword, the one that was seeped in his enemy's blood. 

I let out a breath, already recognizing the look in his eyes. "We'll continue this another time everyone... Gotta talk to my da... father. Seems pretty important, Grayfia-nee can ya take everyone."

"Yes, Ryu-sama." She said without hesitation, at the corner of my vision, I saw her ushering everyone away as my father steadily made his way over to me without a hint of emotion. Grayfia peeked at me, but I only nodded at her. Her brow furrowed, but she said nothing, only closing the door behind her and as it did I could hear the rhythmic steps of my father crushing the grass and gravel beneath him. 

He was in his battle clothes, the ones he used when training me and when he wanted to cut a distinct figure from dad, father, and yakuza leader. His eyes were a steely icy blue, no longer were they the goofy ones I was used to seeing. Scars marred his body from the brief waving of his clothes. His mouth was a straight line, with no trace of his familiar smirk or frown. 

Right now he was the boss. My father, so I stood silently, awaiting his next words when he finally reached me in the middle of the grassy field. 

His gaze hardened. "Let's test this mettle of yours. There's hardly a trace of a line, in that thick head of yours, between bravery and stupidity."

hello everyone,

back to ryu's pov, and def a chapter I found fun to make. so many moving parts though so of course I will be back and change some stuff or add some stuff. (this would include going into depth in the visuals when they receive their soul piece)

what do you guys think? any suggestions? hopefully his voice is consistent. Also I had a tough time choosing cool words to end it on, I mean I do like what his dad said at the end, but perhaps it could've been better.

sorry for the wait, I shall keep on writing, so we will see if I can be motivated enough to continue throwing out chapters.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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