
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 32: Dire News & Sudden Quest

I brace myself and begin the telepathic communication. (Hey, Jibril, how did it go?)

(Master, I've found the place and have stuck around to investigate. They have so many experiments inside, and countless subjects. I'm afraid there are far too many that are too far gone. The two you asked me to look for appear to be safe for the time being, but the bat leader is getting impatient.)

Tch. I was fucken afraid of that. I knew I had to increase the schedule, but for it to change to right away is something I definitely didn't see coming. (Okay, I'll prepare to go, I have to tether myself to your location, but it shouldn't be too difficult.)

(...Master, wouldn't it be fine to leave it to me? I can just swoop in and leave with the two cats and they will be none the wiser...)

She was hesitant when saying that, so she probably didn't want me witnessing what was going on there. But it's all the more reason to go myself, leaving it to Jibril will come back to bite me, I will rely on her when I do need her, but witnessing firsthand this atrocity is something I have decided ever since I resolved myself to rescue them. I've decided to embrace this world fully, and rescuing and avenging is a part of it too, as naive as that sounds. 

I sigh at the ruffling of her feathers through the connection. (...It's fine Jibril, it'll be fine. I will put an end to it myself and then we can all teleport as soon as it is done. I have stealth on my side.)

(As you wish, Master...)

The connection putters out and I flop down onto my bed after canceling the use of my gravity. Finding out that things are turning far more dangerous in this world shouldn't be too surprising, especially when I found out it was a mash-up. Different existences, different power levels, different forms of magic, hybrids, all sorts of shit began appearing, but it's not going to stop me from rising. It's not ideal being without information, so Jibril will probably need to be my eyes and ears in the sky and in the different realms. 

As I was pondering over the mountain of stuff I gotta do, I felt a flash of fire within my soul and then a booming voice. 

(You are off to that Devil Laboratory, I assume?)

"Ddraig? Yeah, looks like Jibril was able to find their hiding place, but with the way they're running their experiments, at some point, they will succeed in the fusing," I answered him with a sigh. 

(Ah, you did mention the way this world is smashed into lots of different worlds, so them finding a breakthrough with a being capable of at least partially fusing is not too difficult when throwing their all into research. Information is crucial, but remember you cannot have eyes everywhere, you might lose sight of what's happening around you if you worry about it too much.)

Shouko's face comes to the forefront of my mind and I grit my teeth in acceptance. He's right, I can't go off searching high and low for information that might not even be in the open. Measures have to be taken to secure the area where I live, no longer will they penetrate the defenses here. Hmm unless I adjust it so they can burrow their way in but never get out as it drains them of energy. Sounds like a promising defensive array. 

(You're right. I still have to train my abilities and skills and actually unlock my dragon form, or at least be able to manifest my hybrid form at will.)

(Recreating that would definitely come in handy, heh you will be able to unlock more of my abilities soon at the rate you are going. I wonder how I will look like when fused with that other weapon of yours.)

(Oh, do you mean Enkidu? Yes, it's something I thought of and wasn't even sure it was going to work, but at the end of the day you both are bound to my soul, so infusing properties into one another is not too far-fetched. I might even unlock or create something new for the balance breaker.)

I hear him guffaw in joy. (You and me both. I can't wait to spread my wings, it's been far too long since my former users unlocked Balance Breaker. And I might even obtain a new form? The joys of battle await me. Good luck, call upon me whenever, kid.)

I harden my face and affirm that the words are taken to heart. There's no way I'll be holding back if the Devils have a defense team. I close my eyes and take note of the swirling energies within me, they clash but do not violently break or explode. Is this the manifestation of my new skills? But they weren't as noticeable last time unless my affinity with them is higher. Regardless, these bad boys will be heavily leaned on when carrying out this rescue mission.

This time I have to inform people though, it won't do me any good if too many mysteries accumulate. Perhaps I will inform Dad about my mission? I can't really go with my moms because they're already on edge about the whole gathering up factions for peace. I get up and scratch my head but smile in the end because of how much they care. It takes a serious load off my mind when I know everyone around me will be doing their part just to help me. 

I then jump off the bed, floating down slowly as I begin establishing a connection to my old man. Once it takes hold, I inform him about my outing today and my goal of rescuing two people. He does not say anything for a long while, I then finally hear him breathe out deeply as he says, (...I don't even know what to say when my kid starts rambling off about doing rescue missions. Don't get in over your head. You have my permission, but I suppose it's because it's not ideal to make you stay. If you have ways to travel then you have ways to escape. So, be careful. Hurry. Your mothers will inevitably notice.)

I thank him profusely. It's insane how much freedom I get even though I'm so young, but perhaps he's onto something. It's hard to tell. Either way, it might also have something to do with the Yakuza, I've already done countless missions together with them, so it's not a big of surprise that he trusts me with this. I gotta live up to it.

Slapping my cheeks with my hands, I begin adjusting my outfit for this rescue mission. It'll be the same but this time I'll just use my scales as a makeshift mask, the horns would help too but I'll reduce their size. Perhaps I'll be able to make outfits with my scales, I believe some dragons do that normally or am I thinking of another reality entirely? Eh, I'll experiment and see what comes of it. 

I gaze at myself and nod my head in awe. Right as I was beginning to form the connection with my Aura of Infinity. A flash of violet manifests in front of my face. I adjust myself and read the system message...

A drop of sweat forms over my cheek and falls as I read off the newly formed quest. 

[Emergency Quest] { DxD Mash-up Home-World } -

[ Description/Objectives ] : Save the two Nekomata sisters, Kuroka and Shirone. Prevent Kuroka from leaving her little sister. Prevent Shirone from hating her big sister, Kuroka, and tell her the truth about what Kuroka experienced. 

[ Bonus! ] - Purge and Purify the tormented and tortured souls trapped inside the abominations. Cleanse the rogue fused monsters (Yokai#+Phantom%+Demon). 

[ $Secret#&Objective% ] - [ Unknown ]

[ Rank ] : B+ - A 

[ Remaining Time ] : Break of Dawn

[ Rewards ] : Black Tail-Ribbon of Titaness Strength (Mythical Rank) , White Tail-Ribbon of Harmony (Mythical Rank) , 150K Soul Points, Jar of Soulfire -Violet- (Legendary Rank) ]

Although most would be leaping for joy at the part about getting a secret objective, I am anything but happy. Okay, yes, normally, that'd be awesome because of the rewards, but this just means something is lurking within. Something sinister, something I have no idea about and I am just blindly going inside a secure building filled with fused beings all the while I gotta get the two girls outta there. Not an ideal situation... not at all. A grin begins forming, but even as I try to suppress it, I can't, it overpowers my muscles and manifests itself. The tingly sensation of a future battle is making my blood boil, and because I was able to take a peek at the battle junkie title I obtained, it's going to be a chore to hold myself back. 

I eye the time on my system and notice it is still evening so plenty of time is available, at least I hope so. Alright, whatever comes my way, I know for a face I'll be using my new spells within my new purification skills. They'll help with the bonus objective and maybe at least help with the secret one. 

As I begin my preparations, I ask Eve to bring up the information on the skills. Multiple different colored screens light up in front of my face and I begin reading. 

[ [Draconic Martial Maestro(A+)]: -Passive Skill- { Progression Mastery: 0.01% } 

This skill represents the mastery of the art of martial combat that is infused with the essence and authority of your dragon race. A martial technique is automatically infused into your mind, supplying you with the knowledge of an ancient form of combat known as Drakonix Emperor Essence Arts. This fighting style venerates the dragon as the ultimate symbol of power and taps into the primal energy within. The user must surpass their limits to unlock the remaining 4-Tiers within this skill. 

One of the primary techniques- and a part of the 1st Tier within the style- is the ability to infuse every devastating attack with dragonfire, potent ever-burning flames. A lethal maneuver that favors prolonged combat engagements. 1st-Tier: Dragonfire Ascent.

And as a consequence of embodying this ancient art, an aura of primal power now exudes out of you empowering your strength, speed, and endurance. Allies within the aura's radius may also benefit from increased combat prowess, gaining a temporary boost to their own abilities while in the user's presence. Your mere presence instills awe and fear, demanding every single being's attention, as a consequence attacks are far more likely to target you. But because of your refined attunement as a Dragon, you gain an innate uncanny sixth sense capable of perceiving potential threats and dangers in your surroundings. As the battle prolongs you will begin to see the subtle cues and anticipate enemy movements with uncanny accuracy. To further instill confusion and fear, you now have the disposal to emit a powerful roar, disorienting, intimidating, and stunning adversaries of equal or lower power.

Deep within yourself lies a dormant beast, and in times of intense emotion your inner fury is unleashed as a last resort in the form of an ability named Dragon's Wrath. This surge of energy enhances their martial prowess to unparalleled levels, turning them into a whirlwind of destruction on the battlefield. They become virtually unstoppable, striking down foes with relentless ferocity until none remain standing. Caution is advised, you cannot distinguish between friend and foe, and the risk of this ability triggering the Sin of Wrath skyrockets and you will no longer have the sanity left to stop your transformation. ]

[ [Eternal Draconic Resilience(SS)]: -Passive Skill- { Progression Mastery: 0.01% } 

This skill embodies the unyielding durability and unwavering fortitude of Ancient Dragons. You gain physical and metaphysical enhancements that infuse your whole being into an indomitable spirit of primal energy, and using this energy fuels your incomprehensible strength and endurance.

Pain is no longer at the forefront of your mind, you can stand immense amounts of hits and this will double with your Dragonhide Armor. With the ability active the user's skin becomes coated in tough dragon scales, providing formidable natural armor against physical attacks that are capable of deflecting or mitigating damage. Your scales are now coated in the mystical properties and far more attuned to magical phenomena which enhances your resistance to magical warfare. Deflecting or absorbing spells minimizes the impact against arcane assault. This warding extends to harmful enchantments, curses, and other supernatural effects. 

Deep within the user is a continuous thumping that works in tandem with your armor, the Dragonheart. An organ only made available with the user of this skill, completely removed from the actual organ and the user's Arcane Core, something spiritually made to mirror a stubborn dragon's resilience. This steady rhythm provides a stream of energy that enhances the durability and resilience of the user, but prolonged usage begins taking a toll on the user's mental fatigue.

Your body is brimming with vitality that ensures your body is in top form with accelerated healing as well as granting immunity to ailments and poisons. Wounds close swiftly, and damaged tissues regenerate with remarkable speed, ensuring rapid recovery even amid combat. As a Dragon, you already have a prolonged life, you age significantly slower and will no longer succumb to the ravages of time, and with this skill you have been touched by Immortality. While not invincible, you have now stepped into a world where you will recover regardless of how lethal or grievous your wounds are, mental fatigue and spiritual misalignment are something to watch out for when using the rapid healing described above, but because you have stepped into immortality you are capable of enduring till you have recovered and jumpstarted the healing once more. ]

[ [Angelic Fae Arcanist(S+)]: -Active Skill- { Progression Mastery: 0.01% }

This skill combines the mystical prowess of angels with the enchanting magic of fae, granting the user access to a unique blend of celestial and fey abilities. As practitioners of this skill, individuals embody the harmonious fusion of these two mystical realms, wielding their combined powers to protect, heal, and empower those in need. There have been many who view them as beacons of hope and guardians of the natural world, using their magic to uphold peace, balance, and harmony in the realms they inhabit.

Spell knowledge automatically seeps into the user of this skill, allowing them to either perform already existing spells or create their own.

Angelic Fae Arcanists possess the ability to wield both celestial and fae magic, drawing upon the divine energy of angels and the elemental essence of fae to cast spells and perform rituals. This versatile magic allows them to manipulate light, holy, and even a blend of angelic and celestial energy. Though capable of devastation against the wicked, they excel in the art of healing and protection. Their magic is attuned to mend wounds, cure ailments, and shield allies from harm, this also includes summoning protective barriers, dispelling curses, and banishing malevolent entities.

Because of the alignment with the fae, these arcanists have a deep affinity for nature and the natural world, channeling the elemental energies of the fae to commune with plants, animals, and the elements themselves. So deep is their attunement they are capable of communing with forest spirits, controlling the growth of plants, and manipulating the weather to aid their endeavors.

Though exceedingly rare, Angelic Fae Arcanists are often guided by celestial beings and fae spirits, who impart wisdom, guidance, and blessings upon them. If they decide to support, these divine allies provide insight into mystical mysteries, offer protection against dark forces, and empower the arcanist's spells with their celestial and fae energies. ]

[ [Holy Blaze Enchanter(A+)]: -Active Skill- { Progression Mastery: 0.01% }

This skill is an advanced mystical skill that empowers the wielder with the divine essence of purity and light. It channels holy energy into flames, transforming them into potent symbols of divine fury and protection. Through the mastery of this skill, the user becomes a beacon of light amidst darkness, purifying evil and safeguarding the innocent. Knowledge of spells comes automatically as the skills grow. The user gains mastery over holy flames/sacred flames, allowing precise control over their form and direction. These flames burn with intense purity, capable of incinerating malevolent entities and purifying corrupted environments with ease. 

The Holy Blaze Enchanter emits a radiant purification aura capable of cleansing the surrounding area of darkness and corruption. This aura- resonates with the Aura of Infinity and can exist in harmony to either enhance or add on effects- nullifies curses, dispels malevolent enchantments, and provides sanctuary for allies within its radius.

Though not spells in the typical sense, the user has three abilities- instant conjuration- that are a part of this skill from the get-go.

One of them is the ease with which they can ignite a divine conflagration that engulfs enemies in righteous fire. This inferno purges darkness, dealing substantial damage to foes while leaving allies unharmed. For defense, the user is enveloped in a shield of radiant energy, providing defense against physical and magical assaults. This shield shines with the brilliance of divine light, deflecting harm and fortifying the user's resilience. Finally, upon activation of Benediction of Light, the user bestows a blessing of divine light upon allies. This blessing enhances their abilities, granting increased strength, resilience, and clarity of purpose in battle. ]

These chunky messages, shine in a mishmash of gold, crimson, pink, blue, and black. They dimmed as I read, but the further I got the more insane the info became. This drastic of a change because they were fused? Holy shit. I guess it makes sense when I think about the actual system itself being centered around souls, but I JUST unlocked the fusing and selling portion, it's batshit crazy how useful they became. Perhaps my three races' and my soul level helped elevate the ranks and connection between them and me.

I squint my eyes at the glowing words next to the skill name. Progression percentage now huh, I wonder why that is. There's also an ethereal-looking bar right next to the percentage number. It's barely a sliver, so I can only imagine the headache it'll cause me to improve them all. 

Another pop-up message manifests itself over the others and I hear the robotic voice of Eve. 

[ It was necessary as you have obtained powerful skills, having a progression bar that shows you in real-time how far along your training is going is monumental. This will also help cultivate your growing power and enhance your control over these skills. Normally such skills would never be given to a mortal soul, but you are no longer 'mortal,' at least not in the traditional sense since you have become a semi-divine being and a dragon, soul-wise of course. ]

"So this resulted from my overpowered skills; they needed something to encompass my growing affinity with them. It makes sense I suppose," I said with a tilt of my head. 

[ It also appears that this update, including the progression percentage, wouldn't have appeared if you had not opened up the system and viewed the skill descriptions. Also, it is important to note that the progression would be nullified if said skill is fused to another, so you would have to restart with the newly created skill. ]

I nodded as her words reverberated within me. It makes a whole lot of sense considering the insane effects they have. I also assume it'll be extremely slow, but that works just fine, they're already overpowered and wrestling control over every single one will be a monumental task. But the taste of accomplishment will be all the more sweeter. Either way, I only plan to fuse if it makes sense for them to go together. I will take a look at the store eventually, but only if one of them catches my eye or has the potential to fuse with one of my existing skills. 

Shit, I'm motivated as fuck now. 

I control my breathing and reign in my emotions. I must calm myself and focus on the task before me, I would rather not run out of time. I shake away the lingering excitement, close out the system windows, and reach out to the connection with Jibril. I then manifest my aura of infinity to stabilize the teleportation. It snaps into place and I feel the pulling force and the leaping between spatial layers. It's like swimming through thickened slime, but there's no form of pressure, a likely effect of my aura. 

I open my eyes and the vast wasteland- centered around a shabby-looking mansion- of the Underworld, appears before me. 

I'm here. It's time to purify some mad scientists. 

hey guys, sorry for the long wait. But I finally got to organizing a bunch of stuff which led me to finally write out the chapter.

I'll try to be faster, but either way they'll eventually be out.

feel free to let me know what you think about this one, I gotta add some more stuff to it, but I think I got what I needed to cover.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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