
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 27: Peerage Decisions | Saki & Yurika's Transformation

Before any of them could speak, Shouko seemed to stiffen as if something had just occurred to her. She then slowly made her way over to me. No one said a thing, instead, they wandered off and gave us some space. After a few moments, she was now in front of me. Her big round golden eyes stared up at me, those tiny pupil stars twinkling within as she summoned up a bit of courage. With a puff of air coming out her nose, she stretched out her hand, grabbed ahold of my shirt, and began pulling me away. Her wings flapped indiscriminately, but she tried to rein them in when they brushed against me.

I chuckled at the way her flushed face was panicking at not being able to control her body. I shook my head, "*It takes some time, but eventually you'll get used to them and they will feel natural.*"

She nodded looking rather determined to learn right away, but she shook herself and stared, trying to summon up the words. Hmm? Words? And then it dawned on me. 

Had she been responding at all, she did but only with nods. Taken aback at my lack of observation this time around, I waited for her to communicate. 

When I looked back at her she was breathing in and out, holding her chest and finally, she once again trained her eyes on me. With some difficulty, she began. "*Ryu-kun... I... I'm confused... I was able to hear the one who saved me crystal clear, but then when I arrived here... I couldn't, there were traces but it was so very faint... What's happening, Ryu-kun? Will I be able to hear again...?*"

A drop of sweat ran down my cheek as I saw the shy girl awaiting my answer. I struggled, not because I couldn't answer, but because of the crystal clear voice entering my ears. Holy fuck, her power is something else. As I was trembling in surprise and joy, I analyzed the traces left behind by her voice and was astounded. The fact that she can imbue all her heartfelt feelings into her words divinity leaks through, so small I could have missed it if I wasn't actively looking. I'm glad I went further because it even looks like her awakened race had some effects. I breathed a sigh of relief inwardly, it wasn't harmful in any way, but it would help her communicate. And though, it won't automatically heal her ears, it will eventually as she gains power. 

I didn't want to keep her waiting any longer so I spoke up. "It's okay, it's okay, you can hear me right," and with an astounded nod of her head as an indicator I kept going, "I'm imbuing mana into my voice. The one who helped you was releasing it in droves so you were able to hear clearly and the only reason you could only hear bits here is because no one was actively imbuing it into their voice. It's an effect of your sacred gear." I pulled her into a hug. "You'll be okay, I promise. Your angel race is already beginning the healing process, it will take a bit, but it will increase in speed as you grow stronger. Do you trust me, Shouko-chan...?"

She was frozen stiff, but the power she had over her hands as she squeezed me tight was a surprise. She didn't let go, she drank in all the words I said and the only response was her silent cries and tears as she nuzzled into my neck, her wings encompassing us in a tender embrace. 

I held her for as long as she wanted, but eventually, she stopped crying and began pulling away. Her dazzling smile caught me off-guard but so did the profound emotions packed into her next words. "Thank you, Ryu-kun! Thank you... I will always trust you!"

A serene smile graced my lips as she unfurled her wings from around us, I stamped out the sense of loss as we made our way over to the others. Her gleeful smile was infectious as the others surrounded her and gave her hugs and words of encouragement. They were already in the process of talking to the adults in learning how to imbue their words with mana so I let them be for a bit. 

I sat down on the grassy field and took a deep breath. It was then that I was reminded of one of my eventual plans. This wasn't an ideal time to go through with this, especially after they just discovered their powers. But at the same time, I had to speed this up, lest I risk running into more variables.

With no hesitation I contacted Jibril. (Hey, Jibril, can you do the recon I told you about in the underworld? And how is the investigation going?)

(Master? Ah, I haven't found any traces of them in or around the town. Nothing was found, which is odd since they should leave behind residue to trace them down. Odd. But we're beginning the plan already? But it's not on the schedule yet master.)

(I know, sorry about that. Things are looking pretty dicey after that unidentified being you ran into so it's for the best that we speed things along. We risk too much if we are not proactive.) Hmm, but no luck in town huh? That's suspicious. (For now, let's set up some surveillance tools that could detect the aura you felt or at least a way to alert us when it detects something similar. We'll continue patrolling together if we need to, but begin the recon as soon as you can.)

(Understood master, these vile things will be put to rest if it's the last thing I do! I'll begin the recon mission right away!)

(Thanks, Jibril)

And with a squeak of affirmation, the connection was cut. Hopefully, she can find something down there, perhaps some clues will turn up. I'm not getting my hopes up, but oh well, those things are not the main worry. The ones who need saving are far more important. As my resolve grows, I am awoken by the chorus of girls who are saying my name.

"Wha, sorry about that, what's up?" I asked with a silly smile at the furrowed brows of Ayaka and Kaori. 

"We've decided already," Ayaka said with finality. 

"Hmm? What have you decided?"

"We're gonna be joining the two devil princesses! Ah, I'm so excited to have my own wings! I wonder if I will be able to fly automatically with instincts or will I have to train? Don't matter, I'll crush training!" Kaori practically yelled out in joy. The others shook their head at her antics, exasperated. 

I mean, what can you do? Kaori will always be hyped up about stuff. "Oh? So I take it you guys talked to Sona-san and Rias about joining their peerage? I'm curious though, who's going with who, or are you guys picking one together?"

Ayaka grabbed Kaori's shoulder and clamped a hand over her mouth, she then began answering my question. "This over-enthusiastic idiot will be joining Sona-san, I'll be joining Rias-san," she said as she tightened her hold. Yikes, I guess she got tired of people stealing the march on her. 

Huh, what an odd, but fascinating decision. I thought Kaori would mesh well with the hot-headed Rias, but color me surprised. This is good though. Ayaka is definitely a smart cookie, but she also tends to be a bit temperamental, so she'll mesh well in Rias' group. Kaori definitely is a hit things ask questions later, so she'll provide a wild property in Sona's schemes. Hehe, it's all coming together wonderfully. 

I'm curious why, I do have a clue but I'll ask. "Aya-chan, Kaori, why'd you guys choose to join a peerage and be reborn as devils?" I have a plan in place to recover their humanity, to make them a hybrid but we'll see. 

"Pfft, I don't doubt we will grow as strong as everyone else, but fighting in those rating games sounds exciting! Knowing how insane one can be when human, I wonder how far we can take it if we're devils!" Kaori said with a hum of delight.

Ayaka then narrowed her eyes at me. "We do not feel like getting left behind right at the get-go. Besides, we trust you have something in store for us later, no?" Oh wow, what the hell is that intuition? A soulmate thing? Scary.

I could only sheepishly laugh. Not because I didn't wanna say it, but because I'm still not sure if it's even possible. But knowing how overpowered and unpredictable the system it, I don't doubt there will be a way. Perhaps some tools and a catalyst are needed... something that has a system in place and will mesh with my soul bond powers... Hmm.

I then turned my attention to the others. Shouko, Natsume, Saki, and Yurika were a bit away and when they caught my gaze they stepped up to explain. 

Natsume spoke first. "While it was tempting, I think it would be best if I got more attuned with my Sacred Gear especially because it's independent... I was thinking of joining in with y-your moms training..." she finished with an embarrassed laugh. 

"That's not a bad plan, it is your choice. They are pretty good teachers so you are in good hands."

"Thanks, Ryu-kun! Once I do get the hang of my Sacred Gear, I'll probably think it over once again, though I won't be reincarnating as a devil..."

I wonder what she will choose then. "Sounds good to me! Hm? Saki-chan?"

The timid young girl stepped forward and pinched my shirt. "...I think getting to be a d-devil sounds cool, but I prefer being a hybrid fairy... i-if that's okay with you Ryu-san...? Ah! Yurika-san and I agreed on letting you a-awaken us like Shouko-san, that way we can get used to it..."

Critical hit. 

I gently embraced her and spun around as we climbed up a bit into the air with my gravity. She let out a squeal of surprise and delight, laughing as she tried to get me to stop. I obliged and responded to her words. "It's more than okay, Saki-chan. This is your decision and it's wonderful how you worked up the courage to speak on what Yuri-chan and you wanted."

She breathed out, "...That's a relief!" With one last smile, she stepped away and let Shouko take her place. 

She breathed out and said. "...I think I want to remain an angel. And train together with you, Ryu-kun!" she said with vigor and unwavering conviction. 

"Of course, you can trai-" I stopped and repeated her words back inside my head, something about them implied, ah I see. With a determined grin, I nodded. "Yes, you're welcome to join my training anytime."

A bright smile burst into view with her wings stretched out and vibrating in happiness. Looks like she's excited about training with Jibril. I'm a tad worried though. 

It should be fine, right?

Yes. It will be fine. 

After the whole peerage thing was decided, everyone but Saki and Yurika took a seat around the grassy field. They left us in the middle with a clear view of what was about to happen. I gazed at the two before me, asking them with my eyes if they were ready and the determined glint inside them left me satisfied. 

I stepped up and took Saki by the hand. She was a bit flustered and nervous but kept it under control as she nodded in acceptance. 

That's when I felt it once again. A pulse of energy working its way into me. 

Bouncing around almost as if a drop of water had gained the momentum to jump around a body of water, leaving ripples in its wake. The magical energy inside me reacted to the burst from the pulse. It didn't react to the pseudo-divinity inside of me. 

The waves of magic inside me crashed and thundered within me. With careful precision, I let a leak pour out and make its way to Saki. Using it as an intermediary I flex a bit of my aura and prod at her dormant fairy race. The reaction was immediate. 

The Sacred Gear slumbering within also awoke and power welled up within her. It thumped against me like a drum as a full moon with an immaculate-looking bow on top of it sprung to my mind. I was left stunned at the image until I saw activity from Saki. 

She burst in a brilliant hue of blue, pink, red, violet, orange, and green. Sparks of light danced around her as I squinted my eyes in reflex. Iridescent pink and light blue butterfly wings sprouted from her back, the ones on the bottom seemed circular but the top had a bit of an edge. Her lustrous black hair now twinkled with flashes of light blue, pink, and green with butterfly accessories adorning her. Her ears elongated just a bit and when she blinked her eyes open I saw her brilliant blue eyes light up with a swirl of colors fading in and out. When she flapped her wings sparkles of fairy-like dust spun and fell onto the ground making tiny flowers bloom on the grass. She was now wearing a dress with butterfly designs and it appeared it was made from parts of flowers. 

It was breathtaking. "...cute.." was what I muttered unconsciously. I experienced a bit of deja vu too. 

She let out bell-like laughter as her wings fluttered and she zipped up to me and gave me a hug. "...thank you..." she said as she backed away and trotted off to the others that were sitting. They gushed over her new form. Commenting on how pretty her wings were, and how the rainbow-like eyes suited her perfectly. They're right, the fairy look suits her to a T. 

After a few seconds, I snapped out of it and stepped up in front of the giggling Yurika. 

"Are you ready, Yuri-chan?" I asked for confirmation. She smiled and nodded her head firmly. 

She extended her hand and with no hesitation I took it, making sure they were cupped delicately. Instead of a pulse, electric shocks blitzed from her and ran up my arm as it dissipated. 

A warm energy coursed through me, and finding nothing wrong I pushed my aura until it was able to nudge against the dormant races within Yurika. 

The moment I did I felt a gust of wind, gentle like a spring breeze rustling the leaves of the forest. Her power felt invigorating, with the occasional electric spark zapping me into awareness whenever the lull of her power washed over me. I had my eyes closed but as I felt the stir within her, I opened them tentatively, and she burst into a brilliant emerald light with intermingling colors of blue, yellow, orange, and brown. Her lustrous silver-blonde hair now had tints of emerald with an adornment of flowers sprouting sporadically. On her head, there was now a pair of antlers reminiscent of branches of a tree with an adornment of leaves and flowers. Her ears grew until they were pointed along with golden-colored eyes replacing her light brown ones. 

She was now wearing an ensemble of leaves and flowers as clothes, the lovely pinks and greens accentuated the serene aura she had. 

"adorable..." was what I said in a whisper.

Her response was a giggle that sounded a lot like a melody. It was enchanting. 

Every single awakening left me stunned. They're gonna be drop-dead gorgeous when they're older, but I really should look in a mirror because my rugged looks are starting to show. I'm self-aware, okay?!

A blooming flower popping out in front of me brought me back to the present. It was a lovely cobalt blue, I smiled at Yurika, as it disappeared from my vision. She mumbled a thank you that was somehow sent by view wind, caressing my ear. It was ticklish. 

The awakenings went off without a hitch. There were lots of words of praise toward the three girls and how enchanting they looked in their mythical forms. After a bit, the adults and I told them that they should be able to change back to their human form if they wished to. Either way, we told them that an illusion spell could be cast courtesy of my moms, their expertise was really worthy of praise. They decided to keep their forms for now and learn how to cast that illusion spell since it would help them hide and they could be ready for anything. Damn, they're dedicated and brave. 

With that, we spent the rest of the day ironing out the kinks of their powers while I began contacting a few friends. It was about damn time they responded to my invite, I know they're scared about coming here but come on it's just a yakuza household, it ain't gonna kill them. 

hello author here!

sorry for the delay, sometimes I get a burst of inspiration and sometimes I really do not know how to move the story along.

well, hope you guys like it.

with this chapter I'll be able to go back to 25 and 26 and think about adding things, expanding, etc etc. Suggestions are welcome.

oh yeah and I finally have a plan for male friends, 3 for sure because I like their characters, Raku would make it 4. But its gonna be a while.... dammit, idk when to introduce them. Stupid childhood arc. I might have to shove them in or maybe just one can make an appearance.

I'll see what I can do to make it appear natural. for the other heroines as well.

thank you!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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