
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 26: Supernatural Introduction: Magic, Races, & Sacred Gears

I breathe out and hype myself up for the inevitable. It's not that I was afraid of their reactions, but this was far from what I envisioned their first meeting to be like. 

"*Though the circumstances could've been better, I apologize for not introducing you guys way before this. Definitely deserve the anger, but for now let's get to it. Rias, Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki allow me to introduce; Ichijou Yurika, Miyazono Kaori, Suzuki Ayaka, Nishimiya Shouko, Minagawa Natsume, and Yoshida Saki. And you six, these girls are Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Sona Sitri, and Tsubaki Shinra,*" I said with grace. Can't lie, I do brace myself, but it seems it was unnecessary. 

All I hear are a chorus of hellos and nice to meet yous after my introduction. They were polite, but I saw the clash of a few sparks. Akeno and Rias both radiated some pompous spirit but slightly wavered when faced with the headstrong Kaori and assertive Ayaka. They were both not as energetic because of the revelation, but they were able to compete on slightly even ground. Yurika, Shouko, and Saki were way more relaxed, of course, the latter two were anxious but they genuinely seemed to enjoy meeting new people. Ugh, my heart can't take the sweetness. 

As I watched their little interactions, Natsume and I had laid Kaori and Ayaka on the laps of my moms while I directed everyone to sit with us forming a semi-circle. The adults other than Mamako and Miyu were standing behind them, so I was right in front of them with Shouko beside me while the others were spread out before me. 

I coughed to get their attention, and although I was slightly invested in their conversations as time ticked by, it was best to get stuff out of the way. I think they were mostly about how they each met me... Dammit, I was extremely interested in how they viewed me from their eyes, but no must control myself. 

"*Ahem, right, sorry to cut you guys off,*" I wait for a beat. I then glance at the adults who were standing there somewhat urging me to be the one to continue, so I sigh and get right on it. "*As I'm sure you've all noticed, Shouko is in fact a full-blooded human and a full-blooded angel. It's a shock, but Aya-chan and Kaori have accepted it from the looks on their faces. The supernatural is real, here look,*" I said as I conjured some fireworks from the palm of my hand and then levitated with my Star Star Fruit, right above Shouko's head. They stare in awe and disbelief. I wanted to keep showing off, but probably not the best time right now. 

Saki has her eyes open wide, but a slight blush of excitement zips through her face and I see a twinkle in her eyes. Heh, someone does seem excited about this reveal. I understand though. I turn to Yurika who appears to be absorbing everything I'm saying with a gentle smile on her face. I'm curious why, so I just ask her directly, "*Yuri-chan, you don't appear as fascinated as I expected you to be?*"

"*Hmm? Ah, yes, while it is surprising you can use it Ryu-kun, I think papa talked about it, but I don't remember all of it... He thought no one could hear him, but I was able to!*"

I then hear a tongue click and mutterings from my mom, Miyu, "Tch. That stupid old man, I told him to make sure he's careful. Well, looks like I gotta pay him a visit soon. Issei is gonna have a stern talking to, his flippant attitude must've rubbed off on Yurika-chan's father."

"Miyu-sama, would you like me to make some arrangements for you?"

"Oo! Oo! Are we gonna torture someone!? I wanna join!"

"Uhm, Miyu-san, is Serafall-sama serious? She is far too excited, I won't partake in such things, but I won't doubt your methods... Shouldn't we speak to him first...?"

"Fufu, old men like that won't listen if we just talk to them Shuri-chan. Miyu-chan is right, we have to beat it into him, at least until he gets the message. Don't worry! My healing magic is super duper good!"

"Ah yes, Mamako-sama speaks true, she could even alleviate slight traces of trauma, perhaps we can go a bit above the usual?"

"Perhaps. But I would have to make a few points of contact to make sure he's the only one who slipped up, if not then we're gonna have to arrange a proper day to proceed with the event."

"Hmm, I can alleviate the mind, but I don't wanna make Yuri-chan sad... Let's take it easy at first!"

As I'm struggling to ignore the conversation as best as I can, I make sure the girls don't hear it by adjusting my aura and popping some more fireworks. But going by their expressions, the adults switched over to telepathic communication to discuss the details, which I'm grateful for. 

I cease the magic display and begin to explain some concerns. "*Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you here. And while I hoped this wouldn't be until you guys got a bit older, that's no longer a possibility. Shouko-chan encountered some danger, and though she was saved thankfully, it still put her at risk and frightened her,*" I said solemnly, stretching my hand out and grabbing hers in reassurance. She grips me tightly, but when I peek at her expression, there are no traces of fear. I smile and continue, "*Supernatural beings will gather around humans that either display significant magical power or hold a Sacred Gear. They are attracted to them, and though some will ask the humans to join others are not so polite. Which makes those who unconsciously exude an aura of power vulnerable,*" I finish and let them digest the information. 

They all nod along, though I do see that some of them have questions so I elaborate. 

"*Sacred Gears are hmm think of them like miracle artifacts. They were created by the God of the Bible, who also created the race of angels. But we'll get to that. These artifacts are capable of so much because they are tied to our desires and our drive as humans, even hybrid humans can be born with them. They help us gain the power to stand on even ground with other races or surpass them,*" I said as my gaze swept over them.

Ayaka was the first to dive right in. "*Emotions are linked to these artifacts. But I'm sure it's not limited to them, perhaps they could influence a group? What a cheat,*" She said, but then shook her head. "*Humans are still weak though, so the majority might end up dead without ever manifesting or achieving anything.*"

I nod. "*That's right, the other races snuff out humans though their motives depend on lots of factors. But the main would be fear. You are correct in saying that the artifacts are a cheat, especially because many supernatural races fear the balance of power breaking if they allow humans to become strong enough to compete against them.*"

Ayaka soaks up the info while the others tremble at how bloodthirsty some races are. Damn though, she hit the nail on the head. No matter how optimistic we are, humans are still the weakest race. You could say the other races do not interfere with us because they risk enraging others who hold humans dear or in high regard, but there will be those who risk it all. They have another thing coming if they think we're to be underestimated though. Humans do tend to grab hold of anything if it means attaining power, especially in defense of yourself or others. I am part human, but well, I'm already a cheat with my dragon and divine race...

I saw that glint in Ayaka's eye when she peeked at Rias, Sona, Akeno, Serafall, and Grayfia. It looks like she hasn't gotten there yet, but I don't doubt she will find out soon enough. Either way, I do gotta announce their race, so Ayaka saying it might be a softer blow.

Ayaka then spoke up once again, "*Ryu-kun, what are the other races, I'm assuming the possibilities of other Gods and maybe even Devils and Fallen Angels as a counter to the Angels?"

"*Right, Angels, Fallen Angels, And Devils make up the Three Factions. But there are also Yokai, Elves, Fairies, Beasthumans, Gods, Demi-Gods, Dragons, and other such beings.*"

Before she could offer up more of a response to some burning questions she got interrupted, so I only gave her an apologetic smile. 

"*Ryu!*" Kaori's voice echoed and when I turned to her she spat out what she was holding back. "*So are you able to tell us what sorts of powers we have!? Do we all have those super cool sacred gear thingies!*"

Saki mimicked the intensity of Kaori's stare, perhaps the excitement was beginning to get to her. Well, that's adorable. I shook my head at Kaori's question. "*Only you, Nat-chan, Shouko-chan, and Saki-chan are Sacred Gear holders. That's not to say the others don't have powers or surprises of their own though.*"

Ayaka's eyes seem to widen as she listens to my explanation. But before she could ask, Natsume ended up blurting it out, somewhat surprising she also arrived at the answer but I suppose it makes sense. "*W-wait! Does that mean we might also have a hybrid race like Shouko-chan!?*"

That's twice she's been cut off... It shouldn't be a problem because she wasn't in the middle of talking but she is starting to look annoyed... 

I smile in response and elaborate. "*While you Natsume, Kaori, and Ayaka don't have a second race classifying you as a hybrid the others do.*"

I let my words settle. Yurika tilted her head at that, and though she was surprised she only clapped her hands together in response while saying, "Now I'm curious!" I shook my head with a chuckle. I definitely should've expected such a response, hopefully, when I tell her what they are I can get a glimpse of her surprised face. 

I took a glance at Saki and she appeared to be digesting the implications of my words. She stiffened in response and as she began trembling, glittering sparks of stars began appearing in her eyes. Didn't look like a trick of the light either. 

That's cool asf. 

"*Ryu-san, w-what would be my other race...? Is it an a-angel like Shouko-san!?*"

"*Awe what!? Only those three? I guess that's fine since I do have a Sacred Gear, but maybe you're a mighty Dragon, Saki!*"

"*I don't think I'd be qualified, but that would be cool...*"

As I imagined the shy girl looking a bit ferocious with draconic features, determination manifested itself inside of me. Would it be possible to refine a method to give people dragon characteristics, maybe even a transformation? It would sure help in a pinch or maybe even give a boost to their already existing abilities. 

[ It is possible, but it would depend on the compatibility. And we would need some kind of catalyst. ]

Ahem, well, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. There is no need to rush. 

I shook away the plans I had in store as I replied. "*You are half-fairy Saki-chan.*"

Ayaka held her chin, passing it through everyone gathered and landing on the four girls who appeared to be just watching it all. She then flicked her gaze toward Grayfia and Serafall who had sauntered over to the girls. The gears in her head were turning when she saw how comfortable they were with one another and how close they were. The sparkle in her eyes grew brighter when she remembered me talking about the different races and knowing they were here before them and weren't surprised by the power I showed.

Something seemed to click for her. A grin formed as she giggled randomly. Damn, did she figure it out? At least that's what her face is telling me and then the way she keeps peeking at them while also making sure I'm looking at her. I suppose it's not that hard of a conclusion to come to. She must've thought of the mysterious circumstances surrounding my meeting with them. Finally, her eyes flickered to me and stayed there, I sighed and eventually nodded in response. She appeared satisfied with that but still had more to ask, so I gave her my attention.

"*So, now that we have caught onto us having powers, artifacts, and a secret race, what would be next? You mentioned Factions, is it possible that you intended to place us into one, or are you part of one Ryu-kun?*" She asked while subtly peeking at the devil girls, who noticed and a brief moment of shock manifested over them. 

"*While asking was a part of the plan, it is ultimately your decision. I will hold no sway or prevent you from choosing what you wish. What Faction you choose isn't a problem, though it's only limited to the Devil Faction right now,*" I said in response.

She was quick on the hint. "*Correct me if I'm wrong but are the girls standing over there a part of the Devil Faction?*" 

The girls surrounding me stirred, not out of fear but astonishment. They turned their heads so fast I grew worried about their necks. I mouthed a brief thank you to Ayaka and addressed her question. "*Yes, Rias and Sona-san are both devils as well as the silver-haired maid, Grayfia, and Serafall who is wearing a magical girl outfit...*"

"*Mm, that makes sense.*"

I continued. "*There should be no problems since I do happen to be Rias' Fiance so there is no need to worry about going away or something. It's perfectly fine if you would like to train here regardless of your choice.*"

My words sparked an immediate reaction, they all seemed to stiffen, while the girl in question appeared smug and began speaking. "That's right, we all live here like a family now!" Akeno grumbled beside her, while Sona appeared a tad bit annoyed at the way Rias was puffing out her chest with lots of smug energy. 

The other girls stared at me, and though they appeared to accept it reluctantly since I did tell them about the other engagements (that I know of), they were still rightly annoyed. 

"*Huh, another engagement, Ryu-kun?*" Ayaka huffed in annoyance. 

"*Awe, well isn't that nice,*" Kaori growled out. 

I only smiled sheepishly in response. Thanking gods left and right that their reactions aren't as bad as I had expected. 

"*I don't really care, we'll just wait and see what Suzuka-san might do...*" Natsume interjected. 

Damn, she's right. Suzaku is far older than me and has actual power for the engagements, but I suppose they're verbal and not something to worry about right now. 

Soon the conversation of my engaged life hit an end. It's way too early for that and they just happened because of circumstances, but it's still a long way away. By the time they finished the discussion though, they had gone on to engage in conversations with everyone else in the room, so I waited. They even had the adults join in, so I sat there, or rather floated there twirling myself around and having a grand old time. Some of them stared at me longingly, but I pretended not to see. This was important and they had to get more of a perspective.

From what I was able to glean from snippets of their talks, Rias and Sona were explaining the particulars about reincarnation as Devils while looking at Grayfia and Serafall to fill in the blanks that they didn't know. My moms also gave them a lecture about what to expect when dealing with Devils and other supernatural while also giving them a rundown about their own powers. Eventually, they began talking excitedly about my battles, abilities, transformations, and whatnot. A slight blush crept its way forward onto my cheeks, but I hid it by spinning since I caught sight of the grinning form of Serafall. Between the gaps, I saw that she began making breathtaking ice sculptures of me in fighting form, even my trademark savage grin. Dammit. 

As time moved forward, they eventually came up to me saying that before making any sort of decision, regarding the faction situation, they all agreed it might be best to hear about their particular Sacred Gears, magic, and races. I agreed since there was no reason for me not to tell them, and why would I keep it from them?

They all gathered before, in rapt attention as I listed off what I knew about each of them and how I thought their powers might work. I explicitly told them that I did not know everything and that they would have to pay close attention and grasp what they could when they awakened. Of course, they won't be alone in solving the mystery, I'm just as curious as them.

I also let them know that I could manually awaken their Sacred Gears since I didn't want a repeat of what happened with Shouko. They readily agreed and made sure to console Shouko when they saw her shaking. There was no need though, she gave us a hard stare and wrapped her wings around us. Pure bliss.

The adults and the other four girls were also listening in, which wasn't a problem since they might have some advice for them or something. Everyone here is someone I can trust. 

After the long explanation came to a close, we all awaited the decision of the six girls huddled together around me. We did tell them it could wait for another day, but they shook their heads, so we let it go. Can you blame us? Their resolve was burning brightly within their eyes. 


sorry for the delay!

had to go back and adjust some things. But eventually, I'll end up expanding this and the previous chapter like I mentioned.

Feels off, or idk, I'll see.

but if you guys are wondering about Shouko, it will be addressed in the next chapter, still gotta think about how I want it to be done, but I have an idea. hopefully, the groundwork was done properly.

once again let me know what you think, and give any suggestions!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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