
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 16: Training: Ddraig's Defense Training & Grayfia's Icy Coaching

"You know, I never knew you could say some inspiring words despite being a meathead Ddraig. Caught me by surprise, to be honest," I said.

( Hey now, was there such a need to be so blunt about it? Now I won't deny that I love a good slugfest, and it is my preferred method of combat, but I acknowledge all forms of battle regardless of how they are portrayed. I've been alive for quite some time after all, I've met countless souls and though some never got far, some do indeed have that passion for battle. )

"Oh right, you've seen lots of things over the time you've been alive and inside the gear. Didn't really register with me since all you've been doing was watching anime, but you are pretty ancient."

( Hahaha, ancient is an apt description. Though I have enjoyed the entertainment, you lit a fire in me. Knew you had it in ya, partner. Hope you're ready for the next part. )

"Hmm, what do you mean...?" I asked, bewildered by his snickering. 

"He'll be training you as well, Master. Or at least giving you a way to train. The brute also asked for my assistance on the matter, so I shall lend a hand. But anyway," She gave me a soft smile and continued. "Well done, master. You've exceeded my expectations. I'm honored that I was summoned by you."

Her smile took my breath away, and because I was still in the air, I couldn't help but sway and lose control for a bit. But because of her proximity, I landed softly on her breasts. And though I had half a mind to swiftly move away, I couldn't bring myself to step away from the exquisite sensation just yet. They were comfortable and her gentle smile was an insane change from the bloodthirsty smile she had on during our battle.

Who am I kidding?

The gap is nice!

We slowly descended as I healed myself and by the time I landed together with Jibril, everything in my body had been popped back into place. The gauntlets have long since disappeared. Even my lost horn regrew. Though it sends me chills every time I think of how utterly broken it was and how eerie it was when colored in my blood.

Gotta stop thinking about it.

I then surveyed the area around us and was mighty surprised to see it fixing itself up rapidly. I knew it would happen, but it sure is quick. The blasted-apart pillars are rearranging themselves and the torn-up grass and uprooted ground is steadily fixing itself. Even the blood is being absorbed, not to mention the horn that is being crush- Okay, didn't need to see that I'll ignore it. 

As I prepared myself for even more strict training, I heard a flap of wings, and Jibril's surprised, "Oh my."

I turned to where she was facing and caught sight of a crying Akeno. Her gorgeous black wings fluttered powerfully over to me. Her shaking hands and puffy eyes sent an ache to my heart, but within her eyes, I saw a fire twinkling ever so slightly. Before I knew it, my face was engulfed by the small body of Akeno, who continued to wail about my previous condition. 

"Sorry, about that Ryu-kun, she had taken off before I knew it," Shuri said as she caught up to Akeno and made her way over to us. I saw the telltale signs of a magic enhancement, it was pretty cool, to be honest. 

"RYU-KUN!! Are you okay?! Your pretty horn, your wings!? I saw them... they... Ah, I'm sorry..." She frantically spoke out, squeezing me as if I were about to disappear. My arms had unconsciously hugged her, but I let one free and began stroking her head, calming her immediately. 

"I tried to shut her eyes and block out what was happening, but she remained stubborn..." Shuri said with a sigh. "The training was terrifying, to put it mildly, and yet the smile on your face ceased my worries," she continued with some amusement. Hey, now, what are you really hiding?

"But but! Isn't it natural for me to burn his fighting form into my brain!" The fire within her eyes steadily grew brighter. "I must watch his resolve. I felt it deserves the same respect as the day when he saved me, no us, of our fate," And with a deep breath, with the increasingly smoldering look within her eyes growing ever hotter she continued. "If watching this will help me step forward together with Ryu-kun, then there is no way I will cast my gaze away!"

She shined brightly in that moment. Without a second though, I pulled her into my embrace as the gently smiling Shuri watched on with amusement and happiness over her daughter's step toward growth. It's remarkable really. She has no way of knowing the dangers that lie ahead and yet still can say that she will face them head-on. Heh. You're awesome Akeno. 

"Whaaa! You surprised me!" She said though she only increased her hold on me. "But this does feel nice...." Her expression of pure and utter bliss sent waves of warmth through my heart. 

"Ara ara, well, we wouldn't want to get in the way of more of their training, you have your own to focus on right Akeno?"

"Ah! Yes! I gotta get stronger! I won't back down Ryu-kun!" She said as she let go and wandered over to her mother. I smiled and gave her a big grin.

"Show me what you can do Akeno!" 

She waved and made her way over to the magic training area together with her mom while I stood silently with Jibril. She was pouting over Akeno stealing her thunder apparently, but in the end just pushed me back toward the middle of the field and called out to Ddraig.

"Now shall we get started dragon?"

( Right. Ryu, you will be utilizing your Dragon Scales and Dragon Breath. You will overload your body with magic to power them up, it will be necessary because Jibril will be launching magical projectiles constantly with increasing speed. You must obliterate them with your Dragon Breath or tank them with your scales. Timing is key. )

What kind of masochistic training is this?

Well, whatever. If it will help then bring it on.

"Okay! Ready whenever you are Jibril!"

As those words leave my mouth, Jibril shoots up while I begin to charge up my breath and the glittering scales begin to pop up sporadically. It takes an insane amount of concentration, I gotta know precisely where to place it on my body and the only way I was able to keep up at all in the battle with Jibril was because of the adrenaline. 

She then begins hovering as countless eerie magic circles manifest themselves. They shine a sickly purple, black, and pink hue, and as they light up countless globs of energy appear in midair. They let out a haze that is sending alarm bells throughout my head. She lifts her arm and just as quickly brings it down whereupon the energy balls swiftly bombard me with no end in sight. 

The first few I had to tank, and they rocked my body leaving bruises that have most likely already caused internal bleeding, I planted myself on the ground with the sheer force of will but shit! This fucken hurts! I'm healing rapidly but more are incoming!

The flame within me heats my stomach and rapidly ascends to my throat, but instead of releasing it like a flamethrower, I control the output and swiftly open and close my mouth to send out red-hot balls of dragon fire. The azure flames explode in contact with the energy balls, while the crimson and violet sparks that fly with the fire scatter and begin targeting the nearby energy balls too. Though it requires insane amounts of control and mana, I have no such worry about ever running out. All that I lack is experience, control, and mental processing. Perhaps there's more that I lack, however, for now, it's enough to barely keep up.

Regardless, I keep myself from faltering and stay rooted in place as I try to hold my position from the incoming magic energy balls. The purple and black are the most dangerous and I constantly make them explode with my rapid-fire flames, but it takes a toll on my throat. I will never run out of magic or the use of fire, but I still try to keep my wits about me as I aim to target the dangerous ones. The black ones cause internal bleeding while the purple has a nasty melting attribute. Pink is an explosion of sharp sparkles but empowering myself with my dragon scales makes it easier for me to tank. 

At that moment, when my concentration is at its peak along with getting into the rhythm, I feel a vast fluctuation in magic power coming from way above. And right at the center, I see the narrowed eyes of Jibril. 


Before I was able to process it or form any sort of defense, a clear icicle descended upon me. 

I was engulfed in a freezing cold explosion, inhibiting my movements and making me sluggish. Enough for my dragon scales to not catch enough of the energy balls and launch me from my position. I coughed saliva and blood, as the pain rattled my body.

"...Do not get complacent," was the whisper I heard, so soft and yet so loud in my ringing ears. 

I grit my teeth as I reach out and dig my hand onto the ground, using my flames to heat my body enough to grab hold properly. The energy balls were like homing missiles and once the wave of heat passed over me I was able to properly defend just enough to- okay, now's not the time. Stop thinking like I'm some kind of fortress and run. Running will help me train my senses as well, especially if I think in terms that Jibril will speed up her attacks.

I was correct in assuming since as soon as I took off in a run, the movement speed of the magic increased. I weaved and launched fireballs, but I had to start relying on tanking the ones I could as my throat took some time to heal. 

Ice lances continued raining down, but I was ready with the fire breath and evasive maneuvers, though they did make the ground slippery. In those instances, I used the energy balls to my advantage and made sure they struck the ground where it turned icy. Not minding the shattered glass-like ice hitting me, I continued outmaneuvering her magic and yet no matter how much I tried to avoid some seemingly easy ones, I got hit.


And over. 

And over again. 

Thunder seemed to be booming overhead, and I took that as a sign to increase my pace. Which turned out to be the right call as a flash of purple lightning exploded in the exact place I once was. The ground crackled with sparks of lightning. My right eye was slightly closed and bleeding profusely, I had battered arms as I used them to punch out the energy balls that could've stopped me in place. They were no worse for wear because of my dragon scales but because of that the ones I made on my knuckles were cracked. 

I did not stop running. My legs ached and yet the smile I knew I had on- because my muscles there ached- did not ever falter. The beating of my heart moved me forward. I felt myself getting ever closer. 

The fire then belched out my mouth as I rotated my head and used my wings to spin around, successfully destroying the energy balls around me. This gave me enough breathing room to place some distance from the rapidly descending ones from up above. The lightning was able to pinpoint my position, but I threw myself out of its way, at the last second it had zig-zagged and burnt one of my wings. 

"...ah... that'll take... time... to ... heal.." No longer being able to rely on my flight, I spurned my feet onwards, not bothering with the blood and dirt covering my body. 

I continued my fireball assault, then slapped the faster pink energy balls toward the oncoming purple and black ones with my punches. I grimaced as the shrapnel damaged my arm, but it would heal. This was still fine and salvageable.

Fatigue began accumulating, perhaps a secondary effect of the magic she was launching. No matter, this will help me. I nodded to myself with a wild look in my eyes that I could not see but I could feel my drumming heart battered against my chest. 

I looked at the twirling magic circles above me, but I made sure not to lose focus and stay prepared for whatever else she may launch. In that exact moment, in slow motion, the ground rumbled as two slabs of metallic stone closed in on me like the jaws from the depths of hell. My breathing sped up as I pushed off the ground and immediately covered my body with dragon scales, using my unlimited supply of mana. I felt the pressure slam into me, cracks began forming over my scales, and yet the same was heard on the metal slab. Grinning to myself I let out a bellow and the azure-colored flames formed a rotating ball of fire with me at the center, superheating the slab and blasting me through it. I crashed onto the ground, but that's when I heard countless explosions from behind me, I dared not look back and continued. 

A resounding clap echoed across the room, freezing me in place. 

"...Alright, let's leave it at that, Master. He did well, right Dragon?" The familiar voice of Jibril entered my ears as I relaxed my tense body, I cramped up and sank to the floor in that same instance though. 

( That he did. Exceptional usage I'd say. But you do tend to get lost in your head. We'll be mixing it up in the future. I'll occasionally help during some sessions. )

"... Yeah... Hah... I gotta be... careful... Thanks, you two...."

I said my thanks as the recovery of the area began once again. Damn, that's twice that it's been destroyed already. Wild. 

"Master!" And with that as a sign, I was engulfed in the valley of Jibril. Her smothering is a welcome thing. I sighed in appreciation, making sure my horns were dulled down and reshaped into something smaller. My wings also shrunk becoming little tiny ones that fluttered, like the ones from that one creature in a cartoon where Dinosaurs sang about Imaginary Friends. Ah, nostalgia. 

"...I didn't mean to go all crazy, but the thought of finally battling with master got me riled up and instincts took over! I did reign in my arrogance, however! Ah, watching you get hit sent me into a frenzy which only increased the attack power, I'm sorry!" That's news to me. 

But I can't really blame her. I've awakened something insane too. Didn't think fighting strong opponents would be this exhilarating. Ah, it was refreshing and terrifying. 

"Don't worry about it Jibril. I'm glad you're back to your usual self, though I do gotta say, you looked cool. Plus you saw my face, I enjoyed every second of the battle and the training. Hopefully, it wasn't too perverse..."

"Gweehehe.... cool huh, ah master fawning over me is pure bliss. And! Heavens no, Master! You looked dashing!" And she started drooling again, watch it! Glad she left me enough room to breathe in her bosom though. 

( Now who's the meathead? I dare say the battle junkie image suits you. You're wielder of a close-combat Longinus and the heir to the Yakuza gang. As expected of you! Hahahaahaha )

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up, buddy. It's not like I expected this outcome either. Dammit...! I've been infected by that dude in that one novel I read, he was a summoner I believe!"

( Oh?! A summoner who's a battle junkie?! You've piqued my interest. Now hand over the material from your soul and I shall get to reading. You've noticed the magical disturbance, right? )

"Yeah, she's about to emerge... Hmm? Materi- Damn, shit, Okay okay stop roaring inside my soul, there, now go back," I blinked to regain some form of balance back from the otaku dragon's roaring and turned my attention back to her. "Sorry Jibril to cut this short," I said to the tearful flugel, who reluctantly parted from me and began floating once again. 

"It is quite alright, master. I shall indulge myself tonight," with those parting words she hid herself as I turned to the jubilant-looking Akeno bounding her way over and the gently smiling Shuri. She had donned her disguise. I sighed in relief, but damn I really gotta get some stuff done already. 

"Ryu! You looked so cool dashing from one place to another!" The little fallen angel glued herself to me as her shining eyes sent waves of joy at me. I unconsciously smiled and patted her head in thanks. Hopefully, she was able to practice to her heart's content. From the peeks I got when I was running on the battlefield, I was able to see her successfully manifest flaming doves and a mix of them when she added her holy lightning. 

"Really had to run for my life to be honest. But let's welcome Grayfia-nee-san," I said and got their affirmations. 

A magic circle lit up near us manifesting as both Sirzechs and Mamako's, since it's obvious she uses it as a tribute to her former master. Dad did tell me that she had stayed by Sirzech's side because of Rias. Chilly air emanated from it before a silver flash lit up and Grayfia's figure emerged. 

"I give my greetings to you, Ryu-sama, Akeno-sama, Saori-sama. I found it best to appear on the off-chance you might be using it already and I was correct," she said with an elegant laugh and a bow. 

She got us there. "Nice seeing you again, Grayfia-nee-san."

Shuri bowed back and said, "Good afternoon, Grayfia-san."

"Hello hello, Grayfia-nee! Are you going to train Ryu?!" She said and with an enthusiastic leap her wings popped out and she was flying circles around Grayfia. 

"My, someone sure seems excited for it even though the one who will be bearing the brunt of it is standing right in front of me," she then giggled as a cold glint passed through her eye. I didn't miss it, but the scariness of it tends to fade to the background once I remember her fetish for being a maid. Don't get me wrong she's an insanely strong person, but I suppose every strong individual has their quirks. 

"I'm ready whenever you are, Grayfia-nee-san. Akeno you're gonna make yourself dizz- I gotcha..." I started to tell her to stop but I ended up having to catch her as the swirls in her eyes grounded her. 

Grayfia did not comment on my distinctive features, most likely already having a clue about it by the traces left behind by my aura in this space. Plus there's no need to keep it hidden since she will be one of us soon. I have a feeling Mamako will make sure of that. 

"Then Ryu-sama, let us be off. It will only be a small magic bout."

Once again I found myself making my way over to the middle of the training field. I really got no rest... Damn. I mean, it doesn't matter since I do regain my strength and I will never run out of mana but still, it's taking a toll. 

Standing still in the middle, I closed my eyes and then let out a breath. Opening them up again they automatically locked onto the beautiful women staring at me. She had this regal aura around her. Her eyes were slightly narrowed, lips forming a neutral line, and yet her red lipstick accentuated them perfectly. We nodded and as we did we both used our wings to take off into the wide open area above the training arena. 

She was far more agile with her devil wings and had way more experience, I could only rely on my instinctual usage of them due to my dragon race, but because of this, I was wide open to her incoming ice and water attacks. Serpents, lances, and arrows of a lustrous blue color bombarded me, only to be blocked by my dragon scales. One of the arrows got dangerously close to my face and in that split second I lashed out with my scaled fist, tearing it apart as magic circles of a brilliant golden hue manifested themselves around me. Swords, balls of light, and bullets spread out before me. 

Not nearly as much as Grayfia's but that was fine, it's better to be able to control a couple than hundreds of them. I decreased the lag I had in my wings by controlling my weight with the Star Star Fruit while balls and arrows of light swiftly intercepted the countless spells Grafia was launching at me. I moved out of the way of the explosions and began firing beams using my Star Star Fruit that manifested as inky black and violet colors with sparkling yellow and white stars circling it. Grayfia never broke the rapid firing of her magic and only maneuvered out of the way of them. 

Compared to the speed of Jibril, which I somehow survived against, I could properly avoid the attacks. And yet she was dodging my attacks effortlessly. Before I knew it, a massive grin grew and I began laughing which then turned to a rumble as I prepared the dragon fire in my belly. 

Huge slabs of ice and pointed spears of ice were what she went with, completely forgoing the use of her water. Most likely sensing the fluctuations of my mana inside myself. I clicked my tongue and began spewing my azure flames. Extending my aura I then teleported out the way after making enough room with my fire. Disguising my teleportation wasn't perfect however, because what awaited me was a rapidly approaching sword of ice, instead of panicking I brought out Pac-man, who was able to crunch through it but ended up exploding along with it. Shards of ice assaulted me, but with my dragon scales, they were of no consequence, though I did have to protect my eyes. 

In that second, however, Grayfia boosted herself and appeared right in front of me with an ice-clad fist, my grin only widened as I hurriedly spewed flames over my scaled fist and clashed with her head on. 

What followed was no magic battle, it was a pure unabashed fistfight. A slugfest. And yet we kept up our magical onslaught, which increased our injuries and blinded us. Yet somehow we were able to strike true with our fists. A right hook caught her cheek, but I had to tank her high-powered gut punch. My concentration wavered but no way in hell was I letting this end. This is fun! This is fucken fun!!

After what felt like hours, our ragged breaths echoed while the flashing of our fists continued to rain down on each of us. We didn't give an inch. I sure as hell knew she was holding back, but this was fine. She sneaked in high-powered ones to test my mettle and in those instances, my maniac laughter spurred me forward with my own fire-clad fist. My miracle magic healing was on overdrive, I poured energy into healing with my massive amounts of mana, I desperately wanted to continue, and yet I knew my body would not be able to keep up. It wouldn't hold. Tearing it apart and then healing will only increase the physical and mental fatigue, so as a way to end this I used my anger as fuel, my Star Star Fruit to increase it all to launch one last punch, but what I saw in response took my breath away. 

She had closed her eyes and muttered something. In that instant a crown manifested over her head, an icicle crown, a massive pressure descended upon me, lowering the power of my fist as her own fist was now decked out in a sleek gauntlet. Dozens of glittering gemstones line it, sapphires and blue opals being the primary ones and yet I was sure I saw lapis lazulis and aquamarine... Jagged edges made it look ominous but the gemstones only accentuated its beauty. 

I was in awe.

This was incredible. 

My fist will be no match. I knew at that moment. No, I knew as soon as I saw that crown. 

With a feral but bitter smile, I didn't back down and once our fists connected, unimaginable pain shot through my body. I froze. The fire in my belly was snuffed. My blood ran cold, no matter how much healing mana was pumped into it. 

A deathly chill gripped my heart, but a soothing whisper entered my ear. "Astounding, Ryu-sama."

A smile was the only response I could muster, but as I fretted over the icy muscles preventing me from even expressing that- warmth engulfed me. The sweet scent of black cherry ice cream hit me as I felt the warm embrace of something soft and oh-so-comfortable. 

A rapidly beating heart, ragged breaths- are they mine?- no, this pillowy sensation of flesh belongs to the enchanting maid I fought. Her warmth rekindled the fire inside me as I let myself relax within her arms. 

Though I'm sure she would say the grin she was sporting was my imagination, I know how much she also enjoyed herself. 

I won't say a thing Grayfia.