
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 17: Fiancé & Overprotective Mother(s)

Even though iI was able to heal up perfectly, the fatigue is real. My body. My whole body aches. My mind is exhausted. I grimace when I begin to move my body. I can still feel the phantom pain drilling into me.

I must get to my Kirby chair, I'll survive. I'm not unconscious yet.

Though Grayfia did comfort me, she also for some reason gave me a passing score. Something about Mamako having a keen eye. After that, Grayfia left looking pleasantly refreshed.

Hehe, just wait I'll have my revenge. Ow.

"Don't mind me, Shuri-onee-san. I'm... totally fine," as I staggered back toward my room. Everyone else followed along as well. Though they did roam around from time to time they mostly stayed here when I was around.

"As part of my duties, I will ensure you have no problems walking. Please, Ryu-kun," she pleaded. I gave in and let her guide me, though a rather rambunctious girl scooted right up to me. 

"Ryu! Wanna read this hero story with me?!" Akeno practically glomped herself on me, I hissed silently at my sore muscles but kept it quiet so I wouldn't startle the poor little fallen. However, Shuri wasn't about to let that pass. 

"Akeno! Be careful and gentle, Ryu-kun still has some lingering soreness," she chided the crestfallen Akeno. 

"It's okay, Akeno. I'll feel better once I've rested. And I would love to read with you, but aren't you tired as well? I'll make some time in a bit, I gotta contact someone and then also contact my moms. I'm terrified of what they would do if I kept you guys and everything else that happened hidden," I said with a sad smile, my heart aching at the downtrodden girl. However, she perked up when she listened to my next words. I also patted her head to show my sincerity, "You know Rias will be here in the evening, so why not try to find some books you can share with her? From what I hear, she also seems to be working hard at practicing magic, maybe surprise her with a trick? I'll join you as soon as I am done."

"Great idea, Ryu!!" shouted Akeno while huffing and raising her fist in the air as she was escorted by Shuri, leaving me there, though I wasn't alone. 

"Masterrrrr, but I wanna embrace you! You worked so hard today! It's only right for me to reward you, yes yes that is it," she said with a bit of drool leaking from the side of her mouth. Her eyes were glowing pink and though she was scaring me, it was hot asf. 

"Ima just be talking so I don't mind, but make sure to keep it down. Read as well if you wish," I answered with a sigh and a chuckle.

I changed out of my ragged clothes and then got comfortable on the Kirby plushie. Jibril hugged me from behind where I was able to use her squishy but perky breasts as a headrest. 

I'll be able to contact her through the telepathic magic circle, right Eve? I think I was able to trace her signature thanks to the idiots who attacked the Shrine. 

[ Yes. It will be automatically hidden since it will be connected to your aura. The magic circle will automatically calm her down and block the sound if there is anyone in the vicinity. ]

Okay great, connect me to her Eve. 

I then start to use the gravity control of my Star Star Fruit on the Kirby plushie. Jibril floated naturally alongside me.

Dammit. I couldn't help myself, it'd be fun and it'd also increase my control while I'm doing something else at the same time. The other two in the room noticed me, but Shuri only looked on curiously as she continued instructing Akeno, while the latter just had sparkles in her eyes while saying, "Will I be able to learn that Okaa-san!?"

[ Connection Complete… ]

(Suzaku-san? Are you there? Are you able to talk right now?)


(It's me Ryu Ichijou, I'm sorry for the abrupt call but I want to talk to you about something important.)

(Ah, so, it's you Ryu-san. Wait… Ryu-san!? You can use magic? Hmmmmm, then why didn't you call earlier?)

(By the way, you're reacting, I'm sure you're alone at the moment, so I'll begin by saying yes I can use magic but I am not a part of any faction. Aha, it was only recently when I learned to make my own telepathic magic circle, I'll be sure to make it up to you. But first, I'm sure news has already reached your side about the incident?)

(You better. Hmm? Oh… Yes… I personally went to investigate… and I couldn't find… them… We've lost some clan members as well. Why do you ask…? Wait, for something important, do you mean…?)

(Yes, it involves Shuri Himejima, her daughter, Akeno Himejima, and the missing clan members.)

(.... They're alive…? Are Shuri-obasan and Akeno-chan okay....!? ....What happened... Do you have them in your home? Can I go see them?! )

(Yes, you don't have to worry, they're alive and are well protected. Of course, you can come see them, they're your family which is why I let you know personally. I'm sorry I didn't contact you right away... But you're going to have to come alone, the Himejima clan was the one who attacked them along with some fallen angels. Baraquiel, Shuri's husband, had to go on a mission and wasn't there during the attack. However, I suspect it was a ploy from the traitors present on the fallen angel's side. For now, Shuri still needs time to process everything and it is not the best idea to approach the fallen angels at the moment.)

(No no, I'm just glad they're okay. Of course, I'll go alone. I'll find some way to slip out. I already know what they think about Shuri-nee-san and Akeno-chan.... Wait, hold on. Do you mean the Himejima clan colluded with fallen angels for this attack? That's impossible! Those bast- Alright, I'll tal-)

(You can't Suzaku-san, that will do more harm than good especially with you being in the leader position. What I wanted to tell you was that I have some clan members in my care and because I know it's been your dream to reform the Himejima clan in order to let Shuri-onee-san and Akeno-chan join peacefully I have a proposition.)

(...Ugh, even though I hate it when you're right Ryu-san, I can't deny the fact that it would blow up in our faces...Tch, this clan is far too corrupt. What is your proposition?)

(I'll be explaining some things so before you freak out, listen till the end since it is relevant to the proposition.)

(Fuuuhh, what craziness is it this time? Okay, I'm ready.)

(Rude. Well, I came across Rias Gremory, the princess of the Gremory family, yes the devil famil-)

(WHAT? .... Ahem! Sorry, sorry, continue.)

I stifled a chuckle at her high-pitched shout. But remained steadfast since she could pout in response. 

As I was immersed in our conversation, I was already hanging upside down from the ceiling with the gravity manipulation. Jibril looked perfectly content squeezing me into her bosom as she read on her tablet.

Heh. It's pretty amazing how I've had a massive increase in control these past few minutes when I was talking to Suzaku. Shuri and Akeno could only watch in amazement as I got better at moving around freely in the air. I ended up giving in to Akeno's puppy dog eyes when she wanted to join me. Shuri sighed at our childishness, or was it our recklessness? 

(As I was saying, I ended up helping Rias find her sister, Grayfia-nee, who told me she wanted to repay me for this deed. I didn't have anything on the spot so I just said a favor would work. This somehow blew up into an engagement to her but it was only because Rias didn't want me to have to 'ask' for a favor when it'd be much easier if we were family. I suppose Grayfia-nee saw the merit in engaging me, the heir of the Shuei Clan, to the princess of the Gremory household. )

(I see. An engagement huh? You've been ensnared once again, haven't you, Ryu-san? I can't believe a womanizer such as yourself will be my future husband. Hehe, though I don't mind. Seems like Rias-chan is sly. Understandably, they are willing to go through with the engagement considering your human status. Perhaps Uncle Issei is to blame?)

(You'd be right. My old man is notorious even in the devil's underworld. Hye, circumstances just seemed to land on my face! I am partly to blame but still! Anyway, I had to meet Sirzechs-sama in a private meeting where he asked about my thoughts. I told him I was happy to be engaged to someone like Rias who diligently followed my advice to improve and how this engagement would help him keep away other suitors and maybe pave the way to good relations with other factions.)

(Are you okay?! Why would you confront a Super Devil at your age? Do you have a death wish, Ryu-san? You really are reckless. Sounds like the devils have their plan and in the end, it will set the stage for something huge. Hah, you're once again doing something crazy. And and! I heard about the bullet incident! Dummy! I wasn't able to go to you, but I may have caused a bit of commotion here when I heard about hehe.)

(I mean, it was an unofficial meeting, and my old man was there so there's nothing to worry about, Suzaku-san. But yes, there are many moving parts to this and our own engagement will probably add to that. I'm sure they already know and it just added to their list of pros. Ah, I did hear about your little scuffle with the elders from my mom. You're sweet, you know that. But I'm a-okay, don't worry. Oh right! The real kicker is when I cashed in the favor. I had asked to propose and join the peace talks when I got older since I declared my intention to unite every faction. Of course, I'd remain neutral with deep connections to every faction. Like ours.)

(Right, the engagements will definitely act as a foothold, and it cements your standing to anyone else who wishes for peace. There may be talks of future engagements, and not all of them will be of the savory sort. I'll help you in any way I can. You really are something, Ryu-san. Anyway, there's probably more isn't there?)

(Oh? Worried about me huh? Cute.)

(Oh, be quiet and continue with your recap.)

( Ahaha, I will…. Shuri-nee-san and Akeno agreed with my suggestion of reincarnating Akeno into a Devil and becoming a part of Rias' peerage since it would give her backing. I only told Sirzechs-sama and Grayfia-nee that I happened to cross paths with Akeno and she was in dire need of asylum. They agreed but then Grayfia ended up becoming my maid and surprised me again by announcing that she was going to move in with Rias. Ahaha and now Shuri is wearing something to change her appearance and aura while Akeno is going to join our training and is going to be homeschooled together with Rias. Not to worry, I plan to introduce Shuri's persona, Saori, but I wanted to let you know about them first.)

(Will you be telling them about Shuri soon? I assume you were waiting until you got ahold of me and needed my input? But in any case, I'm glad Akeno has support but is it really okay for her to be reincarnated as a devil?)

(Honestly, yeah, do you think I should go ahead and tell Rias and Grayfia? And I know what you're thinking, but there is no way I would've suggested this if I thought they were bad news. Rias is a tad spoiled, but she's a sweet girl and I can tell she's lonely.) 

(Grayfia used to work for your mother, no? There is no demerit in her knowing, I suggest you do as a sign of goodwill. Hmm, though I do have my thoughts on the matter I'll take your word for it Ryu-san. I'll still come over to meet them. Probably not anytime soon since you might need me to do something with that proposition of yours right?)

(Indeed, it might be a good idea for you to start gathering up those who are open-minded and not against other supernatural races, even if some of them are indecisive in picking a side. I say this because I am planning to ask if you can contact Amaterasu-no-Okami-sama to have a meeting with me. I know how crazy my request is considering she is a Goddess, but Suzaku-san, in order for you to make some changes, a Shinto God/Goddess backing you up will definitely make the process easier. It will not be an easy or fast change, since we will be involving the Shinto Gods and it might lead to the reformation of all the other Principle Clans. Your dream is not the only thing I will be talking with Her about, it will also include talks about a Peace treaty and my determination to gather them all up.)

(...Ryu-san, let me get this straight. Do you want me to casually request something from the Sun Goddess-sama? Haha... Your head must've been knocked down more than once if that is what you are suggesting. But, I'll see what I can do considering my position. The fact you want to involve one of the Shinto Gods is crazy. I'm not even sure if it's possible to get in contact, the normal way at least. But if I do get the backing of a Shinto Goddess, the future of the Himejima clan will be brighter. However, I may need to start thinking about the countermeasures against those who start to abuse their power over those who support me., not to mention the amount of customs and ideologies that we have to break down, in order for every generation to understand. Hmm… I may also need to introduce punishments for those….)

(Looks like ideas started popping up once a way towards your dream was open huh?) 

(Yes! This will definitely help Shuri-nee-san and Akeno-chan in the future. It's not fair for her to have been treated so harshly by just falling in love.)

(We will definitely make it so Shuri-onee-san can return, I'm sure you've noticed how sad she becomes when the Himejima clan is mentioned.)

(Yes, though she tries to hide it whenever Akeno-chan and Baraquiel-oji-san are present. Ah! I must go now, but I'll make sure to try and get in contact with Amaretasu-no-Okami-sama, it will be a lot busier from now on… Rewards will need to be given, Ryu-san!)

(Thank you, Suzaku-san. But don't overwork yourself, okay? I'll be sure to spoil you when I see you. Bye, you better take care of yourself!)

(I'll hold you to that! Bye Ryu-san!)

As soon as the telepathy magic cut off, I redirected my attention to the giggling Akeno who was swimming in the air with the help of my gravity. I gotta say having fun with magic is probably the best thing about it, of course, followed by blasting stuff and punching stuff. Shit. That just came out. Dammit. 

I took a glance at Shuri and sure enough she is now practicing with her enhanced fire manipulation and combining it with her buffed-up purification. 

I didn't want to waste time, so I just started to contact my moms, hope they don't take it too badly over what I did. Haha. Fat chance. 

(Hey, moms, is the connection stabilized on both your ends...?)

(Ryu-chan...? How are you... Heheh, you owe me lunch, Miyu-chan~!) the singsong voice of Mamako echoes in my head as I register what she said. They bet!?

(Tch, I didn't forget. But Ryu-kun, this is a surprise, what seems to be the problem? We had to leave abruptly but do you miss us already??)

I gulp apprehensively. 

(Well, funny thing, as I'm sure you've already guessed but Dad told me about the supernatural and I've since awakened my sacred gear. Though I did have a few small, teensy tiny run-ins with the supernatural...)

(Go on....)

(Yes. Please, hurry, Ryu-chan.)

(W-well, I came across a crying girl, who coincidentally, through no fault of my own was Rias Gremory and also through no fault of my own got to meet Grayfia-nee-san who proposed an engagement with Rias...)

(Uh huh....)

(....Seducing more girls, Ryu-chan?)

(It's definitely not like that. I helped her because I could and I'd be damned if I left her crying all alone)

(Right... You do get pretty stubborn over some things. But I'm glad your heart remains the same.)

(Hehe, my Ryu-chan is such a little sweetheart.)

(Ahem! Anyway, the engagement was the idea of little Rias, since she felt that it would hold more meaning if the favor I got from Grayfia was official with a family tie. And because of this, I had a meeting with Sirzechs... where we discussed the favor and something else. It may or may not have to do with a little hero stunt I ended up pulling... I saved both Shuri Himejima and Akeno Himejima, I'm sure you both already heard the news?)

(So not one but two girls. Let's set that aside. What do you mean you confronted Sirzechs? Was your stupid father there? I sure hope he was or so help me...)

(Yes yes! No need to get angry Mom...)

(Mou, another girl Ryu-chan, well I can't say I'm surprised that it was you. Heroics is okay with me! Being gallant, kya kya, you're so cool Ryu-chan~)

(Be serious Mamako-san, these encounters and presences are highly unusual. Especially, if Sirzsechs himself came for a meeting, even if unofficial.)

(Hmm, that's truuuee. I'm glad Ryu-chan is safe though, but what was the favor and the second part?)

(Right, the favor would be having Akeno be reincarnated as a devil, do not worry I asked her mother's opinion and her own and she agreed to join the peerage of Rias. She needs supernatural backing. I'm going to eventually discuss a proposal with the Himejima clan, but I did speak with Suzaku-san already.)

(That's good. You do tend to dive into things without thinking at times. Glad you're using that head of yours.)

(Heeee, Ryu-chan, already thinking of the next steps huh? I'm proud!)

Now for the part, I've been dreading the most. Let's start with something cheerful. (Grayfia-nee decided to live together with me along with Rias, though it seemed like Sirzechs had been expecting it. I got a taste of her training already. It was fun.)

(Mhmhm, Gray-chan tends to go a little overboard... eh? Fun? Are you okay, Ryu-chan!? Don't tell me Gray-chan froze your head a bit too long?! I'm excited to see her again but it looks like a lil punishment is due...)

Woah there! What kinda conclusions are those??? (Okay, okay stop, that is definitely not what happened. I just started to like the thrill of battle and I thought of how much fun it was to battle Grayfia-nee. )

(Ah, I understand, Ryu-kun. I truly do. Grayfia-san and I had our fair share of battles and I truly enjoyed it thoroughly.)

(Nooooooo, my little Ryu-chan is a sick battle junkie like Miyu-chan!)

(Okay, let's move on! Though I called it a favor, it was more like a proposal that benefitted them since Rias would be gaining a prospective peerage member. The real favor is my decision to propose peace talks to the three factions and the chance to attend the peace talks. I did this because it feels like it'd be better if a neutral party proposed it...) As I finished recounting it all, I only got silence as an answer.

After an increasingly long few minutes of silence, that threatened to make me go mad, both Miyu and Mamako spoke in a low and cold voice bouncing lightly around my head. (( What do you mean you're going to get involved in that, Ryu-chan / Ryu-kun. You are much too young. Just wait until we get our hands on those old fools… making a nine-year-old think about helping THEM make a move when they're supposed to do it themselves… Our little Ryu-chan / Ryu-kun is walking a dangerous path for peace and all they're worried about is saving face and not even proposing a peace treaty… Is it the job of a nine-year-old to jump-start it…?? ...hehehehe…. )) 

They both were saying some highly dangerous things and I think I even heard them propose to go to the underworld right away! I shuddered. Before they could talk more, I continued, (Uhm, that wasn't all. You know how I told you I had talked to Suzaku-san, well I proposed a sort of idea to her, which would lead me to have an audience with Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. It'd be insanely hard, but it is a way for us to cleanse the corruption in her clan and a way for me to gain connections for the eventual peace talks.)


I had to tell them. It's something that will have an incredible impact not just on our family and clan but on the whole world. 

(Now little Suzaku-chan is implicated because of the incompetence and arrogance of those old fools. Heh. They shall taste my wrath. Hehehehehe...)

(I see. Looks like I must remind them why I fought alongside my husband and who of the two of us is fear incarnate...)

Their laughter was chilling. My shuddering didn't stop, it only intensified when they continued with their creepy laughter. I have never been so terrified in my life… Hmm? No, I'm not scared, I'm scared for those poor souls my mothers are targeting. Why would I be scared of my own moms? That's just crazy talk...

[ I don't believe you, Ryu. ]

Hush you! But, can you blame me!? I could literally feel their aura leaking from the magic circle, I had to suppress it on my own, or else it would have alerted a bunch of supernaturals! I had to protect Shuri and Akeno!

[ ...Fair point ]

I immediately calmed them down and talked them out of 'negotiating' with every faction. Yeah, there was no way it would've been a negotiation. Plus it would've been forced! The world would be in danger if these two unleashed their full power! 

(Moms... though I'm happy you wanna give them a stern 'talking' to as a representative of myself. I'm not sure that's a good idea, they'd just use that as fuel to cause trouble!) 

(Grrr.... though I'm reluctant about this, you're right, it'd just cause more trouble for you Ryu-kun. I gotta vent somehow, so I'll probably be taking on some mercenary work soon.)

(Mou, you're letting them off easy Ryu-chan. But mommy will listen.)

I sigh in relief. My shoulders relaxed after being so tense, that even Jibril had to start massaging them and catch me because I swayed a bit at their hostility. Glad I had a firm hold on Akeno though. No way was I endangering her!

(But we will help in any way we can! Both Mamako-san and I have connections. We'll contact Yasaka-san and a friend of ours from heaven.)

(Oh! Gabriel-chan!? It's been so long since I've visited! Hehe, let your mommies handle at least this Ryu-chan. We'll also put in a good word with Ama-chan! Little Suzu-chan needs to relax too!)

I was stunned into silence, with a shake in my voice I asked (Why... so far...?) The answer should've been obvious but it still hit me to my core, it choked the words out of me. 

Their soft, soothing, and warm voices overlapped, ((Anything for Ryu-chan / Ryu-kun, this is important to you right? You're our little boy, of course, we'll always support you in any way we can. Besides, we personally know Yasaka and Gabriel are trustworthy.))

I was speechless. Is this the trust of a mother...? The beating of my heart slowed, but with every beat warmth spread throughout me. Their unconditional love fuels me, no way am I gonna fail them now. Not ever. 

Because the conversation dropped to a lull I forced myself to hoarsely say how much I love them and cherish their care. I could hear their genuine love in their voices as I could hear them choke up as well. I smiled unconsciously. 

Once we exchanged some more words, the telepathic connection ended.

I floated listlessly.

Jibril squeezed me into her embrace. "Master will always have my support." As I heard those words, I lifted my hand and laid it on top of hers. My heart lifted a bit.

I then heard a soft voice. "Are you okay, Ryu-kun? Ah! Can you float on over…?" Little Akeno called out to me in worry, and when I turned to her she was motioning for me to come closer with her little hand. I then noticed I ended up floating upside down in a daze along with Jibril, who didn't particularly mind. She noticed my gaze, and with a sigh, we bounded our way over.

"What's up, Aken-" I couldn't finish, I felt a gentle and soothing hand on top of my head. Moving rhythmically in such a loving manner, I was frozen stiff. I unconsciously moved my head further in and as if enthusiastic about my attention the hand moved with even more care. It seems I really needed this and just when I was about to move away I felt another hand on top of me. This one feels motherly and masterful. Are Akeno and Shuri stroking my head because I felt a bit down…? Their kindness is seeping into me, quite literally through the head pats.

I had almost forgotten I had given into Shuri's curiosity about floating in the air as well... Haha

"...I'm okay now, honestly thanks to you two," I said with a bright smile, "Was just thinking of how grateful I am to have so many kind, caring, and supportive people around me, which includes you two."

"Ara, I'm glad to hear you say that. But really, it's you who I will always be grateful for. Look at us, we are now living safely here, and it's thanks to you," said Shuri with a kind smile on her face as she lovingly caressed Akeno's head.

"Yay! I made you feel better! It's like Okaa-san said, you saved us! You'll always be our hero! Can we play now…?" Was what Akeno said with a cheerful smile on her face. 

"Yes, yes. Let's go read now, but after we still have to practice with Shuri-onee-san right?"


"I shall be reading, master."

"Gotcha, Jibril, thank you...."

After thoroughly enjoying ourselves, we felt the signs of an incoming teleportation. I nodded at Jibril- who disappeared along with her presence. I also shook my head when Shuri was about to put on her accessory. "Grayfia-nee is trustworthy, let's show her our sincerity." 

She smiled in response. 

We relaxed into our seats and awaited their arrival.