
DxD: Rise of the Cheatless Devil

Hijoshiki Akuma was reincarnated in the world of Hentai….*cough* Highschool DxD as a low class devil. No Cheats. No System. No Sacred Gear. No powerful families to back him. A literal mob character that is born as a low class pureblood Devil. Just a normal pureblood devil orphan with his past life memories. Will he do anything to gain power? How far will he be willing to go to achieve that? ……… Before you read: >If you hate Issei and Rias to the bone, then skip this fanfic. >May contain Inhumane acts, as a devil should. >R-18 Sexual Contents! Continue with discretion.

EviLivE33 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Hunting in the Forest

In the depths of an abandoned Devil Territory, nestled within a dense forest, a thrilling chase unfolds before my eyes.

Multiple demonic boars sprint in unison, their destination clear and unwavering.

And not far behind, a blurred figure emerges, relentlessly pursuing the swift creatures.

That figure, without a doubt, is none other than me.

My pursuit of these demonic boars is not solely driven by the prospect of profit, although capturing them remains the immediate priority.

Three resilient boars remain, their speed matched only by their elusiveness.

These creatures bear a striking resemblance to the wild boars that roam the towering mountains, but with a crucial distinction—they possess the ability to wield magic.

To be precise, their powers stem from the depths of the demonic realm, rendering their body parts immensely valuable and sought-after across various domains.

Determination surges within me as I extend my hand, conjuring forth three marble-sized bullets, each brimming with latent power.

Using imagination, I envision these enchanted projectiles homing in on the boars' central nervous system, expanding upon impact, and subsequently dissipating.

With focused intent, I unleash the magical bullets, propelling them toward their intended targets.

The boars, sensing the imminent danger, attempt evasive maneuvers, yet their efforts prove in vain.

The bullets penetrate their skulls with unerring precision, bringing the once-vigorous creatures to a sudden halt.

Clean, single-entry wounds adorn their heads, distinguishing them from the typical boar carcasses ravaged by collisions or incineration.

As I gracefully descend to the vicinity of the fallen beasts, I retrieve three sizable bottles from a concealed storage scroll, eager to collect their blood for personal use.

The spell I employed is a culmination of three distinct incantations: Bullet, Homing, and Expand.

In this realm of Devil's magic, imagination reigns supreme, making this feat easily achievable.

The homing bullets, guided by my indomitable will, expand upon reaching the precise target—the boars' central nervous system, leaving no chance of survival for those who fall prey to their lethal trajectory.

However, the rate of consumption associated with this technique fails to meet my desired standards, which is why it remains one of my hidden cards.

Why keep it concealed?

The world at large tends to dismiss demonic bullets or magical bullets in general as feeble and inconsequential.

An unexpected bullet that appears unassuming—such is the perfect lure for the prideful ones who underestimate its true power.

With a surge of imagination, I enhance the penetration capabilities, rendering their demise inevitable.

As I gaze upon the now-filled bottles, their contents a testament to my prowess, I stow them away alongside the boar corpses within the confines of the storage scroll.

My purpose for collecting raw blood lies in its consumption, a means to augment my own demonic power.

The blood of these demonic beasts serves as the fundamental ingredient for creating potent elixirs, akin to mana potions in the realm of games.

These concoctions possess a myriad of uses, ranging from recovery to absorption.

However, the exorbitant cost of such items renders them a luxury that, though affordable, fails to align with my cost-effective principles.

Hence, I prefer to partake of the blood harvested from my hunts—a practice that some may find distasteful, yet it serves me well, despite its slightly diminished efficacy.

Regrettably, I lack the skills to purify the blood myself, having never undergone alchemical training.

Many hunters, much like myself, find solace in this ritual, believing it activates our primal instincts as the apex predators within the food chain.

While such notions hold little importance to me personally, I am driven solely by what yields results.

Having returned to the very spot where I first encountered the boar pack, I retrieve the bottles and secure them within the scroll, alongside their lifeless companions.

With a flourish, I unfurl my wings—two bat-like appendages that stretch wide, casting a striking silhouette against the sky.

With a graceful motion, I propel myself upward, granting me a sweeping view of the forest's haunting allure.

The trees, adorned in shades of dark green, purple, and black, weave an eerie tapestry—an enigmatic spectacle befitting the underworld.

Directed by purpose, I set my course toward the coveted Phenex Territory, a realm where intact demonic beasts hold even greater value.

As I navigate the expansive forest, a glimmering lake comes into view, inviting me to descend.

Peering into the rippling reflection below, I behold a visage framed by midnight-black hair, eyes ablaze with a crimson fire—a countenance that radiates a captivating, devilish allure.

A smile dances upon my lips as I acknowledge the reservoir of power contained within.

With renewed determination, I ascend once more, increasing my speed, propelled by the burning desire to reach my destination with utmost haste.

This is also a part of my training, as aerial combat in the realm of magic holds immense importance.

While I hunt demonic beasts, I simultaneously hone my skills with various spells beyond the homing bullets I mentioned earlier.

Around 50% of my training time is dedicated to mastering flashy spells and abilities that serve no practical purpose other than looking impressive.

These spells are useful for deceiving enemies, creating an illusion of power without truly possessing it.

In my opinion, they belong on a grand stage or as CGI effects in a movie.

However, noble devils often employ flashy spells, accompanied by boisterous declarations, so I've amassed a considerable repertoire to maintain the facade of being weaker than I truly am.

Another 25% of my training involves practicing precise spells similar to the homing bullets I previously employed.

These precision-based spells are ideal for surgical operations—swift and efficient, aligning perfectly with my style and preferences.

The remaining 25% of my training is dedicated to experimentation, exploring new concepts and forging innovative spells and abilities.

Unfortunately, I cannot conduct these experiments on humanoid creatures just yet.

For now, it's akin to a captivating scientific project, conducted on a living subject.

Let's leave it at that, as I have now arrived in the Phenex territory.

Presenting my identification to the border guards, I breeze through the checkpoint without any obstacles, thanks to some cash artfully tucked between my documents.

Navigating the bustling streets and weaving through dimly lit back alleys, I swiftly locate the establishment where I intend to sell today's bounty.

Stepping inside the shop, a spacious layout unfolds before me, revealing the distinct aroma of peculiar scents lingering in the air.

This particular establishment specializes in handling raw materials and transforming them into readily usable alchemical ingredients.

"Akuma! It's good to see you. What treasures have you brought today?" greets a middle-aged devil, the proprietor of this establishment.

We share a mutually beneficial relationship—I supply him with high-quality demonic beasts, and in return, he offers competitive prices.

"I have five boars, two horned rabbits, and one double-headed snake," I promptly respond, listing the current inhabitants of the scroll tucked securely in my possession.

With a courteous gesture, I extend the scroll towards him, ready to unveil the fruits of my successful hunt.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

Why did the bicycle fall over?

It was two-tired!

Why don't skeletons fight each other?

They don't have the guts!

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