
Staring Blue and Staring Green [3]


AU stuff. no storyline changes, just wanted to make engineering more interesting. Also the whole "essence extractantion" thing aint canon, its not taking out the Sacred Gear itself, just its essence.

If any of you are wondering how far I'll be taking his research addiction—the answer is really.fucking.far

I guess as long as he doesn't start killing kids and stuffing them into animatronic animals he'll be fine...probably.

No I wont make him a Gary Stu like the last ff he will have imperfections.


I watched as Azazel placed a face mask over Takuma's face and saw as his eyelids slowly shut—supposedly an anesthetic, the volume of the whirring sounds coming from the glass-like machine began to amplify.

Azazel grabbed the machine and a golden light radiated from his palm—I suppose he was pouring [Light Magic] into it, is that how you activate it? Or maybe it works with all denominations of [Mana]—or perhaps it only responds to Azazel's energy, I wonder if that would help me with my code theory, well I suppose now's not the time for such propositions.

The anesthesia seemed to finally kicked in as Takuma's eyelids were completely closed, Azazel brought the syringe up to his arm and slowly allowed the needle to penetrate his skin, from first glance Azazel hadn't done much, but I could clearly see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Perhaps he was also remotely controlling the machine as he worked.

To think such a process would be physically burdening for someone of his caliber—thankfully I wasn't the one doing it.

Azazel drew back on the syringe, and what seemed to be simply blood was extracted, but if you looked closely there were blue sparkles glistening within the syringe, so that was the essence of Staring Blue...how captivating.

And just like that the operation had ended—it made me wonder why the anesthetics were necessary, I suppose something that can forcibly make a direct link with your Sacred Gear wouldn't be comfortable at the very least.

He carefully poured the substance into a vial and plopped it into a blue box, there was smoke coming from the lid, I guess the substance needed extremely cold temperatures to maintain itself, although the only way Azazel could know that is if he had done something like this before...


Jun had also gone in and the operation went off without a hitch—although such is to be expected when the one doing it is literally in charge of everything here.

"I wont be doing this again—don't mess it up" Azazel still seems pissed about this whole thing, although he made it look effortless I could see the immense focus he put into this.

"Naturally" The first phase had been completed, both of them were asleep and would wake up once the anesthetics wared off, the next part of this would take a while, but I'm going to make sure it's worth the wait.

I grabbed the blue box and held it with extreme care, I went over to the one of the spare workshops Azazel had permitted me to use.


I've been constantly reading up on a subject called "Mana Wiring" it's essentially the foundation of each Magical item in existence, obviously there are exceptions like Kiba who can just create Demonic Swords out of nothingness, but my point still stands.

There's an object called a Transmitter which is the most important tool I'm going to be using—it's like a 3D pen and is filled with 'ink' that is essentially fermented [Mana] obviously different types of [Mana] will produce different effects.

In this case I'll be using [Demonic Power] it has the most versatility considering's it's based off the power of imagination and is also highly recommended for creating non-combatant artifacts.

Don't misunderstand the definition of non-combatant though—it basically means that it isn't a direct form of weaponry, the resonance band which will create a link and enhance the already existing power of Jun and Takuma counts as non-combatant.

Although something like swords, turrets and guns all count as combatant artifacts. There are different patterns one can draw that will serve different uses, for example a dendritic pattern would count as a "motherboard" essentially what you would use to determine the fundamental purpose of your artifact.

And simple lining would just count as wiring—which brings me to how I was going to trigger a connection between the two bands. When it comes to two objects apparently this is where ones own [Mana] comes in.

Well I say [Mana] but it accepts really any kind of energy—all you have to do is draw a "seal" or pattern and replicate it 1:1 onto the other object. Then you simply infuse it with a form of [Mana] but as I said, it accepts any form of energy so my [Sacred Gear] counts.

As for the material I have chosen to be the base of the bands, I went with silver. According to the manual when [Mana] is fermented it ends up being very similar to electricity, probably where it got the name "Mana Wiring".

Thanks to its unique crystal structure and single valence electron—silver is the best metal for conducting both heat and electricity. Which is added bonus—considering the "Mana" I will be pouring in as my seal comes from [Flame Shake] I doubt it will actually offer any added benefits, but it will make the creation process smoother.

I have approximately one hundred pairs of bands made out of silver on me—before you ask, no I did not make them myself as I haven't the faintest clue about forging, Azazel was kind enough to forge them for me, and Silver isn't a very difficult material to get your hands on in a place like Grigori.

I'm not a complete retard so naturally I'm going to practice as much as possible before I actually infuse a band with the Twins blood. Wiring is a very delicate process and even the slightest error can cause the whole circuit to be rendered useless.

I've learned quite a bit from reading—but books can only teach you so much, I need some actual practice. My goal is to achieve about ten consecutive success' before I actually work with their blood, as he said, he wont be doing this again.

And no I can't just make a successful circuit and add the blood in afterwards because that would be like trying to turn moldy food good again. Might be possible considering I'm in DxD but I haven't the faintest clue how to accomplish that.


(Third Person Perspective)

Minutes turned to hours, and hours turned to days. And no one had seen Koen leave the workshop—Azazel of course was checking on his condition and knew that Koen was keeping himself healthy. Physically at least.

Mentally the stress was really getting to him—failure after failure he kept reviewing and reviewing, seeing what went wrong, what he needed to improve, or if he perhaps missed anything in the manual itself.

Azazel could always just go in there and finish it for him—but Koen had already committed so much that just doing it for him would almost be insulting. Not to mention this whole assignment was for Koen to prove himself.

To Koen this was simply to get his expedition rights re-instated, and also have a wish of his choosing granted. But Azazel had other plans in mind. Originally, Azazel knew that Koen wasn't all that gifted physically—however, mentally the kid showed clear promise.

Azazel knew he would make a pretty good researcher in the future—but it seems he underestimated Koen greatly. Learning Mana Wiring has nothing to do with talent, other than the obvious of having some form of energy.

It is a process of commitment, focus and sheer fucking will. No one who dabbles in the craft has not faced failure before, it is a tiresome process that most people will practically lose their minds over. But most of these people are already adults with a good chunk of experience with the concept of failure under their belts.

Koen was a mere nine-year old child—yes in reality he was actually thirty years old, but so what? He was just a run-of-the-mill office worker leading a deadbeat life—he never studied engineering, nor was he very good at math during his school days.

He was truly doing all of this from scratch, Koen himself didn't know it but the progress he was making was ludicrous, in a mere week he had made more progress than most aspiring Mana Engineers would make in months.

Not to mention how his commitment and drive were showing no signs of wavering, in reality Azazel had already decided to pass him regardless of whether he fails or not as he just didn't have it in him to reject such effort. And also mild sentiment coming from the fact he was his adoptive son.

At this point Koen should have come to him and said he could no longer do it—not because of a lack of progress as that clearly wasn't the case, but because of the toll it was taking on his sanity. But he hadn't even exited the workshop—with the exception of going to the forge to get more bands.

Indeed—in a single week he had already burned through one hundred pairs of silver bands, and now he needed to get more, he had yet to achieve his goal of ten consecutive successes—which should be near impossible in a short amount of time, not to mention the fact that Azazel never implemented any form of time limit.

However, if Koen was to keep up this level of dedication for a whole month, perhaps it wouldn't be so impossible. But eventually he would tire out...right?

Koen was returning to the workshop pulling a wagon filled with Silver Bands—Azazel had ordered the resident blacksmith to continue creating bands for Koen to use once he ran out, after he saw the rate that Koen was practicing at he knew it would only be a matter of time before he ran out.

When he went to tell Koen about the arrangement all he got was a "Mm" in response—Koen didn't even bother to waste any of his brain power to do something so simple as forming sentences. Creation, failure, and correction were the only things on his mind.

Once he exited the workshop all of the non-occupied residents saw his face, the same one they had after months of research without success—a face they knew very well. Azazel would get glares filled with discontent whenever he left his office. Even Nakajima was no exception.

He had to frantically explain that he wasn't forcing Koen to work this hard—but they still blamed him considering he was the one who gave Koen this task in the first place.

Unfortunately Valia was also one of the people who saw Koen's face, and to Azazel's surprise she reprimanded him heavily. He had no idea that their relationship had gotten so close considering when they first met Valia clearly did not like Koen.

And to be fair, Koen was just as clueless, apparently his words had more of an effect than he anticipated, Valia was beginning to somewhat see him as family.

And with that two more weeks passed, in another two weeks a month would have officially passed. Koen had left about five more times during this period, he had used a total of seven hundred pairs of silver bands at this point. 1400 in total.

Now Azazel was getting reprimanded more and more—the researchers had all come to respect Koen for his immense dedication, but considering he was a kid they felt enough was enough. They wanted Azazel to just reward Koen and let him rest already.

And as a matter of fact—he did! Or at least. He tried to, he reluctantly told Koen that it was fine if he could not finish the task, even Takuma and Jun wanted him to stop, yes they wanted to achieve Balance Breaker, and quite desperately at that.

However, they weren't so cold-hearted that they would let Koen's sanity degrade in exchange. Though Koen just responded by telling them to "Piss off and let me do my job" Azazel was the only one who could comprehend where he was coming from.

After putting so much work into something you develop a sense of feeling that you've given to much to back out now—and that was exactly how Koen felt, he didn't care if he ended up not being able to meet Valia's expectation in two and half months concerning his growth. He was absolutely going to get this thing done.