
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 113: Skirt

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Lelouch put up two fingers and twisted his wrist. "Flip it, and you'll see what I was thinking." Seeing Rias take a sharp breath out of the corner of his eye, he smirked.

"It's not a perfect cure, and it may not even help him beyond a simple placebo, but if Gasper wore a mask maybe he could go outside without feeling so overwhelmed by the world around him." Lelouch scratched the side of his head as he considered what would work for Gasper's needs.

"I once thought of something like that, but I didn't want to push Gasper." Rias admitted softly. She had thought of giving Gasper something like that, but she had been scared of pushing him too fast and decided against it.

"Well, maybe it's time to bring it up to him." Lelouch gave a soft smile as he watched Gasper's HP bar deplete to zero and snickered at Koneko as she threw her fist up in the air, her face flat save for a smirk.

"Victory is mine." She declared simply, nothing more than a satisfied smirk on her face. "Still can't beat me Gaspie." Her smirk widened at Gasper's indignant reply.

"That's cause you cheat Koneko!" Gasper defended himself, still red in the face as he clutched his skirt. "How would you like it if I flipped up your skirt to distract you?!" He glared cutely at his friend.

"I'm not wearing a skirt." Koneko riposted as she turned her head to avoid allowing Gasper to see the blush on her face at the thought of Lelouch seeing Gasper do that. "So there." She stuck out her tongue at the Dhampir who just crossed his arms and huffed in exasperation.

The shy boy just grumbled before turning to face Rias and Lelouch. His smile flickered with fear as he saw Lelouch, but focused on Rias to distract himself. "W-Would you like to play?" He offered, trying to be strong despite his fear.

"It'd be nice to play against someone who doesn't cheat." He teased Koneko before he found himself trapped in a headlock. "Ow, lemme go!" Gasper whined cutely. "Koneko!"

"Sorry, video games aren't really my thing." Lelouch said, an amused smile on his face as he watched Koneko tease Gasper. She was treating him just like a little brother, it brought back memories. While his life with Rolo had been false before Ashford, the memories they had made in that year had been all too real.

"That's enough you two." Rias declared, getting Koneko to stop messing with Gasper. Though not without a pout from the Nekoshou. Rias smiled softly as she beckoned Gasper over to herself and Lelouch with a wave.

Gasper saw Rias wave him over and started to tremble slightly, but Koneko grabbed his hand. When the Dhampir looked to his friend, all he saw was a soft smile. "It's okay." She whispered to him as she led him over.

"Lelouch is a good friend, I promise." The two walked over, Koneko holding on to Gasper's hand for comfort as they stood in front of the two tallest members of the Peerage.

"You're tall." Gasper said, sharing the first thing that came to mind as he stared up at Lelouch. When the Knight snickered, he couldn't help but blush and look away. "Sorry, I–" His apology was silently waved off by Lelouch as he chuckled.

"It's okay, Gasper." Lelouch couldn't help but find some amusement in that being the first thing Gasper said to him. True as it was though, Lelouch was indeed the tallest member of Rias' Peerage, including Rias herself.

"Gasper, I have a request I would like to make of you, if you're willing to hear it." Rias asked as she knelt down to look Gasper in the eye. Koneko moved off to the side while Lelouch drifted away slightly so that Gasper wouldn't feel like he was being ganged up on.

"I will be having a Rating Game with a man named Riser Phenex in a little over two weeks. You remember what a Rating Game is right?" Rias asked, just to be sure. When her Bishop nodded, she continued, her soft smile remaining on her face.

"It's not an official Rating Game, but it's still very important to me because if I lose I will have to marry him and I don't want to do that." She admitted that softly, not to pressure Gasper, but solely to convey the importance of what she was saying.

"Lelouch and I have come up with an idea that may help you handle the outside world, would you be willing to give it a shot and help me in my Rating Game against Riser?" Rias asked softly, hoping that Gasper would say yes, but not expecting anything too much out of her fearful Bishop.

Gasper looked at the ground for a few minutes, just enjoying Rias' scent as she spoke to him. Her words rang out in his mind and he felt fear. "O-Outside?" He trembled slightly before Rias hugged him to try and help him stay under control.

Still, what if the alternative was losing Rias? 'No!' Gasper started to hyperventilate, he couldn't bear to lose Rias. She was more like a mother than his own mother had ever been to him.

Feeling Gasper shake, Rias whispered to him softly. "You don't have to do it if you really don't want to, I promise." Rias cared too much about her Peerage to force them into situations where she knew they would be uncomfortable.

"How can you help me?" Gasper loved Rias, he didn't want her to marry someone she didn't love. But he was just so scared. He didn't want her to suffer, but he didn't see how he could do anything more than get in the way.

Rias pulled back and stood up, beckoning Lelouch over to her side. When she nodded at him, Lelouch looked down at the little boy in front of him, trembling in fear.

Gasper was taller than Koneko but compared to her, his fear made him seem so much smaller. Deciding to make the Dhampir as comfortable as possible, Lelouch slowly sat down and shared his suggestion.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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