
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 112: Teasingly

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Gasper stammered out, his tears slowly subsiding as he stared up at Koneko's cat-like grin. "P-Play what?" The Bishop stammered suspiciously.

"Meet and greet." Koneko deadpanned as she slowly dragged the crossdressing Bishop over to the foot of his bed. Completely ignoring the blubbering he let out as he tried to scramble out of her grip.

After much protestation, Gasper was plopped down at the foot of his bed where Lelouch was sitting about a foot away from him.

Koneko sat the Dhampir down and wrapped an arm around his shoulders before she gestured widely with the other one. "Gaspie, meet Lelouch.

Lelouch, this is Gaspie." Her mischievous grin grew. "Gaspie's a boy, but he likes to play dress up." Koneko pulled at his cheek teasingly. "Isn't that right, Gaspie?"

The response from the Bishop was muffled as his face was stretched out by the Nekoshou next to him, but Lelouch got the gist of it. "It's nice to meet you Gasper.

" Lelouch carefully held out a hand for the young boy to take before something odd happened. He blinked as he felt a sudden shift before he realized he wasn't reaching his hand out for Gasper to shake anymore.

'R-Rolo.' Lelouch felt his heart skip a beat and gasped sharply. "W-What happened?" He stammered quietly. Did… did what he think just happen actually happen?

"Gasper, please down from there." Rias asked softly as she stared at the top of the canopy over Gasper's bed.

Lelouch and Koneko looked up at Rias' words and saw the Bishop clutching the hook in the ceiling that connected the canopy that held his drapes over his bed.

"I don't wanna!" Gasper whined plaintively as he stared down at the trio. "New people scare me!" Gasper began to cry again. "I know I've been working really hard, but it's so different meeting someone new when I can see their face.

" Tears fell onto Gasper's coffin as his crying began to worsen. "It's nothing like meeting someone online." Gasper's form shook as he cried, almost losing his balance.

Koneko allowed her wings to manifest as she flew up to pat Gasper on his shoulder. "Why don't we play some of the new games Rias got you last week?" Koneko offered, her olive branch tentatively extended to try and comfort the scared Dhampir.

"You can tell me how you've been while we play." Gasper's tears didn't stop entirely, but they did lessen as he slowly took Koneko's extended hand.

Forming his own wings, the pair slowly flew back down to the ground and Koneko led Gasper over to where a somewhat large television was laid out surrounded by a number of different video game consoles Lelouch didn't recognize. "What would you like to play first?" Koneko offered to let the young boy choose their game.

While the Rook and Bishop paired off and began to play, Lelouch rose from his position on the floor, his hands trembling. "What… What happened?" He whispered as he sensed Rias step up behind him. That… shift. It felt almost exactly like when Rolo used his Geass.

"Forbidden Balor View, a Sacred Gear that stops time within the wielder's line of sight." Rias answered softly as she watched Koneko start up the television so she and Gasper could begin playing. "And that's not all, Gasper's also a Dhampir.

He's half-vampire and as a result has been despised by both his vampire relatives and human relatives to such a degree that he's terrified of meeting new people because he thinks they'll think he's a monster." Rias didn't normally like to share her friends' stories without their consent, but she knew Gasper wouldn't share his past on his own.

"I ran into him outside of a small town in Transylvania after I snuck my way onto one of my brother's diplomatic missions." She had gotten in a lot of trouble for that, but she felt it was worth it. "I found him wandering the countryside all alone and saved his life." Here, she let out a small smile.

"Before he met Koneko, the only one he would have a conversation with was me or my brother. She helped bring him out of his shell, though her methods are a little unorthodox."

As Koneko flipped up Gasper's skirt to distract him and gain the upper hand in their game, Lelouch had to agree. "Unorthodox seems to be putting it lightly." He deadpanned as Gasper squealed just like a girl as he blushed before he forced his skirt back down.

Rias seemed to have a talent for finding Peerage members with difficult or dark pasts. Lelouch found himself mildly amused as he watched Gasper argue with Koneko about cheating before she flipped the boy's skirt again. "He's acting almost… normal." Lelouch observed, a wry grin on his face.

"Unfortunately, Gasper's agoraphobia prevents him from leaving this room comfortably." Rias shared as she and Lelouch watched the Bishop and Rook continue to play.

A proud smile graced her face as she watched Gasper refuse to surrender without a fight, pulling Koneko's hair to return the favor and distract her, though his skirt got flipped again and he backed down quickly. "Gasper's made so much progress, but the instant he leaves the room his fear prevents him from doing anything aside from desperately trying to get back inside."

Lelouch stared at the young Dhampir as he played with the Nekoshou, the excitement on the boy's face visible while Koneko's enjoyment was signaled solely by the small smirk on her lips as she stared determinedly at the screen.

"Gasper mentioned seeing people's faces." Lelouch started, an idea slowly forming in his mind. "Does he have the same reaction when other people see his face if even if he doesn't see theirs?" He asked curiously.

"What are you getting at?" Rias asked, staring at Lelouch as she could practically see the gears turning in his mind. "I don't think we could get everyone to wear a mask around Gasper, that's just not possible." Besides, all anyone from Riser's Peerage would have to do is take their mask off and the terrified Bishop would freeze again.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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