
DxD: Infernal Destroyer

Abaddon Bael, the eldest son of the lord of house Bael and twin of Sairaorg Bael, was born with the power of destruction at his fingertips. He was born in the center of a political maelstrom within the Underworld as his existence meant a lot of things. How will he survive in this dark world that’s full of conspiracies and betrayal? How will his existence affect the course of this huge and complicated world? ============================================= MC is a normal devil with the power of destruction. No plot knowledge and no bullshit cheats. Just overpowered, though it’s a gradual growth as he isn’t instantly the strongest of all worlds. Also slight AU, I guess. Also, I'm gonna be going slowly and developing the characters in this one, adding some slice of life to the story along with some fun action. If you’ve read my other works, you know that I write quite a bit of R-18 in my content. And DXD is a story ripe to be milked when it comes to that kind of content (Not a pun). I hope this is a fun ride. ============================================= I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters of the story on my Patreon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

DxD 0100: Teaching Sona a Lesson *

"You think you can just ditch me if I don't forcefully bring you to me, do you?" Abaddon's tone sent shivers down Sona's spine and she whimpered despite the collar pressuring her throat, preventing her from speaking.

He snapped his fingers and the rainy atmosphere dissipated, returning the sky to its previous sunny. Abaddon also loosened the restrictions of the collar and allowed Sona to speak.

"I-I checked your room… You weren't there." She explained, but Abaddon roughly grabbed her jaw and turned her face toward him before saying, "Now that's just bullshit, Aika told me that she knocked on your door to tell you that I was back in my room."

"I w-was asleep…" She said.

"Mere excuses, Sona. You don't expect me to only show you my affection without your reciprocation, do you?" As he said those words, Sona felt a gust of wind and shivered when she realized that she was standing in the middle of the street, completely naked like some exhibitionist. When she instinctively tried to summon herself some clothes, she found that even her demonic energy had been completely blocked by the restraints that Abaddon had put all over her body.

She felt her frontal body completely on display with nothing but a corset that was wrapped around her waist. Her chest and slit were in the open for anyone to see.

"I'll-I'll pay more attention from next time…" She stuttered while feeling extremely conscious. She wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from the emerging citizens as they started coming out after the devastating battle that they had just seen.

"No, I think you need a more direct lesson to help lessen your shyness," Abaddon said and Sona felt genuinely terrified.

"I will kill myself if you go too far…" She threatened.

"Aww… Look at my Sona acting brave. Are you scared that I'll let those weaklings see you in such a vulnerable state?" He asked with a sadistic glint in his eyes, "The heiress of the house of Sitri, naked and tied up like an exhibitionist slut in the middle of the street. Sounds like a nice headline, no?"

"P-please, Abaddon." She pleaded as Abaddon's sadistic desires were ignited.

"My next set of actions will depend on your service. Turn to me and kneel." He said to her, freeing her jaw and waist.

Sona knew that she was stuck in a very dangerous situation and it was best to listen to Abaddon right now, 'At worst, I'll remove their memories later on…' She decided to compromise, having a backup plan even if Abaddon decided to break his word and give these strangers a show.

In her restrained state, Sona slowly hopped and turned on her feet. Her natural balance was enough to prevent her from falling even though she was more of a mage and didn't train her body.

She gave Abaddon a begrudging look as he put his hand on top of her head and pushed her down onto her knees.

"Can you take off your pants?" She looked up.

Looking down at Sona who looked so unbearably submissive, Abaddon's dick twitched as he started getting hard. He said to her, "Get creative, Sona. You're servicing me. I shouldn't have to do anything."

His words only sparked a wave of despair in Sona. She pressed her face against his abdomen and tried to pull down his pants with difficulty. At that moment, she felt a huge amount of mana gathering above her.

She looked up and saw that Abaddon was casting a spell, "Get to work, Sona. Or this spell's effects might be different from what you want."

Abaddon's threat worked perfectly as Sona realized that he might be sadistic, but he did care about her. It was at this point that she decided to give into Abaddon's whims and turned off her overprocessing brain. She was going to listen to Abaddon's words.

As she freed his dick with some difficulty, Abaddon cast a large-scale spell that modified the memories of everyone in the vicinity who witnessed his and Sona's fight. He was working by the usual supernatural world protocol. Since they didn't fight in a hidden location or dimension, they had to remove the traces of their fight.

Doing the next best thing, he was going to make the people think that there was a gas explosion that destroyed a couple of the buildings.

As for Sona, she finally freed his shaft and took him into her mouth without a moment of hesitation. He wasn't fully hard yet, but she could feel him getting larger inside her mouth. She kept moving her head back and forth, devouring all of him and enjoying the feeling of his dick getting larger within her mouth. Soon though, she couldn't take it all and was forced to stop a little ways from his pelvis. Although Sona's mouth had reached the limit, Abaddon's dick was still getting harder.

When Abaddon was done with the large-scale spell, his hand rested on top of Sona's head as she looked up at him with an aroused gaze while continuing to take him into her mouth.

"You're such a sexy devil, Sona. All you need to do is to be more open with your desires…" Abaddon smiled at Sona while running his fingers through her hair. Feeling his gentle caresses, she closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of his hands going through her as she continued sucking him with gusto.

As for Abaddon, he regained that sadistic glint in his eyes that would send a shiver down Sona's spine if she saw it. He cast a magic circle under the both of them and they disappeared from their position in the middle of the street.

In the middle of Kuoh Academy's central hall, the students were still moving around and were about to move to their class when they saw something glowing and moved their gazes to it. They saw a yellow circle with intricate patterns appearing in the center of the room that had hundreds of students. With a flash of bright light, the circle disappeared.

"Ah!" One of the girls exclaimed when she noticed two familiar people appearing, "Sona-kaichou… And Abaddon-senpai…" She seemed to be a junior from the same year as Koneko.

Hearing her exclaim, almost everyone realized the identities of the adulterous couple that had appeared in the middle of almost two hundred students.

Weirdly enough, The room only contained women, even though it was supposed to be the most passed-by location in the school.

"Look at her…" One of the girls pointed.

"She looks like a thirsty slut…" Another commented.

"I wanna be tied up like that…" The voice was drowned out as the girl hid in the crowd.

As for the main characters of the event, Sona heard the exclaims from around and her eyes opened wide as she tried to pull away, but Abaddon's grip suddenly got tighter, "Keep going." His words seemed like an irrevocable command to Sona as she couldn't help but keep going for a few seconds before she heard the comments from the surrounding girls once again and tried to pull away.

"How disobedient." Abaddon sighed and grabbed the sides of her head, holding her still. Sona's eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do. With her brain working at a tiny fraction of her usual capacity due to her previous experience, she could only close her eyes and leave herself at Abaddon's mercy.

Sadly for her, even though she'd closed her eyes as Abaddon roughly fucked her mouth, she kept clearly hearing each and every comment that was made about her current state. The women surrounding her and Abaddon started with expressions of disbelief, but slowly that changed to disdain. Hearing their comments, Sona felt like she was nothing more than a piece of meat to be used by Abaddon.

Soon enough, "Take it in, Sona…" Abaddon commented to Sona and the surrounding comments also followed.

"Is she going to drink everything?"

"What a slut…"

"She should've never become the student council president."

"What a disgrace to the academy."

With the insults piling higher and higher on Sona's psyche, Abaddon finally came and forced Sona to drink it all.

"Indeed, she's nothing more than a thirsty bitch…"

"We need to elect a new president…"

"Someone so disgraceful can never be our role model…"

At some point, the insults seemed to stop affecting Sona as she just took in all of Abaddon's cum and even gave him a few licks to clean him out. Ignoring the surrounding jeers, she just buried her face in Abaddon's crotch, full of shame for her actions.

Sadly for her, Abaddon wasn't done yet.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her face away from his crotch, making her look at him.

"We aren't done yet." He said to her and Sona shivered, 'Why am I so aroused by this…' She couldn't help but focus on her needy pussy that was gushing with liquids full of arousal.

Abaddon made her stand and turned her around, forcing her to look at her peers and juniors. Even as she closed her eyes, he said, "Look at them, these are your fellow students. And they've seen such a shameful side of you…" Abaddon mercilessly teased her and pressed her against a table. Sona didn't realize where the table came from, but it did appear and she was pressed on it with her ass protruding in Abaddon's direction as he kept his hold on her hair and forced her to confront her fellow students.

"Tell them what you feel…" He said while pressing his fingers on her dripping core. He didn't think that she would say anything, but it was worth a try.

"Ahn~ You're teasing my slutty pussy with your fingers…" She said and she instantly felt like she'd crossed a line that she shouldn't have. But it was only a slight surprise for Abaddon as he smiled devilishly and said, "Good girl…" He rewarded her by penetrating her pussy with his fingers, "Keep telling the girls what you're experiencing."

"Ahn~" Her body shook as she spoke, "Abaddon penetrated me with his fingers… Ahn~ I'm dripping my juices all over the floor."

"I'm such a slut… Ahn~ that I can't help but feel turned on… when so many people are looking at me in such a slutty state." She was pouring everything out as Abaddon continued fingering her.

"Ahn~" She pulled her head back, "I don't deserve to be the president… I don't want anything but him…" She said everything as continued fingering her.

"Mhaa~" She moaned again, "He's teasing my clitoris… I'm so sensitive that I'm going to cum soon… In front of everyone, I'm going to ruin myself…"

'Holy fuck, Sona is a freak…' Abaddon thought to himself while continuing his actions. He even went as far as to start teasing her anal rim, but Sona's enthusiasm didn't seem to be fading.

"I'm so close… I'm going to cum in front of everyone. Make me cum, Abaddon~" Sona's voice came as a scream as she wiggled her ass and Abaddon's fingering finally pushed her off of the edge, making her body convulse and she came with a band.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming in front of everyone~" She moaned loudly as her body shook and she fell limp on the table. She didn't have any strength left, and with her arms and legs still tied up in the strict bondage, she wasn't going to go anywhere.

Within a few seconds, "Abaddon, my magic…" Sona's voice had a sense of desperation.

"What?" He was genuinely confused.

"Free the seal, please…" She pleaded desperately, "I need to wipe them…" Abaddon understood from Sona's words why she was getting so worked up.

"Oh don't worry about that. It was just an illusion." Abaddon told her as Sona's eyes widened.

At that moment, Sona saw the girls from her school, and the surrounding building, everything dissolving into fine particles that went into the walls. As for the new room, it was a completely white chamber.


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