
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 71

Although he didn't say it out loud though, Riser was quite impressed by Shin. His sacred gear was really something. Riser wasn't naive enough to think that Shin was just fighting through the pain. No. Riser knew that Shin had used his sacred gear to somehow completely stop himself from feeling the pain in the first place. It was really quite impressive.

Shin, however, was panicking. He hadn't realized it before, but the control aspect of his sacred gear has a drawback that he hadn't noticed until just now. Whenever he uses the control side of his sacred gear, it drains his physical stamina, very similar to the Boosted Gears boosts. He hadn't noticed it before because using it to control elements here and there was nothing, the drain was almost inconceivable.

However, using his sacred gear to forcefully shut off all the pain receptors in the entire right side of his body, was not as small of a drain, it was quite big in fact.

It wasn't the first time this happened, it had happened multiple times before, like when he absorbed holy magic, or when he absorbed the Power of Destruction, but he had just figured that was his body being sore due to the changes that had happened to it. But now, he wasn't quite so sure of that.

However, now was not the time to dwell on that. Luckily, due to the damages done to his body, everyone would just assume that is the reason why he was drained physically, and not because of his sacred gear. After all, it wouldn't do good for everyone to know his sacred gears' weaknesses.

So, as to distract from that, Shin quickly engaged back into combat, shocking Riser with his sudden choice. Riser had just enough time to raise his hands up to block Shin's sudden incoming punch. The punch connected with Riser's crossed arms, sending him skidding back a good way.

"So, that's how it's going to be then?" Riser said, chuckling. "Very well then." Riser said, his flaming wings coming out of his back and launching forward at Shin at great speeds. In response, Shin's body once again became consumed in an arc of lightning, his eyes glowing purple, and the most shocking of all, his magic was significantly stronger than it had been before.

Shin and Riser met each other head-on, Riser deciding to throw the first punch, a right hook aimed for Shin's head. Raising his arm, Shin blocked the punch with his forearm, ignoring the sting he felt from the power behind Riser's punch, throwing a hook of his own with his left hand instead. Riser reacted quickly, pulling his head back, the punch whiffing in front of his face. Shin, however, didn't give him a chance to counterattack, and quickly moved forward, much too quickly for Riser to react, and planted his knee into Riser's stomach.

Riser hunched forward, breathless as he wasn't prepared for the attack. Not stopping there, however, Shin struck his left hand out and hit Riser in the neck, crushing his larynx.

Riser stumbled back, clutching at his neck, unable to breathe. Striking out again, Shin spun in a clockwise arc, his right leg leading him and connecting with the side of Riser's face, sending him crashing to the ground, skidding across it.

Shin stood there, slightly hunched over, breathing heavily. The drain of keeping his pain receptors disabled quickly catching up with. The longer they were disabled, the harder it was to keep them like that.

Looking to Riser, it only took him a few seconds to get up off the ground, his larynx completely healed, and besides a few heavy breaths, completely fine. "That's quite a kick you got there." Riser commented off offhandedly, flexing his jaw. "But look at you, it looks like your going to drop at any second from exhaustion. Just give up." Riser pointed out.

It wasn't exactly wrong, Shin was exhausted, and was getting more exhausted with every second that passed. And that is exactly why he didn't have time to stop and chat. He had to end this before he passed out from exhaustion.

Rocketing forward once again, Shin showed that although he hadn't been a devil very long, his combat prowess was much larger than Riser's. Although Riser this time was expecting Shin to outright attack once again, it didn't matter. He threw out a right punch to try and hit Shin on his way to him, but Shin easily countered it, grabbing his wrist with his left hand while simultaneously bringing his left hand up palm facing the sky and hitting Riser's extended arm at the elbow, a sickening snap resounding throughout the field as Riser's elbow now had one of his bones protruding from the skin.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked still by Shin's brutality. Sure, they had all seen much more brutal things happen to people in fights, but it wasn't something they were expecting from such a young devil, especially not the happy-go-lucky Shin they had all seen so far.

However, Shin didn't simply stop there. Using Riser's shock to his advantage, he threw a quick right elbow into Riser's jaw, satisfied with the sickening crunch he could feel from Riser's jaw. Not stopping there either though, his left hand was already on the move, grabbing his throwing knife from his belt loop, and gliding through the air, slitting Riser's throat without a second's hesitation.

Shin's mind had only one focus, one goal at the moment. Win. Whatever horrific things he had to do to achieve that was irrelevant. He would beat himself up over his decisions later, but one thing he could not allow at the moment was for him to lose.

The lightning arcing around Shin's body once again kicked up in intensity, signifying Shin was preparing another attack. The lighting crawled along his body, sparking in a path towards his right leg as he swung it high, the lightning exploding in a beautiful array of sparks in all directions as it came into contact with Riser's jaw, sending him rocketing back.

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