
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 70 f*ck you

The lightning continued on its path towards Riser, crashing into the ground with a resounding electrified explosion, sending rock debris rocketing in all directions and kicking up a large cloud of pulverized rock dust.

Shin's body once again started arcing with lightning, his eyes still glowing an eerie purple, his breathy slightly labored. He couldn't afford to give Riser a seconds break, this was a battle of attrition. The only way he was going to beat Riser is if he overwhelmed him and never gave him a second to breathe.

With this in mind, the lightning sparking off his body increased in intensity as he allowed the full brunt of his demonic magic be released, the lightning sparking off and hitting the ground all around him, leaving scorch marks everywhere. His hair, reacting to the electricity in the air, started to slowly raise mystically, and his eyes glowed an almost blinding purple, which, when all combined, gave off a very intimidating appearance.

One moment Shin was crouching on the ground, the next he rocketed off at neck-breaking speeds, a trail of lightning arcing off behind him, leaving a trail of scorch marks on the ground. In what felt like an instant, he was upon the explosion area, the wind generated from his speed blowing away most of the dust, revealing that unexpectedly, Riser hadn't just tanked the hit, relying on his regenerative capabilities like he always did. This put Shin on edge, quickly looking around, he saw just in time that once again, a giant fireball was headed his way. Reacting quickly, he used his speed to dodge the fireball, somewhat impressed by Riser.

It seems Riser was starting to take this fight more seriously if he was trying to come up with plans to catch him off guard. However, to Shin's horror and shock, it seemed Riser was much smarter than Shin had given credit to.

Just as he stopped to get his bearings after dodging that fireball, he felt the immense heat of another one already on his ass and moving very quickly. However, it was obvious this one wasn't sent just recently. This one was sent before Shin had dodged the first fireball, meaning Riser had predicted exactly how Shin was going to react to the first one and planned accordingly.

Shin was getting ready to dodge it, when he felt the heat of another fireball coming from behind him. 'Shit!' Shin thought, pinched on both his front and back by a fireball. The amount of time it would take to turn his body and dodge, the fireballs would already hit, he also couldn't teleport away as he had his throwing knife in his hands. Maybe, if he had more time to think about how to get out of this situation, he would see a solution, but at the moment, that was all he had, a moment.

However, even though he most likely wouldn't have enough time to pull off dodging the two fireballs, it was better than doing nothing, so he took the only option he could see at the moment. Turning, he could feel the heat of the two fireballs already scorching his skin, however, he didn't have time to worry about that. Moving as quickly as he could, pushing as hard as he possibly could, he tried to get out of the path of the two fireballs.

Everyone sat with bated breaths as the two fireballs collided, combining into a beautiful ball of turbulent flames, swirling around in a violent maelstrom. No one being able to see if Shin had gotten out of the way in time.

The fire continued to swirl for a few seconds before slowly dissipating into the air, a form slowly being revealed behind the fire. The form was still blocked by the smoke from the fire, however, from what everyone could see, it was unmoving and most likely on its knees.

As the smoke dissipated, it revealed Shin to be on his knees, the entirety of the right side of his torso burned horrifically by Riser's flames, his skin still smoking and sizzling.

Shin's entire body was shaking, having trouble even processing thoughts due to the immense amount of pain he was in. However, he was still able to faintly hear Riser's footsteps approaching him.

Slowly, Shin looked up, his eyes hooded, barely able to keep them open. Riser was standing ten feet from him, looking down at him with a bit of sympathy. "You know, I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting you to be as strong as you are. I'm sure that if it wasn't for my regeneration, I wouldn't even be a challenge to you. I commend you for that." Riser said calmly, the respect in his voice obvious.

"But, I mean, come one, what did you honestly expect? That you would come in here, ruin a plan years in the making, and beat me? ME? Don't make me laugh!" Riser said condescendingly, taking a few steps closer.

"Your strong, I'll give you that Shin Hyoudou, stronger than me. But you never stood a chance, and that's just the plain truth." In response, Shin's body stopped shaking, a sudden calm coming over him.

"Are you done?" Shin's voice whispered, the coldness in it sending shivers down most people's spines. "Because do you honestly think, that this, is enough to beat me? ME?" Shin asked, his voice getting louder and louder.

Shin slowly stood up, looking down at his burnt skin, showing no traces of feeling any pain. And that's because he didn't.

"You ruined my shirt," Shin said, his voice full of controlled rage, his voice still labored, however.

Riser snorted. "Well, if you didn't want it to get ruined, you probably shouldn't have worn it to a fight." Riser pointed out.

Shin paused for a second. "Alright, fair point." Shin conceded, "But still, fuck you." Shin said, smirking. Riser could only smirk back in response, meanwhile, Rias was up in the stands, her hand on her forehead shaking it back and forth and muttering hatefully something about only Shin being so stupid.

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