
DxD: Golden Peerage

[Do you desire to save your race from extinction? if so... accomplish a mission for me and I shall bring your race not only to salvation but also... supremacy!] Those were the words prompted in the mysterious screen in front of her as blood kept pouring out of her wounds, for Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil in the middle of the civil war against the Old Satan Faction; there could not be more treacherous yet hope-inducing words, it could be a trap, but it could not. She had the option to choose between 'Yes' and 'No'. For her who was at the edge of death with a family that needed support and a cause to fight for, there was not much of a choice. Little did she know, the mission she was tasked to do wouldn't be a simple or common one. In the faraway multiverse of Helius, one of the most powerful entities in endless existence slumbered atop his myriad treasures when his senses perceived something that shouldn't be possible. Intruders were common; Intruders remaining in his realm this long without perishing... were extremely rare. Upon appearing before the silver-haired maiden in odd attire, he huffed a breath frightening enough to make the strongest gods flee on the spot, but she remained in place - conflicted, but in place. "Before you perish, tell me... what is an ant like you doing in my realm? and why are you still alive?" Disbelief was concealed in his mighty voice. The maid thought a lot about what words had to come out of her lips for her to survive this hurdle, eventually, with her century-worth of experience in romance, she managed to find a fitting answer. "You're the Primordial Golden Dragon God, Richter-sama, right?" She asked with serenity. "Sama? I don't know about that... but you're correct. With your foot standing on my treasury realm, do you still dare ask about my identity, Demoness? you haven't-" "Richter-sama... my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm here to conquer your lonely heart" "..." ** ** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere

Photosphere · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs

Supressed Feelings

[Richter's POV]

"Master, we will be waiting for you outside; Is the time dilation working right now?" Grayfia approached me and took my sleeve. Everything that I needed to settle with them is already done, however... I'll give them a headstart.

"No, it isn't working yet. You will all be allowed to meet your family once before re-entering this space. Tomorrow I shall wait for you here in the Lucifuge Territory"

These kids are going to be spending thousands of years here. Since they're so determined to stay for the last second I'll allow them to at least say their temporary farewells to their families.

"Yes! Thanks, Richter-sama!"

They all bowed towards me again, I didn't like it... it feels awkward to be bowed at due to gratitude and not fear. A hand placed itself on my shoulder, it was Layla.

"I will guide them back to the underworld, brother-in-law... wait for me tonight~" those last few arousing words were left with a whisper; she delivered a swift kiss to my cheeks before Li Suo snapped her fingers and everyone disappeared except for my Nephilim girls, Li Suo and Grayfia.

"I never took you for one to feel emotions, master... if you want to cry you can cry~" Li Suo leaned down in front of me with a smiling expression, placing her hand on my chest in a rubbing manner.


"I'm not crying, Li Suo..." I said with a slight growl.


Clearly, she doesn't fear me enough.

"It is related to Monique, right?~" Grayfia did much the same, placing a kiss on her master's cheek and not trying to conceal how proud she felt of the display she had seen earlier.

"Yes, somehow their words reminded me of her but I'm feeling well, Grayfia... no need to worry".

"I knew~ I'll be back as well, master... I'm waiting for you in our bed".

"I will be there~"

Li Suo pouted and snapped her fingers, having Grayfia disappear from within the space of the Eternal Heaven Pearl.

"You love her, don't you?~"

"Plenty" Richter wondered why she acting all cryptic all of a sudden, walking around him in circles within the Eternal Heaven Pearl.



"A long time ago I was courted by the strongest dragon in primal chaos. His name was Long Yin, the Primordial Azure Dragon God and just like you he reached heights beyond imaginable for a mortal. He was a genius though not at your scale. What you achieved in twenty thousand years, it took him two million years. What you achieved in a hundred thousand years… he never managed to achieve".

"What's your point?" He crossed his arms, wondering where this conversation was leading.

"My point is that you're too young for the amount of power you have. Master… great power conveys great responsibility and I can tell that responsibility has weighed a lot on your young shoulders".

"And what about you… with that beauty, I didn't take you for one to surrender herself to a man or Dragon. If one thing I know is that existences like you are not simple, Li Suo" He placed his rough hands on her rather slim delicate shoulders; slanting a giggle from the creation goddess that turned around to do much the same with his own shoulders, rubbing them as if they were precious silk.

"Maybe?~ maybe I just fancy you, master… maybe I plot to take over your mind in your sleep… maybe I'm interested in how good you are at mating and I want to taste it… maybe I want to spite Jie Yuan since she's yours. Or maybe I just respect your immense strength".


"Maybe it is all of them or none of them~ it is said curiosity is the landmark of love, are you curious about my intentions?".

"Li Suo, being submissive is not like yourself" This time, Jie Yuan's voice resonated in the space, she hadn't departed and instead was shamelessly eavesdropping.

"I'm different from you, Jie Yuan... I'm capable to change like all life that thrives and transforms".

The goddess tip-toed until her back was towards Richter; she then bent down and placed her rather full butt clad in silk on his crotch.

"…" (Richter)

"…" (Jie Yuan)

She then didn't do anything else. But Richter could see her progressive blushing expression.

"What are you doing?" His eyebrows twitched.

"S-Seducing you? Isn't this arousing?".


He didn't know if laughing or crying was the most appropriate. As for Jie Yuan, the Devil Emperor didn't hold back at all.


"Jie Yuan, you…" Listening to the maddened laughter from the Devil Emperor, Li Suo couldn't remember when was the last time she ever heard her release such a burst of joyous and amused laughter, which only made her more irritated when she saw that even Richter was resisting the urge to laugh.

"Master! Please refrain from turning into a savage lustful beast by her unparalleled seduction!" There was enough sarcasm in there to fill up the whole Eternal Heaven Pearl.

Li Suo was fuming.

"Could it be…" Richter rubbed his temples, he thought even Ni Jie could do a better job than this.

"This woman is the epitome of purity… for billions of years she didn't do so much as get close to the opposite gender. To actually try and seduce you... stop ridiculing yourself, Li Suo".

"What is the story between you two?" Richter had already sensed quite a bit of bad blood between the two of them to the point even he was interested to know what was the background between them.

"Ni Xuan courted her before me but got mercilessly rejected just like Long Yin or any other God that placed their eyes on her… he then -heartbroken- settled for me. Simple as that" Jie Yuan materialised back in that world, downgrading the whole issue to the nanometric scale.

"Simple as that?~ didn't you resent me perpetually because he courted me first while you were left behind in the dust? I don't think it was anything simple~ even now I have a closer more intimate relationship with Master. I'm his treasure spirit so we're joined in spirit and mind" Li Suo didn't shy away from taking Richter's arm and clutching it tightly against her cleavage.

Jie Yuan wanted to snort and do the same, but when she thought about the implications... her hand shivered and she retreated, clenching them tightly.

"I resented you because you are a Creation Goddess while I am a Devil Emperor. This is this and that is that!"


"Let's leave this topic for later. What did you want to tell me, Li Suo?" Richter's hand slithered down until he cupped a tight feel of Li Suo's bubbly butt. The Goddess yelped out of his reach with a face as crimson as a tomato. Her reaction only made Richter know that this lady was quite far away from any 'stain'. She couldn't be any purer.

"M-Master, your hand…"

"What's wrong with it?~"

"*cough!* Nothing…" Li Suo patted her butt and fixed her skirt, turning around and refusing to look at his face as she floated towards the core of the Eternal Heaven Pearl. Richter and Jie Yuan followed after him, with the former trying to ignore the Devil Emperor's piercing glare.

"I-I just wanted to tell you about some things. The Eternal Heaven Pearl is being used right now to store energy… I originally planned this to serve you. You should know the reason why you get dizzy while using overwhelming amounts of energy is that the faith of primordial gold that you used during our battle with Regalzeva was way greater compared to the amount that arrives from Helius. All of it because you're not in your home multiverse".

"I realised this. Do you have a way to fix this?"

"Previously, in order to be in this world you discarded that energy completely. Now with the Eternal Heaven Pearl, I can store it instead for future use inside this space a great amount of it will be used in order for the time dilation function to work, but if I regulate it enough, there will be still an immense amount of strength we can use for future battles. This will make it so that the next time you need it. You won't have to wait for it to pile up from Helius and you won't be feeling dizzy either".

"That is a good idea Li Suo" He caressed her golden hair, which was a subject that had been bothering him ever since the incident in the dimensional gap... it was something that even Regalzeva mentioned. He was too dependent on Helius and he planned to fix that precisely by consuming the Devastator's core.

"Then you can praise me more…"

"You're hopeless… so much for a woman that said she'd never fall for anyone" Jie Yuan snickered with a shaking head that resembled disappointment.

"Shut up. Why are you even here? I called for Lord Richter, not you".

"I'm here because I'm his sword and I can be here…"

'These two...' He didn't know how many times he had rubbed his temples today. Those two were extremely useful but when placed together... their relationship was more venomous than how Grayfia and Layla had initially been.

"Anyway master, how about giving me that Queen Piece instead of Jie Yuan?~ since she's busy mourning her husband. I can serve you better".

It was then that Li Suo threaded upon an unforgiving subject. The moment Jie Yuan heard that, she didn't appreciate it at all.



Darkness spread from her body and her previously amused tone had turned into a serious one filled with killing intent towards the creation goddess. She wasn't joking.

Such was her seriousness that even Richter was astounded. He didn't know she was so looking forward to being his queen.

"So much for mourning your husband~ and you dare to mock me?"

"I won't forget this..." Jie Yuan wanted to depart, once again not having the face to look at her master right into his eyes, but Richter held her wrist. After what she had previously said in front of everyone. He couldn't forget it.

The matter of who was going to be his next Queen was one he had been considering deeply since both Layla and Gabrel considered themselves underserving of that spot... even Fia had declined. Such being the case in his mind there was only Ether to take that spot and as much as he hated himself for it, even Destiny's silhouette flashed in his mind sometimes.

Jie Yuan had shown that she had what it takes.

"If you want it you can have it" he stated resolutely. But Jie Yuan didn't answer or turn around for a while, not releasing the grasp he had on her wrist.

"... please give me more time. I want to be your Queen, but it wouldn't be right to do so right away. My husband has been dead for millions of years, but I only learned about it a few days ago. I hope you understand me... you went through the same, right?"

"..." It was precisely because they had gone through the same that Richter couldn't force her. But at the same time, he contemplated a feeling in his heart that he didn't like.

"You're such a selfish Devil Emperor".

Jie Yuan felt herself get pulled by the waist and before she even knew it, her lips were being claimed.


She gasped at the sudden moistness and warmth, a feeling she had almost forgotten... she didn't even remember how a kiss felt like. Initially, her hand grasped Richter's chest but the thought of resistance disappeared so fast she almost didn't feel it.

The Devil Emperor closed her eyes and clung onto his clothes for a few seconds until the kiss receded and gasping she placed her forehead on his chest, unable to believe what just happened and how much she enjoyed it.


"I can allow you to mourn him, Jie Yuan. But you're MY sword. Remember that".

"I know..."