
Problems with getting Isekaid

I was about three-years-old when I had to deal with the confusion that results from stuffing a lifetime of experiences into the brain of a toddler.

Was it a lifetime? I'm still not sure.

All I know is that suddenly I went from being an average three-year-old to an average three-year-old with all the knowledge and personality of a 20 something writer. I had no idea how I got here, the last thing I remember was me blowing myself up.


I wake up to the feeling of the light hitting my face and as a custom, as a habitual procrastinator I try to turn away to steal a few more minutes of sleep.

As I twist about in my blanket, still partially dozing, I can't help the feeling of something being amiss. I figure it can wait for later as right now the simple joy of curling in my bed is dulling any and all concerns that are sure to make themselves known once the time to roll out of bed came.

Considering the amount of light coming in through windows, I'd wager I have about fifteen minutes before the maids come to rouse me for breakfast. Might as well make the best of what little time I have left curled up in my blanket.




'I'm pretty sure that I'm a poverty-stricken writer. I live alone in my apartment and could barely afford rent, let alone maids. Wait, is that really the truth?'

Except that wasn't true.

Memories then slowly saturated my once inept mind.

I'm a child of what is apparently a family of nobles. I have maids that take care of me.

And my name is Riser? Yeah, definitely Riser, no duality there. At this point, I'm not sure if that should be disconcerting or not.

While I am confronting clear memories of living in, what I now realize to be a very privileged lifestyle for as long as I can remember myself, a significant part of my mind is repeatedly attempting to assert that none of that makes any sense at all. That this is some weird dream at best, or maybe a brain seizure. Heck, a child isn't even capable of handling this level of confusion without bawling their eyes out.

The damnedest part is that while my mind is trying to assure me that I am an adult by drawing memories to contradict my current perception, the resultant images are only increasing my confusion.

Starting to feel lightheaded, I realize that I've been hyperventilating for a few minutes now. I make myself stop examining my mental state and begin to take slow, forceful breaths to try calm myself and avoid blacking out, the last thing I need right now is to draw attention to myself. What I need is to stop, take stock, and reach some equilibrium.

To that end I swing my feet off the bed, get up and start wobbling towards what one set of memories which tells me that there should be a door to a bathroom with toilet and equipped with a lavish vanity.

Pushing the door open and stepping on a stool (and wasn't that a foreign concept), I reach for the faucet to wash my fact when a familiar stranger greets me in the mirror.

Light skin. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Definitely still a toddler.

'What the actual fuck?'



I've been trying to come to terms with whatever it is that happened to me for most of the day as I've gone through the motions that seemed to be the norm to me, or who I was, or the body I inhabited, or however you want to put it. Sigh.

After the shock I received in the bathroom, I trudged back to my bed and waited for one of the maids to arrive, to rouse me and ensure to take care of my hygiene needs, and got dressed to face the day. I plodded down to breakfast where the cuisine, along with the lavish interior decors, clued me in that I was in some European country.

After eating, I was then prompted for morning classes. My class was composed of what you'd expect of education for three-year-olds, mostly reciting words, letters and correcting pronunciation with a lot of colorful pictures and very slow pacing to account for the sparse attention span that age usually showed with plenty of games in between.

Thankfully, it seemed that the prior rudimentary understanding the three-year-old part of my current self, combined with the mindset of my adult self, elevated my mastery of the language to the point it seemed I practically absorbed everything my tutor said and showed.

Following that was lunch in which the food's European theme persisted.

Later it seemed that I had no more dues and so I was released to play in the house's playrooms and its large yard. I followed the maid that was leading outside, in an attempt to scout out the topography of the country I was currently in.

And what greeted me was something that made me worry about my eyesight, I had also just realized that the color of the sky in this world was dark purple! Not blue.

Yeah, I know I should've noticed it way earlier while passing by multiple windows, but to be fair my mind was still preoccupied with the whole 'reincarnation' thing.

The new discovery only further worsen the ongoing headache I've been experiencing the whole day, contemplating the big fat question mark that was my current situation.

I'm leaning my back against one of the many well-crafted wooden bench, a further reminder about the large wealth gap between my two lives, while churning over what I know as self-described science enthusiast.

I'm certainly not a neurologist, but I am pretty sure that the human mind simply isn't capable of simulating this level of realism. So that negates the possibility of some manner coma or drugged induced state. If the technology existed, I'd be considering the likelihood that I've been abducted and placed into a sort of virtual world with additional knowledge being fed directly into my brain, but that was probably decades away if it was even possible. And… what else?

I slouch down and start mindlessly tearing at the leaves of a golden colored bush to my left. The fact facing me is that I can think of no more science-oriented solutions and so, grudgingly, must force myself to turn to what little I know about a more esoteric option.


Quite honestly, it fits very well and with new memories slowly trickling in. I distinctly remember wishing for another shot in life and this is it I guess.

Well, in any case I for one won't be looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Laying my back to the bench again, I try to re-assert my calm by taking slow, deliberate breaths.

My head is still spinning around with new memories trickling, which had been ongoing for the whole day now.

Having come to that decision, I must now decide what I'm going to do.

Vacation? I snort.

Seriously, what am I supposed to do, what is my new purpose? I am literally born rich, which took away the one and only goal I had always hungered for in my last life.


A few minutes later

Vacation canceled! I repeat, the vacation is canceled!

I'm currently pacing back and forth in front of my room, trying to reconcile what I just witnessed.

This all started when I way lazing about on the bench relax, look up to the purple sky, and begin cloud gazing while thinking about how to enjoy my vacation for the next few years.

Now, imagine my surprise, no, my astonishment when I saw my supposed brother flying down towards me with wings made entirely of flames behind him.

"Hey sport, did you miss your big brother Revive?" A handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes and a mole underneath his left eye, chided.

Memories then hit my mind like a truck, as I have now acquired the missing information of who I really was and my current parents are.

Turns out I was Riser Phenex, you know the Pure-Blooded Devil and the third (and youngest) son of the Phoenix Family and currently youngest sibling in the family from the anime DxD.

Great. Just great. Even the higher beings are now supposedly treating me like a joke. Although, I do find the irony, slightly amusing.

'This guy blows himself up, so why don't we reincarnate him to a Phoenix and call it a Nirvana rebirth?'

Well, at least they have taste, now what to do here?

"Uhuh" I squeaked, failing to cover up my dumbstruck face upon the revelations.

"Big brother's wings cool, huh Riri? Hehe, If you say that big bro Revive is cooler than stinky Ruval, then I will fly you around with me" The young man smirked as he crouches down and pinched my cheeks.

"Yea! big bo, up!" I pleaded as I reached my arms up showing a gesture of wanting to be carried, trying my best to match my previous behavior before I got reincarnated.

The older blonde, with haste, proceeded to abide by my request as he pulled me into a hug.

"Eeee your just too cute Riri, hahaha, ok let's go back home. Big bro is hungry"

Revive then unfurled his wings and we shot through the sky, doing a couple of laps around the house and landed back down on one of the balconies.


Once we finished eating the promised meal, I then quickly slipped away from my new family with the excuse of being sleepy. I barely even noticed being led back to my room, as I tried to ponder the implications of this new revelation. I then plop down on the bed.

I look up, studying the bed canopy and wait for whatever otherworldly power brought me here to cough up some answers. When I find none forthcoming a few minutes later, I choose to once again think about the ramifications of me actually living in the Dxd-verse. Frankly, it is awesome, both the good and the bad types.

On one hand, the rulers of this world are literal gods and/or legendary beings with morals and ethics that moved on the spectrum between little and none. On the other hand, Hot babes ahoy!

But, in all seriousness, there is no way in hell I'm passing up on the opportunity to get me some of those sweet, universe manipulating, physics defying, demonic powers.

To weather the things that were to come, I need every shred of power I can get my grabby hands on and use whatever underhanded tactics I can connive.

And as far as the risk of changing the plot for the worse, I'm pretty sure that's already a moot point.

The original story was full of close calls and split-second decisions, which the tiniest of changes in could have resulted in far different outcomes.

As they say, the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet. My awakening has, and will continue to produce a continuous stream of minuscule changes, impossible to predict or compensate for, propagating outwards from my position in all directions at the speed of light. Canon is screwed.

I can only hope to be able to predict the foreseeable future and grab every advantage I can get.

Having reached some semblance of a resolution, I sat on a the lotus position, close my eyes, and start looking deep inside myself for the key to everything this world has to offer.


'Looks like daddy has found a new goal, and guess what? It's totally a thousand times better than my previous one. Oooh yeah! This life is going to be an unbelievable power trip, I can feel it!'

Next chapter