
Problems with making a solid training plan

April 11th, current age: 3

It took me a few days.

A frustrating and stressful three days filled with anxiety and doubt.

Before I had any success, I was constantly fretting about my capability to use demonic magic, either because of the method which brought me into this world or the presumed existence of some part of the population that simply wasn't capable of using magic just like Sairoarg Bael and apparent myself belonging to that group.

Although I find this reason somewhat doubtful, considering that the Riser from canon was shown to be quite adept at handling flames, but nevertheless theres still a chance of me being sent to an alternate dimension of DxD.

If that were true I'd be completely helpless, bound to the whims of chance. At best I would be sent to live out in the countryside and once again live my life at the bottom of the social ladder.

While worst case scenario, being culled early on, so that I won't tarnish the family name....

But fortunately my life this time won't end at another tragedy, it may have taken me some time to get the hang of meditation, especially while lying down and trying not to fall asleep.

I used every minute that could be excused for this endeavor, either under my tree or faking sleep. Eventually, I think I've gotten pretty handy at centering myself and reaching a sort of Zen-like state. I may have completely misinterpreted what meditation was supposed to be about, but fortunately, my method eventually served its purpose.

But first, lets talk about what magic is and where does it come from? Well according to the books in the house library.

Magical energy is matter which originates from a separate dimension known as the 'Immaterium' or more commonly referred to as the 'Dimensional Gap'. Which further confirm how or why beings cannot survive in that place, since it's entirely made up of pure unfiltered magical energy.

Now, no one really know where energy itself is generated from, but the most widely accepted and popular theory explains that the dimension gap is generated by the collective thoughts and feelings of the mortal races, which echos in this realm. It is also presumed to be the place where the souls of supernatural beings gets cleanse before being reincarnated again.

There was also one article, based on an ancient tome that was found floating in the dimension gap, which tells of how spatial rifts opened in all the realms suffusing the environment with magical particles.

Hence allowing the first living beings to utilise this energy and thus 'magic' was born. But the approach each culture or race takes to using this energy, created their unique brand of magic.

The earlier civilisations were the ones who held the most control over this element, and thus their types of magic was the purest as in, it doesn't require an external medium like formulas in order to facilitate.

An example of the first human factions which used magic, were the Egyptians with their use of pictograms and rituals to create magic. The Greeks and Romans were very similar in style.

The Norse and Celtic factions place great importance on nature rituals and the use of runes to control magic. A large aspect of their magic type, is the prediction of fate, since fate plays an immovable hand in all things.

The angels of God's faction have their level of magic power directly proportional to the faith and conviction they hold - the more they have, the stronger their emotions reflect in the Immaterium and thus the stronger their magic.

The same logic applies to the devils of the Underworld, but instead they rely on strong emotions like wrath, lust and greed to fuel their magic, using their minds to shape the particles to their will.

One thing I did find intriguing was that most supernatural races are technically made of magic themselves, which means that Devils need magic to survive and if at any point the magic in a Devils body drops below that amount they will drop dead. In many ways a Devil's relationship with magic is similar to that of human's with blood.

Which got me thinking, if I was in fact made out of mana, then shouldn't I atleast have control over it?


With these findings in mind, I finally found the primary key to cracking the issue, well for my case anyways and that was to look for something new.

In my last life, I came from a cold and dull world, constrained by regular old laws of physics, where magic is not a thing. I had to look inside, to feel out for something new, a new sensation or sense that I've never experienced before.

I think I'd have probably been much faster to succeed by beginning the search on the day of my awakening before I had any chance to get accustomed to my new reality.

When I first started making progress I could barely feel it, like something at the corner of my vision, always fleeting. The sensation would be lost entirely at the slightest bit of distraction or lack of focus. As time went on, I slowly started to get a better grasp of what it was I was looking for, constantly trying and failing. Every minuscule success spurred me onwards with greater determination.

And it all culminated now, in this one moment.

I can feel it!

Like a dam breaking in my mind because, I suddenly notice that the feeling is suffusing my entire body. It's not some great frothing mass, just a gentle creek flowing around my frame. Nevertheless, I find it to be very reassuring.

I break from my meditation to find myself lying in my bed, curfew having past about an hour ago. I'm exhilarated and barely hold myself from cheering loudly, not wanting to wake anyone up, and settle for a stifled giggle.

Unfortunately, this almost entirely solidifies my reincarnation hypothesis. Magic is ethereal, a whole new sense. I can no more explain it to a person who has never experienced it than I could explain the color red to someone blind from birth. It was, simply put, out of this world. My original world at least.

Anyway, this was it, my first step towards achieving independence and conquering the terrors this world was ready to unleash. In this place where might makes right, I will be the sovereign of my own fate.

Still, I can't stop now, to settle for knowing it's there. To stand a chance I must master my magic. I need to sleep, breath, eat and think magic.

Gathering myself, I smoothly enter a meditative state again, and I'm genuinely thrilled by how infinitesimally easier it is to find my magic on the second time. I realize meditation is probably not even necessary anymore, which makes plenty of sense considering the most I've seen devils do in the show before performing magic was tensing up.

I try to grab hold of my energy then awkwardly move it around, my reward is a slight increase in the speed of it circulating through my body.

Emboldened, I continue the exercise for a few minutes. While doing so, I try and concentrate my magic to various points to different degrees of success.

About twenty minutes in, I start feeling a bit light headed. A cursory inspection reveals that my mana has thinned noticeably from my trial-run.

Choosing to push through and continue with the exercise for five more minutes rewards me with dizziness and a slight ache in my stomach. Deciding not to overdo it any more than I already have, I call it a day and immediately black out.


I'm idly munching on some breakfast the next day and planning my next course of action. Thankfully, it seemed that a good night's sleep was all I needed to remedy the aching and dizziness I suffered from in addition to my magic completely replenishing itself. Was it flowing slightly stronger? I'm not entirely sure, and I don't trust my new-found sense enough just yet to be certain, definitely something to keep an eye on looking forward.

I focus myself back to the matter at hand, planning what to do now. While I do have my immortality, pyrokenisis and maybe aerokinesis that I obtained from my bloodline, which would surely grant me an edge.

But, compared to the other ridiculous beings I now share the world with, those perks really can't stand on the same level, when compared to the literal gods that inhibits this earth.

If I want to even the odds I have to use the only leverage available to me, start training as early as possible on all the things that I needed and would be extremely hard to learn later in life. I need to take advantage of my young brain and body as they are still malleable.

First is Magic or mana: One of primary currency of power in this world. I need to work on it daily and deplete my reserves, I'm pretty confident it works like a muscle, and I'm probably at a stage in life where it will be the most receptive to growth, subsequently increasing my potential later in life and allowing me to rely on high-end techniques.

I reasoned that I'll use some magic control exercises for the added benefit of improving my magic control, besides the increase in efficiency it could also open a lot of doors whenever I decide to take up any of the more delicate arts.

Secondly, Working on developing a technique to speed up training efficiency, either by recreating the 'Shadow clone jutsu' from 'Naruto' or the 'Memory Partition' magic from the 'Type-moon' verse.

Thirdly? Is accessing Touki. Which if memory serves me right, was obtained by essentially making contact with base of the one's life and that usually involves meditating for extensive time or training till near death.

If one attains touki, they can create an aura of life force that they will wear around their body, increasing their attack, defense, and speed tremendously.

Finally, I want to add various concepts into my fire. I distinctly remember how Ddraig once speculating that the reason why Sirzech's mastery of his Power of Destruction may have something to do with him placing all his talent and effort into the concept of "eliminating".

Unfortunately, this is about the extent of the things I'll be able to train at this point as I don't want cripple myself by getting distracted if I were to pile more task that I've set.

With that said, this does motivate me even harder to recreate the 'shadow clone jutsu' or the 'memory partition' spell.

Next chapter