
The Aurum Association

Discord: Z7dZd8SZ


Adrian knew that he desperately needed cash. It was quite possibly one of his biggest needs at the moment. However, he needed to do something that could attract employees to work his.. highly fatal operations. Money was his best bet. People would do incredibly stupid things for money. However, they needed to pass his requirements. He'd either need people with power or those with the smarts to properly study the Supernatural World.

What was Adrian's big goal here? Was it to protect Humanity? Wipe out the Supernatural? Nope, it was just because he wanted more power and influence for himself. He'd happily agree to people thinking that he had that intent, though. It was key to convincing people he wasn't just some megalomaniac and make people actually work for him.

How could he possibly find the money to make his operations successful? There was a moment of consideration as he sighed. He could potentially do something regarding all of his excess potions. However, he simply didn't have the connections to find any buyers. He.. DID have an idea, though.

Adrian would proceed to do something extremely dumb and stupid as he sighed. There was no doubt that this website could easily get deleted the moment he set it up due to the supernatural being kept a secret. However, he had a plan to keep the website up by doing something bigger than he'd expect.


It was quite simple on how to keep the website up and away from being discovered by regular humans. He had created a Memetic Agent using a magical circle that he made on a drawing device. The purpose of this circle was to keep those without any supernatural signatures from recognizing that they had even opened the site. It would basically just hypnotize regular humans to just close their tab, clear their search history, forget about what they just saw, and move onto the next thing on the internet.

He decided that this magical circle would go on the homepage. However, he made sure to invert colors and make it as unrecognizable from the original magical circle to avoid people from just copying it. However, he made sure it still worked.

His website was called 'The Aurum Association'

It was the supernatural version of Amazon, where people could sell and buy things that correlated with the supernatural. There were many sections of this website, though. He made sure to put a 'For Hire' advertisement onto the website to promote people regulating purchases since he had to do it by himself for now.

He made sure to have advertisement applications and partnerships to ensure that he could get money rolling in as quickly as possible. He would then finish up his website as quickly as possible before he stopped.

For now? He just had to wait for it to gain popularity among the supernatural world. He placed his potions for sale before he went on with his day.


Jesus fucking Christ! It hadn't even passed an hour and he was somehow already making bank!

You're probably wondering how Adrian even transported his items, though. He made a custom magical circle with different signatures per order and gave it to the buyer. They would write down this magical circle with tune it to that exact signature and then they'd get the item via teleportation.

His bank account was probably overflowing into the millions right now, though. There were already people taking notice and purchasing advertisements on the websites forum. He assumed that the other individuals that were even buying his stuff were other independent mages. However, he knew it wouldn't be long before the other supernatural factions took notice.

He even reviewed a couple of applications of other Independent Mages. He'd have a video call with them and depending on how they operated, he would accept that application. He made sure that he did several background checks before hiring, though. He even made sure they were doing their jobs right by watching their screens. He had found a few goofers who thought it was free money and a perfect criminal scheme for themselves. However, The Supernatural World doesn't give severance checks. Sucks to suck.

He had now officially gotten a fuck ton of money from his schemes. He had never expected it to be so easy to do. However, he could now invest into creating 'Vanguard'. It was an organization based off of The SCP Foundation with many different sister organizations.

He would then decide to go online and purchase some land to construct a few buildings for his organization. He'd decided to create the first Site, where he would research these supernatural entities under the guise of a Scientific Company.


Either way! It was time for him to do school!



"So.. Why do you want to drop out of Kuoh Highschool?" 'Souna Shitori' had asked me as I looked at her dead in the eye.

"I absolutely fucking hate school." Adrian politely explained. "It sucks here! I mean.. there are LITERALLY three dudes just harassing female students! Do you think that's normal or something!?"

"I understand your concerns. However, I feel like it's a bit much to just decide to drop out of Highschool because of three boys that have never bothered you. You have a future ahead of you."

"Yeah, a future of killing myself! I cannot STAND being here with you fucking de- …" I paused as I realized what I was about to say. "Bitches. Sorry, I needed to correct myself."

"You should have corrected your second line as well. I'm aware that you're aware of the Supernatural World. I'll just cut to the chase and—"

"No. I am NOT joining yours or anyone else's fucking peerage! Do you know how fucking stupid it is to just ask somebody to enslave themselves!" Adrian explained with a twitching eye (also very politely).

"… That's not what I was gonna ask you, Adrian. I know you're very vehement on not joining any peerages due to your extreme reaction to Rias. However, I believe that a school education is still important even for us due to the explanation of where our funds come from. You can make many connections with us here as well. I doubt you'd enter our territory without that intent. We have many other independent mages in this territory as well who want that. Even if you appear to dislike the idea of school more than making connections with us." Sona explained as she crossed her arms.

"AGH! FUCK YOU AND YOUR REASONABLE LOGIC!" Adrian would then stomp out of there completely pissed off at her reason and logical thinking.

"What an odd man." She sighed as she went back to doing her Student President responsibilities.
