
DXD: As a OC Primordial

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2


"Gods and Goddesses, you may be wondering who am I. I am Ouranos II, the Greek primordial of the sky, the Sky Tree, the preserver of the moon, the new sovereign that looks after the moon. It is an honor to make acquaintance with you all." I said politely, but not submissively.

I was talking in ancient Greek, which seems to be a perk that comes with being a Greek primordial. All gods could understand, as divine worlds carry a weight that could be understood in any language.

There were not only gods, but also some legendary beasts and, even immortals in my presence.

"What gives you the right to call yourself the moon sovereign? Huh." Rahu said.

"Yeah. I and my 'brother' challenge you if you dare." Ketu added.

Rahu's appearance was that of a head without a body, while Ketu was that of a body without a body.

I would later know the details about this god's circumstances. They were asura gods from the Hindu pantheon.

Their legends tell that Mohini, an avatar of Vishnu was distributing the amrita to the deva. However, one of the asuras,  Svarbhanu, sat in the row of devas and drank the amrita.

Surya and Chandra noticed him and they informed Mohini; however, by that time, Svarbhanu had already become immortal.

Vishnu, as Mohini, cut off Svarbhanu's head. Svarbhanu, henceforth referred to as Rahu and Ketu, could not die, but his head was separated from his body; his head came to be known as Rahu, while his body came to be known as Ketu.

Following this event, Rahu and Ketu gained the status of planets and could influence the lives of humans on Earth.

Rahu and Ketu became bitter enemies with Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) for exposing his deception and leading to his decapitation.

For this, Rahu pursued them and attempted to consume the Sun and Moon.

Since Rahu is the head without the body, the Sun and Moon exit from his throat when he tries to swallow them.

This recurring cycle creates the grahana, an eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, which represents the temporary revenge of Rahu.

Although both came from the same conscious leaving separated they formed conscious of their own.

It was as the tale, went in Hindu legends, but physically speaking these planets do not exist. 

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. You both are not even true moon gods, you are only eclipse gods. Your peculiar divinity leaches on the power of the sun and the moon god of your pantheon. You think I am a meal?" I said, clicking my fingers and severing their connection with the moon. both gods quickly rain away from Chandra, fearing that their old enemy would fight them now they were weaker.

"Forgive me, oh gods and goddesses, I seem to have forgotten my composure a bit, but the situation was just too funny. Thus any one remaining god is interested in challenging my sovereign over the moon?"

Moon devouring beast like Bakunawa(dragon) and(dragon-like bird) Minokawa, from Philippine mythology; Tiangou, a legendary creature from China mythology, that resembles a black dog or meteor;  felt threatened by my presence and quickly escaped to the earth.

"Thank you so much for your support lord Ouranos II" Chandra, the Hindu moon god said. "Gods Haru and Ketu had been a burden on me for so long. Brother Surya has the same problem as me. This is the reason my brother might not reach the likes of Indra. I think I had been talking too much about my problems, it's weird I am not usually that talkative."

If I have to guess, it has something to do with my aura. As the one who sprouted nature on the moon and had a soul blessed by Gaia, I had awakened a nature divinity something that seems to calm down the ones around me.

It might have been the reason that gods like Haru and Keto underestimated me, my presence seemed too pacific to be threatening.

"It's fine. If you could give a blessing to the moon core, I would be thankful."

"Done," Chandra said as he gave his strongest blessing with the plantation divinity to the planet. Vegetation began to appear in the swamp around me.

"Thank you, god Chandra." I said." All other moon gods can feel it right. The power you all can extract from the moon became much larger. The moon is changing. It's becoming stronger. If other gods could contribute to blessing this world, I would be thankful, but it would also contribute to your growth as gods."

And so the moon received several blessings like the blessing of Artemis from her childbirth divinity that powered by the moon man could make the moon into a sanctuary for safe delivery. It did not work only on humans, but also on animals and even plants. Mētztli gave a blessing with his farmer divinity.

Mama Quilla gave a blessing with her marriage divinity, which would make marriage blessed on the moon. Abuk, from the Dinka pantheon, gave a fertility blessing, which would make life on the moon to more easily prosper. Khonsu blessed the moon with his Pathfinder divinity, which has the effect of influencing fate to a path of prosperity. Thoth blessed the moon with its magic divinity.

Chang Xi and Chang'e, from the Chinese pantheon, blessed the moon with their Longevity and beauty divinity respectively. Mayari an ethnic Filipino deity, blessed the moon with its strength and divinity. Kušuḫ, from the Hurrian pantheon, blessed the moon with its agricultural divinity.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, from Japanese pantheon, blessed the moon with its Serenity divinity. Hina, a Polynesian goddess, blessed the moon with her craftsmanship divinity, which would give a level of prosperity to any civilization that took the moon as a living place. Máni, from Germanic mythology, blessed the moon with his abundance divinity.

There were several other gods that gave blessing, but those were the ones I could easily remember. Some blessings were not that strong and were not strong enough to cover the whole moon, but they were enough as I put them in the moon core, powered by the moon they could spread and have some effect on the whole of the moon.