
Chapter 1

The primordial sky tree was born that day, as a soul from beyond the dimension gap occupied the sprout meant to revive Ouranos. How that soul passed throw the dimension gap and entered the world at the right time remains a mystery. The tree was translucent blue like the sky.

By their nature, trees grow upwards in the direction of the light and their roots below in direction of the gravity. But as this tree that was the sky was born and started to assemble the pieces of Ouranos, it started to fly. The tree started to grow in the direction of the sun while flying.

The roots 'wanted' to grow below until they touched the soil, but they could not, as the sky-like tree, started to fly higher and higher. As the root made force, the enormous tree ended up rotating ninety degrees, while flying. As the roots were attracted by the moon's gravity, the tree ended up with its roots on the moon. 

A common misconception about the moon was the supposed existence of a dark side of the moon. This side would be more accurately called the far side, as in reality, it is no darker than any other part of the Moon's surface as sunlight does in fact fall equally on all sides of the Moon.

It is only 'dark' to us, as that hemisphere can never be viewed from Earth due to a phenomenon known as 'Tidal Locking', which occurs because the moon takes about the same time to rotate around the earth and itself, making that the side that faces the earth to be roughly the same.

The crust on the far side of the Moon was much higher than on the near side. The near side of the Moon had large, low-lying, relatively smooth plains of basalt rock, which are shown as bluish-green features.

In simple words, the Moon was like a desert with plains, mountains, and valleys. It also had many craters, and holes created when space rocks hit the surface at a high speed. There was no air to breathe on the Moon.

Montes Apenninus was the Moon's highest mountain range outlining Mare Imbrium, extending for over 400 km. It contains Mons Huygens, the Moon's tallest mountain, and the Hadley–Apennine valley, where Apollo 15 landed. It was completely dwarfed by the giant primordial tree's size.

The moon gained an atmosphere. The tree with a soul blessed by Gaia changed the environment around itself.

The sandy moon gradually turned into soil, and the soil was gradually filled with life as the vitality aura and warmth made some bacteria naturally sprout around the tree rhizosphere. 

The natural ice water around the moon began to flow in some majestic underground river-like-heavy clouds in other to reach the tree roots. The north and south poles of the moon began to dry up.

As the tree leaves transpired the new atmosphere got itself water, which slowly fell into the ground, accelerating the soil changes. The tree's surroundings started to resemble a swamp, as intense rain fell, forming a lagoon the size of an ocean. Some microscopic algae started to appear.

The magical leylines all around the moon ended up connecting with the tree. The primordial tree gained a direct connection to the moon's core. With this, the whole moon began to reconstruct to fit the primordial tree. Its hold on the atmosphere was what it made fixed on the moon.

The atmosphere with the trees started to heavily release oxygen and form an ozone layer that protected the moon from radiation. Although it may be too early for big seaweeds and plants to grow, the moon was already filled with microbial life.

The tree became a natural shield against the meteors that constantly fell on the moon. From this moment forward, when meteors reached its sky domain, they simply stopped falling completely and were teleported around the tree roots. With this act of preserving the moon form, the tree primordial started to awake a preserver divinity, but in his case, it was quite weak, far from a primordial level divinity.

There were several dimensions(divine realms) and artifacts connected to the moon, charging themselves with the moon's mana and changing it into divine. With the influence of a primordial the mana's quality increased.

Through these connections, several moon deities on Earth empowered themselves, so the changes were felt by several deities.

Selene the retired goddess of the moon felt the nature of the moon changing sharply, and so did Artemis. So did deities from other pantheons, like Chandra in his chariot pulled by an antelope(Hindu pantheon); Khonsu and Thoth (Egyptian pantheon); Tēcciztēcatl(Aztec pantheon); Awilix(Maya pantheon); Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto(Japanese pantheon); and many more...

As the sky tree could finally sense its surroundings and have finally absorbed the memories of Ouranos, he understood its current situation. He would need to welcome several moon gods and goddesses.

From a mortal his soul ended up in this world and he became a primordial his situation was quite weird. He made a humanoid avatar, wearing a traditional ancient Greek chiton(tunic) and a himation (cloak). His hair was dark blue. He had a muscular physique, with wide shoulders, strong arms, legs, and abs, and was also two meters tall.

He was happy that he did not have to take the same appearance as the original Ouranos avatar. Primordials no matter how powerful they were have a fixed appearance in their avatars. As his tree's true form was basically a new primordial body that used the ancient body of Ouranos body as material his avatar was still unformed. This meant he would not have the same micropenis that Ouranos had in his avatar form, ancient Greece aesthetic be damned.

The chiton was made of linen. It was a very long and very wide rectangle of fabric sewn up at the sides, pinned or sewn at the shoulders, and usually girded around the waist.

The chiton was wide enough to allow for sleeves that were fastened along the upper arms with pins or buttons. Chiton was a floor-length garment that was usually long enough to be pulled over the belt, creating a pouch known as a kolpos. 

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