
Chapter 29

Just as the British Empire had a temporary change of generals that might put him in a difficult position and became an adversary, William IV was giving his first graduation speech in his past and present life.

Yes, he was invited by Heisbet Feng, the dean of the Foreign Academy and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was established in 1860. The first graduates gave a commencement speech to encourage them.

Originally, he was not going to come, but as Hesbet Feng said, this academy was originally established by William IV in the name of the Crown Prince of the Netherlands.

Most of the students here came to sign up for his name and were his worshippers. Moreover, they worked hard and went through layers of screening before finally entering the 50 places in the first session. According to According to the previous life, they are all disciples of the future emperor.

Having said that, William IV was only able to attend.

"Beginning in the 16th century, the economic center of Europe began to shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, and the countries along the Atlantic, such as the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, gradually rose. In 1566, the qiyi against Spanish rule broke out in the Netherlands. , Holland was victorious, in 1609.

After the victory, the Netherlands began to develop its internal economy, pursued an expansionist policy externally, competed with the British Empire, Spain, and France for overseas colonies, and began to dominate Western Europe for a time. At the beginning of the 17th century, it occupied 75% of Europe, so it has the title of the Dutch sea coachman we are now familiar with. "

Seeing so many faces as young as him in the audience, William IV felt a burst of pride in his heart. These will be the elites of the Dutch diplomatic field under his rule in the future, and will also be talents who serve the Kingdom of the Netherlands and him.

Thinking of this, he said vigorously: "But then France rose. At the end of the 17th century, the Netherlands could not compete with France on land.

At sea, because our former king was also in charge of the British Empire and was respected by both countries, so in terms of finance, the British Empire, as the United Kingdom of the two countries, obtained a lot of Dutch secrets, including financial and naval secrets, for free. In the end, the British Empire surpassed us in every way.

And France did not want to see such a powerful enemy, so it provoked the relationship between the British Empire and the Netherlands. Therefore, under such circumstances, the Netherlands fell and eventually became the second-class country in Europe that everyone sees now, although it is still the top second-class country. One of the powerhouses. "

Looking at each one's angry appearance, William IV seems to have seen many histories of his motherland being entered by other countries when he was a netizen in his previous life. His own dissatisfaction, to comfort himself.

"Humans are the animals that are most adapted to changes in the living environment! So everyone is angry at what happened to the Netherlands in history. I only think it is a weak patriotic sentiment, but I don't think it is a perfect patriotic move" William IV forced /The way that rises suddenly.

A student raised his hand, and after obtaining the consent of William IV, he stood up and asked: "Your Majesty, as for history, I think we need such a glorious history to nurture our patriotic feelings, so that we can be in trouble when the country is in trouble. To stand up and fight for the country, so the atmosphere itself, I think there should be a force of love supporting them to do so."

William IV looked at the youthful and handsome young man in front of him, and nodded to him with a smile, but he said rudely: "You may be right about patriotism, but what I want to say is that today's you The position is that the graduates of this academy stand at the graduation ceremony of the China Foreign Affairs University, and the theme is that you are a diplomat now, how should you control your emotions, and develop and deal with the foreign counterparts you need to face now. Grab the energy most needed for the Netherlands. If you enter the negotiation area with your opponent with patriotism, you may be immediately controlled by the other party's emotional fluctuations and become passive. Therefore, when you are a diplomat When the time comes, patriotism must be brought to the deepest part of the heart, locked firmly, standing in front of people from all walks of life, thinking about things from their standpoint, and striving for the interests of the country. This is the first lesson I will teach you before graduation. "

Before Heisbet Feng took the lead, dozens of students, including the student who stood up to ask questions, couldn't help clapping their hands, and their faces were full of passion.

This made Hesbet's heart full of helplessness: You are so bad, and you won't let me behave well in front of Your Majesty!

"The philosophical foundation of diplomatic thinking lies in nature, human nature!

In my opinion, the difference between humans and animals is that humans are rational, humans are social animals, and the characteristics of humans are that they need social interaction and a peaceful and rational life, so all animals are born to seek only their own interests. The words also apply to us humans, as long as you grasp the human characteristics that you need to face with him, then you will know yourself and the enemy in disguise, and you will be safe in a hundred battles."

"But these are too high. To put it simply, let's talk about what work and positioning you need to do in the setting of your future diplomatic characters.

After all, everyone here will go to the profession of diplomat, so let me talk about my views on this position first.

Regarding the functions of envoys, many people have seen how the envoys in the newspapers plead for orders and dedicate themselves to the country, and see their bright side.

However, many of you don't see that before they become ambassadors, they need to do a lot of risky things for the sake of the country, even their lives.

"The functions of the envoy mainly include maintaining effective communication between the two countries, delivering letters from their national leaders, and pleading for replies, as well as achieving the goals of their leaders and safeguarding their interests, but this is written, and most importantly, In fact, loyalty is the most basic requirement of an envoy.

There was once a king who recalled his two envoys to the country and put them in prison because the two received the medals of the king of the host country without permission. In this regard, their king said after arresting the two: A holy woman should only look up to her husband; and a courtier should not be private to other sovereigns except the monarch appointed to him by God. What do you think of this king's views and handling methods? ? "

The classroom was quiet. These were all high academic qualifications. Before coming to this Wai Jiao College, they were all graduates from other universities. It can be said that they were all highly educated. This was also the strict requirement of William IV. To enter this door, you must get a diploma from another university. Let's talk about it!

"If you don't comment, I will tacitly accept that you agree with this point of view. Well, in fact, I also think this should be done, and even I think that as a monarch, just to have doubts about this point needs at least enough recall these two envoys and end their positions at the time, with subsequent legal responsibilities"

"Well, back to the topic just now, apart from being ambassadors, we can actually call them honorable die in private, because the actual function of an envoy is, on the one hand, an envoy of peace, but at the same time it is also to strive for the interests of one's own country, and to serve For the person who entrusted him to go on a business trip, he should repay his boss, because he not only needs a reliable source of intelligence, but also needs to act according to his own boss's instructions. The envoy buys the means to inquire about the facts of other countries and obtains their secrets. This function is also very important, so , This title is a point of view that the insider has to agree with.

Finally, what I want to remind is that if a person wants to become a bright ambassador, he must understand his hostage qualifications and conditions.

In my opinion, the most important quality of an envoy should be prudence and moderation, which includes carefulness, reactivity, silence and indirectness. The art of the envoy is that when you are desperate for something, you have to be calm on the surface. When you push yourself forward like a boat, you have to work hard behind your back. I believe everyone understands this. Control your emotions. Change, including the most error-prone patriotism..."

"The last thing I want to talk about is the issue of negotiation. God has endowed people with different specialties, so people should carefully examine their temperament and temperament before choosing their own career and designing themselves."

William IV felt a little tired. So far, he has looked at the wall clock for more than 2 hours. He is standing, while the students below are sitting, especially Haysbert Fonner The guy also held up the teacup and drank tea leisurely, secretly remembering this scene.

So, he felt that it was almost there, and it was time to summarize the last part, saying:

"A good negotiator should have an alert mind, a focused, unpretentious attitude, an ability to understand people's ideas, a wealth of ideas that can easily remove obstacles, a quick and well-intentioned response, and a constant sense of humour. Quiet, virgin patience, and often open, gentle, courteous and appropriate speech, easy-going and likable attitude.

In addition, he must be prudent, calm, and hard to argue, and he must not answer casually without careful consideration, but he must not be too mysterious, careful, and keep everything secret, so that it is difficult to gain the trust of others. A good Negotiators should know what to keep secret and what to reveal to gain the trust of others..."

This graduation ceremony is very tiring, but it is very fulfilling, because this is not only the first time for him to give lectures to others, but also a self-interpretation of his own diplomatic philosophy and a clear understanding of himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ Talking , but he seems to be looking down on all this, and he seems to be more in control than before.

At the same time, I believe that after this speech, his "cooperation" with Hesbet Feng and others will be more pleasant.

But this is all in the future. At present, he has been surprised by the character change he just received about London's handling of the Belgian incident, but when he thinks of his previous life, the Prince Edward was because he was dissatisfied with the British Empire in the hands of Queen Victoria and Palmers. The pro-Prussia and the future German Empire in the immediate period made him surround the German Empire in the European continent, and circled dozens of times within ten years. The occurrence of World War I planted the cause of the fuse.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with this Prince Edward, it is said that this person is very confident, and he is still dissatisfied with the current pro-Prussian policy. Will this cause France to push back? After all, the Tories have always had close relations with France. , instead of being pro-Russian and pro-Prussian like the Whigs."

"Go back?" William IV sat on the chair of the dean of Haisbet Feng at Waijiao College, his expression slightly cold in front of Haisbet Feng, and said, "He wants to retreat, how can it be that simple? Ah, why don't we take the French Napoleon III together first, and give us the upstarts in London politics, how about a showdown?"

Hesbet Feng felt anxious, and hurriedly asked, "I don't know, what does Your Majesty mean?"

William IV's expression was majestic and elegant with the noble temperament of the superior, but the words that came out of his mouth were cruel words, "Since London is going to be incomprehensible, then I will make this water more turbid, and everyone will come and touch it. Let's touch it and see who touches the bigger and fatter fish!"