
Chapter 28

"The Ministry of Finance needs to keep up with finance, especially in construction, and it needs to keep up with the Ministry of the Interior,"

Ignoring Jonrrell's bitter face, William IV asked the Minister of Education Lude Bells again, "How is the preparation for primary education?"

"It's almost finished, and the implementation will be completed in June this year."

"Yes, but the Ministry of Education needs to prepare carefully. This is a major event related to the future of the Netherlands, and what kind of talent training results can be obtained in the field of technology and industry in the Netherlands, and it is related to the future potential of the Netherlands!

Beginning in June 1862, it was imperative for the Netherlands to implement the primary education model for all, so that all citizens under the Dutch rule could complete junior high school education.

There is a saying that the most expensive is not much. The Netherlands has less than 6 million people, and other big countries such as Italy with 10 million; Spain, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire with 20 million; Prussia, France, and the British Empire with 30 million; Compared with the United States; the 60 million Tsarist Empire, etc., our population disadvantage is highlighted.

Therefore, the 14 overseas provinces are an extension of our overseas expansion territory, which is the reason why our local reproduction is too slow and we need a wider Far East to develop our population and increase the favorable conditions.

Therefore, the Ministry of Finance will continue to follow up on the transfer of our previously established population to East India and New Guinea, etc. The population will start from this year. Anyway, Weiliyou, etc., the Ministry of the Interior will integrate with various departments, and other departments will cooperate with each other. This year 20 Thousands of people immigrated to other places except the complex area of ​​Kalimantan, encouraging male and female matching to facilitate fertility and reproduction.

At the same time, Jane Simscock was given an order, and the position of the governor will continue to be maintained, and the population development that doubles the number of births in 20 years can be completed. For this reason, intermarriages can be appropriately increased.

At the same time, 200,000 Dutch native immigrants are determined every year, and the bottom line is 100,000.

Also, as determined before, those who are not easy to manage can learn from the British Empire and agree to arrest them and distribute them to a small island in the South Pacific for wasteland labor, so as to reduce the punishment.

The newspapers of the Ministry of the Interior need to increase their propaganda efforts at this time, especially to appease the hearts of the people and need spiritual comfort. This is very important. "


Buckingham Palace, UK, it has been more than half a month since the Belgian incident began. Now the whole city of London, British Empire, is discussing this issue. As the future first heir to the throne of the British Empire, the Prince of Wales and Crown Prince Edward are still in charge of the recent incident. I was troubled by this matter, especially when I saw Queen Victoria getting angry these days, she was even more dissatisfied with the two countries on the east coast.

At the same time, he was dissatisfied with John Russell, the foreign secretary in charge, and deepened his views on Prime Minister Palmerston.

Recently he was approaching Benjamin Disraeli, the new leader of the Tory Party, in his support of Edward Smith Stanley's campaign for the next prime minister, which began in 1865. Some of the dissatisfaction is accompanied by hostility to the policies they are now implementing.

Especially when the Netherlands and France danced so happily recently, it was a handy tool for him.

"Your Excellency Russell, tell me, if France is really behind the scenes, what do you think we should do?"

Prince Edward, born in 1841, is only 21 years old this year. This is a strong and rebellious age, and in the British Empire, everyone knows that it is the chauvinism that the crown prince has always revealed. Too fond of Queen Victoria's dominance, but this is his mother, no way.

Therefore, he has been buying drunk hangovers for several years. Before and recently, his father, Prince Albert, died unexpectedly because he was looking for him in training, which caused a huge mother-son dissatisfaction between him and the queen, especially in Benjamin Disley. Under Li's advice, he compromised.

So now, he has left the Feng Liu life years before, and participated in the governance of national affairs that the crown prince should have.

As expected of the first heir to the king of the royal family, his tone was very slow, so slow that one could feel that the air was frozen. John Russell felt that the current crown prince was staring at his sharp eyes with leopard-like eyes. It is eating by choice.

Edward sneered dissatisfiedly: "The situation is more open now, and on the surface, it seems that no country has benefited.

However, Holland and France have earned their reputation, as well as the goodwill of Belgian French-speaking and Dutch-speaking people, and even now, according to our investigation, the letters of Napoleon III and William IV there = credibility and supporters, both Billy How long will it take for Opold I, but the British Empire has completely become a place where Belgians hate and other countries are full of hostility after being exposed to the construction of a military port."

Speaking of which, Prince Edward looked at Queen Victoria who was sitting at the top and the Viscount Palmerston on the opposite side. Seeing that they were all expressionless, he saw no idea, so he said: "So, I think no matter what How, now the suspected charges we bear should not be maintained."

"Then what do you think the British Empire should need in order to deal with the Netherlands and France?" Queen Victoria said coldly, a little faster.

Questioning Russell's mother who became Queen Victoria questioned him, feeling a little sad in his heart, and even more dissatisfied with his strong mother.

So subconsciously, he said, "Your Majesty, I think gunboat diplomacy is the most suitable, don't you think?"

"Your suggestion is not very good"

Relentlessly and directly refused, Prince Edward looked embarrassed, although Russell and Palmerston Viscount did not show any smiles, but at the moment when his head was filled with dissatisfaction, he suddenly felt that these two people were just right. The expressionless face is a mockery. So at this moment he broke out, instead of holding back, he just stood up and walked away.

"Your Majesty, I'm not feeling well, go back and rest first."

Dudu left this sentence, and the other three didn't speak. The scene was very deserted and quiet for a while, but the occasional gasping sound proved that someone's mood was ups and downs. .

Palmerston heard the gasp and his heart gradually stabilized, so he kept his face expressionless before saying, "Your Majesty, I think the crown prince is still young, it's time for him to participate in politics to reserve more professional knowledge."

"I think so too, but Viscount, how do you think he should learn from you?" Queen Victoria asked for help with respect.

"No, no, I can't. Given my age, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the crown prince still needs His Majesty to teach him personally, this is fair and just."

Queen Victoria knew that he meant the Tories would have opinions. After all, Queen Victoria and his wife had always hated the powerful Tories from the 1930s, so they went with Palmerston and Russell, the rising Whig stars. It is precisely because of this that the Whig party has basically been in power continuously for decades, and the Tory party has a short term in office.

When the Viscount Palmerston was finished, he pointedly pointed something in a soft voice, and said slyly: "Don't your Majesty think that it is not bad for Crown Prince Edward to be like this? After all, the country needs a balance, and the Tories and the Whigs are fighting for a while It's been a hundred years, but winning and losing is the norm.

For so many years, outsiders have known that His Majesty is close to the Whigs, so the future heir to the British Empire, Prince Edward, is close to the Tories and has support for the status of the royal family, which is a great benefit, isn't it? "

Russell was startled, and at the same time glanced at the two of them secretly and lowered his head.

Queen Victoria laughed generously, then looked at him with deep meaning, and praised: "The Viscount is right, so, let him go, but the Viscount said that he has a chance to exercise, then, no Do you know what opportunity means?"

Russell's heart moved slightly, and he thought of the idea of ​​his old partner.

Under the curious eyes of Queen Victoria, Viscount Palmerston said, "Your Majesty, why don't we leave the provocative actions of the Netherlands and France to be handled by Crown Prince Edward?"

Following Queen Victoria's graceful smile, she said, "Yes"

With just one word, the opponents that the Netherlands and France will face in the future have changed.

And the information that happened here soon reached the hands of the two countries.