
The Apocalypse

I snapped awake in the middle of a forest, resting on on a tree.

I observe around me, but I don't see any magical creatures yet.

'I hope it's safe out here..'

First order of business.. testing my magic!


Okay, from what I know about magic in these isekais, it's supposed to be some sort of energy laying in your body, which you then manipulate to change the world around you.

It wasn't that simple.

I wished I could create a fireball, but for now, all I got is some water, which is much easier to maintain than a fireball.

Just as a test, I tried drinking the water, only to find it didn't quench my thirst, but instead returned a bit of mana back to my supply.

'Which means no cheating on food and water...' I grumbled.

It was pretty unfortunate, but it makes sense.

I also wasted an hour or so testing this out, and I am quite thirsty.

Let's go find a river...


I kept walking through the forest, only seeing more trees, though I was going downhill for sure. And since I know this is a valley it just means I'm heading toward water.

Suddenly, I notice a growl to my left, making me lose a step and glare in it's direction.

The growl came from a wolf. Not a small one either, but a fully grown, silver wolf, with a horn on it's head.

'I may have encroached on it's territory. But I can't exactly talk it out. It may also be like game mobs who just attack you wherever and want to eat you.'

'In both cases, I should just leave, if it attacks, I should kill it silently, so as to not get stuck with the bullshit 'last laugh' rally call of a dying mob to get all their little friends to kill me.'

And so, I silently walked back. Keeping my eyes on the wolf the whole time.

Eventually it just walked away, seemingly ignoring me.

'Well, that was boring.' I thought. 'But atleast I won't get on anyone's shitlist now for killing a 'wholesome doggo.'

'Might still kill it just to be safe.' I thought 'Mmm, maybe not, I have better things to do.'

What do I know, 5 minutes of walking, and I can hear the water flowing.

Just one question.

Will this river water kill me?



Does the risk outweigh the benefits?


Then let's drink some water!

I form both of my hands into a cup and, ever so gently, sip from the river flowing in front of me.

It tasted weird, it definitely has random dirt in it along with a hint of piss.

Not that I knew what piss tasted like.



After refreshing myself at the river, I decided I needed to go hunt.

'Or should I build a shelter first?'

'No, I want food. I'm hungry.'

Using my logical reasoning, I manage to come to the conclusion that I need to eat.


Using a clever contraption...

My hands...

I have managed to catch quite a few fish, 7 in fact.

There's a problem though, how do I prepare a fish?

I'm sure someone would know, but I just don't.

'A downside to being alone, I suppose...'


In the end, I decided to only use the parts that I was certain weren't going to give me some kind of disease. I just tossed the rest in a pile next to where I was staying.

Good thing about me, I still knew how to cook!

With seasoning.

And modern technology.


'Well it can't be that hard to just put it over a fire and burn it a bit. Right?'

I suppose that's right.

I will need to start a fire first.


From what I've gathered during my magic test earlier today, whatever you made using mana will eventually disappear without active reinforcing of mana. I theorize, however, that if you can start a fire on suitable fuel, it won't just disappear.

Using this logic, I simply made a campfire like I always did, then lit it up using fire magic.


"That tasted like shit." I complained to myself

'Well it's not like I could make it any better, I should be glad it isnt undercooked or simply ashes.

Speaking of asses, that wolf is here.

And he won't stop staring at me.

It's starting to creep me out.

The wolf then looks to the fish scraps on the ground next to me. I can tell they want it.

"I don't really have a use for it, so I'll just let 'em take it." I say as I move the junk closer to the wolf, prompting it to ravage the fish in front of me.

At this point, I'm a bit amused by the Wolf. So much so, that it made me forget that I need to get a shelter around me.

'Damn it, it's late. I need to get this done by dusk or I might be screwed.'


Okay, it's time to build what I'll call 'home.'

I still remember what I was taught about this. When me and the boys would go camping, We would sometimes make these little shelters out of fallen branches. You had to place a pretty sturdy one on a log or something, rest some sticks against it, then cover it with random shit. We used to cover them in a sheet, which would then become unusable due to all the tears in it.

Good times.


The moon has appeared above the horizon, so it looks like it's time for me to sleep. I usually sleep later than this, but it looks like my natural ooga booga brain got reset, so now I am going to feel tired as soon as it's night. Which is fine, there's no point staying up here anyways.

As I cover myself with leaves and make myself comfortable. I somehow fall asleep.

I'm really tired, but I just wanted to get this story rolling a bit before I went to sleep. That's all.

Datboicreators' thoughts