

A story about a young boy named Ayden became king and fight for his kingdom with a second soul (assassin class Duplex) who live within his body named Nyx who live within his body.

Bliizzky · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Dusk Dawn Assassin's Temple

"Ugh... Where am I? " Nyx talk to himself. Nyx's arm that were torn off in his original world grew back. Nyx proceed to check out his surrounding. Nyx found himself sitting in front of a temple at the middle of a desert. The sky is weird, half of it is broad daylight and the other half is midnight with bright and shiny full moon. There's also a huge fireplace

For some reason he is able to read those weird letter. It says "The Duplex Temple: Assassins"

There is also a lot of statue of animals near a staircases in front of Nyx like, Owl, Fox, Cat, Snake, Leopard. All these animals were known as the ambush predator that were perfectly describe the assassins class spirit. With curiousity, Nyx started to climb the staircase and approach a door. Suddenly, vein from his arm that were torn off in his original world started glowing. When Nyx opened the door, he saw a person were standing like a statue is staring at him. Nyx wasn't scared. He approach the guy and trying to get information where is him.

"Hey! Do you know where this is?" Asked Nyx. The guy silent and suddenly both of Nyx's pupil were glowing while his sclera turn dark.

He saw some kind of image where there is a magic circle and there were a human were lying down at the middle of the circle. Suddenly Nyx heard a voice explaining what happened.

" Ah welcome, you are the choosen one. You see you at the assassin temple. Just call me Ruler I am the onr who manage all the soul here.

Well actually it's kinda hard to explain well let me simplify. Back when you were alive, the profession that you did will become a class. You were an assassin so that's why you were summoned here and your class will be known as assassin class spirit. If you were a hunter when before you die in your original world. Your class will be hunter class spirit. Any profession will become your class. After you were summon, you will be staying here until someone summon a class. If they summon an assassin, random assassin class spirit will be transferred into the body of the summoner and they will get the ability of assassination without any training. They also can create weapon that are related to the assassin class.

The world that are going to summon all classes are people who can control element power. They will use their element to create weapon out of it. For example if their power is capability of manipulating water and they summon a hunter class and the magic circle are called Zisurrû and need at least need 45 mage to summon a class spirit.

They can create hunting weapon from water. Oh yeah! There is also an autopilot mode where the spirit in their body will take control of their body and fight for them. Their eye will glow like yours right now if the summoner use autopilot mode. If they died don't worry, your soul will just be transferred back here and will be summon again. You are just a weapon for people in that world for fighting. The higher your skill the higher chance you will be summon but it also depends on the mage's power at the Zisurrû if it's strong then a strong class spirit will be summoned Don't worry there will be an expert will teach you advance of your class and let you fully master it. That's all".

Nyx fully understand the situation and he wait for the trainer to train him. Turns out the trainer was the guy wo were standing and staring at him moment ago. Nyx started training to be high class assassin spirit because he's also curious about the world that the ruler were talking about.

To be continue...

I'm changing the spirit class to duplex because it sounds better yk. (in later chapter because I've already written these early chapter long ago yet i haven't publish it yet)

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