
Boiling Bath

Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc



System Text

'Ddraig Mental'

"Ddraig Vocal"

"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

[Starting Split]

"So-Taaaaan! Tadaaaaa! I brought you something SUPER special for today!" A pink wearing magical girl grins as she twirls into the room, whirling an absolutely massive cake behind her.

It is several layers in all, easily taller than a normal person, the icing is a dull pink, an absolutely amazing scent makes its way throughout the room as the people around me look to the doorway, deeper pink icing is layered across the cake, it is used to write the words 'Happy Birthday So-Tan.'

Across the tiers of the cake are tiny apple-slice shaped pieces of fruit, pink throughout, with tiny black seeds, sort of like a kiwi.

Everyone in the room is practically salivating at the cake.

"Surprise." I hum with a small smile as I look over to Sona.

Rias' head snaps over to me. "YOU! You had something to do with that?!"

"Yep. It's made from things from my little garden."


Cat ears and two tails appear on the short white haired girl to her left.

The cake is divvyed out as Sona's peerage gathers around, Rias had only brought her queen, and Koneko who look around slowly.

They all promptly take a bite.

The sound of ripping fabric meets my ears, they don't even seem to notice their dress malfunctions as they focus intently on their deserts.

I take a bite of the cake.

'WOAH! My god! That is good.'

I take an idle moment to notice my clothing doesn't detonate like a Food Wars rip off.

I hear the flash of a camera as I see Serafall nearby with a bloody nose, a lecherous grin on her face as she takes a photo of Sona.

She turns to me, camera in hand only to freeze, seemingly noticing my clothing still being on my body despite the fact that I am still silently eating cake.

I give her a small wave and take mental note of the fact that she was trying to see me naked as well to use for future teasing blackmail, then turn back to the eye candy before me, burning the sight of each girl into my brain.

Rias and Akeno, both with much more tittage and slightly trimmed pubic hair, the red eyed Seekvaria with chest comparable to Rias and Akeno, but fully trimmed down below, Sona and Koneko with small chests and adorable little slits. Latia is also there, and let's just say, the curtains shockingly match the drapes.

The rest of the people here are beautiful, sure, like Sona's peerage, but I'm honestly swiftly reaching that limit of 'girls I can have in a harem without going fucking crazy'. The number is like... fifteen.

Serafall, Rosaline, Ravel, Virgo- who would bend over if I merely asked for it- Le Fay, Meredith, both of whom have shown crushes over the past few weeks, Rias and her crush, Koneko who would try to 'claim' me if I gave her access to the garden, I still need to get Xenovia, Irina, Valerie, and Artoria to see me in a romantic light, as well.

That's twelve out of fifteen.

Thirteen out of fifteen if you include Sona... and if all goes well, I'll have at least like five pawns left.

Fourteen if you include Kuroka and her eventual insatiable desire to make babies with me when it becomes clear I have two clan traits, am a super devil, and have the boosted gear.

Ugh. This is such a headache. And I haven't even begun to collect waifus across the multiverse.

Wait... that is certainly an idea.

Ohoho yeah. That'll be BIG.

The fertility potions are one thing, those simply make me the most valuable person in the underworld... this'll be big enough to get me my 'Satan class' status.

I finish my slice of cake and stand up, walking over to Serafall, everyone else is still ignorant of their sudden nudity.

"I am going to disappear before they wisen up and try to murder me." I slowly state.

"Gai-Tan... why didn't your clothes explode?" Serfall pouts before me.

"Because I knew the effects and kept a tight grip on my demonic power... also at all times I wear magically enhanced clothing that can shrug off high caliber bullets effortlessly." I shrug with a small smile.

"Did you waaaant to see me naked?" I ask suddenly with a smirk. "If so, all you had to do is ask Sera-tan! We could get naked and kiss! It'd be hot!"

"Hr-" Serafall flinches.

"Also. I beat your sister in chess." I continue, acting as if I hadn't said the last four sentences at all.

"Already?" The magical girl mutters to herself only to freeze and place a hand over her mouth.

"Er-" she continues, glancing around rapidly.

"Gai-Tan!" She quietly whispers to me. "Are you trying to take So-Tan's Chastity from me?!"

"I'm trying to take your chastity from So-Tan." I deadpan as I step around her.

The magical girl stiffens slightly as I continue with a wave. "Tell Sona that I think she has a nice body. Byeee! I think we'll be meeting soon though~!"


'How much would I need to alter this spell like this?'

Cost to modify Spell Seed 'Plane Shift' in this manner: 100000 Electrum.


Eh. If I do some selling here and there, I should be able to manage. But that's like... enough electrum to get me within spitting distance of level twenty.

According to the shop, I could sell the 'Dxd dragon Wawel corpse' for like five thousand electrum.

I can shoot for this right now, or I can level up to fifteen and unlock more of my clan trait's powers.

But for now, level fourteen is enough. I can create a lesser demi-plane, then I can start my dark work.

Step one of the master plan. Lesser Demiplane. Step two. Acquire funding.

Step three? Waifus... also profit.

"Gaaaai-taaaan!" A pink wearing magical girl grins as she opens the door to my office.

"Oh, Hey Sera-tan. What brings you here." I mutter.

"I just wanted to visit my adorable little Gai-Tan." She smiles.

"Oh cool. Can we talk about how you are absolutely trying your hardest to get Sona and myself together?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Gai-Tan." She smiles.

"Maybe you're hoping for a hot threesome in the future?"

She sounds slightly more strained. "I don't know what you are talking about Gai-Tan."

I give her a half lidded stare. "If you want a twosome, all you need to do is ask m-"

"My family should be arriving later today to negotiate the marriage contract." She quickly states, trying desperately to move the conversation along.

"I see." I slowly state as I bring a hand to my face. "Ugh. I haven't even broken the news to Ravel yet. That's going to give me a headache and a half."

"Anyways, how did they react to suddenly being nude?" I continue.

Serafall gains an impish grin. "Oh, they definitely freaked out. But they seem to have forgotten that you were there."

"Lucky for me." I note. "I certainly would have gotten a few letters of annoyance had they remembered."

"All but Sona and Rias." The girl's smile grows.

"Ah. I see." I slowly state. "That's... a thing."

We fall into silence for a moment.

"So. Sera-Tan, how's the Fertility potion thing going?"

"Oh, that? Nearly twenty new high class children have been born with around the same amount on the way... we are saving the remainder of our potion stock for the coming years, though." She replies, leaving 'Sera-tan' mode behind and shifting into 'Serafall Leviatan'.

"How many do you have left?"

"Two..." She mutters.

"I can make some more if you wish."

"If you did, we would feel the need to use them as soon as possible and other factions might see the large increase in children as a threat."

"I see." I slowly state. "I'm working on something just as groundbreaking as the fertility potions."

"Oh?" The Satan blinks. "What could be just as great as Fertility potions."

"Not just as great... greater." I grin.

Serafall stares owlishly for a moment.

"In theory." I meekly say as I scratch the back of my head. "I want to keep it a secret right now, and while certain things have shown that it works, I haven't worked out all the kinks and I don't know if I will ever work out the kinks. So, I don't want to get your hopes up."

"I see." Serafall mutters.

"I will say, that if it works... well... if the potions made me the most valuable man in the underworld, this will give me Satan level authority easily."

"Oh?" Serafall blinks. "The thing you are working on is that big?"

"Maybe. Like I said, it's still very experimental. Rarely ever working, and certainly not on living objects like I want it to."

"Hn, but you didn't come here to talk about business, did you?" I slowly state. "So, Sera-tan, what would you like to do today?"

"Wanna watch my show?" She asks with a grin.

"If that's what you want." I shrug. "Oh. And don't forget, Sera-tan. You owe me for the Vanilove fruit and the sections of sweet dew tree."

"Don't worry, Gai-Tan. I'll pay you back!"

"Oh, I believe you." I nod. "I was just maybe putting it out there that mind blowing sex could be the payment as well."

"Gai-Tan." The magical girl pouts.



"I'll think about it." She eventually relents.


"What?" She repeats.


"Er... Ravel." I begin awkwardly as I enter the small tea room Ravel and her mother are speaking in.

"Yes, Gaius?" Ravel asks with a small smile. "What may I do for you today."

"Gaius." Rosaline smiles. "It has been a while. Perhaps one day we should catch up while taking a relaxing bath."

"We can do that now if you wish." I smile slightly, watching as Ravel blushes. "I have been meaning to do this again, but I kept getting distracted."

"Oh?" Ravel's mother smiles. "That certainly sounds pleasant, what do you think, Ravel?"

"u-Uh, y-yes. That does sound alright." The drill haired girl slowly nods.

The two women stand up and swiftly follow me to my bedroom and into the connecting bathroom. The door is closed as I take off my shirt and whisk it away with dimensional magic.

The large tub in front of me fills with water in an instant as a crystal in the ceiling glows.

With a snap of my fingers. The water immediately boils, steam violently hissing from the surface of the water. I look over my shoulder to see Rosaline undo her bra and slip it off. "You both are immune to heat, right?"

"There are some exceptions." The older woman hums. "But yes. Boiling water is not an issue. It's actually quite pleasant."

"It is." I agree as my eyes trail over to Ravel who is taking off her skirt, shortly followed by her panties.

I unbutton my jeans and climb in the tub, taking a seat on the opposite side of where I entered, quickly followed by Ravel who tosses her shirt and bra aside, then her mother who slinks into the water with a pleased smile on her face. "Ah... this is nice."

The two women take a seat to my right and to my left.

"So." Rosaline smiles. "It has been a while since we have spoken, Gaius. Did you forget about me?"

"Sorry, I have been incredibly busy these past three months." I apologize.

"Hn yes. Ravel told me about it."

"You didn't even go to school." Ravel pouts cutely, her face tinted red by our close nude proximity.

"Well, I mean, it's not like we'd even see each other there if I did." I hum with a small shrug. "But, if you two are curious, I was forging an object."

"You told me that... but you never told me what you were working on?" Ravel states. "I don't understand what could take that long- eep!"

As she is speaking I wrap an arm around her and her mother's shoulders and pull them close, their breasts press against my sides as her mother shoots me a sultry smile.

"Well, my dear Ravel, I suppose I should tell you now. You know King Arthur?" I ask.

"T-The Ancestor of Le Fay and Arthur, right?" She mutters.

"The one in the same." I nod. "I simply found one of his older weapons, one that he isn't really known for, fixed it- as he had broken it- and promptly made it possibly the strongest holy or demonic blade in existence... definitely the first that has gained true sentience and the ability to walk around under its own power."

"H-HUH?!" Ravel gasps

"Oh. That certainly is... big." her mother notes.

"Are you talking about my achievement or my erection?" I cheekily question.

Her hand gently wraps around my throbbing member as she shoots me a small smile. "can't I compliment both?"

She continues gently stroking below the water, joined swiftly by a pouting Ravel.

My hand slowly begins drifting down Ravel's body after I give her breast a quick squeeze and continue on. "Anyways, reforging Caledfwlch gave me a lot of insight into a few things... firstly, I was able to improve my craft. Secondly, it allowed me to realize that king Arthur was a massive idiot, as the lady of the lake gave him a sword that had incredible capacity for enchantments, he had NOT ONLY Merlin on his side, but also Morgan Le Fay, and at most, he put a sharpening enhancement or a durability enchantment on it... then he broke it. I bet the lady of the lake tore her hair out after hearing about that... then it seems like she turned around, copied the same exact sort of forging method, chose the enchantments, and called it Excalibur."

Rosaline lets out a melodic laugh as she brings her free hand to her mouth. "Ah, that certainly makes the church's boogie man, the 'strongest holy sword wielder' less scary."

"After the three months of fixing the blade, I spent three days whipping up Sona's birthday present... oh, and I'm also having a couple factories created on Decarabia land."

"I saw that." Ravel's mother nods. "It would be best to have some form of export for the territory, as we are now, nobody lives here, and while you do have a surplus of Lillum, enough to last a few hundred years easily, but it would perhaps be for the best to have a continuous income. Have you thought about what these factories will be for?"

"Cider and fruit related beverages." I shrug.

Ravel's eyes light up seemingly not noticing the fact my hand is now slowly trailing down her stomach. "Oh! That's smart! You plan to use the white apples, right?"

"Yep." I nod only to frown. "As for other methods, I'm honestly surprised nobody has asked to have a blade forged by me. I mean, the Malthus clan trait is literally just weapon enchanting."

"Well, you call yourself Gaius Decarabia. Not Gaius Malthus. Most people wouldn't remember that you are the lord of Malthus as well as Decarabia." Rosaline easily replies. "And... white apples? I was unaware we even had a garden."

"We do have a garden." Ravel states. "Gaius just likes to keep it so not many people know of it. He has the complete monopoly on incredible foods."

"Yep." I nod. "I sort of felt that I was not allowing that to reach its full potential, using it merely for birthday gifts and catering events. White Apple Cider is merely step one."

Ravel's mother pouts slightly. "Gaius... why haven't you shown me the garden?"

"Oh, my apologies. I just haven't had the time, really." I frown. "Ugh. Becoming the lord of the Decarabia house was probably one of the worst things to happen to me. It's just always paperwork and pretending to be nice to people- a majority of whom you don't even care about- because of politics."

I look to Ravel. "So, anything happen in your life recently?"

"Nothing, like you, sadly." The girl frowns. "I became the class president... I don't like Koneko all that much, but that's just my own immaturity showing instead of the reasonable dislike of Rias."

"Yeah, Rias can be a lot sometimes... even I have some aspects that I am a little annoyed by. But it isn't nice to talk about people when they aren't here." I agree, only to swiftly shut down any potential tirade of disliking Rias.

"I uh... haven't been to the Occult Research club in a while... it's just not the same without you." The girl's shoulders slump briefly.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." I mutter. "I'm about to start going back to school now that Caledfwlch is done."

"it's not... the place I enjoy." The girl states as she turns away slightly, a blush on her face as her voice quickly quiets down. "It's spending time with you."

"I enjoy spending time with you as well, Ravel."

"Gaius..." She slowly mutters. "I know it's a little late, but could we do something for my birthday?"

"Late?" I question.

"My birthday was five days ago." She answers.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim with wide eye. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You were busy with your enchanting and I d-didn't want to bother you."

"Ravel. Out of absolutely everything in my life at the moment. You are priority number one. I'm hurt you didn't tell me."

"I-I didn't really want a birthday party this year." The girl mutters as she scratches the back of her head with her other hand, her hair has been let down and is slightly wet.

"Forgetting your Fiancee's birthday... for shame, Gaius." Rosaline dramatically sighs while shaking her head, speeding up her stroking of my erection.

"I never knew it because I never actually asked." I deadpan.

"Hn. Mental note. Ask for people's birthdays." I mutter under my breath.

I look to Ravel. "So, what do you want?"

"Can we... sleep together?" The girl asks.

"As in... Sex? Or just sleep in the same bed together. I'm all for both. And honestly, this isn't something you should have to ask for as a birthday present. I'd do it regardless."

"I-I meant the s-second thing... b-but maybe- u-uh the f-first might not be so bad?"

She flinches as my hand finally reaches her crotch; my fingers begin gently rubbing her clit as I shoot her a small smirk. "Oh? Is that so?"

She lets out a shaky breath as her eyes widen, she bites her lip and squirms slightly, eventually letting out a few breathy huffs.

My index and middle finger dig into her slit as she lets out a quiet moan.

She seemingly panics and brings both hands to her mouth.

"So. While we are on the topic of sex..." I smugly state as I pull her closer, her fairly large breasts pressing against me as my fingers go deeper and deeper with each thrust. "With your fiery regeneration... what exactly happens when I take your virginity? Would someone not immune to fire have a really bad time?"

"Mhhn!" Ravel moans through her hands, causing me to speed up.

"Oh, it's quite touching." Ravel's mother smiles. "We don't always regenerate, it requires demonic power... if we allow our regeneration to fall during sex, a Phenex is stating that they are becoming yours, that they fully trust you. You'll forever leave your mark in them that remains forever."

Her smile suddenly falls, absolutely remembering her disloyalty to my past self.

"Hn." I hum as I pinch Ravel's clit, causing the girl to shudder slightly. "That's interesting I suppose."

I look over to the girl with a charming smile, then over to her mother who is still stroking my rock hard Member. "I'm about to cum by the way."

"Oh, that won't do." I hear Ravel's mother mutter as demonic power suddenly radiates from her body.

The water bubbles and shoots from the tub, creating a large orb above us as if the gravity simply turned off. "We can't allow the bath water to get dirty, after all~"

Rosaline gets on her knees and smirks up at me, then takes my erection into her mouth, her tongue gently licks the tip, causing me to falter briefly in my teasing of Ravel's petite pussy. She strokes the length as she takes more and more of it into her mouth, I eventually become accustomed to the feeling and return to fingering Ravel, much to the girl's embarrassed shyness and poorly contained ecstasy.

Rosaline suddenly takes my entire length in her mouth, I can feel my dick twitching slightly, I can tell that I am moments away from blowing my load into her mouth.

"I'm-" Ravel cuts me off as she presses her face into my neck, her arms wrapping around me as her entire body shudders under her violent orgasm.

"Haaaaaahn!" She moans as her mother slides my member out of her mouth, leaving only the tip past her lips.

My white-hot seed pours into the older women's mouth as she smiles, her tongue gently licks the very tip of my penis, after a moment of silence, Ravel's pants being the only audible noise, Rosaline pulls back and swallows with a sultry smile. She gives my tip one final lick to clean it then with a wave of her hand, Ravel and I are cleaned.

The water flows back down into the tub as Rosaline lets out a satisfied sigh. "I am glad that your relationship is progressing swiftly... at this rate, maybe I'll have grandchildren before the decade is up!"

"M-MOTHER!" Ravel blushes, arms still around me as my arm wraps around her lower back.

"It'll probably be a fifty-fifty. Either Ravel gets a younger sibling... or you get grandchildren."

"Eh?!" Ravel lets out a scandalized gasp.

"Oh?" Rosaline asks as she leans close. "Is that a promise?"

"Sure." I shrug while looking over to Ravel who is pouting at me.

"Oh." I continue. "By the way... there's some bad news, Ravel, or good news? It honestly depends on how you look at it, but I'm assuming you'll see it as bad news."

The girl frowns suddenly. "Y-Yeah?"

"I beat Sona in chess."

"Okay?" The blonde mutters.

"Which means that I have met the requirements to engage her." She freezes as she seemingly comprehends what I just said.

"Which means that her family is coming later today to negotiate an engagement contract." I press on.

"WHAT?!" The blonde shrieks.

"Oh dear." Rosaline mutters. "I had expected this. Strength attracts and I didn't believe we would have you to ourselves for long."

Ravel pouts as she looks down into the tub. "At... least it's not Rias... Sona is alright. I've never spoken to her, but she's done nothing to annoy me. I'll see how everything goes."

"I believe that would be for the best." Rosaline nods. "I wouldn't be surprised if Gaius attracts even more to his harem."

"Hn." I hum. "Well, Virgo constantly wants punishment and gets a sort of twisted lusty pleasure out of it..."

"I am aware." Ravel's mother slowly nods.

"Should we invite her to the next time we take a boiling bath? She'd probably enjoy it just as much as we do."

"Hn." Ravel frowns as she buries her face into my chest. "Not yet. Sona won't do stuff like this for a while. I want you all to myself for just a little while."

I pat the back of her head with a small smile. "Don't worry, Ravel. You've got time. Sona's a little shy. She probably won't make any moves like this for at least a year or two despite our earlier friendship."

"Really?" The girl whispers.

"Probably." I nod.

"Okay." The blonde quietly relents as I run a hand through her hair.

'hn. I'm still a little pent up. I wonder if I can ask Rosaline to give me another blowjob.'
