
Dungeon WAR: Raising goblins as a dungeon

It has the ability create life as thought it was a measly feat. With its power it can destroy worlds and create civilisations. It exists everywhere, where you step, what you see and what you breath is part of it. One can say it's not only omniscient and omnipotent, but omnipresent as well. But what is It? A deity? No, it's a dungeon. ... A young man from earth has found himself reincarnated as a dungeon. In this new world, he is now but a child. Armed with nothing else but his genius creation capability, come watch him as he struggles to survive this world where his kind are treated as nothing but tools. "Hmm? Another group of adventurers is sent to close me down?" He laughed. "Clearly, they didn't understand when i killed all of their armies... wait, that boy has a good looking soul. Why don't I turn him into a slime?" From the deepest pits of the dungeons, terrifying creatures awoke as they had been ordered by the creature they live in. Be the strongest dragons living in the deepest levels of the dungeon, to the weakest goblins only known for being cannon fodder. Each of these creatures got up to greet the newcomer, because he ordered them to.

4thBlackGoblin · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 43: Tower defense



Barks akin to roars sounded within the forest. They broke the short and fragile peace by spreading through the air and ground. As the sounds grow louder, the thumping of their originator's powerful paws can be heard in unison, announcing their arrival to all who listen. From the barks alone, it is clear that this was not a single creature.

Animals, small to big, turned their heads to see the coming creatures. They wondered what dared make such a loud noise in such a danger filled place.

The animals did not need to wait long. As a group of cretures appeared from the misty forest.

They were kobolds. The local tyrant of the forest. Appearing in a group of 20, the kobolds followed the smell of blood that wafted to their noses.

And as they arrived, the familiar scene left them livid.

The decapitated and badly injured body laid there in its own pool of blood. The memories from five days ago still lingering in their mind, it was like déjà vu all over again. Those that saw it for the first time had their boiling point at its peak. Anger was no longer a word best fit to describe what these creature felt.

Only the sound of their roars came close.


Without wasting time, an order to attack was given. The enemy's scent was still fresh and any moment wasted was another with them still alive.



As such, all the kobolds bolted towards where noses lead.


Not far from the raging kobolds, the goblins ran as fast as they could back to the Portal. With the numbers they had, they of course couldn't battle the kobolds. So the child send them back to the wall.

In this way, he could at least have a fighting chance against them. As with even with his total number of goblins, he has absolutely no chance of winning. Only if he has the home ground advantage and a defender's position can he actually pull this off.

That was why, a few meters away from the running goblins, beyond the wall made of bricks, preparations were being made.

The heavy and metallic door was slowly being pulled up. The goblin archers were knocked their arrows and Looked further deep in the forest. Many equipment and all things that will be of use within the portal were brought up. Each type of goblin was at work. Even the builder goblins went to the portal and picked up a sword.

The only goblin that didn't have much to do in this battle was the gremlins. As frontal battles went their forte, the gremlins weren't likely to provide much help to the coming clash.

But although the coming clash was not something they can contribute much to, something of theirs could be of great help to even the playing field.

Curious of how their creations would fare, the three gremlins looked climbed up the wall and looked far into the forest. The place where a group of dark furred creatures, speeding akin to the darkness itself came.


In the lead of said dark furred creatures, was a gray cursed kobold. This one was of course was not the one that lead the charge last time, but instead the true leader of the kobolds.

It was the alpha.

It charged at the front with a blood red red gaze. Standing at an imposing height and radiating an air of unwavering authority, it stood out among the other kobolds. Unlike the rest which were frenzied with froth, the alpha did not appear to be angry, but rather, its piercing red eyes revealed a deep-seated, unsettling emotion that could send shivers down the spines of any who would dared meet its gaze.

It's glare was focused on the running green figures not far away. It's limbs were working a hundred times harder to get it closer to its target.


But suddenly, one of the kobolds howled and fell to the ground. The alpha turned it head for a second. Letting it catch a glimpse on the metallic object clutching the kobolds arm. The alpha was confused, not truly knowing was the thing was. But it did not stop. They could not stop, they were too close. The kobolds behind will help it if needed, it only had to focus on the enemy.

So although it looked back for a second, it was only just that, a second. It thus continued rushing foward.

Drawing closer to the goblins with each step, but in the way, some thing uddenly appeared. A thin and faintly pulled green rope laid parallel to the ground. It was a bit conspicuous and hard to notice due to its green colour.

But the alpha was able to see it perfectly maybe in the dark, the rope might had done well and managed to trip it, but it's eyes were sharp. So the kobold alpha jumped the rope easily. Thus continuing its persuit.

But although it managed to jump the rope, One of the kobolds failed to. It was not becaue the kobold was not perceptive enough to see the rope, but rather it was too furious to care for such a little thing. So it rushed foward with its mouth opened wide. It bit into the rope and pulled it.

And as it had thought, the rope was instantly torn and cut with just a bite from it.

But of course, that was not the end of it. As the moment the rope was cut, something not far away was activated. With a mechanical click, a reaction was instantly released.


Three arrows flew out from a conspicuous bush. But as instant as it was, it was not as fast as the kobold who caused it.

So by the time he arrows arrived, the kobold had already passed. The one trailing behind the kobold who caused it however...

Kuchi! Kuchi! Kuchi!


Three arrows stabbed into the kobold. And unfortunately, one of the arrows lodged into the kobold's head. Ending its life instantly.

At the front, the alpha heard the short howl that was instantly cut off. From the sound, it was clear that the kobold was not well. If it was still alive at all.


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