
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Finding and Preparation

'Finally , after spending so much time alone in a cave I found a human settlement. This is great, but the first step to understanding what my next move is.'

Kyle was flying quickly towards the east where Nissa confirmed her village to be. The Elemental cut the air like a meteor ,moving more than 20 m/s without difficulty, but the same couldn't be said for poor Nissa. She was having difficult breathing and she was very cold because of the wind speed, but she was to scared to say anything so they flew without rest. Fortunately they arrived at the village in a little more than 5 minutes.

Kyle choose a relatively clear place which was not away from the village and landed with a bang. The earth shook slightly from the weight of the Earth Elemental and it even caved in a little.

[We have arrived. You are home.]

Kyle said telepathically to Nissa who was on his shoulder, still not having recovered from the shock. She stared wide eyed at the village and she started crying again.

"Hick... hick..

I thought I would never be able to see the village again. Mom, dad...hick...

Kyle didn't know what the girl was saying and he didn't ask. He didn't wanted to spoil the moment. Also he was doing some last-minute shopping of his own. He had opened his Shop once again and was buying a new skill.

' Would you like to buy the skill 'Marking' (300) CP?

Yes No'


The skill 'Marking' was a very useful and convenient skill used by the Hunter class for hunting big prey , but it was also used by the Assassin class for long range surveilence. All in all it was a very useful skill to have so you could know the whereabouts of someone from far away, but the way Kyle was using it was....


'As if I have a choice.


His mind was again flooded by information and he immediately knew how to cast he skill. He immediately activated the new skill he had just bought and cast it below the Elementals feet.

He felt his CP decrease a little as he activated the skill and also gained something like a new sense. It was strange for Kyle to experience something like this, but If he could put it to words ; it was like he knew what way was up and what way was down.

'What a strange skill. Well everything in this world is strange from my perspective. Magic, monsters, and I'm even a fucking core....but that what makes bit exciting. The question is no longer what can I do, but what I can't. Where is the limit of this world?'

As Kyle was excitedly wondering what he could achieve in this world Nissa had stopped crying and started to bow again towards the Elemental. Kyle imediately noticed that and knew it was time to go. He had achieved his goal of finding a place he could gain information on this world and he had also done a good deed, thought unintentionally.

[It's time for you to go child. There are people waiting for you.]

[Thank you, o great messenger. I am eternally grateful to you for saving my life, but how can I repay this...

'Blah blah blah.... can you get going! I'm being to tire of pretending to be a messenger of god.'

Deep down Kyle wanted to shout these words to the girl, but he couldn't. He had to endure it.

[There is no need. Consider this as your destiny beeing saved by me. If you want to repay me promise that you will become smarter.

Goodbye then.]

With those last words he flew to the sky leaving a stunned Nissa.

'Become smarter....

Kyle had said those words without any real meaning behind them, but for Nissa those words were a decree from God. She kept repeating those words over and over on her head until she couldn't think of anything else.

Kyle didn't know it at this time, but he had become the catalyst of a legend. The girl he had just saved would one day be know as Sage Nissa of Infinite Knowledge. She would become one of the greatest sages to ever live and also the most knowledgeable human of her time. She would also be known as the Keeper of Knowledge as she would have a library of more than 100000 different books at her disposal, but that was last ng in the future.


On the other hand Kyle had arrived back at his place and was beginning to expand his dungeon, but also equip it. He firstly decided to dig a tunnel straight down on the core room so he could escape at any moment. He also created some traps around the dungeon some of which were bought at the Shop and some others were manual ones he could activate at will. He also created a system of tunnels above the dungeon and also below.

He worked all the time as he and the Elemental couldn't tire so the works went smoothly, but he came up with a problem. With all the tunnels he had excavated he had a ton of dirt to dispose of , but didn't know where. He couldn't just sweep it under the rug or throw it out of the dungeon as someone would definitely notice something was wrong . He thought of a solution for some time until he understood how stupid he was.He as a dungeon core had an internal storage he could put all the dirt and he did without any problem.

He worked non-stop for three whole days until some visitors came knocking on his door.