
Dungeon Master: Paving a bloody path to sovereignty

*The image on the cover belongs to TheSmilingOgre, I claim no ownership of it ---------- An unknown entity has kidnapped hundreds of thousands of humans across the whole globe and transported all of them to a fantasy world. There, they were all separated into two different roles: Dungeon Masters which have to expand their dungeon and kill any intruders in order to grow stronger and Heroes which must enter the dungeons to destroy them. In the midst of this bloody game, Luiz must do everything he can to survive as a Dungeon Master while learning more about the fantastical world he's been thrown in and the entity that brought all of them there. So accompany him as he rises to the top and leaves a bloody trail behind him as he aims to become unmatched by all. ---------- *English isn't my first language, so feel free to show me any errors so I can correct them in the future. *This is a very slow novel, so there will be a lot of descriptions, theorizing and experimentation when building the dungeon, so if you want a lot of action at the start you might be disappointed but if you like an in-depth dungeon building and a flashed out fantasy world than you might be interested. *Romance will be entirely absent from the start of this novel as it would make things progress even slower than they already are, but I'm willing to work on it later on. *The protagonist won't be an OP badass who can solve everything easily but he'll be very thoughtful and will always try to outplay his opponents rather than just facing them head-on, basically he'll have the ingredients to be very powerful at the start but that will only come true later on. *Lastly, make sure to leave suggestions and tell me how you feel about the story, your opinions can help me greatly in writing this story.

DaoistyaSOLa · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Dungeon Panel

Dark skin, long white hair, lean and very tall physique and very long pointed ears were the physical traits that Luiz could identify right away by looking at himself and using his hands to check it.

Just that combination of characteristics alone are enough for him to realize that he is most certainly not in a human body anymore.

But this characteristics are not completely unknown to him, as he has seen many fantasy settings and long pointed ears along with a lean physique are most commonly depicted on media, as a characteristic of an elf. In his case, the dark skin points towards him belonging to one of the sub-races of elf: the 'dark elves'.

He remembers that elfs in their majority, have as their main characteristics an bigger life span compared to humans and their otherworldly beauty.

"I mean, being tall and living for very long are certainly nice perks to have, but I honestly had no problem with my former body and suddenly being shoved in a brand new one is a difficult idea to wrap my head around."

Another thing that concerned him about his current appearance was the clothes he is wearing, or the almost complete lack thereof, his torso was completely bare and he only wore some black pants to cover his lower half, he didn't even have any shoes to wear and instead had black bandages wrapped around his hands and feet.

"*Sigh* No point in complaining, there are currently much more pressing issues such as my preparations for the next 10 days to deal with, I'll just have to get used to it."

So while he did some stretching exercises to grow acostumed to the new body, He decided to finally open the dungeon building panel so that the work could start.

'Open the Dungeon Management panel!' Since he had discovered earlier that the system could detect his intentions without any voice commands, He tried to call the system in his mind.


[Welcome to the dungeon management panel, here is where you'll be able to easily get an overview of the dungeon and make changes to it.]

[Do you wish to receive a quick overview of all the functions?]

[Yes] [No]

He chose yes without any hesitation, even if he's familiar with game-like terms and would probably have no problem navigating it himself, it would still be better to have a more accurate explanation, especially when it's being handed for free.

[System options] (It is recommended that this function is used first since it allows the Dungeon Master to customize the system to better suit yourself and become more intuitive to navigate)

[Dungeon Overview] (Allows you to assess the whole dungeon and see its layout in detail, also shows any effects that are active in your dungeon such as the Beginner Protection Period)

[Store/Storage space] (Allows one to buy and sell basic items, resources and equipment/ Holds all the items that are not in use and resources gathered in a subspace for easy acces)

[Expansion/building] (This is where the dungeon can be expanded with new rooms and corridors/ Allows one to use raw materials to build a variety of useful buildings and place any traps or props held in the storage space)

[Summoning/Minion management] (Allows one to summon loyal helpers to aid in both logistical and military issues/ This is used to see all the minions under your command and easily reassign them whenever needed)

[Personal Panel] (Shows the Dungeon Master's current status and allows the conversion of personal experience into skills and abilities of your choosing)

"Hmmm... Let's see."

Accepting the systems suggestion, he decides that the system options was a good place for him to start since it would make the rest much smoother.

Opening the system options, he was presented with many familiar settings he could tweak like the opacity of the panel and its size, but there was already an option that he decided to change no matter what and that was the notification sound, which he completely turned off.

Maybe it's because his new ears are very sensitive, but this is a sound he has already grown tired of after listening to it just a few times, so since he will be stuck there for the foreseeable future, then turning it off early is a must.

Aside from it, he in general made the interface as non-intrusive as possible while showing all the information that he needs in a single panel rather than having to access all the different functions to have it.

He may still make some more alterations later when he has a better grasp of what is important and what's not, but it'll have to do for now.

So without further ado, he opened the dungeon overview, finally having the chance to satiate his curiosity and see what his dungeon currently looks like. He planned to take the opportunity to check with his own eyes the place he will be stuck in for the next 10 days.

[Dungeon Name: None]

[Level 1 Dungeon/ 1 Floor available]

[Location: Northern Continent/ Dragonspite mountain range]

[Current active effects: Beginner Protection Period(?)]

What was presented to him was a bit of text giving some basic information, but more importantly, he was also given a map of the dungeon showing him the current state of the place.

But it was very underwhelming, with only 4 rooms arranged in a line from the entrance. But he wasn't too disappointed since he knew that this was so he could come up with his own design.

But before trying to delve deeper into what purpose each of those rooms served, I first decided to look into the text and see what I could get from it.

The name he decided to ignore for now since he was never good with names and he doesn't want to waste time deciding it.

The level of the dungeon must represent the progression of the dungeon in its development while the floor represent that the expansion of the dungeon will come in sections as you increase the number of floors rather than being a single large floor.

The location is hard to get anything out of since he doesn't know where 'Northern Continent' or 'Dragonspite mountain range' are, but even not knowing where he is, he still became very relieved to know in what terrain his dungeon is currently seated. Afterall, his biggest concern is one of the local forces trampling him before he has a chance to grow and knowing that his dungeon is in a mountain range means that amassing a subjugation force will be harder and they might even decide that it's not worth it, meaning that he's much safer.

But what caught his attention the most was the line which showed the current active effects, after the 'Beginner Protection Period' there was an question mark highlighted. After he focused on this question mark, he saw another window suddenly pop up from it.

[Beginner Protection Period: The entrance of the dungeon has been blocked for the duration of the effect/ The dungeon is protected from the prying or influence of any outside forces/ All reselling, dismantling and unsummoning return rates have been temporarily adjusted to 100% from 50% (This is so Dungeon Masters can freely experiment and test all that's offered without any longterm consequences)/ An exclusive feature has been added, called 'Simulation Trial' which allows one to test their dungeon's defenses and prepare themselves for what's to come.]

'Whoa...' It was all he could think of after reading everything.

What greeted him was an absolute goldmine of information that could have been lost to him if he took what the introduction gave him at face value and didn't try to dig deeper.

'Out of all of the effects, the only one mentioned was the first one, briefly. I should make sure to read everything and actively search for information from now on'

And in regards to what he read, the part about 'protecting from outside interference' took him by surprise since that's something he didn't even think about before, but nonetheless it is a good thing for him.

But the last two effects were by far the most interesting parts of the description. Heaving 100% returns in any spending for the next 10 days means that he should go through absolutely everything he currently has access to, now that he has the chance and being able to put your efforts to the test without risk is the cheery on top.

But on the other hand, he is also starting to feel anxious since whoever put them there has deemed necessary for the Dungeon Masters to receive such great benefits, which means that they will need all the help they can get in the future.

But this wasn't enough for him to lose his cool, keeping all this information in mind, he decides to worry about this later since right now he has something else he needs to do.

"Hm~ I think that I'm starting to get used to this body, the stretching has helped immensely in figuring out what my body capabilities are"

And it's safe to say that they are off the charts, he is currently superior than his previous self in every single aspect. Even with his current scrawny body, the strength he can demonstrate is higher than even a weightlifter's, but that change pales in comparison to his other traits.

His awareness, in particular his hearing has become at least five times more acute, making it actually quite hard to adapt to it in such a short time. Also his flexibility and dexterity has gone beyond what a human body allows and can be said to already be firmly in the realm of the supernatural.

"Honestly, being on this body might not be so bad after all." He says, currently wishing there was a mirror somewhere so that he could see his new face instead of having to make a rough estimation through touch.

"Okay, let's look around. It would be best to get a look of this place with my own eyes, see what I have to work with."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DaoistyaSOLacreators' thoughts