
Dualbender In Avatar

A man reincarnates into the world of Avatar The Last Airbender with dualbending, no strings attached. AN: The image does not belong to me as I have found it on Google and if the original owner wants me to remove it then I'll remove it.

KuroHyoudou · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

A beautiful woman and a handsome man well not currently was running desperately away from someone or something which could be seen by the desperate look on their face which showed that they were in danger and really wanted to be away from whatever they were in danger from.

Their looks was ruined by the dirt and slight burns that they had on their face and also their body while their clothes was similar to that of a beggar as there were burn marks and rips planted all around their clothes.

However the most prominent thing about the couple was the baby that the mother was carrying in her arms giving a sense of warmness and safety despite the situation they were in. The baby was their first born and despite their state they did not give up and kept running away despite the hunger and tiredness that they were going through. After all the babies life depended on the their efforts to keep away from who ever was chasing after them.

"Just a bit further and we will finally reach safety and live the life we wanted to, away from the fire benders." The man said to his wife as he wanted to give her hope to keep running.

"I know Eron, we will make it and raise our little family in that small village" The woman returned his gesture back with a slight smile which hid obvious sadness in them.

They kept running until they were quite a reasonable distance away from the fire benders who were chasing them so that they could hide and escape.

However they did not expect the extra people that they didn't count for who were edging towards them without them expecting it.

A stream of fire was sent towards the couple which fortunately for them they sensed due to their training in sensing increase of temperature from a reasonable distance.

Due to the wife holding the baby, the man quickly bended some water from a pond near and raised a shield to protect them. Due to the heat of the fire, the water evaporated really quickly and formed steam but that quickly disappeared after a few seconds.

"Impressive reflex water bender but that won't be enough" The fire bender spoke in contempt and also praised a little.

The fire bender punched some streams of fire while using swiping his legs to form streams and swirls of fire to beat his opponent or you could call it enemy.

However Eron did not give up as he used water to block his attacks and formed flowing whips that could cut down trees with ease. He used the whips to strike the bender in his weak points but in vain he had no success injuring the bender as the firebender successful dodged all his attacks.

Since whips weren't working as he intended to he decided to bring more water so his water bending is at a higher level which burst the huge bodies of water into small spheres with the size of a golf ball. Seeing this the firebender laughed as he was amused by what his opponent was doing and thought that he was going to lose.

"Hahaha what are you going to do with that, are you going to splash some water on me." The fire bender laughed at whatever Eron was planning to do.

Due to the fire bender having his guard dropped, Eron quickly formed the balls of water into spike shaped ice hard as a stone. This caused the fire bender to die really miserably as spike went through every single part of his body wether it is the mouth or heart.

Having spikes through all his body, the fire bender obviously died as there was no chance for him to successfully live.

"How stupid does someone have to be to drop their guard like that" Eron mockingly said as he brushed past the dead body in amusement as he found it funny how the fire bender dropped his guard because of his overconfidence.

Having dealt with the fire bender he quickly ran to his wife so that they could reach the village and be safe.

"Come on Mire, we need to hurry before more fire nation soldiers come after us." Eron said to his wife hurriedly who was still standing there.

Together both of them quickly ran without troubling their baby as they did not want to wake the baby up. Unfortunately for them their wishes would not be granted as they heard a lot of vibrations on the floor which made them anxious as they realised what was coming towards them.

"I guess we have no other choice" Eron said sadly to his wife who seemed like she was about to cry due to the possibility of what was going to happen.

They quickly hid behind some bushes and wrapped their baby in warm clothing before putting him in a carriage for what they were planning to do.

While Mire was putting the baby in the carriage and heating the blankets slightly with her fire bending so that the baby could stay warm and comfortable for the journey that was ahead for him.

A loud bang was heard from the huge flaming ball that came from one of the catapult of the fire nation soldiers. This sound caused the baby to wake up from the intensity of it which echoed throughout the forest, fortunately for the baby it did not cause too much damage to his eardrums.

{Jason POV}

"What the hell was that" I said but all that came from my mouth was a cry which made me realize that I was a baby after looking at my little body and the voice that came out of my mouth. The loud noise did hurt my ears a little bit from the intensity of it as it was quite loud for a infant's ear drums.

I stopped crying as I had no reason to and once I stopped, I decided to observe the surroundings to take note of the situation that I was on.

I looked around, trying my hardest to see everything even with the slight blurry vision that I had. I had found that I was in some sort of forest due to the vast amount of trees and plants that were surrounding the area which would look peaceful if not for some of the trees burning and the loud explosions echoing throughout the forest.

I looked towards the women in front of me who was surprised at me suddenly stop crying but soon quickly held me closely, giving me a sense of comfort that I had felt in my previous life when my parents were alive.

"My baby boy, you already have to suffer from the fire nation already at such a young age" The woman said who I presume is my mother as she seems to really care for me just like any other mother and also because she said I was her baby boy which definitely confirms that I am her child.

"Me and your father want you to survive and live a happy life even if we are not able to be with you so we must let you go" My mother said sadly while crying as I knew what she was about to do.

Soon she placed my carriage on a nearby following river that led somewhere unknown but from what I could come up with, the river must lead to some village or a place that features people otherwise she wouldn't just let me just flow down some river carelessly.

"Your father won't be able to say his last words but know that we will always be proud of you and will always be with you even if we are not there with you physically" She said to me while crying even though I was a baby and a normal baby would not even understand but since I am reincarnated and the language in this universe is English, I am able to understand them.

Soon the river led me through the trees, the vision of my mother fading away until there wasn't even a glimpse of her body.

I was saddened by the fact that I am not going to be with my new parents in life as well but that pain was not that severe as the bond was not as strong as the bond I had with my parents.

I was led by the river through some trees and by the time it was about a minute I couldn't see any burning trees or any noises that indicated that people were fighting which was good for me as it meant that I was safe.

The river was relatively calm but was flowing in one direction at a reasonable speed which was good as it meant that I was not going to be harmed by the waves that the river might form and I could reach the place that my parents have planned for me to go to in a decent amount of time.

'As peaceful as this is, I really want to reach the destination that my parents want me to reach, the blanket is already getting quite wet and soggy that it feels a bit uncomfortable. I can't really handle wet clothes, they always feel uncomfortable specially wet socks.' I thought with a shiver at the end.

I looked around and could see some outlines of some shapes that looked like houses which was a good sign for me as it meant that I could finally reach somewhere safe. There also seemed to be a small bridge connecting the two lands between the river which definitely means that there must be humans around the area.

'Finally, there is someplace that I could go to so that I could keep safe' I shouted internally with happiness.


I heard a loud and audible growl coming from the area that I was heading towards which made me scared senseless as I had no way to protect myself. Rustling was heard from the large bushes that were near the small bridge.

Seeing the rustling of the bushes heightened my fear as something big had to be able to rustle the bush and since I am in the world of the avatar were there as giant sea serpents and humongous elephant koi, I'm really screwed.

The creature soon revealed itself and it turned out to be a medium sized saber-tooth moose lion which was relief for me as I heard that they were friendly animal unless their cubs are threatened which means that it won't hurt me as I haven't done anything to it's cub.

'Wait a minute, the saber-tooth moose lions are native to southern forest of the earth kingdom so that means that I am in the earth kingdom. Thankfully I went on the wiki of Avatar and coincidentally found some facts on the Saber-tooth moose lion'

The saber-tooth moose lion came towards me slowly which did not make me worry at all as I knew that it would not hurt me so there was no point in me being anxious but was stilled cautious even though I could not do a single thing to escape.

I was still drifting through the river but the moose lion caught up to me by the time I reached near the bridge and gripped the carriage with it's sharp fangs which made a hole in my carriage but thankfully the fangs did not reach anywhere near my feet or I would have been screwed.

The moose lion dragged the carriage slowly using it's mouth which gave me a nostalgic feeling and also a bit of shock as it reminded me of a movie that I watched in my childhood.

'This makes me feel as if I am Mowgli which is a bit shocking as I didn't even expect this kind of welcome into this world.'

The moose lion dragged me for a while which I would estimate to be about 20 minutes but soon I saw the village in all it's glory which wasn't the best of places but would be a nice place to live in due to the region that the village was in.

Soon I saw a woman of the age of around 40 and a man also around the age of 40 with a solemn look on their face.

The clothes they had was mostly in the colour of green which is an earth kingdom style since most earth benders and their citizens wear the colour green in their clothes. They started moving towards me and the moose lion quite quickly with a expression that did not portray anything that may be going in their minds.

I looked at their body for a little moment until I noticed ring on their ring finger which probably means that they were married and are a couple.

{ End of Jason's POV }

The couple quickly walked towards Jason after they saw the moose lion bring a carriage which gave them the idea of what the moose lion brought with it so they quickly walked towards the carriage.

The man and woman seeing the baby felt sad which was evident by the sad smile that they had given Jason who clearly recognised that expression and could guess what they were thinking.

The woman picked up Jason and put him in her embrace so that they could take him back to their house.

The middle aged man with the wrinkles and with black hair with a few strands of grey hair indicting his aging was called Imok who was born in the Earth Kingdom as an earth bender. The clothes that he wore was in a similar fashion to the standard Earth Kingdom clothes which were green in colour and also and bits of brown and also tints of gold. His attire included colours that may seem "earthy" as green and browns are associated with earth which is the reason that most of the citizens of Ba Sing We wear clothes that are green and brown.

The woman beside him was called Yihi and she also had wrinkles and had black hair with a few strands of grey hair which indicated that she was a similar age to the man beside her. She also wore green attire similar to the man but it was for females and they included the colours green, light brown and few tints of gold.

"We should take him inside and wait for some time to see if his parents arrive" Inok said to his wife who was cradling the baby in her embrace.

Inok decided to bring the carriage with him to their house and while he was about to take the carriage he noticed a piece of paper beneath where the baby had lied which interested him as he wanted to know what the paper had contained.

He read the letter as it would have concerned the baby which would be crucial for the baby's future as it would probably contain information about his parents and also himself.

Once he read the letter, he has come to know about the child's circumstances and also about his parents and who they were and what had happened to the name baby's parents.

He had found out that the father of the child was an water bender while his mother was an firebender from the fire nation. He had also come to know of the child names which was also addressed in the letter. He felt pity for the child for what had happened to him as he felt that no child should have their parents taken away from them.

Together, they decided to raise the child as if he were their own since they didn't have a child due to Yihi's unfortunate circumstances which lead her to unable to have a child and the child in front of them would fulfill the desire that they both seeked for which was to have a child of their own.

I'll be giving options on the name of the main character in the comments. So like the comment which you would like for name of the MC

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