

Nathan transmigrated to a post-apocalyptic world where not only one person has a system. But he had bad luck! He transmigrated into a frail and disabled young guy who was unable to advance in this post-apocalyptic world and was abandoned! However, Nathan had had enough of a miserable life in his previous world. He had the most determination, perseverance, and willpower. Besides, becoming a disabled man was a blessing in disguise; he was one of those who possessed systems and extraordinary talents. He conquered many physical and psychological battles and rose beyond anyone's expectations!

HM2 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chap 5 The System!

It had long and thin limbs, red eyes, and long and black teeth. Its mangy fur was matted and covered in dirt, giving it a feral and menacing appearance.

'a dog-hooven' 

He recognized the beasts. The beast was devouring some food, making a messy in the kitchen as food pieces rolled all over the floor. Luckily, the beast had its back facing him and didn't see him.

He cautiously took some steps back. He planned that as soon as he managed to reach the doorway without the creature noticing him, he would run as fast as he could. After all, he was very weak and had an eye defect; it wasn't a good idea to disturb the beast.

He took only three steps backward before the beast sniffed an unfamiliar scent. It patiently turned its head and glared directly at him, its eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and aggression. Its hideous face frightened him. The man froze in fear, realizing that his plan had been foiled. He knew he had to think quickly if he wanted to escape the beast's clutches. 

It snarled before charging at him in the next few seconds. Nathan broke into a run. 

Suddenly, everything became blurry. It was because he was moving fast, an effect of his visual impairment. Nonetheless, he continued to run as the sound of the approaching beast could be heard in his ears. 


He crashed into a wall and collapsed to the floor.

"Arghh!" It goes without saying that he expected that to occur. 

All he had to blame was his impairment. 

"kkkrak.." Hearing that sound, he realized that he had no time to waste. He hurriedly got up and turned around, only to see a blurred figure in the air moving toward him. 

He knew it was the beast; he quickly grabbed a butcher knife nearby and whacked in a downward arc. The blade made contact with the beast's body, causing it to let out a deafening roar. The beast tumbled to the floor. 

It hurt, but it was still alive and well. It roared fiercely before it leaped toward him again. 

The blurred figure appeared again. Nathan patiently waited for it to get closer, and then he raised his hands and struck it again. The impact of his strike sent the beast sprawling across the room, crashing into furniture and knocking over objects. The dagger had pierced the beast's innards this time around.


Nathan let out a long sigh of relief as he watched the body of the beast convulse before ceasing.


The sound of a notification echoed through the room, breaking the silence that had settled after the intense battle. But... it was actually in his head.

[The host has conquered a level 1 beast and successfully activated the system.]

He was taken aback to see a blue, translucent screen in front of his eyes and hear a voice that seemed to come from nowhere but in his head.


[The system will install in the next few seconds... 3, 2, 1

Beta warrior system is installing... Please wait] 

As the installation progress bar filled up, Nathan was gobsmacked. He hadn't anticipated having to activate a system. It indicated that he was gifted. It was not difficult to understand because he now had the memories of the old Nathan.

As he was pondering, the voice rang once again. 

[Installation completed! Welcome host. Please familiarize yourself with the functions and capabilities of the Beta warrior system. Remember, your potential is limitless.]

'Profile' was what first came to Nathan's mind, and the system just happened to catch it. It seemed that the system was able to read his thoughts and respond accordingly.

[Profile loading… Please wait]

[Profile Details

Name: Nathan Grok

Race: Human

Age: 19 years 1 month 6 days 11 hours 

Experience Points (EXP): 100

Strength: <10kg Energy< p>

Strength Level: N/A(< Ordinary Level 1)

Next Level: Ordinary Level 1(100/2000)

Health Points (HP): <50< p>

Economy Points (EP): 5

Defense Shield: <2 kg< p>

Defense Shield Level: N/A(< Ordinary Level 1)

Skills: Scrutinization Level 1

Storage: Level 1 Storage: 0/3 (see list) 



[100 EXP obtained for conquering the opponent]


[5 EP obtained for conquering the opponent]


[20x EXP Booster Available! (Welcome Bonus)]


[20x EP Booster Available! (Welcome Bonus)]

Going through the attributes, he found that the only impressive thing was still the fact that he had activated a system. He was still too weak and didn't seem to possess any talents.

"Do you mind if I ask you about my talents?" He asked, not convinced by the thought that he didn't have any talent.

Activating a system meant he was gifted and had talent. 

[The option is not yet activated.] 

Without waiting for another question, the system took the initiative to say, [About when the option will be activated, the system cannot tell.] 

Both replies had no positive impact on him and only served to further deepen his feelings of inadequacy. He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever discover his true talents and unlock the potential within him. 

Nathan asked. "But I have talent, right?" Nathan's voice trembled with uncertainty as he desperately sought validation from the system.

[That's right, sir] 

"I'm gifted. Aren't I?" Nathan beamed with joy. He eagerly awaited the system's response. 

[Of course, you're gifted.] 

"That's great. I couldn't wait to discover my talent. But apart from practicing and participating in combat, are there any other ways I could obtain energy and level up?" Nathan inquired, hoping for alternative methods to enhance his abilities since he didn't have the ability to fight with other people due to his impairment and also did not have the necessary equipment for training.

[The system has its own distinct, powerful, and effective method of leveling up and obtaining energy. You'll have to obtain EXP and EP. EXP will level you up and increase your strength. EP can be exchanged for different items, such as ammo and refills.]

In his mind, Nathan wondered, 'How can I obtain the EXP and EP?'

[You can obtain EXP and EP by completing quests. You currently have 100 EXP and 5 EP obtained for defeating the enemy.] 

"Oh, those ones." Nathan excitedly muttered after noticing five EPs and 100 EXP in his profile.