

Nathan transmigrated to a post-apocalyptic world where not only one person has a system. But he had bad luck! He transmigrated into a frail and disabled young guy who was unable to advance in this post-apocalyptic world and was abandoned! However, Nathan had had enough of a miserable life in his previous world. He had the most determination, perseverance, and willpower. Besides, becoming a disabled man was a blessing in disguise; he was one of those who possessed systems and extraordinary talents. He conquered many physical and psychological battles and rose beyond anyone's expectations!

HM2 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chap 12 Adventure Continues.

He killed two more ordinary level 2 gouses and earned an additional 22 EP and 440 EXP. The fight was tough given that he had to rely on ordinary level 1 strength to defeat two ordinary level 2 gouses. He got injured, and his HP dropped.

After the fight, his total EXP was 4390, and he leveled up to ordinary level 2. He then required 1810 EXP to level up to the next level, which was ordinary level 2.

He had a total of 219.5 EP, still not enough to purchase the desired 10-minute 10x BSD, which was the highest.

He found a thick bush nearby and decided to take a moment to rest and recover. The night found him there under the cover of darkness, providing a sense of safety and allowing him to heal without interruption. However, he occasionally heard sounds of monsters lurking.

The next morning, he woke up feeling refreshed and ready to continue his journey. He knew he had to be cautious as he ventured further, aware that stronger enemies could be waiting for him. Despite the risks, he was determined to push forward and prove his strength in the face of adversity.

He killed one ordinary level 2 vyer, a carnivorous bird, and spent hours without finding any other beasts. He got hungry but was not ready to eat raw meat, so he just ate some unknown and bad-tasting fruits. Its bad taste caused him to eat just a few.

He also drank some dew drops from the leaves since he didn't find any water bodies nearby. The dew drops provided temporary relief, but he knew he needed to find a proper water source soon.

After some more hours, he encountered a large group of evil pakkas, evolved monkeys that were known for their cunning and viciousness. Except for one who appeared to be a leader, that was ordinary level 2, and all were ordinary level 1.

He killed them all, but with such incredible struggle that he almost died and was forced to purchase a 10-minute 8x DSB. He purchased it for 200 EP, remaining with only 19.5 EP. In addition, it took him more than 30 minutes to defeat the evil pakkas.

He got 1800 EXP and 90 EP for killing 12 ordinarily level 1 evil raccoons and one ordinary level 2. In total, he had 6410 EXPs and 119.5 EP. He reached 6200 EXP and leveled up to ordinary level 3.


[Congratulations for leveling up to ordinary level 3! You have gained a significant increase in strength. Keep up the good work and continue to strive for even greater achievements in your battles.]

However, 1.2x EXP boosters and 1.2x EP boosters were available. These were for the more than ten kappas he killed; thus, they could only boost the 1800 EXP and 90 EP obtained from the quest. If he hadn't purchased the DSB, the boosters could have been higher and would have been able to boost EXP and EP from the first quest in the training space because they would've been upgraded from the 1.2x boosters he got after killing more than ten opponents, which included opponents from the first quest in the training space.

He activated it. If he wasn't satisfied with the booster, he was still going to use it. The last four battles, especially the last one, showed him that he was incredibly weak and needed a great deal of strength.

The 1800 EXP gave out 2160 EXP, and the 90 EPs gave out 108 EP. In total, his EXP was 6770.

[EXP: 6770

Next Level: Ordinary Level 4 (6770/8400)]

He was supposed to increase his EXP to 8400 to level up to ordinary level 4.

His total EP amounted to 137.5. He could only curse that he didn't fulfill his desire of getting a 10-minute 10x BSD. 

"Anyway, it's not permanent; it expires after 10 minutes."

He exchanged 100 EP for 10 ordinary handgun ammunitions and left 37.5 EP for emergence.

On the third day, he continued hunting for monsters with great confidence. He was now stronger than any monster that might appear. Since he lied to Captain Samantha that he was at ordinary level 2 instead of 1, she set the maximum strength of the monsters in the training space to 3.

He walked for a few minutes and still hadn't encountered any creatures. Then a stream appeared ahead of him. He fearlessly approached it, intending to cross it. Just as he stepped a foot in the stream, a hideous creature came out of the water and caught him by the shoulders while neighing creepily. The creature's grip tightened, causing him to wince in pain.

Due to his vision, he hadn't seen it clearly and didn't react in time. Luckily, the creature didn't attack him the moment it leapt out of the water.

Due to his lack of balance, he fell to the ground. 



The grinning gous ran toward him, and Nathan threw himself toward it. The gous was pushed back; he brutally punched it multiple times, and it died. Each of the punches contained a force of about 30 kg, which was enough to kill an ordinary level 2 gous.



Another gous rose from the water and intently stared at him. This was slightly bigger than the previous one.


Nathan heard many dings in his mind but didn't have time to check them.


He shot at the gous, and a wound appeared on its stomach. The gous let out a deafening roar of pain, but it didn't back down. It charged towards Nathan with even more ferocity than before. He shot it again, and it collapsed to its death.

He earned 550 EXP and 27.5 EP for killing the ordinary level 2 and the ordinary level 3 gouses.

He viewed his profile.

[Profile Details

Name: Nathan Grok

Race: Human

Age: 19 years 1 month 9 days 19 hours 

Experience Points (EXP): 7320

Strength: 30kg+ Energy

Strength Level: Ordinary Level 3

Next Level: Ordinary Level 3 (7320/8400)

Health Points (HP): 150

Economy Points (EP): 65

Defense Shield: 6 kg

Defense Shield Level: Ordinary Level 3

Skills: Scrutinization Level 1

Storage: Level 1 Storage: 0/3 (see list)
