
Dual levelling: I level up with my clones

War breaks out between the human race and monsters, and Lee Seung loses everything to it at the age of sixteen — his family, home, and happiness. He had always dreamed of becoming powerful enough to stop the remaining monsters in the world. One day, he awakens the ability to create multiple versions of himself called "replications". With his clones, he grows stronger every time. But will this new power bring him the happiness he desires? The revenge he craves? Or will it further ruin his life? Let's find out! ------+-- Join my discord server. https://discord.com/invite/7pSv2bDs7V [WSA 2024]

Kutley · Action
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146 Chs

Eclipse Hunters Guild (1)

"Upgrade my blade," Seung muttered, a faint note of desperation slipping into his voice. He watched the screen intently, expecting the familiar process, but instead, something different appeared. His brow furrowed as he whispered to himself, "What? Why can this mana upgrade my stats, but the recent one couldn't?"

[Are you sure you want to use the entire mana on weapon improvement?]

Seung hesitated, staring at the screen as uncertainty washed over him. He rubbed his chin, his mind caught between two conflicting thoughts: the urge to enhance his blade and the nagging need to boost his own abilities.

[Options: Weapon Improvement/ Stats Improvement]

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Forget it. I need to summon more clones quickly. I'll level up with that amount of mana."

Without any physical input, the screen responded to his thoughts, highlighting the stats improvement option. Seung's excitement began to build, his heart beating faster in anticipation—until his eyes landed on the screen's next message.

[1000 external mana = 1 point]

His excitement evaporated in an instant. "What the heck is this? I never knew this AI could be such a pain!" he groaned, collapsing onto his bed, pulling the blanket over his head in frustration. Yet, the thought of leveling up gnawed at him, refusing to be silenced. The temptation to give in to the meager offer grew stronger, wearing down his resolve.

Eventually, Seung kicked off the blanket and sat up. 'Invest the five points into Mana Content,' he commanded internally. The screen switched to his stats, the numbers shifting before his eyes:

[Lee Seung]

[Mana Content: 7.03**12.03]

Silence filled the room as Seung stared at the screen, his breath catching in his throat. Tears of frustration threatened to spill over. He gently touched the screen as if it could offer him answers.

"Wh-why isn't the section changing? Haven't I still been qualified to level up?"

Ding... ding!

His phone vibrated on the bed, the screen lighting up with a new message. He grabbed it, squinting at the bright display.

[Sender: Manager Choi Minho]

- I hope you've seen the money I wired to your account. The reason for messaging is that the W.H.A has made a ridiculous announcement for Hunters to do a stats test. I'll give you more information tomorrow. We'll move in the morning, ASAP.

Seung stared at the message for a moment before shutting off the phone. He let out a weary sigh and gazed out the window. The sky was already shrouded in faint darkness, the last remnants of daylight slipping away.

"I should go to bed now," he murmured, rubbing his temples. But then, as if remembering something, he got up and walked out to the sitting room.

The second clone was lounging on the couch, eyes glued to the TV screen where an anime played out. He was so engrossed, his expression mirrored that of a child lost in a fantasy world.

"The house is neat now," Seung said softly, a gentle smile tugging at his lips as he watched the clone. "Second, leave the video for now."

"Ok-okay, sir," the clone stammered, reluctantly tearing his gaze from the TV. He stood up, still sneaking glances at the screen.

Seung chuckled at the clone's reluctance. "Go join First at the gym. Don't stop working out until the next day."

"Yes, sir!" The clone darted out of the house, leaving Seung alone in the quiet room. With a tired sigh, he returned to his bedroom, wrapped himself in the blanket, and allowed sleep to take him.


The morning sun cast a soft glow over Starfall Estate, its rays filtering through the curtains. Outside, the world was alive with the gentle rustle of leaves and the melodic calls of birds. Seung stepped out of his apartment, locking the door behind him. He paused for a moment, basking in the warmth of the sun, a small smile forming on his lips as the light touched his skin.


The familiar sound of a car's engine hummed in the distance. Seung turned his head and spotted Mr. Choi's car idling by the curb. He approached, slipping into the passenger seat as the door clicked shut behind him.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi," Seung greeted, nodding politely.

Mr. Choi's expression was unusually stern. He glanced at Seung with a slight frown. "You look different today, Mr. Lee."

Seung blinked, taken aback. He didn't know how to respond to that, so he simply said, "Yes, yes, thanks. Can we move now?"

Mr. Choi's serious demeanor softened just a bit, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Sure."

As the car pulled away, Seung found himself studying Mr. Choi. Something felt off. 'What has gotten into him? He never used to be funny,' he thought, puzzled by the man's sudden change in behavior.

Minutes later, they arrived at a white-walled room. The atmosphere inside was tense, the air thick with anticipation. Seung stood beside Mr. Choi, both of them staring at the machine in front of them. The silence between them grew heavy until Seung broke it.

"I'm curious about something."

Mr. Choi glanced at him. "What's that?"

"There are Eclipse Hunters guild members doing the test, and I'm the only outsider here," Seung said, his voice low. "Why do I seem like an intruder here?"

Mr. Choi's eyes flicked around the room before he leaned closer to Seung, his voice barely a whisper. "It's like that because my guild isn't yet independent. Normally, the W.H.A President ordered that every guild should handle its Hunters personally, but since mine hasn't been fully recognized, you are undergoing the test here. Other independent guilds have taken their members to the nearest dependent one."

Seung's curiosity deepened. "Why is this necessary, though?"

Mr. Choi's gaze shifted, scanning the room for any prying eyes. He leaned in even closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"There's a rumor among the lower guildmasters that an Awakened has stolen advanced war tech that belongs to the W.H.A. This test is supposed to identify the person because they'll surely have rare and extraordinary strength."

Seung's heart skipped a beat. 'Extraordinary strength? Is that it?' he thought. But as he scanned the room, a strange feeling crept over him. He couldn't shake the sensation that everyone was watching him, and Mr. Choi's words seemed to carry an edge of jest.

His hands trembled slightly as he rubbed his eyes. 'Why am I feeling uneasy all of a sudden?'

Before he could dwell on it further, a voice called his name.

"The next person is Mister Lee Seung. Please, step up before the machine," a soft, calm feminine voice announced.

Seung turned to see the speaker, a tall, young woman with a composed demeanor, standing with the other personnel conducting the test. Her white blouse contrasted sharply with the cold air of authority she exuded.

"Is he the last on the list?" she asked a man beside her.

"Yes, Miss Eunji," the man replied, his tone respectful.

Seung's eyes met Eunji's for a brief moment, a flicker of recognition passing between them. But his thoughts were clouded by the bizarre sensations still lingering in his mind.

'Maybe I've been too worked up,' he mused.

"Come stand before this machine, Mister Lee Seung," Kim Eunji's voice broke through his thoughts, colder this time, with a trace of impatience.

Swallowing down his anxiety, Seung walked forward, ascending the small stairs to the circular platform where the massive machine loomed above him. It stood about five meters tall, a hulking presence that filled the space with an almost oppressive weight.

"The test will begin as soon as you place your hand on the screen," Eunji instructed.

Seung stared at the smooth, warm screen in front of him, hesitation gripping his mind. The stats of the Hunter who had tested before him flashed briefly on the display:

[Name: Park Yul, D-rank Hunter]

[Strength: 15.70]

[Reflex: 13.40]

[Mana Content: 17.34]

[Endurance: 16.00]

[Stamina: 18.29]

His shoulders slumped, a sigh escaping his lips. 'My stats aren't too high, are they? This person is clearly stronger than me... so, I think I'm nowhere near being abnormal. Right?'

"Could you please do as you're told?" Kim Eunji's voice cut through his thoughts, louder and sharper than before.

Seung took a deep breath and placed his hand on the screen. The surface was warm, almost comforting, as a greenish light traced the outline of his palm.


[Name: Lee Seung, F-rank Hunter...]


A sudden hush fell over the room, the tension thickening as murmurs spread among the personnel.

"What?! How can an F-ranker have this kind of strength! Miss Eunji...!" the older man beside Eunji whispered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Eunji silenced him with a sharp look. She whispered back, "No worries, Mr. Chu. I think we've found the culprit."

Mr. Choi, sensing the shift in the room's atmosphere, stepped closer to Eunji, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the screen.

His face paled as the numbers sank in. "I thought he was still an F-rank Hunter," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Seung remained motionless, his hand still pressed against the screen. He could hear the whispers, the disbelief in their voices, but he didn't dare look back. He knew the truth. He wasn't stronger than a D-rank Hunter—or at least, that's what he kept telling himself.

"Besides," he murmured under his breath, "I am not stronger than a D-rank Hunter."

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