
Dual levelling: I level up with my clones

War breaks out between the human race and monsters, and Lee Seung loses everything to it at the age of sixteen — his family, home, and happiness. He had always dreamed of becoming powerful enough to stop the remaining monsters in the world. One day, he awakens the ability to create multiple versions of himself called "replications". With his clones, he grows stronger every time. But will this new power bring him the happiness he desires? The revenge he craves? Or will it further ruin his life? Let's find out! ------+-- Join my discord server. https://discord.com/invite/7pSv2bDs7V [WSA 2024]

Kutley · Action
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154 Chs

E-rank Monster (2)

Lee Seung's heart pounded as he grasped the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. The safety of countless people rested in his hands, and the urgency gnawed at him. The train station was far, and taking a taxi wasn't an option; time was slipping through his fingers like sand.

'What do I do?! Come on, Lee Seung!' His thoughts raced, desperate for a solution. Tension coiled within him like a spring ready to snap. His fists clenched as he tried to force an idea to the surface. And then it struck him—his skill.

'Activate Light Speed!' The command echoed in his mind, and almost immediately, the screen before him confirmed the activation. Energy surged through his veins as he adopted an athlete's stance.

In the blink of an eye, he was gone, a blur racing down the street, leaving only a gust of wind in his wake. The cityscape stretched and distorted around him as he moved faster than the eye could follow, his clones left behind, unable to keep up with his speed.

* * *

At the train station, chaos reigned as the Colossal Mirefiend towered over Mr. Choi, who stood his ground. The monster delivered a savage blow to his stomach, sending him flying through the air.

"Kheok!" The cry of pain escaped his lips as his body collided with the ground, rolling until it came to a stop.

Grimacing in pain, Mr. Choi struggled to his feet, his face contorted in agony. "Ahh," he groaned, clutching his stomach as he rose shakily. The ground trembled as the Mirefiend advanced, its eyes locked on him with murderous intent.

"Yahh!" it snarled, each step causing the earth beneath it to quake.

'Please come on time, Mr. L...' Mr. Choi's prayer was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a dagger, slicing through the air and embedding itself into the monster's abdomen.

"Yahh!" the beast roared in pain, its attention momentarily diverted.

Mr. Choi's eyes widened in disbelief as a black bus screeched to a halt nearby. A group of five figures, three men and two women, all clad in uniform blue coats, emerged from the vehicle. Their presence exuded a confidence that only seasoned Hunters could possess. Mr. Choi's breath caught in his throat as he realized who they were. The precision with which the dagger had been thrown left no doubt in his mind.

The Hunters moved swiftly, four of them positioning themselves defensively in front of the colossal creature. One of the men, wearing sunglasses that reflected the dim light, approached Mr. Choi and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks for holding out, mister. I'll present you the beast's head as compensation."

But Mr. Choi wasn't so easily convinced. His eyes drifted to the man's wrist, where a malachite bracelet bore the insignia of an F-rank Hunter. 'Well, everyone is safe as long as they annihilate this terrifying beast,' Mr. Choi thought, though his sigh of relief was laced with uncertainty.

The male Hunter joined his teammates and turned to one of the women, who held a round-shaped gadget displaying critical data.

"What's the rank?" he asked, his voice steady.

The woman glanced at the screen, her expression tightening. "Colossal Mirefiend, E-rank monster. No special abilities. Mana content: 100."

"What? How can a low-class monster have this amount of mana?" she murmured, her eyes widening in disbelief. The man peered over her shoulder at the gadget, a grin spreading across his face as he exhaled and began to walk forward.

"The brain is where the monster's mana is concentrated," he explained calmly. "That's where I'm aiming."

The Hunters sprang into action, their movements fluid and precise as they attacked the monster from all sides. Blades flashed, and the Mirefiend howled in fury as it struggled to fend off their coordinated strikes. Meanwhile, security guards ushered the frightened people back into the station's lounge, but not before they started recording the battle on their phones.

"Wow, the Hunters are amazing!"

"I knew they would come to save us!"

"They're so reliable. My son should join too!"

The murmurs of admiration spread through the crowd as they watched in awe.

The Hunters regrouped a few meters from the monster, their chests heaving as they exchanged tired but satisfied smiles. They had inflicted deep, deadly wounds on the creature.

"We did it…" one of them began, but the words died in his throat as the impossible happened.

The monster's wounds began to heal, flesh knitting together at an alarming rate.

"Wha-what? The wounds are healing up!" one of the Hunters exclaimed, eyes wide with disbelief.

The Mirefiend's eyes blazed with murderous intent. "Grahh!" it bellowed, its voice shaking the ground beneath them.

Thud! Crash!

One by one, the Hunters were struck down, their bodies hitting the ground with sickening force. They moaned in pain, blood pooling beneath them as their injuries overwhelmed them.

Mr. Choi's breath came in ragged gasps as the monster turned its attention back to him. It loomed closer, its steps slow and deliberate, savoring the moment of impending victory.

"St-stop! Come... come face me, silly monster!" a voice shouted, strained and desperate.

Mr. Choi turned his head, his eyes widening in shock as he saw Lee Seung standing there, panting heavily. Relief flooded through him, but it was quickly overshadowed by fear.

'Five Hunters were powerless before the monster. So, how can he…can he possibly do it alone?!' he thought, gritting his teeth.

Lee Seung's chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath. The run to the station had drained almost all his energy. The screen flickered before him.

[Do you want to refill your energy? This will cause a reduction by half a point from all your stats.]

"Oh no, is this AI doing trade by barter with me? Anyways, do it," Seung muttered.

[Done. Energy: 200/200]

A warm, golden light enveloped Seung's body momentarily, and with it, the fatigue vanished. His strength returned, and he straightened up, his resolve hardening as he approached the towering Mirefiend. He knew that the power of an E-rank Hunter was greater than that of an E-rank monster, and he had already bested corrupt Hunters before. He could do this.

"I stopped even when I could have easily slit his throat," he murmured to himself. When he reached the monster, he leaped onto its shoulder, his movements swift and precise. Grabbing one of the daggers embedded there, he leaped back down and slashed at the monster's leg, causing it to roar in pain.

"Master!" Seung heard a familiar voice. To avoid distraction, he flashed away from the beast, his eyes scanning for the source of the call. His clones had arrived, their presence a welcome sight.

"Oh? My clones can use Light Speed too? That's awesome," Seung said with a grin. But they, too, looked exhausted. 'Can 'screen' refill my clones' energy as well?' he wondered.

[Done. Stats have reduced by a point. Clone's Energy: 100/100]

With renewed vigor, Seung launched himself at the monster once more, tearing the daggers from its flesh. "First, Second, let's attack at once. Three... two..."

The clones mirrored his stance, ready to strike.


They moved as one, their attacks synchronized. The first clone dodged a powerful blow and drove his blade into the monster's belly. The second slid beneath the beast, slicing at its legs, while the original Seung leaped into the air, aiming for its head.

"Go to hell!" Seung roared, bringing his blade down with all his might. The monster's head separated from its body in a spray of blood, its final roar dying in its throat.

As the beast's lifeless form collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash, Lee Seung somersaulted gracefully back to the earth, landing lightly on his feet.

Mr. Choi stared in disbelief. "How... how is this possible? An F-rank Hunter slays an E-rank monster? What an extraordinary strength!" he mumbled, his voice thick with amazement.

The station erupted in cheers as the people rejoiced, their voices blending into a chorus of relief and admiration.

"Yay! You are the best, Hunters!"

"How powerful!"

"This hunting team is the best! Thanks for saving us!"

Later, after calling the maintenance team, Mr. Choi drove away from the station with Seung and his clones in the car. The tension had finally eased, leaving only the hum of the engine and the occasional sigh of relief.

"Thanks for earlier, Mr. Lee," Mr. Choi said, his voice sincere.

Seung smiled faintly. "I couldn't leave my manager to die. Besides, it's my duty to eliminate monsters."

"That's right," Mr. Choi agreed, exhaling deeply. He glanced into the rearview mirror, his curiosity piqued. "When did you summon another one?"

"Haha, it happened today. Just in time, too," Seung replied with a chuckle. Their laughter filled the car, a sound of triumph and camaraderie.

They stopped at a grocery store where Mr. Choi stepped out to grab some snacks. As Seung waited, he stared at his palm, recalling the strange surge of energy he felt when savouring the monster's head.

'Anyway, I will figure that out later.'

On their way, Mr. Choi's phone vibrated for a notification. His eyes widened upon seeing it, followed by an excited smile.

He said to Seung, "You are trending online, Mr. Lee!"


"Someone has posted a video of the fight earlier and now, it's gotten a lot of reactions."

Lee Seung furrowed his brows. He checked his phone too, and confirmed what Mr. Choi said.

"It's posted just now, and yet..."he paused, upon reading the video's description. He read, "The Neuro Disruptors?"

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Meanwhile, we have a hero today too — Lonnie_Barrar. thumbs up for he/she.

Let's go guys, we can make it to top one hundred in power stone ranking.

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