
Dual Cultivation Master

Zhang Wei, once known as the fearsome Celestial Emperor and God of the Sword, was betrayed by his most trusted disciple and perished in despair. On the brink of death, a mysterious light transports him to a new and unforgiving world. Reborn as Feng Wei, he now inhabits a weak and despised body, facing the harsh reality of his new existence. However, the key to survival in this brutal era lies in the hands of his mother. A legendary cultivator and the most powerful on the continent, she was betrayed by her own father and husband, which led her to close her heart to the world and even to Feng Wei, who grew up deprived of motherly love. Determined to regain his strength and carve a place in this new world, Feng Wei embarks on a dangerous journey. To survive, he resorts to deceit, lies, and dissimulation unlike his previous life; he doesn't intend to be so naive this time. In this tolerant story full of twists and turns, the conventions of hero tales are set aside. The protagonist is not the typical altruistic savior of justice, but an individual motivated by personal interests and gain. Meet the MC, a cynical, manipulative, pragmatic anti-hero who would never risk winning a damsel in distress without gaining some leverage in doing so. Rather than taking the path of heroism and immunity, he is more tolerant of protecting the villain if it has benefited him. (Tags: Master-Disciple Relationship/Hidden One's True Identity/ Enemies Become Lovers/Harem/Misunderstandings /Relentless Protagonist/R*pe Victim Becomes Lover/milf/#soncon/siscon/incest.) I am a novice writer, my native language is not this one. Don't judge by the first few chapters, as the writing has room for improvement. Wait at least twenty chapters to know if it's your tea spoon or not.

Fang_Xiuying · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Secret Realm: "The Primordial Energy Valley"

Along the way towards Crimson Chaos City, Feng Wei encountered some unexpected situations. At one point in the journey, while traversing a secluded forest, he was surprised by a group of bandits who possessed cultivation levels in the seventh and eighth realm of bodily refinement.

They spotted quality clothing on him, which indicated he came from a wealthy family, and decided he would be easy prey to steal their belongings.

The bandits, with cruel smiles on their faces, charged towards Feng Wei, surrounding him to prevent him from escaping. "Look what we have here!" said one of the bandits sarcastically. "Looks like we have an unsuspecting rich kid roaming these dangerous lands."

Feng Wei maintained a cold expression, showing no fear or concern for the threat in front of him. He remained calm, but his murderous intent subtly seeped from his eyes, He replied in a firm voice: "If you want peace, you will have it; if you want war, you will have it twice as much."

The bandits, initially confident of their numerical superiority and their higher cultivation levels, were momentarily taken aback by Feng Wei's fearless attitude. They could feel an intimidating aura coming from him, indicating that he wasn't a helpless target as they had assumed.

One of the thugs chuckled, "What is this, a rich kid trying to be brave? Think you can stand up to us?"

Feng Wei remained silent, but in his thought, he smirked wickedly. "Perfect! I need hate points to pay off my debt and buy Yang God's physique."

Without waiting for a response from the bandits, Feng Wei decided to act quickly. With precise, elegant movements, he drew his sword, revealing the blade's sharp gleam. With surprising dexterity, he launched a swift attack towards the bandits.

The bandits, initially confident, were taken aback by Feng Wei's speed and skill. They barely had time to react before Feng Wei's sword began to slice through the air, releasing faint killing intent.

One of the bandits, panicked, tried to dodge the attack, but it was no match for Feng Wei's speed and accuracy. With one swift movement, Feng Wei's sword found his target, instantly decapitating him. The bandit's head rolled on the floor, spreading terror among the others.

As blood gushed from the decapitated body, a familiar sound rang out in FengWei's mind:

" +2 hate points."

He was a little surprised by the small amount of points. "Only two points of hate"? he thought, a little disappointed. The ring spirit explained that the amount of hate points varied according to the individuals fate and cultivation.

The other bandits, startled and in disbelief at Feng Wei's combat skill, began to stutter in fear. "Y...you stay away, our boss is not someone you can offend", said one of the thugs, trying to scare him.

Feng Wei just gave a cold smile in response. "Who your boss is doesn't interest me. If you get in my way, you die."

"However, you still have a chance to make it out alive," Feng Wei said coldly as he pointed his sword at the remaining bandits. "Go away now and maybe I'll consider sparing you."

Upon hearing Feng Wei's cold order for them to retreat, the bandits were stunned and fearful of their abilities. Without hesitation, they started to quickly walk away, but Feng Wei had other plans for them.

With a movement of his hands, he made a seal and a thread of invisible energy extended to the back of one of the bandits, who was about to flee. The bandit felt a strange sensation on his back, as if he was being marked by something.

As the bandits escaped, Feng Wei slyly thought, "The bandit chief's fate is probably better than theirs, let's let them lead us to his hideout."

However, he was in no hurry. His wicked smile revealed that he had much bigger plans. "Don't worry, as long as you are on this continent, I can easily track you", he thought.


After the battle with the bandits, Feng Wei felt exhausted and covered in blood. He recognized that he urgently needed a shower to clean his clothes and dirty body. As he walked, he heard the sound of birds flying, indicating a Dao energy in the air. Curious, he followed the path that led to a stunning waterfall that emanated an intense spiritual aura.

As he looked around, Feng Wei noticed a cleverly concealed seventh tier array. The presence of this matrix indicated that the place was a true natural treasure and was protected so that no one could find it. The maximum level of matrix masters on that continent was only level 4 masters at this level were respected and revered by the sects.

So, it would be impossible for someone to find this waterfall and deactivate such an array.

Feng Wei knew that he was facing something extraordinary. He was convinced that, at the bottom of the waterfall, was the source of all the spiritual energy of the place. It was as if he had found the legendary Valley of Primordial Energy, a secret place where spiritual energies flowed abundantly.

Recalling his reading and studying ancient legends and stories, Feng Wei realized that this was the place he had studied. The Valley of Primordial Energy was a secret realm, accessed through an invisible portal at the bottom of a waterfall. Within this realm, cultivators had the opportunity to absorb the pure energy of the Primordial Source and advance in their cultivation ways.

With a nostalgic feeling in his eyes, Feng Wei smiled and removed his clothes, placing them on the spatial ring. Without hesitation, he plunged into the crystal clear water towards the bottom of the waterfall.

As he plunged into the crystal clear waters of the waterfall, a feeling enveloped Feng Wei. He remembered times past when adventure and danger were constant companions on his cultivation journey. He missed the thrill of battle, the twists of fate, and the rewards earned with hard work and courage.

"How long has it been since I felt this way?" thought Feng Wei as he swam towards the bottom of the waterfall. his old life was focused on more serious responsibilities and goals. He had become a powerful and respected cultivator in his previous life, but he sometimes missed the excitement and challenge of previous journeys.

"Adventure, misadventure, misfortune and fortune... all these experiences shaped me and made me stronger," Feng Wei reflected as the current carried him deeper into the waterfall. He remembered the difficulties he faced, the moments he overcame and the friends he met and lost along the way. Each challenge strengthened him and brought him closer to his goals.

The deeper he went, the more the spiritual energy of the Valley of Primordial Energy enveloped him. Feng Wei felt refreshed, as if the energy source nourished his soul and invigorated his cultivation. He absorbed the pure energy gratefully, because the feeling of being surrounded by a mystical world brought back his passion and thirst for new challenges.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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