
Dual Cultivation Master

Zhang Wei, once known as the fearsome Celestial Emperor and God of the Sword, was betrayed by his most trusted disciple and perished in despair. On the brink of death, a mysterious light transports him to a new and unforgiving world. Reborn as Feng Wei, he now inhabits a weak and despised body, facing the harsh reality of his new existence. However, the key to survival in this brutal era lies in the hands of his mother. A legendary cultivator and the most powerful on the continent, she was betrayed by her own father and husband, which led her to close her heart to the world and even to Feng Wei, who grew up deprived of motherly love. Determined to regain his strength and carve a place in this new world, Feng Wei embarks on a dangerous journey. To survive, he resorts to deceit, lies, and dissimulation unlike his previous life; he doesn't intend to be so naive this time. In this tolerant story full of twists and turns, the conventions of hero tales are set aside. The protagonist is not the typical altruistic savior of justice, but an individual motivated by personal interests and gain. Meet the MC, a cynical, manipulative, pragmatic anti-hero who would never risk winning a damsel in distress without gaining some leverage in doing so. Rather than taking the path of heroism and immunity, he is more tolerant of protecting the villain if it has benefited him. (Tags: Master-Disciple Relationship/Hidden One's True Identity/ Enemies Become Lovers/Harem/Misunderstandings /Relentless Protagonist/R*pe Victim Becomes Lover/milf/#soncon/siscon/incest.) I am a novice writer, my native language is not this one. Don't judge by the first few chapters, as the writing has room for improvement. Wait at least twenty chapters to know if it's your tea spoon or not.

Fang_Xiuying · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

city ​​of red chaos

Meanwhile, at Feng Wei's residence, he was arguing with a dubious ring spirit.

Ring Spirit: "I don't understand. She should have already received the inheritance from the War Goddess Empress. Why haven't you gone to her yet? Don't you know the saying 'strike iron while it's still hot'?"

Feng Wei shook his head in disagreement. "That's the problem with amateurs. You see, even though she received the inheritance, her cautious nature as a sect leader will lead her to test it on many people to confirm that they really are what they claim to be."

Spirit of the Ring: (still confused) "I still don't know why you decided to leave now to train outside!"

Feng Wei: "My dear mother is likely to look for spies from other sects, and that could take up to three months or more. In the meantime, I need to pay off that 200-point hate loan, and since Aunt Ning isn't in the sect, I know exactly where can I get this without any problems." He laughed wickedly.

As Feng Wei discussed with the spirit of the ring, he recognized that in order to achieve his goals, he needed three essential things: training his killing intent, money to nurture the sin of greed, and materials to create protective talismans. With that Feng Wei knew that even if he found someone with superior cultivation, he could still be arrogant and strengthen his demonic bloodline.

Feng wei also had in mind nurturing the sin of Lust, which required hate or affection points to purchase the Yang God physique. Feng Wei was confident that even entering double cultivation with those of levels higher than the Foundation Establishment Realm, he would have no problem absorbing Yin Qi,

In his past life, Feng Wei was an exceptionally powerful cultivator, and his killing intent had reached an overwhelming level.

releasing just 10 percent of its killing intent, it was capable of suppressing and terrorizing an entire wave of Emperor level beasts with just the pressure of its aura.

His ability to control and dominate his intention was impressive and feared by all who faced him.

However, in this life, things were different. Although his soul still held the strength of killing intent, his body didn't match the same power.

Spirit of the Ring: (curious) "And where do you plan on getting the hate points?"

Feng Wei: (with a smirk) "You'll find out soon enough, Now, let's get ready for my departure."


City of Red Chaos, a dark and mysterious place on the continent, its name is derived from the combination of two key elements that characterize this unique and terrifying place.

The term "Chaos" refers to the fact that it is a lawless city, where chaos reigns and order is practically non-existent. There is no central authority to impose laws or punishments, and criminals can act freely.

The "crimson" aspect of the city comes from the color of the air, which is dyed red due to the immense amount of blood spilled over the years.

This chaotic city is a haven for assassins and cultivators looking to hone their killing intent skills. Killing intent is an internal energy that can be cultivated to increase an individual's capacity.

The masters, aware of the unforgiving nature of the city, usually take their young disciples there when they reach the age of 22, as they already have some foundation in their respective cultivations.

The purpose of this journey is to train your killing intent, but also to show the disciples how dark and cruel human nature can be.

With his plans laid out, Feng Wei was determined to seize the opportunity while his mother was busy at the sect, cleaning out potential spies.

He knew that in the dangerous world of the continent, the city of Crimson Chaos could offer the necessary training to hone his killing intent, as well as provide opportunities to amass valuable resources.

However, he was willing to face these challenges in order to achieve his ambition to strengthen his demonic bloodline and cultivate his killing intent to the fullest.

The next day, Feng Wei wrote a detailed letter to explain his departure towards Crimson Chaos City. In the letter, he forged a plausible excuse, claiming that he was preparing for the Great Sects' Genie Battle. He explained that due to his current cultivation, it would take about a month to get there.