

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Growth weapon

Do you have a communication bracelet?" Elana asked while putting on her clothes.

" I didn't get one yet."

She went to one of the draws on her desk and pulled out a bracelet with a gem implanted in the center. She sent her magic through it and a small inscription formed on it.

" Here. I've implanted my magic signature on it so that we can communicate at any place. Put yours on mine."

" Uhm... I don't know how."

She held her wrist out for Orien to hold.

" It's similar to writing your name in cursive except with magic. Simple explanation, no?

" I get it."

Orien injected his magic into the bracelet, attempting to write his name in cursive. The finished product looked nothing like his name, but it worked.

" You're a fast learner. Here is your ID. I've already set up your bank account. You're free to leave. I can't wait for our next training secession."

" Thank you very much, Miss Elena. I could never repay you for this experience."

Orien left and headed towards Andreas' office.

* Knock* *Knock*

" Come in. It's about time you arrived. You look like you enjoyed yourself."

Orien stood there with a wide smile.

" The best thing that has ever happened to me. So, can I choose my weapon now?"

" Yes, but you need to understand something. Regular weapons don't last long in this world. We use growth-type weapons. They can be considered ' alive' to an extent. The tricky thing is that everyone can't use them. The weapon has to choose you. The relationship is symbiotic, and the weapon is tied to you for life. You can still learn other weapons, but you'll always be worse than someone whose one with their weapon. Follow me."

The two made their way past a series of doors and stopped at one that radiated an immense amount of magic energy. Andrea opened the door and inside the room housed thousands of weapons like swords, staffs, spears,whips, and more.

"The weapons were created from the world itself. We have no idea what the element is, but it's millions of times better than any steel, and it is rare. From this point on, you need to walk around this room until a weapon forms a connection with you. "

As Orien walked down the first aisle of weapons, all of them began to shake violently on the shelves.

' I don't feel anything from these weapons, but they act weird towards me.'

" Andrea, what's wrong? None of them like me, but they act this way."

" I have no clue. When someone can't use these weapons, they usually do nothing. There's a stone here that we use to determine if people can use growth weapons. Come here."

Andrea led him to a room in the back of the weapons. Inside was a jet-black sphere on a podium.

" This is the magic element Angatania produces in its rawest form. Inject your mana into this. If it changes color, you can use growth weapons. If not, we'll have to find you a good regular weapon."

He placed his hand on the stone and injected it with his magic. Andrea immediately knew something was wrong. Instead of glowing, the energy in the sphere entered Orien's body.

" I'm dying. I'm dying. Andrea help me!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Veins all over his body were visible, and they turned black. Andrea ran as fast as she could to remove his hand from the podium, but she was blasted away by an unknown force as soon as she got close. He looked at her with a face full of tears and went unconscious standing up. Andrea's eyes were full of surprise and curiosity. The element began to form where Orien's missing arm was. His eyes shot open. His iris and pupil turned a crimson red. Black veins popped up under his eyes, and he let out an ear-shattering yell.

" Andrea, please kill me. It hurts too much!"

A thick blood-red aura surrounded him. His one black hair turned crimson red. A loud bang came from the door, and Mr. Edwards came to witness the scene in front of him.

"Every time I see this boy, he's doing something dangerous. Andrea, what's wrong with this boy?"

" The magic element went into his body. Look at his arm."

Orien's left arm had turned pitch black with a red circle on the forearm. His right hand had red markings marking along the knuckles. His eyes were now a rich crimson red.

The commotion stopped after his arm was fully done. His body was about to slam into the ground when Andrea beat her father to the punch to catch him.

" It looks like his class has something to do with blood arts by the markings on his hand. His healing ability isn't going to be normal. Could you imagine what would happen if our enemies found him before I did? Using that beginners test as a talent scouter was a good idea after all huh?"

" Whatever old man. I'll take him to his room."


Orien awoke with a throbbing headache. He rubbed his temple with both of his hands before he stopped in place. He looked at his left arm, and his eyes grew wide.

" Ahhhhhh whos' arm is this!"