

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Exceeding the Succubus' Expectations

" Why are you just standing there? Take off your clothes before you break that thing," Elana said.

Orien began to stare, sneaking nervous peaks of the voluptuous woman in front of him. Elana is no taller than five-foot-five. Her petite frame carries her huge breast. Her entire body is plump in all the right places. Her body screams sex in Orien's eyes. They stand in front of each other, nude, with their huge height difference on display.

" This thing is massive. How were you a virgin for so long?"

" I had a lot of issues in my life. It just never happens with me and women."

' I don't want to tell her how many times I was rejected. This is a new life. No one has to know how much of a loser I am.'

" Do you know anything about sex," she asked.

" I know a lot. Puberty was a very difficult time for me and I got curious. I watched and read a lot about it."

" We are going to put your knowledge to the test." She let out a giggle and dropped to her knees with her eyes fixated on the giant in front of her.

" You are the most blessed man I'll ever meet in my life."

She grabbed his member with both hands and gave a light squeeze. His member immediately shot up towards the sky, looking majestic. Elana's pupil turned into a heart. Her face was flushed, and between her legs had turned into a sloppy mess. She lowered his member into her mouth. His body shivered. His legs buckled, and he was struggling to stand.

' Come on man. Not this quick. You haven't even put it in yet.'

He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to endure the immense pleasure. Elana slowly licked the back of the tip and around the head. She slurped up and down while twisting her hands on the rest. Her saliva coated the entire thing. She took in more and more of his meat until some of it was in her throat when she felt a giant burst of energy enter her mouth.

" I'm coming." Orien grabbed her head and shoved himself deeper into her throat.

" This orgasm is completely different than my hand. I might get addicted to this," he said excitedly.

He took himself out of her mouth, and her face was a mess with his juices everywhere. She was still full after swallowing so much. She gulped down the leftovers when she felt a strange, but euphoric feeling throughout her entire body.

" Your healing ability is amazing. Your sperm is like an opioid that heals you."

Oriens senses are screaming that he's in danger. He used divine eyes on her, and her color was orange.

' Whatever it is can't be that bad. I'm not missing out on my first time.'

Elana began to go through a change. Her green hair turned red. Horns sprouted from her forehead. Her body became even curvier, and her bust grew bigger. Orien could do nothing but gulp and the beautiful figure in front of him. His member stood tall and harder than before.

" It's time for the next phase," she said while slightly caressing Oriens chin. She bent over the desk, inviting him in. He walked toward her and placed his meat at the entrance of her mound, and got an idea.

' Could divine eyes should help me with this situation too?"

He immediately used the ability, and he could see the inner workings of her vagina. '

Everything is green besides her cervix which is a mixture of red and green. There are also spots darker than others. Let's see how this works.' He grinned ear to ear as he entered a vagina for the first time.

' This feels too good, but I have to hold it in.'

Her vagina juices were leaking onto the floor.

' She's gripping me so tight, and it's so warm.' He slapped himself. " I need to focus.'

He inserted as much as he could when he touched her cervix, and her body buckled a bit. He began to aim his strokes at the dark green areas.

" You've already found my spots," she said with a hazy voice. Orien began to pound those spots like a mad man. Elena's voice turned into screams full of ecstasy'. Her head lay on the desk with her arms drooping down and knees bent inwards, trembling.

' I am amazing at this. Who would've thought I can use my ability like this.' Then he remembered another one of his abilities.

'stimulate the body at his will'

He pinched her clit and immediately thought of stimulating it with pleasure. He felt a warm sensation on his fingertips, and Elena screamed.

" Ahhhhhh... wha.. what is this?"

" My ability. Enjoy."

He began experimenting with the different levels of stimulation he could create. With every passing minute, Elena would squirt like a fountain. After pounding her for a while, he felt that tingling sensation in his loins once more and aimed directly at her cervix with his last few hard thrust.

" Elena, I'm coming again!" He pounded her cervix as hard as he could. Elena's feet squirmed and raised as she tried to handle the pain and pleasure. Orien finally released as far as he could inside her, and Elena screamed at the top of her lungs.

Orien slumped over her back as they both were panting, trying their best to get some air.

" You are already the best I've ever had," she said in between breaths.

" I feel bad for you though. Once word gets out that your sex god, your life will no longer belong to you. Human women will go through great lengths for you even though you're going to completely ruin their experiences with other men. I can put you under the protection of the succubi if you like."

" I'll think about it. You drained me enough. I couldn't imagine the rest of you."

" Don't worry, that can be fixed with some training," she said with a smile.


Andrea stood beside Elena's door with her hands between her legs, panting on the ground. She looked at her fingers and saw her juices dripping.

' They finally stopped. I need to leave before she smells me. Just as she got to leave, the gem on her bracelet glowed, and Andrea heard Elana's voice in her head.

" I hope you enjoyed yourself hehe."