
Druid of Marvel [ONGOING]

Summoned the Diablo 2 high-level druid and transmigrated to become the principal of an ordinary community school in the Marvel universe. Alvin stared into Director George’s eyes and said in a cold voice: “I’m going to dig out the scum who use my students to do bad things out of their nests. I’m going to pull out their hearts and see and make them pay a price they’ll never forget. I want them to know! Here is my school! This is my place!” Note: 1. This is translated fanfiction. You can also read it at MTLOnly. 2. I will delete any scam review by the readers. Keep in mind. 3. This is not machine translated. So, don't worry. Tip here to Translator: https://ko-fi.com/mtlonly ⚠️Warning⚠️ This novel has nationalism element and character's personality are different from original Marvel series. I have already warned you so I didn't want this on review section.

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Peace Restaurant (2)

Sharif's words were heard by an old black man on the side, and he scolded angrily: "You greedy xx, cutting corners xx, God can't save your xxx, you still want people to respect you? Alvin must have become muddle-headed to trust you, you xxx-xxx." The old black man spoke very fast and he seemed to be used to the rules here since whenever he used swear words, he would use some black slang words that nobody could understand. But to be able to scold so smoothly in this way, one had to admire the rap talent of black people.

Foggy ran excitedly and gave the old black man a high-five, and said with a smile, "Old Kent, great job!"

Sharif was angry, stared at the two of them, and waved his fist, but he did not dare to take action as Alvin didn't allow it here. There used to be guys who didn't believe in evil here to find fault, but it didn't end well for them.

At this time, the wooden door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a beautifully dressed Eastern European young woman pushed the door and walked in. She took a look around the restaurant, walked directly to the bar, raised her chin, and tilted her head at Sharif, motioning him to move away.

Sharif, who was angry, smiled embarrassingly and said, "Hi, Dalia." As a greeting, holding his water glass, he found a seat where the guest had just left and sat down.

The glamorous young woman sat gracefully on the round stool at the bar, and nodded and said hello to a few people around her. Stylishly, she took out a cigarette, lit it, propped up her cheek with one hand, and held the cigarette in the other, watching Alvin who was busy in the depths of the bar.

Jessica placed a glass of lemonade heavily in front of the glamorous young woman and said bluntly, "Miss Dalia, smoking is not allowed here."

The young woman, Dalia, looked at Jessica, smiled, and said, "Oh, lucky girl. Can I finish this cigarette? I don't think the gentlemen around here would mind." After finishing speaking, her beautiful eyes swept to the left and right of the bar. Several men nearby, except Matt, nodded involuntarily.

Jessica glared at the several men, who did not live up to her expectations. Ignoring their protests, she gave the first prepared steak to Matt, the blind man, and handed the knife and fork into Matt's hand.

Ten stoves were fired at the same time, and the steaks were quickly finished and delivered to the guests. Alvin wiped his hands with a towel and went to the bar to pour himself a beer.

"Alvin, you have to take care of Sol and Dom. I just saw them keep a big beauty out of the restaurant. No wonder you always have only some stinky men here." Dalia saw that Alvin was busy, and she said with a smile while covering her mouth, completely ignoring the eyes of a bunch of "stinky men" looking at her.

Alvin ignored Dalia's words but shouted at Nick, who was arguing with old Stan, about who was more powerful Batman or Captain America: "Nick Castle, it's 8:30, I'll come at 10 to check your homework. If you haven't done it, you've still got an hour and a half. You don't want to know how I will punish you, boy, lazy kid."

Nick held his head in annoyance, shouted out a scream of suffering, pushed his wheelchair, and rushed into the bar, to a small door beside the stove, opened the door, stood up on one leg, and hopped up to the second floor hurriedly.

A group of diners in the restaurant laughed, and Foggy even shouted jokingly: "Nick, you have to hurry up, I don't want to see you pushing a wheelchair to sweep the road, haha!"

Nick listened, grabbed the handrail, turned back and made a face at Foggy, and quickly jumped up to the second floor.

When the door closed automatically, Dahlia put out the cigarette in her hand, took out ten bundles of 20 dollar bills from her compact handbag, and pushed them towards Alvin. Looking at Alvin's eyes, there was appellation, desire, and a little bit of hesitation.

Alvin looked at the $20,000 in front of him, shook his head, took half of it, and pushed the other half back in front of Dahlia, saying, "I know you have a few new girls smuggled from Eastern Europe. Send the underage ones to school and pay me $100 a month from now on. Let the girls who want to be in serious business save some money and get out of here."

Dahlia shook her head and said, "It's not legal, if you only charge me $100, the rest of the gang will know, and we'll all be in trouble. Now I and the girls are doing well, and they're actually doing pretty well. Last week, two girls saved enough money to move to Los Angeles." Then she pushed the money to Alvin, "Please accept it, Alvin, you are a good person, I know you don't want us women's flesh and blood money, but I beg you to accept it, I really can't accept being controlled by other gangsters." Dalia's face showed a pleading expression, which made people feel extremely pitiful.

"Take it, Alvin, we all know you're a good guy and you'll keep them safe, but if you don't take her money, it's breaking the rules of Hell's Kitchen, and the gangsters in the neighborhood will go crazy. We know you're not afraid. They, however, in this way, will be in danger." Old Kent on the side helped out.

Alvin himself was a straightforward person, and what old Kent said made sense. He hesitated for a while, then gestured to the fat and white Sharif, and said, "Come and take it, 15 days, 2 food trucks. If you are cutting corners, I will ask Sol to have a chat with you."

Sharif slumped his shoulders and protested in a low voice: "$20,000 is only enough for one food truck. Alvin, you are a fair guy, you can't make me suffer."

Alvin, poured another glass of beer and handed it to Sharif, "This is a punishment for your greed, there is no next time, okay?"

Alvin's gentle expression made Sharif afraid, and he said quickly: "Okay, okay, I know, there will be no problem, I promise!"

"Old Kent, who is the most difficult in the block? Go ask, do you want to run a food truck?" Alvin ignored Sharif's assurance, he believed that Sharif wouldn't dare to play tricks. Instead, he turned to ask old Kent.

Old Kent thought for a while and said, "Lilith has three children by herself. It's very hard for her and she will need one. Archie's family of six are all unemployed and also need one.."

"Then notify them and let them go to Sharif's garage to see. If they have any special requirements, let Sharif change it directly." After that, he waved away Sharif, who was desperately holding the money bag. He said to a big black man sitting at the dining table by the door who was gobbling his food: "JJ, when you go, accompany Sharif, he is not safe by himself." JJ was a Marine Corps veteran, after some trouble, he escaped to Hell's Kitchen and became the security guard and driver of Alvin's restaurant.

"Okay, boss." JJ raised his head and swallowed the last bite of steak, drank a large glass of lemonade in one swig, stood up and replied to Alvin, and called out to Sharif to leave the restaurant.

As soon as he opened the door of the restaurant, he saw a girl more beautiful than Dalia, followed by two policemen who walked into the restaurant.

Seeing that the two policemen were acquaintances, JJ didn't think much, and took Sharif into the car and left.

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