
Drown Me In Deep

“It always amazes me how this world can rip your heart apart with its cruelty and then glue the pieces back together with its heavenly beauty.” How would you feel stuck in a world that deceives you and punishes you for something you never did?A world of perfectionism that’s sucked into the delusion of what a persons eye colour makes them. Jem’s life isn’t easy in this foreign world she’s sucked into, the betrayal and deceit she faces is nothing less then torture from her journeys though it.

Mi_ni · Fantasy
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19 Chs

A Twisted Situation

I'm sitting on the hard wooden floor cracking a nervous smile while Luna studies my face carefully.

"Hey, I'm not hurt so don't worry about it."I speak up while shrugging my shoulders as a gesture of me being unbothered.

"Yea I can tell, but your hair's a mess and we need to fix that."She waves her hands towards my half cut hair and rolls her eyes.

I completely forgot that I looked this ridiculous and the fact that I was talking to Luka the whole time while I had this haircut made my skin crawl in embarrassment.

"Stay still."are the only words that come out of Luna's cherry red lips as she swiftly inches near me and quickly chops off the other side of my hair in one motion.

I admit that I was a bit startled and had to get a grasp of the situation before I saw that she was holding a crystal clear dagger wrapped with orange electric tape around the handle.

"Why do you have a dagger just lying around?"I ask as I point towards it while waiting for a reply.

She takes a deep sigh and tells me that she doesn't trust people, so she has this piece of sharpened glass strapped to her arm for protection in case she needed to defend herself.

I'm not too sure why she would be worried about something like that since this place seems really well protected.But then again, nothing is as it seems anyway.

We stay silent for a while absorbing her words.

"So, what about the hyacinth flower? You still planning to get it?"The silence was broken with my voice.

"Of course.Let's think of a plan."

From there, we climbed out the treehouse and headed towards the route that led to the Ferris Wheel.I didn't know where Luna was taking me so I just followed her since it was better than getting lost.

We walked a few steps until we reached a building that said "Erots."

"What's Erots?"I question as I furrow my eyebrows.

"It's where we buy things, you'll probably have something like this back home."she says while walking inside and covering her hair with her cloak.

It took me a while to realize that 'Erots' was just Store spelled backwards.

Luna abruptly shoves me in front of her and hides me in her cloak to make sure no one sees me.It's kind of heart fluttering considering that she really cares about my safety and it makes me feel even more safe with her.

Once we get inside, she hides me in between the clothing racks and tells me to stay put while she looks for a cloak for me.

I peek through the clothes as I watch her aggressively rip a huge hole in her cloak and approach the cashier.

"Listen, I need a new cloak, mine's ripped."she says it so casually, it's almost as if she knows him.

My eyes follow the worker as he approaches the clothing rack I'm hiding in and stops.Simulatneously,my heart stops.

What do I do now? I start panicking as my eyes dart from place to place thinking of where I should go hide myself.

Then I hear him slowly flip through the clothes hung in the rack..