

"With you, the red light will eventually turn green" ===== As she looked into his eyes, those deep dark irises, eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. That smirk that screamed 'danger'. She shuddered, feeling cold sweat drench her shirt "What's wrong?" his magnetic voice sounded with almost inhuman dexterity, he held her by the waist. "Stay-stay back, don't touch me!" her voice was shaking, almost breaking into a shout, but was actually a whimper. She slipped into his arms, heart pounding, eyes darting. Feeling complicated, a mixture of reluctance and pleasure. His chiseled face leaned into her hair, noise sniffing greedily. Her hair stood on end with nervousness, seeing the sharp fangs at the edges of his reddish pink lips. "Now you can be mine forever" 'No' she thought, but couldn't bring herself to speak. She gradually closed her eyes in despair. "I won't kill you, you're to beautiful for that" seeing her disposition, the man was amused. Vera opened her eyes in bewilderment and confusion. Mustering her courage and will, she managed yo squeeze out one word. "Why?" Her imagination ran wild, doubts began to form and dissipate at astonishing speeds. She hated when she wasn't aware of the situation. Soon her fear became anger, and anger gave way to rage. "So you kidnapped me and made me feel like a piece of shit for nothing?" The man smiled widely, and her fear returned. {CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF THE COVER From Pinterest}∆∆

Ace_zza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Then he stopped walking. He stood still for a moment while she listened to the steady heart beat of his heart. Then he eased down on a bench, outside the balcony, gently resting her on his lap.

"Its okay" he said "You can cry as much as you like now"

She smiled and wished she could stay like this and rest her face on his neck but their postion prevented it. "I don't feel like crying anymore" she said, her voice was dry yet raw. "Don't leave me yet"

He tightened his grip "Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor or a physician" he asked with her ear pressed on his lap, his voice was deep, echoing for her ears to hear.

"I am fine, as long as you stay like this"

He nodded amd smiled at her words, using his right hand to brush her hair comfortingly. She smiled, happy to feel relaxed.

"Where are we?" she asked. She could feel the breeze but in the darkness where the street light shone, her eyes were shut.

"At your balcony" She raised her eye in response, before smuggling her body closer to his, in a child-like way.

Reassured, he relaxed his back against the chair, as he adjusted to her. "But how is your family. Forgive me for not asking all this while"

"No-no..." he reprimanded "Its not your fault, you have been through a lot lately and I expected it... By the way, they are all fine and sends their greeting" he spoke calmly, while patting her head.

Vera smiled "Nice to her that. If I had one wish, it would be having a happy family, but fate prevents it" She ended, with a serious and firm expression.

He shook his head "Don't say that! Families are made from the heart, crafted by love" He explained "You would even be surprise that you have finally had babies" he chuckled lightly at his teasing. She rolled her eyes with a scowl on her face, on his lap.

She swallowed, understanding her harsh fate that sometimes awaited bad lucks to her. Still she spoke words expressed from her heart. "That day would not be predicted"

He grimaced "Don't say that, only time can tell"

"I hope not" she murmured and took a deep breath. She listened to the night birds and the whisper of the night breeze through the leaves. But mostly, she felt the urge to sleep but she kept fighting it. The humming of a song by hugo and his comforting patting conquered her stubborn urge and she drifted into sleep.


The next morning...

Her phone rang loudly, enough to wake her up and shift off from her dream. With her head faced on the pillow and her body in an awkward position, she stretched her hand, grabbing the phone from the table. She pressed the phone to her ear after accepting the call.

At the sound of his voice, she jolted, but before she could respond, the call ended. She flung her phone on the bed, hurriedly pulling off the blanket that covered her and dashed to the bathroom.


Vera's feet ached as her head felt as if it weighed a ton. She stood at the receptionist table, waiting to have her name called. Her eyes stopped at some of the ladies with a stern gaze and jealous expression, whispering and gossiping while stealing a glance at her. If only she could move a little, wander by and eavesdrop on their conversation, but somehow, she was too terrified to move.

Eventually, the three ladies began to approach her. She had that feeling to walk away, but something in her kept her stance. She watched as they took their step with grace and confidence.

As they stopped at her front, their gaze traveled from her head to toe, with an irked look. "If this was the lady my scott was talking about to take the position as his personal secretary, then I would not believe" She mocked hysterically.

"Well, I wonder what master finds in you interesting...your look and dressing are ugly and of no class" The other lady commented, still putting up an irk face.

"Not that she is even a beauty that is enough to weigh a man's heart down" Another said, rolling her eyes while her arms where crossed to her chest.

"People like her are meant to be working as animal veterinarians for dogs like her" The third lady mocked, as the others laughed at her comment.

Vera smiled, enough to keep her calm expression and to make their anger boil "If you don't mind, excuse me" She intended to leave when the first lady blocked her way. "Where to, run-away princess" She said, with a smirk on her lips.

"She is going to get her prince that will find her before she gets lost again" The other lady sang, laughing really loud that made other people stop whatever they were doing to listen to their conversation.

"She can never find a prince. What will a prince with a lady like her. She doesn't even deserve a servant" The first lady said while eyeing her, as the others could just nod.

"She has lost her tongue, definitely tongue-tied, that she can't even speak anymore" The third lady said with a scowl on her face.

"Oops, my bad. I could've sworn I was dealing with an adult..." Vera spoke calmly, and step forward, noticing the anger in her eyes "Oh, am sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?" She whispered lightly, as the lady could just clench her fist in anger.

She bit her teeth hard as vera could hear her molars cracking "How dare you insult me"

"Hold on. Am not insulting you, am describing you" Her last sentence made the others gasp in shock, while the other staffs laughed.

"Don't you even dare you bitch..."

"If you are going to be a two-faced, at least make one of them pretty" Vera said, and stepped backwards, in attempt to leave.

"I'll never forget the first time we met. But I'll keep trying... Bye. Hope to see you never" Vera ended while waving her hand frantically at her and walked away to another table.

She peered at her side, and watch them leave in embarrassment. She laughed inwardly.

But the longer vera waited, the more she doubted her sanity. Why would she put her faith on a man that clearly disregard her interest. He had turned her down, not once nor twice but she still had that courage of not letting him up. Although she believed it was all a contract, but how long would she stand and keep saying that all she is doing not her fault. Sometimes she laugh at herself, wondering what she turned out to be. A man in a body of a woman!

Her face heated, but not with shame. The realization of the things she had done just to get him was insane. If she believed that a woman yearns so desperately for a man just because of a contract and behaves stupidly obsessed, then she would be a fool. Then she shivered in fear. A question seems to bother her. Is this what she truly want. Is this where her happiness lies? Would she stretch herself out for all to see while live up in another regret all her life?

The thought was horrifying, but it was also possibility. Having looked at all she has been through, all she has done to reach this extent, it somehow built a feeling inside of her. The unexplainable feeling that arouses his presence. Thankfully, she was saved from further thoughts as a young lady approached her.

"Miss vera, mister scott awaits your presence" She nodded and smiled "I will be right behind you" She started to move, but before she could take another step, the lady turned her back and bumped her harshly.

Vera frowned a d wrinkled her nose at the perfume scent that rose from her expensive garment. It was the kind of thing she was allergic to...she swallowed.

"Don't think about doing anything stupid vera and just have in mind that what your eyes is searching for...already belong to me" She pointed herself, warning. Her gaze travelled from vera's head to toe, with a disgusted look.

Not again...! vera thought.

"I wonder what he finds in you, but it is not big deal that you might have seduced him to get what you want. This is not the first time am hearing news like this" Then keep hearing...vera thought to herself "I just wanted to make something clear"

Vera clenched her fist as the lady stepped forward " The poor never match with the rich because our class are different from theirs" She eyed her "Don't forget where you belong vera...Never. Forget" She stressed her last warning, and smiled at her.

With a reluctant grimace, the lady tidyed her cloth properly in pretense to be doing a favor.

With a huge smile, she said "This way"


Am sorry for the late chap. Please bear with me cause author needed a break.(^~^)

Please tell me if you find anything error to this chap.

Ace_zzacreators' thoughts