
Dropped for improvementsss

What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. This statement came from the book of Proverbs. To gain wisdom First, you need to fear the Lord.

In the dead of night, a young man in the field may be seen sitting at the bottom of the tree, reading the proverbs of Solomon. The young man is desperate to change, but he is unable to make even a small step forward in his life.

The young man then began saying something that only he could hear.

"Why am I born? they say that life is a gift, many struggles to live but I want to die." then he was silent for a second then he spoke again. "Please if any God or Goddess really exists, then please take my life away from me, for I no longer need it.

It was obvious that this young man wants to die but he doesn't want it to take his life. Simply because hanging yourself and stabbing yourself with a knife is quite painful.

This young man is named Nathan. He has a well-built body, an average face, and of course a FUCKING VIRGIN!!!!!! this is probably the reason that he wants to die soo bad.

Nathan was bored with life after realizing he'd never meet a suitable partner and, on top of that, he was dealing with a slew of other personal problems. Even though he was a 21-year-old college student, he had accomplished nothing outstanding. He spends his days lounging around his grandparents' apartment and his nights at university. He's what we call a FUCKING EDGE LORD in our society, or a weeb word. He ignores most people and only speaks to those he believes are worthy of his time.

He continued to mutter to himself again.

" How would I find or reach Eudaimonia if I keep doing this to myself." He then fell silent for a moment then continue to speak but this time he was quite angry."Every fucking day I felt shit, life isn't a gift at all, but a FUCKING CURSE!!!"

He screamed, but didn't care if anyone heard him; he went on to say,

"Ever since I was born, I've been nonexistent to my family; my mother didn't want me because she needed to continue her studies in order to support her luxurious lifestyle; she almost aborted me because of that shallow reason, and my father was a Fucking drug addict who only fucked my mother for pleasure."

Nathan was irritated because he didn't know what to do. He was enraged at his parents, but most of all, he was enraged at God. He had no desire to be born, and existence had become a curse for him. Why was he picked instead of one of his lowlife Father's billions, if not trillions, of sperm shot into his Mother?

Why was he chosen?

After he finished throwing a tantrum he tried to calm himself and bend his knee, he decided to pray.

"God I know that every life is precious, but why me? why am I chosen to live out of the people who die every day? Why am I chosen to live?"

Nathan cried, he was frustrated and beg God to answer him but all he heard was silence. Only a gust of wind can be heard.

"Silence again huh? sometimes I try to ask myself if you actually exist but the answer remains the same if I ask others. They would always say that you're like a wind you can neither see nor touch the wind but you can feel it. But is that really the answer to that question? and do you really exist?"

A blinding light as bright as the sun blocked Nathan's vision after he finished those words. He thought he was becoming blind, but as the light faded, a color darker than black appeared in his line of view. It was a thick, dark haze that was steadily forming.

Nathan felt dazed for a moment and he muttered "Am I seeing this right?"

The dark haze was gradually forming. Its shape was unlike anything he had ever seen before. This is something Nathan can't describe.

"Am I high? Did I eat something that was rotten? or am I drea-?"

Just as he was about to finish the word that he was saying, a voice suddenly came out of the strange dark smoke.

"Youuuuu're not dreaminggggggg norrrrr you are highhhh on drugssssssss. I cameeeee tooooo asnnnsswwerrrr yourrrrr questionnn."

Nathan went silent as he understood the voice was like a ghost attempting to get its prey; it was neither charming nor caring. It was the type of voice utilized by ghosts in movies.


Nathan prayed to all the gods that he knew in order to get away from this abomination. The dark smoke that looked like a ghost spoke again.

"Jeez, I'mmmmm notttt aaaa ghosssttt nor annyyyy vicioussss creaturessss that youuu cannnn thinkkkk of."

"Oh Jesus too, please forgive me cuz I have sinned I promise not to steal from grandma, please!!!".

Nathan was flabbergasted, he does not know how to react then he thought to himself.

'Do ghosts drink tea? If I serve this ghost a coffee or tea it would probably leave me alone, right?'

He was terrified at the time, but pouring the ghost tea was the first thing that sprang to mind. It was either the epitome of idiocy or a big brain strategy. Nathan was on the verge of shitting himself when he suddenly remembered the ghost's exact words. He then mutters quietly.

"Answer my question?"

His tone was so silent that even he himself could not probably hear it. but the dark smoke that looked like a ghost simply chuckled.

"Yeeesss, youuuuuuu askkkkkkk iffffffff Goddddddd isssss reallllll orrrrr nottttttt rightttttttt? orrrrrrr doesssssss heeeeeee existtttttt?"

Nathan felt dazed for a moment then he started speaking.

"The question of God actually existing is a question that I have been asking myself for a while now. It was in the realm of possibility but sometimes I doubt it."Nathan then stops to think then continues. "But it would illogical if I deny your presence here, I can just say that this was a dream and I probably wake up and forget all of this fiasco."

"It'sssss harddddd forrrrrrr mmmme tooooooo talkkkkkk likeeeeee thissssss waitttttt forrrrr aaaa secccccc."

The mysterious dark smoke ghost or whatever it was eventually completed its shape. It took the shape of a magnificent woman for whom all nations would vie for her beauty. It was a beauty that defied human limitations, and all the men in the world would definitely drop their undergarments just by gazing at her. Her body was well curved, and her breasts were healthy, perhaps C Cup+. Her lips were as red as roses, and she exudes an aura that makes you fall in love with her simply by looking at her.

The woman's beauty astounded Nathan, yet it had no effect on him because "he ain't no SIMP!!!!!". He had read in an article that women, especially those with this kind of Beauty, are rather naughty. After that, he said something.

"The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet, her soft words are oh so smooth. But it won't be long before she's gravel in your mouth, a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart. She's danc-"

Just as he was about to finish his word the woman in front of her spoke

"Dancing down the primrose path to Death; she's headed straight for Hell and taking you with her." The woman smiled as sweet as honey and her voice was so smooth that you can sleep just by listening to it."Proverbs of Solomon right? the wisest man alive, you know that God himself granted that wisdom of his right?"

"Yes, I don't really understand what you are thinking, but based on your appearance the only thing that I can think of is that proverb," Nathan said with a hint of shock on his face but he slowly hide his emotion.

"Ah yes, because you haven't had any experience with girls or ladies, have you?" the woman in front of him asked, laughing. "I came here because I noticed you wondering about his existence, but I have a deal for you that will finally answer your questions, and I'm confident you'll agree."

"A deal that you're convinced I'll agree to?" Nathan was intrigued. "First, who are you?"

"Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lilith. I am the first woman and God made me like Adam, but unlike Adam, who obeyed God's mandate to marry and reproduce, I chose to refuse because, you know, I have rights too," the woman named Lilith said. "The Bible and other religious writings only mention Eve, with no mention of me."

Lilith was irritated that she was not mentioned in those sacred scriptures, but she proceeded."God saw no need for me to perish because of my attitude," she says, "but he then asked me whether I wanted to be transformed into a Cherubim, an angel ranked only second to Archangels." She puffs out her chest and looks proud.

Nathan remembered the actual shape of angels from the Prophet Ezekiel's representations, which appeared like a wheel of eyes and six wing creatures covering their faces, but the woman Lilith in front of her didn't look anything like that, so he asked her.

"Do angels really look like you? The angels mentioned in the sacred book looked like a wheel of eyes and six wings creatures covering their faces," he said, pausing briefly before continuing with a puzzled expression.

"What gives you the appearance of a human?"

Then Lilith chuckles. "It's because we're greater creatures than you humans, and we can take any form whatever creature we want," she explained. "God created us angels to look after and protect you humans, and all you people do is blame God for your own stupidity!" Lilith grumbled for a time before smiling again.

"Any more questions?"

Nathan had a gloomy expression on his face; she was correct; he blamed God for his own idiocy. God was doing everything he could to protect him and provide him with food every day, but all he blamed him for was choosing to live. He does, however, ask Lilith a new question.

"What was that dark haze before you transform? is that you're original form?"

Lilith chuckled. "That was merely the cost of attempting to converse with a human," Lilith said, her voice solemn. "You know, talking to humans is banned to angels, and even the most powerful angels, the archangels, are forbidden to converse with people." She paused and hesitated for a while before continuing. "Only those Archons may talk with you; all of them are free to engage with humans without fear of punishment; God created them to keep an eye on you humans and report on your progress to him."

Nathan isn't sure what the word Archons means in the sacred text. He then recalled the earlier deal she mentioned.

"Earlier you spoke about the deal that you're going to make and you said that you're confident that I'll definitely accept it?" he asks her, his countenance curious.

Nathan then paused then continued."Is it a new gaming pc or a fucking gaming chair!?!?! Oh oh or perhaps it is an island full of meat?" Nathan's eyes were full of enthusiasm those were probably the things that he cannot refuse.

Lilith was so taken aback by his statement that she completely forgot everything she had learned about humans. She then considered something.

'Did I make a mistake in my human mind research? or maybe everything we've learned about them so far has been incorrect.'

She was puzzled at first, then shook her head, dismissing all of them as gibberish. He's most likely a strange or distinctive Human.

Then she smiled and said. "It's not good to converse here; it's pretty cold for you, especially at this time of night," she said after pausing to look around. "Follow me," she said as she opened a gateway in front of Nathan.

After seeing a ghost, a dark haze, and other things, Nathan was once again taken aback. He shook his head and kept following Lilith through the gateway.

I hope you enjoy the story :)

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