
Dreamweaver of the Apocalypse

Arthur Dreshaw's once-ordinary life takes a shocking twist when he starts getting plagued by recurring nightmares. Initially gripped by fear, he slowly finds himself strangely drawn to these eerie dreams. Little does he know that they hold a profound secret. As reality shatters and a genuine apocalypse unfolds, Arthur discovers the haunting truth: the cataclysm he witnessed in his dreams is now a horrifying reality. Empowered with the knowledge of the horrifying future of mankind in the apocalypse and the extraordinary ability to draw others into his dreams with a host of newfound talents, he embarks on a spine-tingling journey to confront the enigmatic forces responsible for this global catastrophe. As the fate of Earth teeters on the brink of chaos, will Arthur emerge as its savior, wielding his newfound powers to protect the world, or will he succumb to the unrelenting nightmare that engulfs all of humanity?

Seraphinn_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Killing More.


A sharp piece of metal pierced through the air and stabbed into the forehead of one of the two zombies, making it jerk backwards in pain.

Arthur raised his leg and kicked at that zombie's chest, while simultaneously pulling his spear out and ending its life.

After the first zombie died the other zombie jumped over its corpse and reached out toward Arthur.

Retreating quickly, Arthur turned the spear around and pressed the wooden end of it onto the zombie, forcibly pushing it away.

The zombie stumbled backward while growling angrily at him, but he didn't give it any chance and swiftly swinged his weapon, cutting apart half of the zombie's neck.

It shrieked helplessly and fell down on the floor, grasping its torn neck.

Sadly, the poor zombie didn't knew that the human he was fighting against was someone who did his job perfectly and did not leave it incomplete.

Arthur walked toward the fallen zombie and stepped on its head, making it glare fiercely and growl aggressively, but that only made him to shake his head.

"Nah dude, I really need this mana stone from inside of you. So there's nothing I can do except to kill you..."

Raising his spear above his head, he slashed it at its neck and separated its body into two parts.

After taking care of both of the zombies, he digged into their chests and took out the mana stones which he kept in one of the pockets in his pants.

"Now onto the first floor...."

Turning around, Arthur moved to the stairs slowly walked down to first floor, sneaking a look at the corridor.

And as expected, there were many zombies here than on the second floor.

Including the four zombies who ran downstairs from the noise that he had made, there were a total of 9 zombies present in the first floor corridor.

"Hmm this will be a bit difficult to handle...."

Arthur rubbed his chin and pondered about how to handle this situation.

A few minutes went by and he couldn't find a way to defeat all these zombies.

'Ugh..lets try to remember if there's anything from my nightmares that could help.'

He knit his brows and thought intensely about all the various strategies and methods to defeat the zombies thet he had come across in his nightmares.

In fact, there were actually a lot of ways he could defeat those zombies but he didn't have the necessary things and equipments to bring those ideas into action.

He continued to ponder about it when there was some noise from the first floor that attracted his attention.

Sneakily looking from under the stairs, he glanced at the long corridor and saw 4 zombies together banging the door of one room.

"Wait why sre they doing that?", Arthur frowned and took small steps downstairs to take a good look.

Other than the four zombies hitting the door fiercely, he could make out anything making his frown deeper.

"Could it be... "

He couldn't end his sentence as a loud voice erupted.


Suddenly, the door broke down at the continuous banging of the zombies and they all walked into it growling hungrily.


The moment the door broke down, a scream escaped from inside the room.

"I knew it, there's someone still alive in that room..."

Arthur murmured.

He saw that most of the zombies were rushing into the room, but the door was small and they were fighting each other to go inside.


Arthur's eyes lit up looking at their conflict as a plan formulated in his mind.

He quickly went downstairs and started moving closer toward the zombies.

Most of them had already entered the room with only 3 remaining still outside.

"I gotta thank whoever is in that room."

Griping his spear hard, Arthur ran towards the zombies who were still unaware of the fact that someone else was hungry. 

Hungry for more mana stones that is.

Just before another zombie could step into the room, a sharp object came spliiting the air and lodged in its brain, directly ending its life.

Arthur crashed into the zombie he had killed in just a mere moment and fell down to the ground together with it, unable to stop himself.

The other two zombies that were standing behind that zombie and were waiting to enter to room were shocked shitless when the zombie infront of them suddenly disappeared.

They turned sideways in confusion only to see a man getting up and patting off the dust from his clothes.

"Oh hey there, did I scare you?", he asked knowing they couldn't answer him.


Watching them tilt their heads, Arthur nodded and smiled before sjmilarly rushing towards them.

"If not then you're next."

He incresed his speed and neared to the zombies who had changed their target to Arthur than the one who was inside the room.

Arthur arrived beside them and hit his spear at the shin of the nearest zombie, who didn't expect him to attack there and thus fell on its knees.

Leaving it there, he jumped at the other zombie and swinged his spear at it.

The zombie was staring at Arthur the whole time and when the attack came, it raised its arms and held the spear, blocking it from hitting its neck.

But that wasn't the only way Arthur fought as a kick came flying and hit it on the stomach.

The zombie archd back due to the force of the hit, and there came a stabbing sound as a spear swiftly pierced into its head.

After that zombie died, Arthur quickly dodged to the side as the other zombie who had fallen on its knees artacked him from behind.

This zombie was no better as one of its leg was already injured and it had trouble walking properly.

So, it didn't take Arthur more than ten seconds before the last of the three zombie also died at his hands.

"Now let's take a look at what's going inside the room."

He walked over to the door of the room before glancing inside, and the scene inside made him frown in disgust.

"Ughh fuck these bastards they already killed him!"

A group of zombies were huddled around a body with a pool of crimson blood under their feets.

All of them were so busy trying to eat the corpse as much as they could that they didn't even notice another human standing at the door.

Arthur stood at the door, pondering what to do with all of them when his sight fell on a glass container with small marble balls inside it.

His lips curved up as he thought of another plan and quickly sneaked inside to take that container with him and hurried back to stand at the door.

"This'll be fun...."

There was an evil smile on his face as he started his plan to kill all the zombies present in the room.