
Dreams turn into Reality

Story of a 16-year-old boy with a plain and boring life and with a thirst for some adventure, who suddenly gets what he wants but is he happy about it? When you realise that everything you dreamt of is colliding with your world would you still like to have an adventure like that? This is the story of a boy who is torn between reality and his dreams. Would he still be sane after all of this ends? Will the boy be happy with the outcome?

athravsaudacity · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Someone who looked like me?

Before he could finish, Mr Wright's phone started vibrating in his pocket. He reached out for it and it was a phone I have never seen before, it was a Black phone with a futuristic design with the letter X etched on its back. Mr Wright was quick to pick it up and covered his mouth while talking in a hushed voice so that we couldn't listen but he looked like he was apologising for something and that something Urgent had just come up. I looked around the room and saw that Carla was stopped from leaving by Matt Mrs Heptinstall was looking at Mr Wright with a worried look and I swear I saw Amelia looking at me from the corner of her before she shot Mr Wright a curious look.

As soon as the call cut the call he looked at me grimly "I don't have time to explain, so we will talk in the car." He stated, Ready to leave the classroom "Rest of you stay here and Williams come with me!" he ordered while leaving the room and he was stopped by Matt "You can't take my bro and leave us here!" Carla was annoyed and Amelia had a supporting look "Amanda will take you to the organisation and Williams what are you waiting for? LET'S GO!" and we that we left the classroom Mr Wright was walking fast, no one was left in the school halls and the clock showed that it was already quarter past three. after what seemed like 10 minutes we reached his Mercedes.

The first half of the ride was complete silence none of us talked the only voice we could hear was the engine. When we stopped at a traffic light, I finally dared to ask Where we going and Mr Wright tapping on the steering wheel finally started explaining what the heck was going on. "They say a person's greatest enemy is the person himself, Today we will find out if that is true" He continued "Williams, We have spotted a person who looked just like you if not a better version of you, We believe he is your vision of yourself in your dreams" he finished while flooring the gas pedal "Someone who looked like me? but why can't you take care of it yourself?" I asked frightened cause I am near-perfect if not perfect in my dream world.

"That is the point Williams, the only person who can get rid of things coming out of the dream world is either you or the people you trust, And the look you have been giving me since we started this ride suggests you don't trust us at all" I was a little embarrassed at that statement because I didn't mean to give that away.

"The reason I called the 4 of you is that your path from now on will be difficult and you will need all the help you can get, I know you don't trust us but you must put your faith in those three" he stated and I thought about it over and over again until the car stopped with a jerk and he said "We are here" We were roughly at foothills of roundtop mountain, cars were zooming on the highway, on our side of the road there was a small wooden cabin named cafe roundtop, my heart dropped. "That cafe-" before I could finish Mr Wright did it for me "was not there until two hours ago, I know."

After checking something on his phone Mr Wright heaved a sigh and started getting out of the car, After taking a deep breath I followed him. Mr Wright opened his car's trunk and it was full of stuff I hadn't seen before! It had something that looked like armour, some guns and even things from sci-fi movies like a lightsaber... yeah there was no lightsaber. "You will be needing this" He handed me something oddly resembling a blaster that stormtroopers use. "Uh and what is this?" I asked him while fidgeting around with it. "This is a blaster, if you shoot him with it, He will cease to exist" he was closing the trunk of his car. "What's the catch?" I asked him because stuff like this always has a catch and he paused for a few seconds as if he was thinking whether it is right to tell me now, "You will know about it when it's time" He replied with a tone that screamed no more questions. With that, we started going towards the cafe.

The little cabin was surrounded by pebbles a few tables with umbrellas, and a few chairs and there were a few plants here and there, I bet if my mother was here, she would have loved this place. The Cabin itself was pretty beautiful it had wooden pillars, walls were made out of oak and the roof was dark oak. The Cabin was a little higher up and the stairs leading toward the doors were also wooden. there was a blackboard with today's menu written on it and there were fairy lights all around. People on Instakilogram would love it. Tourists were getting stopped from entering by two people wearing black suits just like Mr Wright. I was suspecting that their organisation was men in black and that they are using me as bait.

"How did you get outside? I am sure we asked you to stay inside!" One of the men in a suit asked me. He was about as tall as me, he was bald, and he had a pale skin tone and a tony stark beard. "Don't worry Cooper he is the real one, What happened to the other one?" Mr Wright stepped in to clear the situation while shaking his hand "He is inside, make sure to hide your weapons he was pretty friendly up until now" Copper finished and Mr Wright turned towards me "Listen kid, I can't come with you from now on, this is your journey and you must learn to fight for yourself, You must understand that only you and people close to you can help out in this fight and I assure you, after all of this is over, I will give you a treat" He finished and while climbing the stairs I turned back and grinned "You're too friendly for someone I met 2 hours ago."

I was climbing the stairs with my heart now beating faster and faster, I didn't know if it was nervousness, excitement or something else but the feeling of meeting myself was eerie. The cabin had huge windows and inside tree trunks were used as tables, there were bean bags for sitting, and it had a bar where a person was sitting and I was sure that I knew who it was, there was a corner with some darts, a pool table, Chess table, a table tennis table and a PS5. and after taking a deep breath and hiding my weapon and went in.

"Uh... Hi?" I said to the person sitting at the bar. "I didn't know if the person heard me or not as he was still sitting there unbothered with a glass of blue lagoon in his hand "Am I allowed to go now? You guys have kept me here for 2 hours" I heard him ask in my voice "I don't think they will let you leave ever..." I responded to him with my voice growing smaller by the minute. He turned around and he was as shocked as me when I first got this news "You look just like me" He was trying to sound normal but his voice was shaky "Who are you?" he asked his voice still shaky "I am Nate Williams and you are a part of my dream, They will not let you out of here because they think that you are a threat to this world." I finished as I saw the anger grow on his face

"But what if they never know that it is me, not you?" He started radiating a dangerous aura "We both look the same, all I need is your clothes" He finished, I heard a bang and I was on the floor my chin was bleeding and I saw him in a fighting stance with one of his legs lifted 2inches from the ground and hands in his pocket like he was mocking me, my vision was blurry. "I am surprised that you didn't pass out from that," He said with a smirk and he was about to do a hammer kick before I just got out of the line of attack

"How long do you plan to dodge? You may be me but you are far inferior in fighting" He asked me with a smirk on his face "I was told that you were being reasonable but why do you plan on fighting me?" I continued "We can talk this out," I said trying to be diplomatic "I tried talking this out 2 hours ago, you are my ticket to get out of here and I am not letting that go" He finished while performing a calf kick with a bang he hit my calf and I couldn't lift it anymore "Just give up already, you are no match for me," He said but I took out my blaster and aimed it at him but before I could shoot he kicked it out of my hands.

"Now that is just playing it dirty, weapons like that in a street fight?" I had no time to think before he started attacking me again I tried to block it but he changed the direction of the kick at the last second and I collapsed on the floor next to the blaster. Something was weird as far as I remember I was not this sinister in my dreams, I was quite the opposite whereas this version feels corrupted by something. I once again managed to get on my feet while dodging his. attacks and thinking of a game plan, but first of all, I needed that blaster.

The problem was that he was attacking me constantly and if I lost focus I would be hit and then I would lose and most probably die, after looking for an opening I finally found one and I jumped for the blaster but I failed to dodge his attack and got hit directly in my stomach. I was on all fours with my vision going black I saw him kick the blaster out of my hands and now all I could see was a beautiful cafe destroyed the tree trunks and chairs were overturned, the floor had cracks, and the bar lights were now flickering, the activity corner was also destroyed and the windows obliterated as if the whole bar was responding to my current state. I lost the strength to be on my knees and lay on my back. I could see my face with a lot of black spots in between smirking at me as if he won because he did.

I lost, I was pathetic.

Why did I think I could defeat him?

He was too strong for me, I knew that and I still came here.

"Any last words" I heard him say with pride in his voice

everything was fading, was it death?

but why did it feel that it was not it? something stopping me from giving in.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard the perfect me say.

I turned to where he was looking and saw one of the creepiest faces ever. One of his eyes was looking in another direction and the other eye was in a different direction, half of his teeth were missing and the other half of his teeth were disgusting, He had the creepiest smile known to mankind. his face itself was full of scars, The tip of his nose was missing. his whole body was deformed as if all of the diseases happened to one person, His whole body was full of puss, and at that moment I wished that I never see that man ever again.

"You see I can't let you kill him just yet, not before I feast on his dreams," he said in the creepiest voice ever and I just noticed that he was holding my blaster in his hands "Goodbye" and he shot the other me which started to deform and started melting away, he mouthed "help me" before he disappeared.

After that, I looked in the direction of the creepy man but he was not there. I heard Mr Wright's voice screaming my name and I passed out.