
Dreams turn into Reality

Story of a 16-year-old boy with a plain and boring life and with a thirst for some adventure, who suddenly gets what he wants but is he happy about it? When you realise that everything you dreamt of is colliding with your world would you still like to have an adventure like that? This is the story of a boy who is torn between reality and his dreams. Would he still be sane after all of this ends? Will the boy be happy with the outcome?

athravsaudacity · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Just Another Day

I was lying on the floor motionless on the verge of my death but something felt strange, a voice inside me said that it was too early, that it was not the end but this felt so real! I could feel the voices fading away voice calling out for me to hold on. A few months ago that would not have been the case, no one would've cared if I died then but now some people care about me, people who would have wished that it was them instead of me with that everything went dark.

It all started 8 months ago when my life was plain and boring. I followed the same daily routine- school, badminton, eat, sleep and repeat. To be fair the only thing good about my routine was the time that I slept because my dreams are pretty adventurous, sometimes it feels like I am watching parts of the same dream on two consecutive days. I told others about it but no one seemed to take me seriously, One of the only people who tried to understand what I was saying was my best friend Matthew, Matt for short.

"You know? you can publish your dreams in a novel it would be cool" He said trying to convince me. Matt has always been the type of person to discuss business ideas to earn money, He never liked the thought of getting a 9-5 job with insurance but instead, he was the type to take risks. Now that I think of it, Our first conversation was about how school is like a prison. "Let me guess you will take 50% royalty for that idea won't you?" I asked him teasingly as we got into our Human psychology classroom

It was the start of our final year in high school and with my luck, I was sitting next to Amelia Woods, The prettiest girl in our year! She could be the female lead in any story, Every guy had a crush on her. I think that is the reason I was envied by everyone (Someone almost paid me 10,000 bucks to switch seats but that is a story for another day) She had Light blonde hair, Blue eyes and pale skin. Her existence proved that not all blondes are dumb, She was a straight-A student with a keen interest in business.

"Are you still having those dreams? The ones where it took you 2 days to finish one?" Amelia asked while taking out her books, She was the second person who tried to understand my dreams and why they happen "Yes, In fact, it has been 5 days since I have been having one and today it finally ended" I spoke truthfully because of which she frowned, It was solid 2 minutes before she spoke again "What was it about?" She finally spoke in a small voice as if something was not right "I don't remember all of it but I was with a faceless girl and it was obvious that I was in love with her at least it felt like it I don't remember any details" I spoke and at that, the teacher entered the class

"SILENCE" screamed Mrs Heptinstall "The last thing I want is for this class to become a bunch of babbling bumbling band of baboons" She stated, "Sure thing, Professor McGonagall What are we learning today?" Matt asked with a sarcastic smirk on his face and I swear I saw a small smile on her face "You remind me of my nephew, He is about your age" She said and then started scribbling something on the board.

"Today we will learn about Recurring dreams," she said after finally putting the marker down on her desk "Anyone who can explain about Recurring dreams? Yes, Miss Jordan?" She asked while pointing at Carla Jordan who had her hand raised the highest, She was sitting next to Matt whom she started dating last year even tho they are opposites "Recurring dream is a phenomenon where a person seems to have parts of a singular dream on different days this can last from 2 days to even 2 weeks" She finished proud with herself, She wanted to go to Havard "Very good can someone other than miss Jordan tell me more about these?" With some hope in her eyes

The thing was that only Carla used to answer in her classes but this time it was different "Yes?" she asked pointing at me as I had my hand raised "Recurring dreams are always full of people that you know... these dreams always feel real, if someone dies in dreams like these they wake up in sweat relieved that it was just a dream" I finally finished feeling disturbed with what I just said even tho I went through it.

Once again there was silence for a while before I asked "Do they mean anything?" which seemed to do the trick because Mrs. Heptinstall seemed to get out of her trance "Most of the time it means nothing but sometimes... Never mind it is just an Urban legend, We can talk about it once we finish with this topic" She sighed and went back to teaching the class for the rest of the class no one talked. After what seemed like ages the bell rang and Mrs. Heptinstall stopped me as I was leaving "I want to see you, Miss Woods, Miss Jordan and Mr Smith after school ends, it's Important" She finished with an urgent look on her face I muttered "yes Ma'am" before leaving the class thinking I landed myself in some serious trouble.

The rest of the classes felt like it was only a few seconds before the Lunch break arrived I went to our Lunchlady Mrs Wilson to get my Lunch, Only the four of us knew her name others didn't even bother to ask whereas she knew everyone who was in our school "Good afternoon Mrs Wilson, What's for lunch today?" I asked her while greeting her at the same time bringing my Plate forward "Fried chicken, Chocolate milk, mashed potatoes and gravy, Beans and Baby carrots" She finished while filling my plate up with a smile on her face. I thanked her and after 10 minutes I spotted Matt sitting with Carla and Amelia, they were best friends so it was hard to see both of them separate.

"Mrs. Heptinstall wants us to meet her after our classes," I told them while sitting on the empty chair

"And why is that?" Matt asked hoping we were not in trouble

"She didn't tell me but it looks like it was something important, What do you think it is Amelia? I heard you know Mrs Heptinstall personally" I finished and proceeded to stuff fried chicken in my mouth

"Your guess is as good as mine," She said finally looking up "I think it is because of what you said about the dreams, I think she is interested to know more about it." She finally finished and focused back on her food

"I hope it does not waste our time, I have to go home and study," Carla said her nose buried in her book and I think she was eating only because Matt was forcing her to.

"Oh come on babe, You always do that," Matt said in a sad/pleading tone

"You know I want to make it to Harvard" Carla replied in an annoyed tone

After lunch, I almost landed myself in detention, Thankfully I had Mrs. Heptinstall's meeting as an excuse to wiggle out of it. After the classes, it was time to meet Mrs Heptinstall, Something about all of this just felt wrong as if I went through those doors my life would be turned upside down even tho I don't want it to be that way. What if I die before living the way I want to live? I'd rather live in my dreams at least they are more adventurous- "Be careful what you wish for" I heard and as I turned around I saw Amelia wearing an oversized hoodie and jeans and I felt myself get lost in those eyes before I realised I should say something, "Did I say that out loud?" I felt my face burn out of embarrassment "Yes, you did" She said while chucking a little By this time Matt and Carla were here too "Should we go in? I want to get this over with" Carla said in an urgent tone.

"May we come in?" Matt asked seriously bored out of his mind "There you are, We were wondering if you all forgot about meeting us" said Mrs. Heptinstall gesturing for us to get in "This is Evan Wright and He wanted me to call you 4 as soon as He started having those dreams" She finished pointing towards me. Mr Wright was a Handsome man in His 30s about as old as Mrs Heptinstall, He was wearing an expensive suit and looked like a person with dignity. We greeted Mr Wright and then I asked, "What do my weird dreams have to do with anything?" Mr. Wright straightening his suit said, "We will explain it to you but first, you need to answer a few questions first if that is fine with you?"

To Carla's annoyance, I took my time thinking about it and after a few minutes I reluctantly obliged "How long has it been since you started having these dreams?" Mr Wright asked me with seriousness in his tone, "About 4 months" I replied still wanting the answers to my questions "Do you recognise this place?" He showed me a picture of a beautiful mountain range with a cabin and a lake at the foot of the mountains, I wanted to say no but before I could say anything Amelia and Matt answered in Unison "This is the same place He mentioned seeing in a dream he had 4 months ago" I was happy and angry at the same time I was happy that they especially Amelia remembered my dream and angry because I wanted to keep it to myself. I shot them an I will kill you guys later look before nodding "This Place Didn't exist until last week and then it suddenly appeared in the Himalayas" He paused "We believe that your dream world is colliding with the real world and we need to stop it" He finally finished suddenly all my questions were answered except one "But why me?" I asked expecting a good answer "It is the same reason your parents died, Mr Williams" He said and I was stunned "How do you-" He started speaking again before I could finish "Nate Williams son of Wade and Martha Williams on 12th February 2007 in Pennsylvania"

"I know you didn't choose this but it has to be you who puts an end to all this," He said grimly "I will still give you a choice" he continued "Help us put an end to all this and both worlds stay the way they are, or you can let the events unfold and watch both worlds get merged resulting in some people snapping out of existence" He finally finished giving me a choice which should be easy for any person but for some reason I paused. One sentence kept repeating in my mind "Would it be that bad?" My dreams were a place where I could escape reality, wouldn't it be fun if they were reality?

After a few minutes my trail of thoughts broke by Matt shaking me "You still there bro?" I looked around "Y-yeah" I replied still dazed by the fact that it took me this long to think it over After a moment I finally spoke looking at my friends "I'll help" and then Mr Wright replied, "For a second I thought you were gonna choose the latter but it wouldn't have mattered because we would drag you with us anyway!" I was gonna interrupt before Amelia asked "What is he up against?" Mr Heptinstall who we forgot was still in the room spoke up "I think it's time for them to know Evan and Miss Woods He is not in this alone all three of you have to help as well!" Carla looked like she was gonna say something but was stopped by Matt.

"All four of you will need to be there, I can't tell you why." stated Mr. Wright "You must hear it from the right people."

"All of your lives are interconnected and your fate has been decided since the beginning."

"Why should we believe you?" Carla finally asked, "You just come here spew nonsense out of your mouth and then expect us to believe and help you when you are not even going to tell us we are up against."

Mr Wright sighed and said "It is given that I at least tell you who you are up against" he continued "The Urban legend that Amanda told you about, We believe he is here," he said tapping on my forehead. "He is called-"