

As I looked down at the revised production budget of [Brick], I couldn't help but curse my stubbornness. Not only had my father saved me $50k by offering cameras and other equipment, but he had also gone over each item on the list, struck out those that he thought were unnecessary, and suggested cheaper alternatives. When he was done, our final budget of $1m had come down to $920k. So instead of being over budget by $150k, I was saving $80k.

"You won't save this money either," Dad had said after finalizing everything. "More often than not, productions tend to go overboard. If by some miracle, you do end up saving that money, then do the right thing and distribute it to your crew. They'll remember that, and in the future, if you need them for another project, they'll prioritize you over some other filmmaker."

I could only nod silently as I took in those words of wisdom. I was a dumbass for not talking to him about the problem for so many days. Unfortunately, my larger-than-life ego came in between. Thankfully, that was all behind me now, and I can focus on what truly matters, my film, [Brick]. After a lot of consideration, I made one final request from Rian.

"You're serious?" he asked in surprise. "Why are you changing it last minute?"

"Because this film doesn't warrant an R-rating," I said emphatically. "Plus, most of my dedicated fans are not adults yet. Our film doesn't have any excessively intimate scenes or foul language. The only thing we will have to dial down upon would be the violence. I did some research, and I've found that a rating difference between R and PG-13 for small indie films can make a huge difference at the box office. It could be the difference between the film being a hit, and a flop."

Rian was silent for a few moments, mulling over my words before saying, "Indie films are usually not watched by kids."

"That's where you're wrong," I shook my head. "They are not watched by kids, because they are not made for kids."

"Maybe you're right," Rian inclined his head. "But as per our agreement, you gave me full creative freedom."

"I did," I nodded. "But we don't have a distributor yet. We don't know what will happen later." I paused at the impasse we had stumbled upon. I really wanted this film to be watched by everyone. When I reflected back on the original [Brick], I remember thinking, why was this film given an R-rating? The only thing I could think of was the violence and maybe some drugs. If we made their portrayal indirect or milder, then the rating could be brought down to PG-13, ensuring that teens would be able to see the film without a guardian.

"How about a compromise?" I offered. "You shoot two versions of the film. One rated R, and one PG-13. Then we can see later which one came out better in a test screening."

"Won't that inflate costs?" Rian asked.

"There are hardly 3-4 scenes because of which it may be rated R. It won't be much different than doing retakes," I replied.

"Fine," Rian agreed reluctantly. "Let's do it your way."

I smiled at him. I knew why he agreed so easily. He had a vested interest in the box office of the film because of our deal.

"Glad we could agree on it," I said.

"Yeah," Rian said before changing the topic. "Are you sure Warner Bros won't create a problem for us?"

"They won't upset me or Dad over a measly $100k worth of costumes and props, most of which we will return after shooting. Just chill out, man, and focus on the film production. Let's talk about the two films you gave me to watch a few days ago as homework."

Rian was talking about the costumes and props we were borrowing from Warner's collection. Big studios like Warner have a plethora of costumes and props in all sizes and shapes. All it took was for Dad to make one call, and I was given free access to their inventory for a month. That was the main savings we had made in the film besides the equipment. Rian and I had raided all the main costumes for every character. We were even lucky enough to find a few multiple costumes for characters like Emily, Tug, and the Pin. For my costume in the film, I decided to buy it because I was present in almost the entire film, and we'd need at least 5 pairs, something which we couldn't find in the WB stores.


Emily was nervous. If someone had told her a few years ago that she would be working with Troy Armitage one day, she wouldn't believe them at all. And yet, here she was, just a few days away from the beginning of the shoot. Winter holidays had just ended, and 2004 had begun. The shooting of [Brick] was scheduled to start on January 7th and go all the way to the 31st. Her character, Emily Kostich, was a very interesting one, but there was a little problem.

Of course, there was a bigger problem because she had not acted professionally besides acting classes or school plays, but Troy and Rian had reassured her many times that that wouldn't be an issue. The problem she was worrying about was more of a personal nature, something she needed to talk to someone about. Although her mom was very supportive of her career, this wasn't something she could talk with her about either. In the end, there was only one person she was comfortable enough with to discuss this issue. It helped that the room was empty right now except for Emily and two other people.

"Your scene idea is amazing, Rian," Troy said while sitting across from the director. "I can see this shot, clear as day, where Brendan is standing near the tunnel with Tug, Dode, and the Pin. Do you think we will be able to shoot the entire tunnel sequence in one day as planned?"

When Rian didn't reply, Troy looked up to see that Rian was looking at Emily.

"Hey, Emily," Rian said. "Did you need something or just wanna learn more about filmmaking?"

"Oh no," she shook her head immediately. "I have to talk to Troy about something. But I can wait for you to finish."

"Then you're here at the perfect time," Rian replied. "I have some personal errands to finish before we start shooting in two days, so I'll be leaving today. We'll meet now on the D-day. You two can talk all you want." With that, Rian stood up and turned to Troy. "To answer your earlier question, we don't know if we'll be able to shoot it in one day. We will try our best, but we'll only know when we try." He left the room then, leaving a shy Emily alone with a smiling Troy.

"So?" he asked. "How can I help you?"

Only now did it occur to Emily that this was more than a little embarrassing. 

"I don't know how to say this," she began hesitantly.

Troy suddenly gained a look of realization. "I understand what you mean."

Emily's eyes widened at that.

"I, too, had doubts about my capabilities when I started. Even today, sometimes I feel as if they have selected the wrong person for the role. But over the years, I've gotten used to faking it until you make it. You will too, I'm sure of it."

That was not it at all.

"Where's your mom?" Troy asked out of the blue before Emily could correct him. "Is she running late?"

"Ahh, no," Emily said nervously. "She didn't come back to LA after the holidays. She ran out of her paid leave, so she stayed in Arizona. I'm staying nearby for the month."


"No," Emily shook her head. "My cousin works here, so I'm living with her. My parents wouldn't let me live alone until I was 18."

Troy looked at her in surprise. "You didn't tell me. How will you go back? Do you have a car?"

"I took a bus in the morning," she said. "I'm sure I'll find one now as well."

"Nonsense," Troy shot her down. "Come on, it's getting late. I'll drop you off. We'll talk about it on the way." His tone made it clear that this was not up for debate. She picked up her handbag, and followed him out of the studio, over to the parking lot. It felt a little intimidating being surrounded by a plethora of bodyguards, but she knew this was necessary for someone like Troy.

"Paolo?" Troy pulled one of his guards aside. "We will be dropping off Emily first, so you drive us. The rest of them can use the other car."

Paolo nodded once before giving instructions to the others. Before she knew it, she was led to a big black Range Rover with dark-tinted windows. She sat quietly in the rear seat beside Troy, nervously twiddling her thumbs.

After taking her address, the car started moving in that direction. Emily noted that the other car with guards was following behind them. She couldn't help but wonder if Troy was paranoid for beefing up his security so much or if every actor did that.

"We couldn't finish our talk back in the studio," said Troy suddenly. "Tell me, Emily, why are you second-guessing yourself?"

"I'm not," she said unconsciously before she could control herself.

"You're not?" Troy asked. "Then what's the problem?"

"I," she began before realizing that the driver wasn't that far away from her. So she moved closer to Troy and whispered, "I haven't been in a relationship before."

"O...kay?" Troy half-asked in confusion. "Good for you."

Emily sighed. This was extremely difficult. She took a deep breath and decided to start again.

"I mean that I have never had a boyfriend."

"I understand what not being in a relationship means," Troy commented smartly.

"Stop being a dick," she chided him. Seeing his grinning visage, she knew that she wouldn't get an apology, so she continued unperturbed, "On the first day of the shoot, we have to do the kiss. I haven't ever kissed anyone."

"Okay," Troy nodded in understanding. "Now that is a real concern." He then started tapping his chin thoughtfully before saying, "Okay. You don't have to do the kiss. I'll talk to Rian and make up an excuse. Happy?"

Hell no! This was the worst thing that could happen to her. This may be her only chance to kiss Troy. She couldn't let it go like that.

"No!" It came out more strongly than she had intended. She cleared her throat and said, "I mean, don't change the script for me like that. I want to be an actress who is not afraid to do any scene."

"What exactly do you want from me, Emily?" Troy asked bluntly this time.

"I don't want my first kiss to be witnessed and judged by tens of strangers," she said finally. "I was hoping that if you have a little time, you could show me the ropes before the filming begins."

Troy didn't say anything for a few moments; he just kept staring at Emily. It made her a little uncomfortable, but she didn't look away. It took her a lot of courage to say this to Troy, so she wasn't going to chicken out now.

"I have a girlfriend," Troy said after a few moments, his natural English accent coming out. "Back in London. She understands my profession and won't have an issue with any on-screen kiss, but this…" He trailed off, looking a little uncomfortable.

God! He sounded so sexy when he talked with his RP accent. Stopping her mind from going into the gutter, Emily controlled herself.

"This will be strictly professional," Emily insisted, but deep down she knew that was a big lie. "I'm not asking you out on a date. I just want your help as your co-actor and as your employee."

Troy looked indecisive for a moment before murmuring, "Ah, fuck it." And then he moved towards Emily. Although this was something she had wanted for such a long time, now that this was happening, Emily dodged in panic. Seeing the confused expression on Troy's face, Emily pointedly looked toward the driver, and Troy gained an understanding look on his face.

"How about my place?" Emily offered. "My cousin usually comes home late from work. We'll have an hour to practice."

Troy shrugged. "Why not? I'm not one to half-arse any job."

The rest of the way was spent in silence as both teens were nervous about the upcoming encounter, probably for different reasons. When they reached her place, it felt a little invasive letting security check her apartment first before Troy and she were allowed in. Thankfully, the guards stayed outside, or it would be super awkward.

As Troy looked around the home, Emily started feeling nervous again.

"Would you like some coffee?" she asked to mask some of the tension.

"No, thanks though," he smiled before turning to her. "Dad will be waiting for me at home, Emily, so if you don't mind, can we get to the task at hand?"

Her heart broke a little when she realized that this was all just a task for Troy. But she didn't let it show on her face and nodded. She decided to initiate the kiss and moved towards him. To his credit, Troy didn't act like a sex-crazed boy and patiently waited for her to bridge the gap. She was just inches away from Troy and kept getting closer when suddenly…

ring ring

"Hold that thought," Troy said, taking out his phone from his pocket and putting it to his ear. He was in a slight hurry, not even checking who the call was from. "Hello?"

His eyes widened as he said, "Emma? Of course, I received your present for my birthday. It was so good." He walked a few steps away from Emily to talk to the girl who had called.

Emily sighed in frustration. There went her chance to kiss Troy in a personal setting. While he hadn't ever told her the name of his girlfriend, she highly suspected it was Emma Watson. She didn't have any solid evidence, but she just suspected it.

"Sorry about that," Troy said apologetically.

"It's okay," Emily shook her head, twirling her hair around her finger. "So…"

"You're very slow, Emily," Troy said. Before Emily could show her indignation at that insinuation, Troy bridged the gap between them and placed his lips on hers.

For a moment, the world seemed to freeze in place as Troy's soft yet firm lips moved against hers. And just when she was about to kiss him back, he pulled away.

"There. Happy?" he asked with a lopsided grin. "Or do you want more?"

Emily couldn't say the word, but her actions spoke for her. She put her arms around Troy's shoulders and pulled him in for a second kiss, this time initiated by her. Troy didn't resist as their lips met again. He encircled his arms around her waist, and Emily melted right then and there. Feeling more than a little daring, she moved her tongue against Troy's lips, and surprisingly, he opened his mouth, giving her entry.

Emily felt as if she was in heaven. This was the best feeling she had ever had in her life. They probably made out for a long time. Troy pulled her onto the couch in the living room, without separating from her for even a moment.

After what felt like forever, Troy separated from her and got up.

"I think I should leave," he said abruptly, with his hands crossed over his crotch. "Thank you for… erm… thank you. Bye." Then he left the apartment in a hurry, without letting Emily respond. But she didn't care. This was the best day of her life!


AN: Keep sending them stones. I had thought that after more than a month most people would have moved on to other stories. Can't believe we debuted at #2 for annual ranking of fanfictions. Let's see if we can become #1.Thank you everyone for reading this story and keeping the passion for it alive. 

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